


Cotton. —What is Cotton? It is the soft down that grows in the seed-pod of the cotton-plant.

Where does this plant grow? In the United States, Egypt, and in India.

How is the Cotton made into Cloth? It is spun into yarn, and then woven into a web of cloth.

Where is the chief seat of its manufacture? Manchester, in Lancashire.

What is Cotton Cloth generally called? Calico, from Calicut, in India, where it was first made.

What is Nankeen? A kind of cotton, naturally of a yellow colour, first made at Nankin, in China.

What is the finest kind of cotton? Muslin; much used for ladies’ dresses. The best is made in France.

Linen.—What is Linen made from? From the threads in the stem of the flax-plant.

Where does this plant grow? In Ireland, Holland, Germany, and Russia.

What do we get from the seeds of the flax-plant? Linseed oil and meal; and oil-cake, with which cattle are fed.

What is Damask? Linen with figures woven in it; so called from Damascus, in Syria, where it was first made.

What is the finest kind of Linen? Cambric; so called from Cambray, in France, where it was first made.

Wool. —What is Woollen Cloth made from? From the fleece of the sheep.

Where is it chiefly made? In the West of England, and in Yorkshire.

What is Worsted? It is the name given to woollen stuffs woven of double yarn. It is also the name of the woollen thread or yarn used in knitting stockings.

What is Merino? It is a fine kind of woollen cloth: so called from the Spanish merino sheep.

Does all our Merino Wool come from Spain? No; the merino sheep is now reared in Australia, and much of our merino wool comes from that colony.

What is Alpaca? It is a silky woollen cloth, made from the hair of the Alpaca sheep, which lives in Peru, in South America.

What is the finest kind of Woollen Cloth? Cashmere, made from the wool of the Cashmere goat.

Silk. —From what is Silk made? From the fine threads made by a caterpillar called the silk-worm, and wound round its body before it turns into a chrysalis.

Where did the Silk-worm first come from? From China; but it is now reared in all the warmer countries of Europe, especially in France.

What is Ribbon? Silk woven in narrow webs or bands.

What is Satin? A closely-woven and glossy silk fabric.

What is Sarcenet? A very fine, thin silk, first made by the Saracens.

What is Velvet? A thick silk cloth, with a shaggy pile on the surface.

What is Velveteen? Cotton velvet; an imitation of silk velvet, made of cotton.

What is Crape? A kind of gauze, made of raw silk, and stiffened with gum-water.

Lace. —What is Lace? A fine kind of network, made of loops of linen, cotton, and silk threads.

Where is the finest Lace made? What is called real lace is best made at Brussels: it is made of linen-thread.

Of what is common Net made? Of cotton-thread.

What towns in the British Isles are famous for Lace-making? Nottingham in England, and Limerick in Ireland.

Leather. —What is Leather? The skins or hides of animals, made clean, soft, and lasting by a process called tanning.

What is Morocco? A very soft kind of leather, made from goats’ skins; so called because it was first brought from Morocco, in Africa.

What is Chamois? The soft leather made from the skin of the Swiss goat.

Hats and Caps. —Of what are Men’s tall Hats made? They used to be made of the skin of the beaver; but they are now made of a silk cloth, with a long nap on it like the beaver’s hair, and are called silk hats.

Of what are Caps made? Of woollen or worsted cloth.

What is Felt? Woollen cloth pressed and beat till it becomes close and stiff.

Of what are Hats usually made? Of the straw or stems of wheat plaited together, of felt and other materials.

What part of England is famous for Straw-plaiting? The counties north of London, especially Bedfordshire.

Gloves. —Of what are Gloves made? Of woollen and worsted cloth, of cotton and linen thread, and of different kinds of leather.

Of what kinds of Leather are they made? Of dog-skin, doe-skin, calf-skin, and especially of kid, the skin of the young goat.

Where are the best Kid Gloves made?

In Paris and Grenoble, in France.


Paper. —From what is Paper made? From cotton and linen rags, from some kinds of straw, and from wood-pulp.

How is it made? First, the rags are torn into very small shreds, and boiled till, with the water, they form a thin pulp not unlike gruel.

What is done with this Pulp? It is passed through a machine, in which it is strained, dried, and pressed, and so becomes a web of paper.

What is now much used in making Paper for printing? A kind of grass that grows in Spain.

From what does Paper take its name? From the papyrus—a plant which was used by the Egyptians for writing on.

What is Rice Paper? Paper made of the pith or rind of the rice-plant, used by the Chinese.

What is Blotting Paper? It is soft, porous paper, unsized.

How is Paper sized? By the addition of a thin resin, which makes it to some extent water-proof.

From what is Brown Paper made? From sacking, canvas, and other coarse hempen materials.

How are Paste-board and Card-board made? By pasting and pressing together several layers of paper.

Ink. —What is Ink made of? Of gall-nuts and a preparation of iron, mixed with water and gum-arabic.

What are Gall-nuts? Little balls formed on those parts of the tender shoots of the oak where an insect has laid its eggs.

Where do the best Gall-nuts come from? From Aleppo and Smyrna, in Asia-Minor.

Pens. —What are Pens made of? Of quills and of metal.

What are Quill Pens? The quills or wing-feathers of the goose, swan, or other bird; but such pens are now seldom used.

What are Metallic Pens chiefly made of? Of steel; but sometimes the points are of gold, silver, or platinum.

When were Steel Pens first made? In 1803.

What were used as Pens in ancient Times? Reeds cut and pointed like a quill.

Pencils. —What are Pencils made Of? Of a mineral called black-lead or plumbago, enclosed in a small stick of cedar-wood.

Where is the best Black-lead found? In Cumberland. s4vjlA0fcXfPyltxEOJo1CRBleWl6IyPrgyYLuMSXPROYge9eG5a1wwdnl95uUp9
