




史迪威公路里程示意图Milepost of Stilwell Road.



(从左至右)弗罗里达杰克逊维尔的乔·格林,推土机驾驶员;乔治亚的厄尔利·科尔伯特,推土机操作员;路易斯安那阿尔托的尤金·罗林,平路机驾驶员(L-R) Joe Greene of Jacksonville, Fla., bulldozer driver; Earlie Colbert from Georgia, bulldozer operator ; Eugene Loring of Alto, La.,grader driver.

(从左至右)恩尼斯特·勃朗特,来自弗罗里达的弗里斯特湖,推土机驾驶员;纳什朗德,来自俄勒冈的波特兰德,救护车驾驶员;简妮特·施韦特曼,来自马萨诸塞州的纽顿,红十字会工作人员(L-R) Ernest Blount of Lake Forest, Fla., bulldozer driver; E. A. Nashlund of Portland, Ore., ambulance driver; Janet Schwertman, Newton, Mass., Red Cross worker.

利多的一些在建设施Construction of facilities at Ledo.

利多的庞大的美军驻地Part of the sprawling U.S. Army Installation at Ledo.

车队正在加油。这条输油管道的起点是在印度利多,图中是一个临时加油站点,主要向史迪威公路沿线的机场和公路建设队伍提供汽油Convoy gased up at a completed pipeline from Ledo in India. This was a temporary end of the line which was used mostly to supply airfields and construction gangs along the Stilwell Road.

险峻的地形使得班哨关被称为“鬼门关”The tough terrain and steep grades earned Pangsau Pass the name "Hell Pass".

班哨关Pangsau Pass.

卡车车队经过“鬼门关”Truck convoy at Hell Gate.

“鬼门关”西侧的利多公路Ledo Road west of Hellgate.

“鬼门关”大桥和大桥东侧的利多公路Hellgate Bridge and Ledo Road (Looking East).

骑着大象的测量队在山头遇到了推土机Survey party on elephants met up with bulldozer.

穿越丛林——民工在丛林中开辟出了一条100英尺宽的道路Through the jungle —Laborers cut a 100 foot wide path through the jungle.

清理道路Clearing the trace.

穿越丛林Through the jungle.

在山间蜿蜒的道路Road around the mountains.

在巨大的丛林中,工程兵和修路设备看起来非常渺小Engineers and equipment dwarfed by the massive jungle.

季风雨使得利多公路泥泞不堪,车队行进十分困难Monsoon rains made traversing the road a constant struggle.

公路的建设在昼夜不停地进行着Construction continued around-the-clock.

公路建设者在工地上用餐AT messtime on road.

D-8推土机把体型较小的D-4推土机拖出泥潭D-8 bulldozer pulled smaller D-4 out of the mud.

推土机在清理密支那附近一座桥上的淤泥Clearing mud from a bridge near Myitkyina.

拖车拉着沉重的原木滚轧公路,以去除淤泥。坐在驾驶座旁边的士兵手持卡宾枪,以防敌人在丛林中攻击他们。在史迪威的部队驱赶日军沿着潮湿的山谷向孟拱撤退的时候,公路建设者经常可以听到附近的枪声。茂密的丛林就像墙壁一样竖立在公路的两边Ractor drags heavy logs over road to scrape off mud. Man sitting next to operator cradled carbine in case sniper should try to pick them off from jungle. As Stilwell's forces pushed the Japanese down the moist valleys toward Mogaung, the road builders often worked within earshot of firing. Solid wall of jungle foliage bordered the edge of the road.

皮克将军(拄杖者)正在询问推土机操作员General Pick, the man with the stick, consulted with bulldozer operator.

公路边的缓坡Graded slope along the road.

这不是一条河,而是利多公路!That was not a river,but the Ledo Road!

皮克将军与威廉·格林上校和查尔斯·戴维斯上校视察钦娄General Pick inspected Chinglo (C h i n g l o w) with Col. William J. Green and Col. Charles S. Davis.

防止流水冲刷的排水涵洞Drainage Culverts to prevent wash-outs.

美国士兵在密支那的车辆调度站维护枪支。在抗日战争结束前的最后一个雨季,联军从日军手中夺回了这个镇子,使得公路建设的完成成为可能Americans cleaned their guns at Myitkyina motor pool. The town was taken from the Japs du ring the mon soon of last summer. Its fall made completion of road possible.

联军将领在密支那会谈。从左至右分别是 :丹尼尔·苏尔坦中将,阿尔伯特·维德梅尔少将,海军上将路易斯·蒙特巴顿勋爵,威廉·多诺万少将Allied leaders confered in Myitkyina. L. to r.: Lieut. Gen. Daniel Sultan, Maj. Gen. Albert Wedemeyer, Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten, Maj. Gen. William Donovan. gxTMJRrhXWrVirpyvnm7hZAuU8FwzfVf4SSwsBu8Re8+K+7bs8bOWptHKb4NQFd1
