

§ 1. Some of the most remarkable instances which have occurred since the great Newtonian generalization, of the explanation of laws of causation subsisting among complex phenomena, by resolving them into simpler and more general laws, are to be found among the speculations of Liebig in organic chemistry. These speculations, though they have not yet been sufficiently long before the world to entitle us positively to assume that no well-grounded objection can be made to any part of them, afford, however, so admirable an example of the spirit of the Deductive Method, that I may be permitted to present some specimens of them here.

It had been observed in certain cases, that chemical action is, as it were, contagious; that is to say, a substance which would not of itself yield to a particular chemical attraction, (the force of the attraction not being sufficient to overcome cohesion, or to destroy some chemical combination in which the substance was already held), will nevertheless do so if placed in contact with some other body which is in the act of yielding to the same force. Nitric acid, for example, does not dissolve pure platinum, which may “be boiled with this acid without being oxidized by it, even when in a state of such fine division that it no longer reflects light.” But the same acid easily dissolves silver. Now if an alloy of silver and platinum be treated with nitric acid, the acid does not, as might naturally be expected, separate the two metals, dissolving the silver, and leaving the platinum; it dissolves both: the platinum as well as the silver becomes oxidized, and in that state combines with the undecomposed portion of the acid. In like manner, “copper does not decompose water, even when boiled in dilute sulphuric acid; but an alloy [pg 488] of copper, zinc, and nickel, dissolves easily in this acid with evolution of hydrogen gas.” These phenomena cannot be explained by the laws of what is termed chemical affinity. They point to a peculiar law, by which the oxidation which one body suffers, causes another, in contact with it, to submit to the same change. And not only chemical composition, but chemical decomposition, is capable of being similarly propagated. The peroxide of hydrogen, a compound formed by hydrogen with a greater amount of oxygen than the quantity necessary to form water, is held together by a chemical attraction of so weak a nature, that the slightest circumstance is sufficient to decompose it; and it even, though very slowly, gives off oxygen and is reduced to water spontaneously (being, I presume, decomposed by the tendency of its oxygen to absorb heat and assume the gaseous state). Now it has been observed, that if this decomposition of the peroxide of hydrogen takes place in contact with some metallic oxides, as those of silver, and the peroxides of lead and manganese, it superinduces a corresponding chemical action upon those substances; they also give forth the whole or a portion of their oxygen, and are reduced to the metal or to the protoxide; although they do not undergo this change spontaneously, and there is no chemical affinity at work to make them do so. Other similar phenomena are mentioned by Liebig. “Now no other explanation,” he observes, “of these phenomena can be given, than that a body in the act of combination or decomposition enables another body, with which it is in contact, to enter into the same state.”

Here, therefore, is a law of nature of great simplicity, but which, owing to the extremely special and limited character of the phenomena in which alone it can be detected experimentally, (because in them alone its results are not intermixed and blended with those of other laws,) had been very little recognised by chemists, and no one could have ventured, on experimental evidence, to affirm it as a law common to all chemical action; owing to the impossibility of a rigorous employment of the Method of Difference where the properties of different kinds of substance are involved, an [pg 489] impossibility which we noticed and characterized in a previous chapter. 90 Now this extremely special and apparently precarious generalization has, in the hands of Liebig, been converted, by a masterly employment of the Deductive Method, into a law pervading all nature, in the same way as gravitation assumed that character in the hands of Newton; and has been found to explain, in the most unexpected manner, numerous detached generalizations of a more limited kind, reducing the phenomena concerned in those generalizations into mere cases of itself.

