


“ Tis none too easy,” said Liesi.

“None too easy!” cried Fritzl. “All you do is to putter and potter around the house a bit—surely there’s nothing hard about such things.”

“Nay, if you think so,” said Liesi, “we’ll take it turn and turn about tomorrow. I will do your work, you can do mine. I will go out in the fields and cut the hay, you can stay here at home and putter and potter around. You wish to try it—yes?”

Fritzl thought he would like that well enough—to lie on the grass and keep an eye on his Kinndli-girl, to sit in the cool shade and churn, to fry a bit of sausage and cook a little soup. Ho! That would be easy! Yes, yes, he’d try it.

Well, Liesi lost no time the next morning. There she was at peep of day, striding out across the fields with a jug of water in her hand and the scythe over her shoulder.

And Fritzl, where was he? He was in the kitchen, frying a string of juicy sausages for his breakfast. There he sat, holding the pan over the fire, and as the sausage was sizzling and frizzling in the pan, Fritzl was lost in pleasant thoughts.

“A mug of cider now,” that’s what he was thinking. “A mug of apple cider with my sausage—that would be just the thing.”

No sooner thought than done.

Fritzl set the pan on the edge of the fire place, and went down into thecellar where there was a big barrel full of cider. He pulled the bung from the barrel and watched the cider spurt into his mug, sparkling and foaming so that it was a joy to see. dwgD4X0T9zcrUlcCVwCqeAHGtNd0FwxrPnJlfN2ViIfpKDidiFntHgWNp5HcStli
