I AM coming, little maiden!
With the pleasant sunshine laden,
With the honey for the bee,
With the blossom for the tree,
With the flower and with the leaf: —
Till I come, the time is brief.
I am coming, I am coming!
Hark! the little bee is humming;
See! the lark is soaring
In the bright and sunny sky;
And the gnats
are on the wing.
Wheeling round in airy ring.
See! the yellow catkins
All the slender willows over;
And on banks of mossy green
Star-like primroses are seen;
And, their clustering leaves below
White and purple violets blow.
Hark! the new-born lambs are bleating;
And the cawing rooks are meeting
In the elms—a noisy crowd!
All the birds are singing loud;
And the fi rst white butterfl y
In the sunshine dances by.
Look around thee—look around!
Flowers in all the fi elds abound;
Every running stream is bright;
All the orchard
trees are white,
And each small and waving shoot
Promises sweet fl owers and fruit.
Turn thine eyes to earth and heaven!
God for thee the Spring has given;
Taught the birds their melodies,
Clothed the earth, and cleared the skies,
For thy pleasure or thy food: —
Pour thy soul in gratitude?
com´-ing blos´-som prim´-ros-es bleat´-ing danc´-es
maid´-en flow´-er clus´-ter-ing caw´-ing a-round´
pleas´-ant air´-y pur´-ple nois´-y prom´-is-es
sun´-shine wil´-lows vi´-o-lets but´-ter-fly heav´-en