The contagious influence of chemical action is not a powerful force, and is only capable of overcoming weak affinities: we, may, therefore, expect to find it principally exemplified in the decomposition of substances which are held together by weak chemical forces. Now the force which holds a compound substance together is generally weaker, the more compound the substance is; and organic products are the most compound substances known, those which have the most complex atomic constitution. It is, therefore, upon such substances that the self-propagating power of chemical action is likely to exert itself in the most marked manner. Accordingly, first, it explains the remarkable laws of fermentation, and some of those of putrefaction. “A little leaven,” that is, dough in a certain state of chemical action, impresses a similar chemical action upon “the whole lump.” The contact of any decaying substance, occasions the decay of matter previously sound. Again, yeast is a substance actually in a process of decomposition from the action of air and water, evolving carbonic acid gas. Sugar is a substance which, from the complexity of its composition, has no great energy of coherence in its existing form, and is capable of being easily converted (by combination with the elements of water) into carbonic acid and alcohol. Now the mere presence of yeast, the mere proximity of a substance of which the elements are separating from each other, and combining with the elements of water, causes sugar to undergo the same change, [pg 490] giving out carbonic acid gas, and becoming alcohol. It is not the elements contained in the yeast which do this. “An aqueous infusion of yeast may be mixed with a solution of sugar, and preserved in vessels from which the air is excluded, without either experiencing the slightest change.” Neither does the insoluble residue of the yeast, after being treated with water, possess the power of exciting fermentation. (Here we have the method of Difference). It is not the yeast itself, therefore; it is the yeast in a state of decomposition. The sugar, which would not decompose and oxidize by the mere presence of oxygen and water, is induced to do so when another oxidation is at work in the midst of it.

By the same principle Liebig is enabled to explain many cases of malaria; the pernicious influence of putrid substances; a variety of poisons; contagious diseases; and other phenomena. Of all substances, those composing the animal body are the most complex in their composition, and are in the least stable condition of union. The blood, in particular, is the most unstable compound known. It is, therefore, not surprising that gaseous or other substances, in the act of undergoing the chemical changes which constitute, for instance, putrefaction, should, when brought into contact with the tissues by respiration or otherwise, and still more when introduced by inoculation into the blood itself, impress upon some of the particles a chemical action similar to its own; which is propagated in like manner to other particles, until the whole system is placed in a state of chemical action more or less inconsistent with the chemical conditions of vitality.

Of the three modes in which we observed in the last chapter that the resolution of a special law into more general ones may take place, this speculation exemplifies the second. The laws explained are such as this, that yeast puts sugar into a state of fermentation. Between the remote cause, the presence of yeast, and the consequent fermentation of the sugar, there has been interpolated a proximate cause, the chemical action between the particles of the yeast and the elements of air and water. The special law is thus resolved into two others, more general than itself: the first, that yeast [pg 491] is decomposed by the presence of air and water; the second, that matter undergoing chemical action has a tendency to produce similar chemical action in other matter in contact with it. But while the investigation thus aptly exhibits the second mode of the resolution of a complex law, it no less happily exemplifies the third; the subsumption of special laws under a more general law, by gathering them up into one more comprehensive expression which includes them all. For the curious fact of the contagious nature of chemical action is only raised into a law of all chemical action by these very investigations; just as the Newtonian attraction was only recognised as a law of all matter when it was found to explain the phenomena of terrestrial gravity. Previously to Liebig's investigations, the property in question had only been observed in a few special cases of chemical action; but when his deductive reasonings have established that innumerable effects produced upon weak compounds, by substances none of whose known peculiarities would account for their having such a power, might be explained by considering the supposed special property to exist in all those cases, these numerous generalizations on separate substances are brought together into one law of chemical action in general: the peculiarities of the various substances being, in fact, eliminated, just as the Newtonian deduction eliminated from the instances of terrestrial gravity the circumstance of proximity to the earth.

§ 2. Another speculation of the same chemist, which, if it should ultimately be found to agree with all the facts of the extremely complicated phenomenon to which it relates, will constitute one of the finest examples of the Deductive Method on record, is his theory of respiration.

