
Marketing Center of Zishanhu Lingyu Garden

名称: 梓山湖领御营销中心

设计公司: 柒零捌零内建筑设计事务所

设计师: 胡勤斌

摄影: 江河摄影

主要材料: 泰顺青石榆木玻璃不锈钢油漆

Name: Marketing Center of Zishanhu Lingyu Garden

Design Company: 7080 Interior Architecture Design Studios

Designer: Hu Qinbin

Photographer: Jiang He Photo

Major Materials: Taishun Bluestone, Elm, Glass, Stainless Steel, Paint


The Project represents the simple, clear essence of Yangtze River Delta and humble image of Ink Painting, to be unique in the center of the city. Without any superfuous adornment, the warming Chinese-style building will remind you of the past years.


The rich and harmonious living environment which is built up tightly around some Chinese elements such as "Scenery, Humanity, Ecology" and“Flowers&Birds, Books, Tea", makes the space much more lively and spiritual.


The unadorned steel line moom-shaped hole, Chinese traditional door frame with modern automatic glass door, wooden screen, palace lanterns and Xiangyun (auspicious clouds), tables from the Ming and Qing Dynasties, bluestone desks and bookshelves, all of the views are step by step, creating the oriental ink-painting impression.




材料: 室内延续建筑中白墙灰瓦的灰白主色调,以项目LOGO为装饰主题,一进入大厅就设置了一个中式木格屏风,依旧是以中式木格和月洞门为设计元素,与大门的造型相呼应。以轴线一字穿插的主题背景墙,采用木质花格为底,镶嵌钢制项目LOGO,古与今的材质结合,更能体现新中式装饰风格在细节上的创新。

Materials: The interior continues the grayish white dominant tone of the white and gray tiled building. With the Project logo as the adornment theme, the Chinese-style wooden lattice screen and arch echo with the modeling of the moon gate. The theme wall going straight through the axis, has been replaced by the wooden lattice theme wall, while the ancient materials of the Project logo in right proportion are combined with the modern ones to better refect the innovation in details of new Chinese style decorating.


The key point of the Project is the interactive area of the marketing center (of which the cost takes up most part of total cost of the Project). As the total cost is 1,500,000, as a material with reasonable prece, elm has been widely used in the carpentry. First is the ceiling which represents the essence of the traditional Chinese dougong element and is supported by elm pillars upon the gray rough base, while the modern modeling of dougong embraced the ceiling shaped as the character of "御 (Yu)", which symbolizes the power of China's nobility. The orderly pendant lights in the auspicious cloud pattern are of great magnifcence.


The bluestone bricks from Taishun, Wenzhou have been used on the ground of the marketing hall in I shape to lay foundation for the new Chinese style we want to express. The large-chromatic and fne-handwork gray bricks are selected on some parts of the extensive white wall, the dado made of gray stone and door frame line have been used. The whole case has been implicitly absorbed through these elements to create the antique and graceful new Chinese-style ambiance.

陶艺: 青花陶缸、白玉瓶、白梅瓶、红荷花彩陶,或工笔写意、或浓墨重彩,将水乡文化体现得淋漓尽致。

Potteries: There are blue-and-white earthen jar, white jade vase, white prunus vase, painted potteries with red lotus, etc. All these artworks vividly refect the culture of the local town. Their nice modeling not only meet the aesthetic taste, but also embodies a new conception fused with the traditional culture.

黑茶: 16世纪末期,湖南黑茶兴起,湖南黑茶原产于安化,《茶马驿馆咏》一文中有所介绍,旨在弘扬不畏艰险的千年茶马精神。此案融入了当地人比较熟悉的黑茶文化,在高耸的壁橱内放置黑茶,并设计了专门的茶艺区,以便与客户有更进一步的交流。

Dark Tea: Originating in Anhua, Hunan, Dark Tea has risen from the 16th century. It is introduced in the article Ode to the Tea-horse Courier Hostel to promote the fearless ancient tea route spirit that lasts for over a thousand years. The Project catered to the culture of Dark Tea that the local people know well. The Dark Tea has been placed into the towering closet while the specialized tea art area has been designed functionally to make further communication with the customers.



“折枝”有二意:1. 择取草茎树枝,比喻轻而易举。后引申为愿为长辈效劳之意。2. 花卉画法之一。“折枝”是中国花鸟画的表现形式之一,画花卉不画全株,只选择其中一枝或若干小枝入画,所以得名。折枝花鸟的形式出现在在中唐至晚唐之际,宋元时,折枝画法已较为普遍,明清更为盛行。扇面之类的小品花卉画,往往以简单折枝经营构图,弥觉隽雅。

功能划分: 借助隔断巧妙地将营销中心划分为迎宾区、互动区、前台区、VIP区、休憩区等,借助区域功能属性强化售楼服务界面,使客户从进门开始便能享受到最温馨的服务直至离开时仍有“流连忘返”的感觉,一改以往给人的那种功利性强、目的单一的营销攻防氛围。

Functional Division: Through the partition, the marketing center has been tactfully divided into the welcome area, interaction area, front desk reception area, VIP area, recreation area, etc. The sales service interface has been strengthened through functional distribution of area,making the customers enjoy the coziest services inside the door, and still feeling nostalgic when leaving. These can change people's image of the utilitarian, direct and monotone marketing atmosphere in the past.

平面图Plan LEAhfIELMNRIwZjpsNHgHDWshK2raQoPgYIggEebsA3F71Y5ZclHBzG8UF0gF+Hk
