


Paris, September 30th.

Dear Lady Augusta—I am afraid I shall not be able to come to you on January 7th, as you kindly proposed at Homburg.  I am so very, very sorry; it is a great disappointment to me.  But I have just heard that it has been settled that mamma and the children are coming abroad for a part of the winter, and mamma wishes me to go with them to Hyères, where Georgina has been ordered for her lungs.  She has not been at all well these three months, and now that the damp weather has begun she is very poorly indeed; so that last week papa decided to have a consultation, and he and mamma went with her up to town and saw some three or four doctors.  They all of them ordered the south of France, but they didn’t agree about the place; so that mamma herself decided for Hyères, because it is the most economical.  I believe it is very dull, but I hope it will do Georgina good.  I am afraid, however, that nothing will do her good until she consents to take more care of herself; I am afraid she is very wild and wilful, and mamma tells me that all this month it has taken papa’s positive orders to make her stop in-doors.  She is very cross (mamma writes me) about coming abroad, and doesn’t seem at all to mind the expense that papa has been put to—talks very ill-naturedly about losing the hunting, etc.  She expected to begin to hunt in December, and wants to know whether anybody keeps hounds at Hyères.  Fancy a girl wanting to follow the hounds when her lungs are so bad!  But I daresay that when she gets there she will he glad enough to keep quiet, as they say that the heat is intense.  It may cure Georgina, but I am sure it will make the rest of us very ill.

Mamma, however, is only going to bring Mary and Gus and Fred and Adelaide abroad with her; the others will remain at Kingscote until February (about the 3d), when they will go to Eastbourne for a month with Miss Turnover, the new governess, who has turned out such a very nice person.  She is going to take Miss Travers, who has been with us so long, but who is only qualified for the younger children, to Hyères, and I believe some of the Kingscote servants.  She has perfect confidence in Miss T.; it is only a pity she has such an odd name.  Mamma thought of asking her if she would mind taking another when she came; but papa thought she might object.  Lady Battledown makes all her governesses take the same name; she gives £5 more a year for the purpose.  I forget what it is she calls them; I think it’s Johnson (which to me always suggests a lady’s maid).  Governesses shouldn’t have too pretty a name; they shouldn’t have a nicer name than the family.

I suppose you heard from the Desmonds that I did not go back to England with them.  When it began to be talked about that Georgina should be taken abroad, mamma wrote to me that I had better stop in Paris for a month with Harold, so that she could pick me up on their way to Hyères.  It saves the expense of my journey to Kingscote and back, and gives me the opportunity to “finish” a little in French.

You know Harold came here six weeks ago, to get up his French for those dreadful examinations that he has to pass so soon.  He came to live with some French people that take in young men (and others) for this purpose; it’s a kind of coaching place, only kept by women.  Mamma had heard it was very nice; so she wrote to me that I was to come and stop here with Harold.  The Desmonds brought me and made the arrangement, or the bargain, or whatever you call it.  Poor Harold was naturally not at all pleased; but he has been very kind, and has treated me like an angel.  He is getting on beautifully with his French; for though I don’t think the place is so good as papa supposed, yet Harold is so immensely clever that he can scarcely help learning.  I am afraid I learn much less, but, fortunately, I have not to pass an examination—except if mamma takes it into her head to examine me.  But she will have so much to think of with Georgina that I hope this won’t occur to her.  If it does, I shall be, as Harold says, in a dreadful funk.

This is not such a nice place for a girl as for a young man, and the Desmonds thought it exceedingly odd that mamma should wish me to come here.  As Mrs. Desmond said, it is because she is so very unconventional.  But you know Paris is so very amusing, and if only Harold remains good-natured about it, I shall be content to wait for the caravan (that’s what he calls mamma and the children).  The person who keeps the establishment, or whatever they call it, is rather odd, and exceedingly foreign ; but she is wonderfully civil, and is perpetually sending to my door to see if I want anything.  The servants are not at all like English servants, and come bursting in, the footman (they have only one) and the maids alike, at all sorts of hours, in the most sudden way .  Then when one rings, it is half an hour before they come.  All this is very uncomfortable, and I daresay it will be worse at Hyères.  There, however, fortunately, we shall have our own people.

There are some very odd Americans here, who keep throwing Harold into fits of laughter.  One is a dreadful little man who is always sitting over the fire, and talking about the colour of the sky.  I don’t believe he ever saw the sky except through the window—pane.  The other day he took hold of my frock (that green one you thought so nice at Homburg) and told me that it reminded him of the texture of the Devonshire turf.  And then he talked for half an hour about the Devonshire turf; which I thought such a very extraordinary subject.  Harold says he is mad.  It is very strange to be living in this way with people one doesn’t know.  I mean that one doesn’t know as one knows them in England.

The other Americans (beside the madman) are two girls, about my own age, one of whom is rather nice.  She has a mother; but the mother is always sitting in her bedroom, which seems so very odd.  I should like mamma to ask them to Kingscote, but I am afraid mamma wouldn’t like the mother, who is rather vulgar.  The other girl is rather vulgar too, and is travelling about quite alone.  I think she is a kind of schoolmistress; but the other girl (I mean the nicer one, with the mother) tells me she is more respectable than she seems.  She has, however, the most extraordinary opinions—wishes to do away with the aristocracy, thinks it wrong that Arthur should have Kingscote when papa dies, etc.  I don’t see what it signifies to her that poor Arthur should come into the property, which will be so delightful—except for papa dying.  But Harold says she is mad.  He chaffs her tremendously about her radicalism, and he is so immensely clever that she can’t answer him, though she is rather clever too.

There is also a Frenchman, a nephew, or cousin, or something, of the person of the house, who is extremely nasty; and a German professor, or doctor, who eats with his knife and is a great bore.  I am so very sorry about giving up my visit.  I am afraid you will never ask me again. E7mEmKbZiVO8MwaoHM2C5YHg04LwJzenkU2jGpWvfN7yLHOyPcQ/dqGffL1ab5nN