The facts of respiration, or in other words the special laws which it is attempted to explain from, and resolve into, more general ones, are, that the blood in passing through the lungs absorbs oxygen and gives out carbonic acid gas, changing thereby its colour from a blackish purple to a brilliant red. The absorption and exhalation are evidently chemical [pg 492] phenomena; and the carbon of the carbonic acid must have been derived from the body, that is, must have been absorbed by the blood from the substances with which it came into contact in its passage through the organism. Required to find the intermediate links—the precise nature of the two chemical actions which take place; first, the absorption of the carbon or of the carbonic acid by the blood, in its circulation through the body; next, the excretion of the carbon, or the exchange of the carbonic acid for oxygen, in its passage through the lungs.

Dr. Liebig believes himself to have found the solution of this vexata quæstio in a class of chemical actions in which scarcely any less acute and penetrating inquirer would have thought of looking for it.

Blood is composed of two parts, the serum and the globules. The serum absorbs and holds in solution carbonic acid in great quantity, but has no tendency either to part with it or to absorb oxygen. The globules, therefore, are concluded to be the portion of the blood which is operative in respiration. These globules contain a certain quantity of iron, which from chemical tests is inferred to be in the state of oxide.

Dr. Liebig recognised, in the known chemical properties of the oxides of iron, laws which, if followed out deductively, would lead to the prediction of the precise series of phenomena which respiration exhibits.

There are two oxides of iron, a protoxide and a peroxide. In the arterial blood the iron is in the form of peroxide: in the venous blood we have no direct evidence which of the oxides is present, but the considerations to be presently stated lead to the conclusion that it is the protoxide. As arterial and venous blood are in a perpetual state of alternate conversion into one another, the question arises, in what circumstances the protoxide of iron is capable of being converted into the peroxide, and vice versâ . Now the protoxide readily combines with oxygen in the presence of water, forming the hydrated peroxide: these conditions it finds in passing through the lungs; it derives oxygen [pg 493] from the air, and finds water in the blood itself. This would already explain one portion of the phenomena of respiration. But the arterial blood, in quitting the lungs, is charged with hydrated peroxide: in what manner is the peroxide brought back to its former state?

The chemical conditions for the reduction of the hydrated peroxide into the state of protoxide, are precisely those which the blood meets with in circulating through the body; namely, contact with organic compounds.

Hydrated peroxide of iron, when treated with organic compounds (where no sulphur is present) gives forth oxygen and water, which oxygen, attracting the carbon from the organic substance, becomes carbonic acid; while the peroxide, being reduced to the state of protoxide, combines with the carbonic acid, and becomes a carbonate. Now this carbonate needs only come again into contact with oxygen and water to be decomposed; the carbonic acid being given off, and the protoxide, by the absorption of oxygen and water, becoming again the hydrated peroxide.

The mysterious chemical phenomena connected with respiration can now, by a beautiful deductive process, be completely explained. The arterial blood, containing iron in the form of hydrated peroxide, passes into the capillaries, where it meets with the decaying tissues, receiving also in its course certain non-azotised but highly carbonised animal products, in particular the bile. In these it finds the precise conditions required for decomposing the peroxide into oxygen and the protoxide. The oxygen combines with the carbon of the decaying tissues, and forms carbonic acid, which, though insufficient in amount to neutralize the whole of the protoxide, combines with a portion (one-fourth) of it, and returns in the form of a carbonate, along with the other three-fourths of the protoxide, through the venous system into the lungs. There it again meets with oxygen and water: the free protoxide becomes hydrated peroxide: the carbonate of protoxide parts with its carbonic acid, and by absorbing oxygen and water, enters also into the state of hydrated peroxide. The heat evolved in the transition from [pg 494] protoxide to peroxide, as well as in the previous oxidation of the carbon contained in the tissues, is considered by Liebig as the cause which sustains the temperature of the body. But into this portion of the speculation we need not enter. 91

This example displays the second mode of resolving complex laws, by the interpolation of intermediate links in the chain of causation; and some of the steps of the deduction exhibit cases of the first mode, that which infers the joint effect of two or more causes from their separate effects; but to trace out in detail these exemplifications may be left to the intelligence of the reader. The third mode is not employed in this example, since the simpler laws into which those of respiration are resolved (the laws of the chemical action of the oxides of iron) were laws already known, and do not acquire any additional generality from their employment in the present case.

