THERE was an old woman
Who lived in a shoe;
She had so many children,
She didn’t know what to do;
She gave them some broth
Without any bread;
She whipped them all soundly,
And sent them to bed.
ONCE I saw a little bird come hop, hop, hop;
So I cried, “Little bird, will you stop, stop, stop?”
And was going to the window to say, “How do you do?”
But he shook his little tail, and away he flew !
DANCE, little baby, dance up high;
Never mind, baby, mother is nigh;
Crow and caper, caper and crow—
There, little baby, there you go!
Up to the ceiling, down to the ground,
Backwards and forwards, round and round!
Dance, little baby, and mother will sing,
Merrily, merrily, ding, dong, ding!