


97. Vocabulary


A thing that we eat is food. There are different kinds of food. We must eat good food to keep well.

Rice or Bread is a good food. fresh meat is a good food. fresh fish is a good food. Rice or Bread,meat,and fish are three kinds of food that we eat every day.

But they are not all that we eat. We eat many other things. We eat fresh eggs,fresh fruit,and fresh vegetables.

Not only do we eat,but we also drink. We drink water. A little baby drinks milk. Some older persons drink milk. A sick person sometimes drinks milk. Milk is a good food.

We eat with our mouths. In the mouth is the tongue. There are also the teeth. What color is the tongue? What color are the teeth? What color are the lips?

BothfredandJohn did that.

EitherfredorJohn did that.

NeitherfrednorJohn did that.

Not onlyfredbut alsoJohn did that.

98. Conversation

A. Tell me some kinds of food that you eat.

B. Rice,meat,fish,fruit,eggs,and vegetables are foods that I eat.

A. What else do you eat?

B. I often eat bread.

A. What do you drink every day?

B. I drink water.

A. What else do you drink?

B. Sometimes I drink tea.

A. Do you drink tea with sugar?

B. No,I don't (=do not). But some people drink tea with sugar. I drink coffee with sugar and milk.

A. Can you drink coffee without sugar?

B. Yes,I can,but I don't do that. Coffee without sugar is not a good drink.

A. Do you drink cold water or warm water?

B. Often I drink warm tea,but sometimes I drink cold water.

A. How can we make water warm?

B. We can make water warm or hot by putting it over the fire.

99. Reading


Eat good food.

Eat fresh meat and fresh fish.

Eat fresh eggs,fresh fruit,and fresh vegetables.

Eat fresh ripe fruit.

Drink fresh,pure water.

Drink fresh,pure milk.

Cook all food well.

Eat only good food.

Eat good,clean food to keep well.

Don't eat too much.

100. Review of Words



Translate the following sentences into Chinese:

We must eat,and we must drink. We eat and drink to live. We eat rice or bread,meat,fish,eggs,fruit,vegetables,and some other things. We drink water and tea.

A little baby drinks milk. Some older people drink milk too. Sick persons sometimes drink milk.

We must drink pure water and pure milk. We must eat good,clean food. We must not eat too much food. Too much food makes us sick.

Do not drink too much cold water. Do not drink too much tea. Do not eat fruit that is not ripe. Cook all food well before you eat it.

Do you eat clean food? Do you eat ripe fruit? Do you eat fresh eggs? Do you drink pure water? o1Pd0dU7lHRl+w01L4AeSZdSSpLrWSJXkgEP9YRDWCxHpAhR1J+5DISID77GA27O
