1. Dicky bird, Dicky bird, whither away?
Why do you fly when I
wish you to stay?
I never would harm you, if you would come,
And sing me a song while you perch on my thumb.
2. Dear girl, I will sing to you here in the tree,But pray do not come any nearer to me;Your wide-open hand and your eyes big and bright
Fill poor little Dicky with terror and fright.
3. I love you, dear Dicky; so why should you fear?
If you will come with me, my sweet, pretty dear,
You shall live in a house of silver so gay,
And feed on a lump of white sugar each day.
4. Oh, but, little girl, I’ve a nest in this tree,And three little baby birds waiting for me.I should pine in a house of silver so gay,
And starve on a lump of white sugar each day.5. I love the fresh air, the sunshine so free;My swing in the rose-bush, my home in the tree.
My birdies are calling me, so I must fl y,
And sing as I leave you, “Good-bye, good-bye.”
Dick´-y near´-er should starve
whith´-er wide-o´-pen sil´-versun´-shine
perch ter´-ror´eachrose-bush
thumb fright wait´-ing bird´-ies