



A laughable story was circulated during the administration of the old Duke of Newcastle, and retailed to the public in various forms. This nobleman, with many good points, was remarkable for being profuse of his promises on all occasions, and valued himself particularly on being able to anticipate the words or the wants of the various persons who attended his levees, before they uttered a word. This sometimes led him into ridiculous embarrassments; and it was this proneness to lavish promises, which gave occasion for the following anecdote:

At the election of a certain borough in Cornwall, where the opposite interests were almost equally poised, a single vote was of the highest importance. This object the Duke, by well applied argument and personal application, at length attained; and the gentleman he recommended, gained the election. In the warmth of gratitude, his grace poured forth acknowledgments and promises without ceasing, on the fortunate possessor of the casting vote; called him his best and dearest friend; protested, that he should consider himself as forever indebted to him; and that he would serve him by night or by day.

The Cornish voter, who was an honest fellow, and would not have thought himself entitled to any reward, but for such a torrent of acknowledgments, thanked the Duke for his kindness, and told him the supervisor of excise was old and infirm, and, if he would have thegoodness to recommend his son-in-law to the commissioners, in case of the old man’s death, he should think himself and his family bound to render his grace every assistance in their power, on any future occasion.

“My dear friend, why do you ask for such a trifling employment?” exclaimed his grace;“your relative shall have it the moment the place is vacant, if you will but call my attention to it.”

“But how shall I get admitted to you, my lord? For in London, I understand, it is a very difficult business to get a sight of you great folks, though you are so kind and complaisant to us in the country.”

“The instant the man dies,” replied the Duke, “set out posthaste for London; drive directly to my house, and, be it by night or by day, thunder at the door; I will leave word with my porter to show you upstairs directly; and the employment shall be disposed of according to your wishes.”

The parties separated; the Duke drove to a friend’s house in the neighborhood, without a wish or desire to see his new acquaintance till that day seven years; but the memory of the Cornish elector, not being burdened with such a variety of objects, was more retentive. The supervisor died a few months after, and the Duke’s humble friend, relying on the word of a peer, was conveyed to London posthaste, and ascended with alacrity the steps of that nobleman’s palace.

The reader should be informed, that just at this time, no less a person than the King of Spain was expected hourly to depart this life, —an event in which the minister of Great Britain was particularly concerned; and the Duke of Newcastle, on the very night that the proprietor of the decisive vote arrived at his door, had sat up anxiously expecting dispatches from Madrid. Wearied by official business and agitated spirits, he retired to rest, having previously given particular instructions to his porter not to go to bed, as he expected every minute a messenger with advices of the greatest importance, and desired that he might be shown upstairs, the moment of his arrival.

His grace was sound asleep; and the porter, settled for the night in his armchair, had already commenced a sonorous nap, when the vigorous arm of the Cornish voter roused him from his slumbers. To his first question,“Is the Duke at home?” the porter replied, “Yes, and in bed; but has left particular orders that, come when you will, you are to go up to him directly.”

“Bless him, for a worthy and honest gentleman,” cried our applicant for the vacant post, smiling and nodding with approbation at the prime minister’s kindness, “how punctual his grace is; I knew he would not deceive me; let me hear no more of lords and dukes not keeping their words; I verily believe they are as honest, and mean as well as any other folks.” Having ascended the stairs as he was speaking, he was ushered into the Duke’s bedchamber.

“Is he dead?” exclaimed his grace, rubbing his eyes, and scarcely awakened from dreaming of the King of Spain, “Is he dead?”

“Yes, my lord,” replied the eager expectant, delighted to find the election promise, withall its circumstances, so fresh in the nobleman’s memory.

“When did he die?”

“The day before yesterday, exactly at half past one o’clock, after being confined three weeks to his bed, and taking a power of doctor’s stuff ; and I hope your grace will be as good as your word, and let my son-in-law succeed him.”

The Duke, by this time perfectly awake, was staggered at the impossibility of receiving intelligence from Madrid in so short a space of time; and perplexed at the absurdity of a king’s messenger applying for his son-in-law to succeed the King of Spain: “Is the man drunk, or mad? Where are your dispatches?” exclaimed his grace, hastily drawing back his curtain; where, instead of a royal courier, he recognized at the bedside, the fat, good-humored countenance of his friend from Cornwall, making low bows, with hat in hand, and “hoping my lord would not forget the gracious promise he was so good as to make, in favor of his son-in-law, at the last election.”

Vexed at so untimely a disturbance, and disappointed of news from Spain, the Duke frowned for a moment; but chagrin soon gave way to mirth, at so singular and ridiculous a combination of circumstances, and, yielding to the impulse, he sunk upon the bed in a violent fit of laughter, which was communicated in a moment to the attendants.

The relater of this little narrative, concludes, with observing, “Although the Duke of Newcastle could not place the relative of his old acquaintance on the throne of His Catholic Majesty, he advanced him to a post not less honorable—he made him an exciseman.”

(Blackwood’s Magazine)


在纽卡斯尔老公爵 主政期间,流传一个有关他的令人忍俊不禁的故事,几经转述公众听到的竟有几个版本。这位绅士可笑之处颇多,以好在各种场合滥施承诺而引人侧目,尤好在等待谒见他的各色人等还未开口讲话前就过早道出他们想说的话,满足他们的需要,以此抬高自己。此举有时会令其陷于可笑的尴尬窘境。正是这种慷慨承诺的癖好,才引出下面这则趣事:
















这则轶闻的叙述者评述道,“尽管纽卡斯尔公爵没有将他老相识的亲戚送上西班牙国王的宝座,他还是把他安排到一个不那么显要的位置上——他让他担任收税官。” AI/JaI/v07dDIwbsusHStAUeqtbzD8fBuCsVcz0YMpUa84XDtve3RppX7Qt/UJj4
