


1. THE distinguished William Wirt, within six or eight months after his first marriage, became addicted to intemperance, the effect of which operated strongly on the mind and health of his wife and in a few months more she was numbered with the dead. Her death led him to leave the country where he resided and he removed to Richmond, where he soon rose to distinction. But his habits hung about him, and occasionally he was found with jolly and frolicsome companions in bacchanalian revelry. His true friends expostulated with him, to convince him of the injury he was doing himself. But he still persisted. His practice began to fall off, and many looked on him as on the sure road to ruin. He was advised to get married, with a view of correcting his habits. This he consented to do, if the right person offered.

2. He accordingly paid his addresses to Miss Gamble. After some months’ attention, he asked her hand in marriage. She replied: "Mr. Wirt, I have been aware of your intentions, for some time back, and should have given you to understand that your visits and attentions were not acceptable, had I not reciprocated the affection which you evinced for me. But I can not yield my assent until you make me a pledge never to taste, touch, or handle, any intoxicating liquors.”This reply to Mr. Wirt was as unexpected as it was novel. His reply was, that he regarded the proposition as a bar to all further consideration on the subject, and left her. Her course to him was the same as ever his, resentment and neglect. In the course of a few weeks he went again, and again solicited her hand. But her reply was, that her mind was made up. He became indignant and regarded the terms she proposed as insulting to his honor, and vowed it should be the last meeting they should have. He took to drinking worse and worse, and seemed to run headlong to ruin.

James Monroe's nomination of William Wirt to serve as U.S. Attorney General (December 12, 1817)

3. One day, while lying in the outskirts of the city, near a little grocery or grog shop, dead drunk, a young lady, whom it is not necessary to name, was passing that way to her home not far off, and beheld him with his face upturned to the rays of the scorching sun. She took her handkerchief, with her own name marked upon it, and placed it over his face. After he had remained in that way some hours, he was awakened and his thirst being so great, he went into the little grocery or grog shop to get a drink, when he discovered the handkerchief, at which he looked, and seeing the name, exclaimed, "Who has left this with me? Who placed this on my face?”No one knew. He dropped the glass, exclaiming, "Enough, enough.”He retired instantly from the store, forgetting his thirst, but not the debauch, the handkerchief, or the lady, vowing, if God gave him strength, never again to touch, taste, or handle intoxicating drinks.

4. To meet Miss G. again, was the hardest effort of his life. If he met her in carriage or on foot, he would dodge around the nearest corner. She at last addressed him a note under her own hand, inviting him to her house, which he fnally gathered courage enough to accept. He told her if she bore affection for him, he would agree to her own terms. Her reply was: "My conditions are now what they have ever been.” "Then," said the disenthralled Wirt, "I accept them.”They were soon married and from that day he kept his word, and his affairs brightened, while honors and glories gathered thick upon his brow. His name has been enrolled high on the temple of fame, while his deeds, his patriotism, and renown, live after him with imperishable luster. How many noble minds might the young ladies save, if they would follow the example of the heroine-hearted Miss Gamble, the friend of humanity, of her country, and the relation of Lafayette.


1. 仪表出众、气度不凡的威廉·沃特在他初婚后的六七个月里就沉溺于过度放纵的生活,这使得他的妻子身心受到了极大伤害,几个月之后,她就香消玉殒了。妻子去世了,他因此离开了自己定居的国家,搬到了里士满。在那里,他很快东山再起了。可是,他陋习不改,人们经常看到他与一些醉生梦死的人一起寻欢作乐。他的挚友们向他提出忠告——他的行为正在伤害自己,可是他充耳不闻,反而变本加厉,许多人认为他走上了自毁之路。有人建议他再婚来纠正他的不良习惯,对此他认为,如果有合适人选的话,他愿意这么做。

2. 于是,他向甘布尔小姐求爱了。经过几个月的追求之后,他握着她的手向她求婚。她回答道:“沃特先生,我懂得你的意思,如果时间可以回到过去的话,我应该让你明白你的拜访与关心是不被接受的,假如我不对你的表白做出回应就好了。可是现在,除非你向我发誓不再碰那杯中物,否则我是不会答应的。”这样的回答出乎沃特先生的意料,他觉得这就像是小说中描写的故事一样。他的回答是,他把这个提议看成是障碍,因此所有接下来要考虑的事情都无从谈起了,然后他离开了。不论他怨恨也好,冷落也罢,她的态度始终一如既往。在那几个星期里,他一次又一次地去求她,可是得到的回答是——她的决心已定。他火冒三丈,把她的提议看成是对他尊严的侮辱,发誓那是他们最后一次见面。他开始酗酒,状态每况愈下,似乎很快就要把自己给毁掉了。

3. 有一天,他烂醉如泥地躺在郊外的一家杂货店或是小酒店附近,一个年轻的女子(她的名字无关紧要)回家的时候经过那条路,因为她的家就在附近不远处。女子正好看到他仰面朝天躺在炎炎烈日下。她拿出自己的手绢,手绢上面写着她的名字,她把手绢盖在他脸上。几小时后,他醒了,口渴得厉害,于是走进那家杂货店或者叫小酒馆去找点喝的,这时他发现了那块手帕,看到了那上面的名字,他惊叫道:“是谁把这个手帕留给了我?是谁把它盖在了我的脸上?”没有人知道。他放下杯子嚷道:“够了,够了。”他马上从店里走出来,忘记了口渴,却没有忘记放纵,没有忘记那手帕或者说是那女子,如果上帝可以再赐给他力量的话,他绝不会再去碰酒了。

4. 去见甘布尔小姐成了他生活中最难的事。她坐在马车里或是走在街上的时候,如果他看到了她,他就会就近在拐角处躲起来。最后,她给他写了封亲笔信,邀请他到家里来,他终于鼓起勇气接受了邀请。他告诉她,如果她对他有感情的话,他会答应她提出的条件。她回答说:“我的条件从来没有改变过。”“那么,”感觉轻松了许多的沃特说,“我接受。”后来他们很快便结了婚。从那天起,他信守诺言,渐渐走上了正路,事务越来越繁忙,他眉宇间也透出了高尚的荣誉感和信念。他的名字曾一度被一座著名的神庙登记入册。他的事迹、爱国精神与声望在他死后依旧光芒万丈,永垂不朽。如果年轻的女士们能够像甘布尔小姐(人类的朋友,她祖国的朋友,拉法叶的亲属)那样有女主人的精神的话,她们将会拯救多少高贵的灵魂啊! GYLoESBNHuKAcQk466mNoIXP0/p62uM4KcbbNFicW9BwFYr51jxEkiDrTCu/NwbT
