
Scene 2

It is time to get on the flight.Ding Rui said good bye to Li Yi and Sarah Xu.She walked downstairs at the sign of Gate 36 and walked into a corridor.There are free China Daily and New York Times.She took one China Daily and one New York Times.When she got on the plane, the airhostess directed her to her seat that was an aisle one.There was an announcement:

“Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen:

The crew of United Airlines, Flight UA716 has the pleasure of welcoming you aboard. Would you please put your seat in the upright position, fasten your seat belts and lock your table in place.We will be taking off in a few minutes.You are reminded that smoking is not permitted at any time during flight.Use of all electronic equipment is banned during taking off and landing.Please make sure your telephone is switched off for the duration of the flight.Please use your‘call button’if you require assistance, our crew will attend to your needs.Thank you for choosing the United Airlines.”

Ding Rui fastened her safety belt and looked out of the window. The airplane was taxiing to its runway.Suddenly her ears felt a little uncomfortable and she knew the airplane was taking off.She opened her bag and took the book“Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix”.She started to read.She felt it was necessary to go to restroom.She unfastened the belt and stood up.She walked to the restroom.A stewardess extended her two hands in parallel with two palms facing floor, then raised one slantingly.Ding Rui understood the gesture.She indicated that she should go back because the airplane was still taking off.Ding Rui followed her order.

Time went quickly. Now they were near Japan and it was lunch time.Two stewardesses serviced rice, Japanese sashimi, coffee and other soft drinks.The girl in the window seat put her share of sashimi into Ding Rui’s plate.

“Please help me. I can not enjoy it,”said she.

“Thank you,”said Ding Rui.

“It is interesting to enjoy another country's meal when the airplane flies near her,”thought she.

Ding Rui had a nice sleep. When she woke up, she was over the USA.She was very excited.She looked out of the window and saw thousands of cars along the roads.The cars were one after another.They were so small that they seemed like toy cars.

Ding Rui thought aloud:“The USA is nothing but cars.”

The stewardess handed her a customs form to fill out.

Another announcement:“Ladies and Gentlemen, the airplane is about to land. Please fasten your seatbelt.”

That was San Francisco Airport. Ding Rui walked out of the gate towards the USA customs officers.After she answered questions such as“Where will she go?”and her passport and visa were checked, she had her thumb print recorded and her photo taken against a blackboard with numbers on it.After checking out, she walked with crowds.She suddenly saw Anna and Jennifer who came to pick her at the airport.














New Words and Expressions

1.boarding pass n. 登机牌(上飞机前,用飞机票的一页换登机牌)。

2.an aisle seat 靠过道的座位

3.window seat 靠窗的座位

4.crew n. 机组,全体机组人员

5.the United Airlines 美国联合航空公司

6.aboard prep. 在(飞机上、船上),adv. 上(飞机,船)

7.upright adj. 垂直的,直立的

8.fasten vt. 系紧,拴牢

9.take off 起飞

10.taxi vi. 滑行

11.runway n. 跑道

12.unfasten vt. 松开,解开

13.stewardess n. 女乘务员

14.extend vt. 伸开

15.parallel adj. 平行的

16.palm n. 手掌

17.slantingly adv. 倾斜地

18.sashimi n. 生鱼片


Cultural Knowledge 文化知识

1.hard currency:硬通货,指在世界范围内都能够自由兑换的货币,如美元、欧元、日元、英镑、瑞士法郎,港币、澳大利亚元、加拿大元等。

2.I should learn to be independent in a country of individualists:美国是一个个人主义的国度。在《Eastern and Western Daily Culture 东西方日常文化》一书中,Jenny写道:



3.English, German and Swedish are sisters in the same Language Branch, Indo-European

Language Family:英语、德语和瑞典语都属于印欧语系,日耳曼语族。日耳曼语族现存两个语支:



4.Power Distance权利距离,它是由吉尔特·霍夫斯塔德(GEERT HOFSTEDE)提出的用来衡量社会承认机构和组织内权力分配不平等的一种文化尺度。它所涉及的基本问题是人之不平等的问题,在等级制度中,上司B与下属S之间的权利距离是指B能决定S之行为的程度与S能决定B行为的程度的差异,通过权利距离指数来衡量。根据他的统计和计算:东方国家的权利距离差距-power distance gap大于西方国家,北欧国家的权利距离差距最小。

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