


25. Vocabulary

Put your pencil on the desk.

Take up your book.

Open it.

Read it.

Close it.

Put it on the desk.

Stand up.

Where is your book?

It is on the desk.

Where are the boys'books?

Their books are on the desks.

Sit down.

26. Vocabulary

I have many books. I can read my books. They are good.

I have many pencils. Some are long,and some are short.

Have you pens and pencils? Have you books? Are they good?

The girl in our classroom has some books,She can read her books. She can write too. She writes on paper with a pencil.

We boys have dozens of books. We read some of the books with our teacher. The girl reads with the teacher too.

27. Vocabulary

I am your teacher. You are my pupils. You and I are in a classroom of our school.

Our classroom is a large one. There are eleven boys and ten girls in this room.

I have a desk and a chair. I sit in my chair. You boys and girls have desks and benches. You sit on your benches.

Who am I?

You are our teacher.

Who are you?

We are boys and girls. We are your pupils.

What do you do in this room?

In this room we read,write,and count the numbers.

What does that girl do with her paper?

She writes on it.

Can she write on the blackboard?

Yes,she can.

28. Language

I do not do it.

You do not do it.

He does not do it.

She does not do it.

We do not do it.

You do not do it.

I cannot write.

You cannot write.

He cannot write.

She cannot write.

We cannot write.

You cannot write.

They cannot write.



Write in script:

1. Put your pencil on the desk.

2. Stand up.

3. Write on the blackboard.

4. Sit down.

5. Take up your book.

6. Read it.

7. Close it.

8. Write with pen and ink. FlmlnOxAkhCpr6ZXpCJsWhbHM1PZ5TZFpkSNIHxGNJX7Z7G+C7lEWIj3YCdldfN6
