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核心词汇 |
▲ house-hunting 猎狩房子;做房产生意,买卖房子
△ double-room apartment 两居室
▲ payment ['peimənt] n.付款,支付
▲ mortgage ['mɔ:gidʒ] n.抵押v.抵押
△ to mortgage a house 按揭购房
▲ relocate ['riːləu'keit] v.重新安置;迁移
△ a relocated unit or household 搬迁户
▲ demolition [,demə'liʃən] n.拆除;破坏;毁坏
▲ compensation for demolition 拆迁补偿费
▲ removal [ri'mu:vəl] n.移动;搬迁
▲ expense [ik'spens] n.损失,代价;消费;开支
△ removal expense 拆迁费用
▲ provident ['prɔvidənt] adj.节俭的;有先见之明的;顾及未来的
△ low-cost housing 低价住房
△ second-hand house 二手房
▲ estate [i'steit] n.房地产;财产
▲ evaluator [i'væljueitə] n.评估员
▲ property ['prɔpəti] n.财产;所有权
▲ certificate [sə'tifikeit] n.证书;执照,文凭
△ property ownership certificate 房产证
▲ exchange [iks'tʃeindʒ] n.交换;交流;交易所;
△ buy or exchange houses 房屋置换
▲ speculator ['spekjuleitə] n.投机者
△ property right certificate 房权证
△ realestate market 房产市场
▲ vacancy ['veikənsi] n.空缺;空位;空置
△ housing vacancy rate 房屋空置率
▲ individual [,indi'vidjuəl] adj.个人的
△ individual housing loan 个人购房贷款
▲ residential [,rezi'denʃəl] adj.住宅的;与居住有关的
▲ construction [kən'strʌkʃən] n.建设;建筑物
△ residential construction 居民住房建设
△ per-capital housing 人均住房
▲ complete [kəm'pli:t] adj.完整的;完全的;彻底的
▲ delivery [di'livəri] n.交付
△ complete department(orflat) 现房
△ forward delivery housing 期房
△ commercial residential building 商品房
△ policy-related house 政策性住房
▲ allowance [ə'lauəns] n.津贴,零用钱
△ rental allowance 住房补贴
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Daily Dialogue 日常会话 |
Renting an Apartment or Buying a House
Bill:I'm looking for somewhere to move.
Ada:Oh yeah?You don't like being in your old house, huh?
Bill:That's right. It's stuffy in my room.
Ada:Well, I'll let you know if Ifind somewhere to rent.
Bill:Oh, I wish I could afford a house one day.I heard the price of the second-hand house has risen again.
Ada:Yeah, the real-estate is always on the rise. I think you should buy a house.It's not good to be paying rent over years when you may as well be paying a mortgage.
Bill:May be you are right.