


105. Vocabulary


I live in a house in the country. It is a new house. It has many rooms—the sitting room,the dining room,the study,the hall,the bathroom,and so on.

As soon as I get up in the morning,I wash myself. I wash my face. I wash my hands and feet. I wash my whole body. I take a bath. I brush my teeth.

Then I eat my breakfast. Often I take a walk in the garden before I eat my first meal.

I eat my first meal and the other meals with the family,in the dining room. In front of some rooms of the house there is a corridor,which is eight feet wide. The kitchen is behind all the rooms. The bedrooms are upstairs.

I keep most of my books in several bookcases in the study. I read and write in it. I write on a desk,which is put against a wall. When I read,I hold my book no less than twelve inches away from my eyes. I have light come from the back and from the left.

The book that is on the desk is mine.

The book,which is on the desk is mine.

106. Conversation

A. Is your house inside or outside the city?

B. My house is outside the city.

A. Is it far away from the city?

B. It is quite near the city.

A. Why do you live in the country?

B. Because the air is better there.

A. Is your house a big one?

B. Yes; it has many rooms.

A. In what room do you wash yourself?

B. I wash myself in the bathroom.

A. With what do you wash yourself?

B. I wash myself with warm water and soap.

A. With what do you dry yourself?

B. I dry myself with towels.

A. Do you comb your hair every day?

B. Oh,yes,I comb my hair every day.

A. Do you brush your teeth every day?

B. Yes,I do that.

Give more pairs like the above.

107. Reading


Those who live in towns are often weak. The air is less good there than in the country. In the hot time of the year,the air is often quite bad in towns. Then many people go to the country,where the air is pure.

Here they can have the best milk,good fruit,and fresh eggs. The farmer gives them the eggs,which his hens lay. He has many hens and a cock.

A cock crows in the moning sometimes at three or four o'clock.

108. Words of Opposite Meaning




1. I keep my teeth clean.

2. I wash them every day.

3. I wash them in the morning.

4. I wash them after eating.

5. I wash them with a toothbrush.

6. I wash them in warm water.

7. I do not use either cold water or hot water.

8. I use warm water.

9. I keep my teeth both white and clean.

10. I keep my toothbrush clean. 9JH8S6U86Cv9l3S3hn1PECMzpBB0s5KlPbBMIcvXtizppmNBsxODQUKAmv8ZTQo8
