


Once upon a time, there was a little Indian boy, and his name was Forest Rover.

He lived in a wigwam with his father and mother.

On his birthday his mother gave him a coat and a pair of trousers, made of deerskin.

His father gave him a pair of beautiful red moccasins and a belt of beads.

Forest Rover put on his fine clothes and went for a walk in the forest.

By and by he saw a Bear.

He was very much frightened and started to run away.

The Bear saw Forest Rover and ran after him.

Forest Rover, he growled, I am going to eat you.

Oh, please do not eat me!

What will you give me, if I do not eat you?

I will give you my beautiful deerskin coat.

If you will give me your coat, I will not eat you today.

So the Bear put on the coat.

What a fine coat this is! he said. I am the finest Bear in the forest.

Forest Rover walked away, feeling very sad because he had lost his coat.

As he came to a big tree, a second Bear stood behind it.

Forest Rover, he growled, I am going to eat you.

Oh, please do not eat me!

What will you give me, if I do not eat you?

I will give you my beautiful deerskin trousers.

If you give me your trousers, I will not eat you today. The Bear put on the trousers, saying, I am the finest Bear in the forest.

Little Forest Rover walked away.

He felt very unhappy, because he had lost his beautiful trousers.

As he walked along he heard a fierce growl.

Forest Rover looked back, and there was a third Bear running after him.

Forest Rover, he growled, I am going to eat you.

Oh, please do not eat me, and I will give you my beautiful red moccasins!

How can I use your moccasins?

You dance on your hind legs. Keep my moccasins for your dancing slippers.

So the Bear put on the moccasins and began to dance.

He danced around the tree, saying, I am the finest Bear in the forest.

Forest Rover saw a fourth Bear in the middle of the forest.

Forest Rover, he growled, I am going to eat you.

Oh, please do not eat me, and I will give you my beautiful belt of beads!

How can I wear your belt of beads? I am too fat.

You can wear it for a bracelet.

So I can, said the Bear.

He put on the belt for a bracelet and walked away.

What a fine bracelet I have! I am the finest Bear in the forest.

Forest Rover sat down on a rock.

He began to cry, because he had lost all his fine clothes.

At that moment his father, Fleet-of-Foot, came along with some Indians.

He said to Forest Rover, Why do you cry, my son?

The Bears have taken away all my presents, said Forest Rover.

Do not cry, said the father. We will hunt those Bears with our bows and arrows.

So all the Indians went to hunt the Bears.

When the Bears saw the Indians coming with their bows and arrows, they threw the presents away and ran to their cave in the rocks.

So Forest Rover put on all his fine clothes again and went back to the wigwam with Fleet-of-Foot. R6MZj7H7D8CmdVYuJqdAIfskwLGSfuTKhfmlU1MBWlpHSjdVDJdagDVByA9ya4TH
