1. It is very hot in the sun today. Let us go into the shady woods. There the trees are so thick overhead that the sun cannot get at us.
2. How cool and nice it is!
There are ever so many birds up in the trees. They are resting under the green leaves. Let us walk softly, and we may see some of them.
3. Look! there is a blackbird. I know him by his long tail. And here is a sparrow hopping about. What a bold little fellow he is!
4. Oh! did you see that nut drop? There is a squirrel in that tree. There, I see his bushy tail! He has seen us! Off he goes! Now he is in
the next tree! Where has he gone?
5. Let us go a little further into the woods. I think I hear the sound of a stream. Yes; there it is at the foot of the hill.
6. How clear the water is! You can see the stones at the bottom.
7. Oh, what is that? It is only a little green frog.Do not be afraid. He cannot bite you, for he has no teeth.What a jump! He has gone down to the bottom of the deep pool. Good-bye, Froggie.
8. Now it must be time for dinner. Let us take some of these pretty flowers home to mother.
shad´-y spar´-row bush´-y teeth
o-ver-head´hop´-ping fur´-ther good-bye´
cool fel´-low bot´-tom Frog´-gie
green leaves squir´-rel a-fraid´ flow´-ers