§ 3. The property which salt possesses of preserving animal substances from putrefaction is resolved by Liebig into two more general laws, the strong attraction of salt for water, and the necessity of the presence of water as a condition of putrefaction. The intermediate phenomenon which is interpolated between the remote cause and the effect, can here be not merely inferred but seen; for it is a familiar fact, that flesh upon which salt has been thrown is speedily found swimming in brine.

The second of the two factors (as they may be termed) [pg 495] into which the preceding law has been resolved, the necessity of water to putrefaction, itself affords an additional example of the Resolution of Laws. The law itself is proved by the Method of Difference, since flesh completely dried and kept in a dry atmosphere does not putrefy, as we see in the case of dried provisions, and human bodies in very dry climates. A deductive explanation of this same law results from Liebig's speculations. The putrefaction of animal and other azotised bodies is a chemical process, by which they are gradually dissipated in a gaseous form, chiefly in that of carbonic acid and ammonia; now to convert the carbon of the animal substance into carbonic acid requires oxygen, and to convert the azote into ammonia requires hydrogen, which are the elements of water. The extreme rapidity of the putrefaction of azotised substances, compared with the gradual decay of non-azotised bodies (such as wood and the like) by the action of oxygen alone, he explains from the general law that substances are much more easily decomposed by the action of two different affinities upon two of their elements, than by the action of only one.

The purgative effect of salts with alkaline bases, when administered in concentrated solutions, is explained from the two following principles: Animal tissues (such as the stomach) do not absorb concentrated solutions of alkaline salts; and such solutions do dissolve the solids contained in the intestines. The simpler laws into which the complex law is here resolved, are the second of the two foregoing principles combined with a third, namely that the peristaltic contraction acts easily upon substances in a state of solution. The negative general proposition, that animal substances do not absorb these salts, contributes to the explanation by accounting for the absence of a counteracting cause, namely, absorption by the stomach, which in the case of other substances possessed of the requisite chemical properties, interferes to prevent them from reaching the substances which they are destined to dissolve.

§ 4. From the foregoing and similar instances, we may [pg 496] see the importance, when a law of nature previously unknown has been brought to light, or when new light has been thrown upon a known law by experiment, of examining all cases which present the conditions necessary for bringing that law into action; a process fertile in demonstrations of special laws previously unsuspected, and explanations of others already empirically known.

For instance, Faraday discovered by experiment, that voltaic electricity could be evolved from a natural magnet, provided a conducting body were set in motion at right angles to the direction of the magnet: and, this he found to hold not only of small magnets, but of that great magnet, the earth. The law being thus established experimentally, that electricity is evolved, by a magnet, and a conductor moving at right angles to the direction of its poles, we may now look out for fresh instances in which these conditions meet. Wherever a conductor moves or revolves at right angles to the direction of the earth's magnetic poles, there we may expect an evolution of electricity. In the northern regions, where the polar direction is nearly perpendicular to the horizon, all horizontal motions of conductors will produce electricity; horizontal wheels, for example, made of metal; likewise all running streams will evolve a current of electricity which will circulate round them; and the air thus charged with electricity may be one of the causes of the Aurora Borealis. In the equatorial regions, on the contrary, upright wheels placed parallel to the equator will originate a voltaic circuit, and waterfalls will naturally become electric.

