



least thaw sliding plunged naturedly

bade scatter pretend exploring disobedient

1. Harry and Annie lived a mile from town, but they went there to school every day. It was a pleasant walk down the lane, and through the meadow by the pond.

2. I hardly know whether they liked it better in summer or in winter. They used to pretend that they were travelers exploring a new country, and would scatter leaves on the road that they might find their way back again.3. When the ice was thick and firm, they went across the pond. But theirmother did not like to have them do this unless some one was with them.

4. “Don’t go across the pond today, children,” she said, as she kissed them and bade them good-by one morning; “it is beginning to thaw.”

5. “All right, mother,” said Harry, not very good-naturedly, for he was very fond of running and sliding on the ice. When they came to the pond, the ice looked hard and safe.

6. “There,” said he to his sister, “I knew it hadn’t thawed any. Mother is always afraid we shall be drowned. Come along, we will have a good time sliding. The school bell will not ring for an hour at least.”

7. “But you promised mother,” said Annie.

8. “No, I didn’t. I only said ‘All right,’ and it is all right.”

9. “I didn’t say anything; so I can do as I like,” said Annie.

10. So they stepped on the ice, and started to go across the pond. They had not gone far before the ice gave way, and they fell into the water.

11. A man who was at work near the shore, heard the screams of the children, and plunged into the water to save them. Harry managed to get to the shore without any help, but poor Annie was nearly drowned before the man could reach her.

12. Harry went home almost frozen, and told his mother how disobedient he had been. He remembered the lesson learned that day as long as he lived.


1. 哈利和安妮住在离市区一英里远的地方,但是他们每天都要去位于市区的学校上学。沿着小巷和牧场中的池塘边散步,是一件让人很愉快的事情。

2. 我不知道他们喜欢在鲜花盛开的夏季悠闲漫步,还是更喜欢在寒冷的冬季穿行。他们曾经假装自己是一个去新国度探险的旅行者,将路边的矮树丛纷纷拨开,以便于再次找到归途。

3. 当池塘里的水结成坚硬厚实的冰,他们就会直接在冰面上穿过。但是,妈妈却不想让他们这样,除非有人在旁随行。

4. 某天早上,在与孩子们吻别时,她说:“孩子们,今天不要从冰面上直接穿越池塘了,因为冰已经开始融化了。”

5. “好吧,妈妈,”哈利有点不耐烦地回答,因为他非常喜欢在冰面上滑行。当他们来到池塘边时,冰面看上去还那么坚硬结实。

6. 他对妹妹说:“看,我就知道还没有融化呢。妈妈总是担心我们被淹死。来吧,我们再好好玩一次溜冰。学校的钟声至少还要一个小时才会响起来呢。”

7. 安妮说:“可是,你已经答应妈妈了。”

8. “不,我没有。我只是说‘好’,而且这也是‘没关系的意思’。”

9. 安妮说:“我并没说什么,所以我可以做自己喜欢的事情。”

10. 于是,他们踏上了冰面,开始滑行着穿越池塘。还没走出多远,冰面就开始塌陷了,他俩都掉进了水中。

11. 一个正在岸边工作的人听到了孩子们的尖叫声,紧接着跳入水中救起了他们。哈利自己设法游到了岸边,但是可怜的安妮却差一点被淹死,幸好那个男人抓住了她。

12. 哈利回到家时快要被冻僵了,他告诉妈妈自己没有听她的话。这个教训令他终生难忘。 aJOCAYYf62c2+JSdifLgGbAdYBZcTbuK/bvChmE7ph9vdFJfW8h5u13Oppw+ygmS
