


疯 子

1. A gentleman who had traveled in Europe, relates that he one day visited the hospital of Berlin, where he saw a man whose exterior was very striking. His figure, tall and commanding, was bending with age, but more with sorrow; the few scattered hairs which remained on his temples were white almost as the driven snow, and the deepest melancholy was depicted in his countenance.

2. On inquiring who he was and what brought him there, he started, as, if from sleep, and, after looking around him, began with slow and measured steps to stride the hall, repeating in a low but audible voice, “Once one is two; once one is two.”

3. Now and then he would stop, and remain with his arms folded on his breast as if in contemplation , for some minutes; then again resuming his walk, he continued to repeat, “Once one is two; once one is two.” His story, as our traveler understood it, is as follows:

4. Conrad Lange, collector of the revenues of the city of Berlin, had long been known as a man whom nothing could divert from the paths of honesty. Scrupulously exact in an his dealings, and assiduous in the discharge of all his duties, he had acquired the good will and esteem of all who knew him, and the confidence of the minister of finance , whose duty it is to inspect the accounts of all officers connected with the revenue.

5. On casting up his accounts at the close of a particular year, he found a defici of ten thousand ducats . Alarmed at this discovery, he went to the minister, presented his accounts, and informed him that he did not know how it had arisen, and that he had been robbed by some person bent on his ruin.

6. The minister received his accounts, but thinkin it a dut to secure a erson who gpymight probably be a defaulter ,he caused him to be put his a into arrested,andccounts for inspection, who returned th after with thehandshissecretariesthedayofofoneem the information that the deficienyema;t in , Mr. miscalculation thamultiplying fro aros c Lange had said, once one is two, d of once one is one. instea

7. The poor man was immediately released from confinement, his accounts returned, and the mistake pointed out. During his imprisonment, which lasted two days, he had neither eaten, drunk, nor taken any repose; and when he appeared, his countenance was as pale as death. On receiving his accounts, he was a long time silent; then suddenly awaking, as if from a trance, he repeated, “Once one is two.”

8. He appeared to be entirely insensible of his situation; would neither eat nor drink, unless solicited; and took notice of nothing that passed around him. While repeating his accustomed phrase, if anyone corrected him by saying, “Once one is one,” his attention was arrested for a moment, and he said, “Ah, right, once one is one;” and then resuming his walk, he continued to repeat, “Once one is two.” He died shortly after the traveler left Berlin.

9. This affecting story, whether true or untrue, obviously abounds with lessons of instruction. Alas! how easily is the human mind thrown off its balance; especially when it is stayed on this world only, and has no experimental knowledge of the meaning of the injunction of Scripture, to cast all our cares upon Him who careth for us, and who heareth even the young ravens when they cry.


1 .一位绅士曾去欧洲旅行,有一天,他去参观柏林一家医院。在医院里,他遇见一位男人,那人看上去令人吃惊。他身材高大,器宇轩昂,由于上了年纪,腰也弓了,脸上满是悲伤,鬓角残留些许灰白头发,像被碾压的路旁积雪,面孔上刻着深藏的忧郁。

2 .我询问他的身世,询问他如何这般模样。他仿佛从梦中醒来,环顾一下四周,开始缓慢却不失标准地在医院门厅前后踱步,嘴里还不停嘟哝,声音很小,但还算清晰:“一一得二,一一得二”。

3 .他时而停下,胳膊交叉胸前,似乎陷入一阵冥思祈祷,过了一会儿,又继续走动起来,嘴里依然重复:“一一得二,一一得二。”下面就是他的人生,留存在一个观光客记忆里的故事。

4 .康拉德 · 兰格曾是柏林市的税务官,多年来,他为人正派,极富声望。历年税务征收中,他总是力求一丝不苟的精确,勤勉地履行职责。熟捻他的人,无不对他赞誉有加。作为柏林市财政长官,负责稽查所有官员账户,厘清该市税收众多的资金往来,为他的职责所在。

5 .一个不同寻常的年末,康拉德清理完他的所有账目后,突然发现账面竟然出现一万元的亏空。他大为惊愕,面见部长后,他提交了自己的账务报告,并向部长陈述有人对他实施了抢劫,至于具体原因,尚一无所知,肯定有人想蓄意谋害他。

6 .部长接管了税务官账目,不过,他认为,这位税务官极可能涉嫌犯罪,应该即刻予以关押。在部长授意下,康拉德随后遭到逮捕。部长将康拉德的账目交与他的下属稽查,那位下属最终查明了亏空原因,原来,康拉德计算出现失误,他的乘法口诀背错了,正是故事开头他那句话,“一一得二,而不是一一得一”。

7 .倒霉的税务官很快从监狱里释放出来,他的账目亦已返还,他的错误自然得到纠正。前后两天关押期间,他不吃、不喝,甚至没打过一个盹。从监狱释放出来后,康拉德面如死灰。拿到他的账本后,突然间,他似乎从恍惚中苏醒过来,嘴里依然振振有词,“一一得二。”

8 .看来,可怜的税务官完全失去了自主意识,他还是不吃不喝,除非有人央求他。他对周围所有事情茫然无知,只是不停地念叨那句话。如果有人试图纠正他,告诉他“一一得一”,他留心片刻,随即改口说,“哦,不错,一一得一。”然后,又开始来回踱步,嘴里还是继续念叨,“一一得二。”那位旅游者离开柏林不久,康拉德,死了。

9 .这故事无论真假,让人唏嘘不已,故事蕴涵深刻,不乏指导意义。唉,尤其当今世道,人心如此容易失衡,完全不再具备《圣经》里警示训诫做人的基本常识。将人类所有忧虑不安寄予上帝,她对众生心怀悲悯;哪怕一只雏鸦嘶鸣哭泣,那万能的主亦能听见。 OOapkvk7Je/dLcA//Cavav/mFfpsiDvVrN5C9AA6QeNWLvA2SAkCBOgFaxWuUlVx