For a second example; it has recently been found, chiefly by the researches of Professor Graham, that gases have a strong tendency to permeate animal membranes, and diffuse themselves through the spaces which such membranes inclose, notwithstanding the presence of other gases in those spaces. Proceeding from this general law, and reviewing a variety of cases in which gases lie contiguous to membranes, we are enabled to demonstrate or to explain the following more special laws: 1st. The human or animal body, when surrounded with any gas not already contained within the [pg 497] body, absorbs it rapidly; such, for instance, as the gases of putrefying matters: which helps to explain malaria. 2nd. The carbonic acid gas of effervescing drinks, evolved in the stomach, permeates its membranes, and rapidly spreads through the system, where, as suggested in a former note, it probably combines with the iron contained in the blood. 3rd. Alcohol taken into the stomach passes into vapour and spreads through the system with great rapidity; (which, combined with the high combustibility of alcohol, or in other words its ready combination with oxygen, may perhaps help to explain the bodily warmth immediately consequent on drinking spirituous liquors.) 4th. In any state of the body in which peculiar gases are formed within it, these will rapidly exhale through all parts of the body; and hence the rapidity with which, in certain states of disease, the surrounding atmosphere becomes tainted. 5th. The putrefaction of the interior parts of a carcase will proceed as rapidly as that of the exterior, from the ready passage outwards of the gaseous products. 6th. The exchange of oxygen and carbonic acid in the lungs is not prevented, but rather promoted, by the intervention of the membrane of the lungs and the coats of the blood vessels between the blood and the air. It is necessary, however, that there should be a substance in the blood with which the oxygen of the air may immediately combine; otherwise instead of passing into the blood, it would permeate the whole organism: and it is necessary that the carbonic acid, as it is formed in the capillaries, should also find a substance in the blood with which it can combine; otherwise it would leave the body at all points, instead of being discharged through the lungs.

§ 5. The following is a deduction which confirms, by explaining, the old but not undisputed empirical generalization, that soda powders weaken the human system. These powders, consisting of a mixture of tartaric acid with bicarbonate of soda, from which the carbonic acid is set free, must pass into the stomach as tartrate of soda. Now, neutral tartrates, citrates, and acetates of the alkalis are found, in their [pg 498] passage through the system, to be changed into carbonates; and to convert a tartrate into a carbonate requires an additional quantity of oxygen, the abstraction of which must lessen the oxygen destined for assimilation with the blood, on the quantity of which the vigorous action of the human system partly depends.

The instances of new theories agreeing with and explaining old empiricisms, are innumerable. All the just remarks made by experienced persons on human character and conduct, are so many special laws, which the general laws of the human mind explain and resolve. The empirical generalizations on which the operations of the arts have usually been founded, are continually justified and confirmed on the one hand, or corrected and improved on the other, by the discovery of the simpler scientific laws on which the efficacy of those operations depends. The effects of the rotation of crops, of the various manures, and other processes of improved agriculture, have been for the first time resolved in our own day into known laws of chemical and organic action, by Davy and Liebig. The processes of the medical art are even now mostly empirical: their efficacy is concluded, in each instance, from a special and most precarious experimental generalization: but as science advances in discovering the simple laws of chemistry and physiology, progress is made in ascertaining the intermediate links in the series of phenomena, and the more general laws on which they depend; and thus, while the old processes are either exploded, or their efficacy, in so far as real, explained, better processes, founded on the knowledge of proximate causes, are continually suggested and brought into use. 92 Many even of [pg 499] the truths of geometry were generalizations from experience before they were deduced from first principles. The quadrature of the cycloid is said to have been first effected by measurement, or rather by weighing a cycloidal card, and comparing its weight with that of a piece of similar card of known dimensions.

