
Scene 1

Ding Rui checked out of the airport and hugged both Anna Green and Jennifer Green. She opened her bag and took two parcels out of it.She gave parcels to Anna and Jennifer.Anna and Jennifer opened parcels before Ding Rui straight away.A Jade necklace for Anna and a bracelet cloisonné for Jennifer.The two American girls are both excited and surprised at the beauty of the gifts.

Anna and Jennifer were both blonde girls with very good figures.They were both very slim and tall.Anna was three years older than Jennifer and Jennifer 3 years elder than Ding Rui.Anna was a medical major in Harvard University.Jennifer was a junior major in social science in Columbia University.

The three girls and their parents had traveled around China fifteen years before.Ding Rui had been a baby during the traveling.The two American girls’mother Kathy and Ding Rui’s father Bob or Ding Cong had been very good friends.It was rare in both cultures.

Kathy and Bob had first met in Hangzhou in the summer of 1986. When Bob was checking out of the railway station, he saw a beautiful American Lady who tried to explain something to a clerk at No.6 ticket barrier.It seemed that it was hard for the clerk to understand her.At that time, there were not many who could speak English.Bob walked up and helped her going through the ticket barrier with his excellent English.That was Kathy who was a medical student in the Harvard University at that time.Bob changed his plan and accompanied Kathy to enjoy her time in visiting the West Lake and other attractions.In the end, Bob saw her off at the station and arranged for her to wait in the luxury waiting room.Kathy asked if she could be Bob’s elder sister.Bob had been very happy to agree with it.Bob stayed there till Kathy got on the train and left.Then two years later, Bob had visited Kathy at her home near Harvard University in the USA as a visiting scholar in Columbia University.Since that time, they had visited each other many times and kept friendship for several decades.

The long friendship should not have come true without God's blessing. Friendships among Americans tend to be shorter and less intense than those among people from many other cultures.Because Americans are taught to be self-reliant, because they live in a very mobile society and for many other reasons as well, they tend to avoid deep involvement with other people.In America, it has been said that if people can say they have one true friend, then those people are ex tremely blessed.

Ding Rui was very lucky as she had been born in such a family with such a Blessed friendship. After passing the ACT in Shanghai, China, Kathy had arranged for her to go to the USA to have an interview with an officer of Columbia College in charge of admittance.At that time Ding Rui had had no time to fly to Long beach.Kathy had arranged her daughters to pick Ding Rui at the airport to enjoy the time with the family before she went to her university.

Anna drove them to Long Beach. Ding Rui and Jennifer sat in the back seat.

“It seems that everybody here obeys the traffic laws nicely. I do not see that drivers race or drive in all kinds of illegal and dangerous ways in many American movies,”Ding Rui said.

“It's not that they do not like to do it but it would be very expensive if they did.”said Jennifer.

“I am happy that we are alumna. Please take care of me, my elder sister,”said Ding Rui.

“I'd like to help you if I can. Yet I am afraid everybody should be independent and try to solve her problems by herself,”said Jennifer.

Ding Rui was a little disappointed. She was more an alumna than a friend from a family which had kept a nice friendship with hers for decades.

“Sweet heart. Send a message of SOS to me by your mobile and I will fly to save you when you are in trouble,”said Anna and then she laughed loudly.

Ding Rui was more shy than angry.

The car was driven along a road through forests. The car stopped at a mail box.Jennifer got out the car to collect the letters, newspapers, magazines and advertisements.

“Here we are. That is our house.Follow us, please,”said Anna.






出生在这样一个家庭,有那种天赐友谊,丁瑞非常幸运。在上海通过美国大学考试(ACT-American College Test)后,凯西就安排她到美国,接受了哥伦比亚大学主管招生人员的面试。那次,她没有时间飞往长滩。这次凯西安排女儿们到机场接丁瑞,入学前,她要在她们家玩一段时间。











New Words and Expressions

1.check out 检票出站

2.parcel n. 包

3.necklace n. 项链

4.jade n. 翡翠

5.cloisonné n. 景泰蓝

6.blonde adj. 金发碧眼的

7.slim adj. 苗条的

8.clerk n. 职员、办事员

9.ticket barrier 检票口

10.intense adj. 热烈的、激烈的

11.self-reliant adj. 信赖的,靠自己的

12.admittance n. 入学

13.alumna n. 女校友

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