§ 6. To the foregoing examples from physical science, let us add another from mental. The following is one of the simple laws of mind: Ideas of a pleasurable or painful character form associations more easily and strongly than other ideas, that is, they become associated after fewer repetitions, and the association is more durable. This is an experimental law, grounded on the Method of Difference. By deduction from this law, many of the more special laws which experience shows to exist among particular mental phenomena may be demonstrated and explained:—the ease and rapidity, for instance, with which thoughts connected with our passions or our more cherished interests are excited, and the firm hold which the facts relating to them have on our memory; the vivid recollection we retain of minute circumstances which accompanied any object or event that deeply interested us, and of the times and places in which we have been very happy or very miserable; the horror with which we view the accidental instrument of any occurrence which shocked us, or the locality where it took place, and the pleasure we derive from any memorial of past enjoyment; all these effects being proportional to the sensibility of the individual mind, and to the consequent intensity of the pain or pleasure from which the association originated. It has been suggested by the able writer of a biographical sketch of Dr. Priestley in a monthly periodical, that the same elementary law of our mental constitution, suitably followed out, would explain a variety of mental phenomena hitherto inexplicable, and in [pg 500] particular some of the fundamental diversities of human character and genius. Associations being of two sorts, either between synchronous, or between successive impressions; and the influence of the law which renders associations stronger in proportion to the pleasurable or painful character of the impressions, being felt with peculiar force in the synchronous class of associations; it is remarked by the writer referred to, that in minds of strong organic sensibility synchronous associations will be likely to predominate, producing a tendency to conceive things in pictures and in the concrete, richly clothed in attributes and circumstances, a mental habit which is commonly called Imagination, and is one of the peculiarities of the painter and the poet; while persons of more moderate susceptibility to pleasure and pain will have a tendency to associate facts chiefly in the order of their succession, and such persons, if they possess mental superiority, will addict themselves to history or science rather than to creative art. This interesting speculation the author of the present work has endeavoured, on another occasion, to pursue farther, and to examine how far it will avail towards explaining the peculiarities of the poetical temperament. It is at least an example which may serve, instead of many others, to show the extensive scope which exists for deductive investigation in the important and hitherto so imperfect Science of Mind.

§ 7. The copiousness with which I have exemplified the discovery and explanation of special laws of phenomena by deduction from simpler and more general ones, was prompted by a desire to characterize clearly, and place in its due position of importance, the Deductive Method; which in the present state of knowledge is destined henceforth irrevocably to predominate in the course of scientific investigation. A revolution is peaceably and progressively effecting itself in philosophy, the reverse of that to which Bacon has attached his name. That great man changed the method of the sciences from deductive to experimental, and it is now rapidly reverting from experimental to deductive. But [pg 501] the deductions which Bacon abolished were from premisses hastily snatched up, or arbitrarily assumed. The principles were neither established by legitimate canons of experimental inquiry, nor the results tested by that indispensable element of a rational Deductive Method, verification by specific experience. Between the primitive method of Deduction and that which I have attempted to characterize, there is all the difference which exists between the Aristotelian physics and the Newtonian theory of the heavens.

It would, however, be a mistake to expect that those great generalizations, from which the subordinate truths of the more backward sciences will probably at some future period be deduced by reasoning (as the truths of astronomy are deduced from the generalities of the Newtonian theory,) will be found, in all, or even in most cases, among truths now known and admitted. We may rest assured, that many of the most general laws of nature are as yet entirely unthought of; and that many others, destined hereafter to assume the same character, are known, if at all, only as laws or properties of some limited class of phenomena; just as electricity, now recognised as one of the most universal of natural agencies, was once known only as a curious property which certain substances acquired by friction, of first attracting and then repelling light bodies. If the theories of heat, cohesion, crystallization, and chemical action, are destined, as there can be little doubt that they are, to become deductive, the truths which will then be regarded as the principia of those sciences would probably, if now announced, appear quite as novel as the law of gravitation appeared to the cotemporaries of Newton; possibly even more so, since Newton's law, after all, was but an extension of the law of weight—that is, of a generalization familiar from of old, and which already comprehended a not inconsiderable body of natural phenomena. The general laws, of a similarly commanding character, which we still look forward to the discovery of, may not always find so much of their foundations already laid.

These general truths will doubtless make their first appearance in the character of hypotheses; not proved, nor [pg 502] even admitting of proof, in the first instance, but assumed as premisses for the purpose of deducing from them the known laws of concrete phenomena. But this, though their initial, cannot be their final state. To entitle an hypothesis to be received as one of the truths of nature, and not as a mere technical help to the human faculties, it must be capable of being tested by the canons of legitimate induction, and must actually have been submitted to that test. When this shall have been done, and done successfully, premisses will have been obtained from which all the other propositions of the science will thenceforth be presented as conclusions, and the science will, by means of a new and unexpected Induction, be rendered Deductive.


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