

Drinking Tea




teahouse ['tiːhaʊs] n.茶馆;茶室

enjoy [ɪn'dʒɒɪ] v.品尝,享受

enjoy tea 品茶

tea-things 茶具

teapoy ['tiːpɒɪ] n.茶几;三脚小桌

pot [pɔt] n.茶壶

teacup ['tiːkʌp] n.茶杯

spoon [spu:n] n.勺子,汤匙

strainer ['streinə] n.过滤器

tea-strainer 滤茶器

tea strainer spoon 滤茶勺

saucer ['sɔ:sə] n.茶托,浅碟

time for tea 饮茶时光

drink [driŋk] v.喝,饮

way of tea drinking 饮茶方式

tea party 茶话会

ceremony ['seriməuni] n.典礼,仪式;礼节,礼仪;客套,虚礼

tea ceremony 茶道

order ['כ:də] v.点(菜或饮料)

serve [sə:v] v.提供

iced [aist] a.冰过的

strong [strכŋ] a.(味道、气味)浓烈的

spill [spil] v.溢出

blade [bleid] n.叶片

black tea 红茶

green tea 绿茶

iced tea 冰茶

fine powder tea 抹茶

oolong ['uːlɒŋ]n.乌龙茶(中国名茶之一)

whitetipped oolong 白毫乌龙

green blade 煎茶

dragon well 龙井

green spiral 碧螺春

robe tea 大红袍

cassia tea 决明子茶

jasmine tea 茉莉花茶

rose bulb 玫瑰绣球

gongfu black 功夫红茶

smoke black 烟熏红茶

roast oolong 熟火乌龙

anji white leaf 安吉白茶

liu'an leaf 六安瓜片


Daily Dialogue 日常会话

Tea Culture

Marcy:The tea smells good. What's it called?

Joe:It is called“dragon well”,belonging to green tea.

Marcy:I've heard of this name before. I could never understand the classification of tea.

Joe:The classification of tea is confusing and there is no agreement. There are four kinds of tea according to processing methods.They are green tea, black tea, oolong tea and scented tea.

Marcy:It is said different tea has different benefits to human body, isn't it?

Joe:Yes, it is. But there is timing and personal health conditions to be considered.

Marcy:There seems to be a lot of knowledge about tea.

Joe:Of course. That's why we have“tea culture”.

Marcy:Please tell me more about tea culture.

Joe:No problem.













Netherlands is country with most plentiful, healthy food

The Netherlands nudged past France and Switzerland as the country with the most nutritious, plentiful and healthy food, while the United States and Japan failed to make it into the top 20,a new ranking released by Oxfam showed.

Chad came in last on the list of 125 nations, behind Ethiopia and Angola, in the food index from the international relief and development organization.

“The Netherlands have created a good market that enables people to get enough to eat. Prices are relatively low and stable and the type of food people are eating is balanced,”Deborah Haddon, a senior researcher at Oxfam who compiled the results, said in an interview.

Oxfam ranked the nations on the availability, quality and affordability of food and dietary health. It also looked at the percentage of underweight children, food diversity and access to clean water, as well as negative health outcomes such as obesity and diabetes.

European countries dominated the top of the ranking, but Australia squeezed into the top 12,tying with Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Luxembourg at No. 8.

Although the United States has the most affordable and good quality food, high levels of obesity and diabetes pushed the nation into 21st place in the ranking, tying with Japan, which scored poorly on the relative price of food compared to other goods.

The Netherlands got top marks for its low food prices and diabetes levels, while Chad had the worst score for the cost of food in the country and the number of underweight children-34 percent.










An American friend has invited you to visit his family. You've never been to an American's home before, and you're not sure what to do.Should you take a gift?How should you dress?What time should you arrive?What should you do when you get there?Glad you asked.When you're the guest, you should just make yourself at home.That's what hospitality is all about:making people feel at home when they’re not.


The question of whether or not to bring a gift often makes guests squirm. Giving your host a gift is not just a social nicety in some cultures-it is expected.But in American culture, a guest is not obligated to bring a present.Of course, some people do bring a small token of appreciation to their host.Appropriate gifts for general occasions might beflowers, candy or-if the family has small children-toys.If you choose not to bring a gift,don't worry.No one will even notice.


American hospitality begins at home-especially when it involves food. Most Americans agree that good home cooking beats restaurant food any day.When invited for a meal, you might ask,”Can I bring anything?”Unless it's a potluck, where everyone brings a dish, the host will probably respond,”No, just yourself.”For most informal dinners, you should wear comfortable, casual clothes.Plan to arrive ontime, or else call to inform your hosts of the delay.During the dinner conversation, it's customary to compliment the hostess on the wonderful meal.Of course, the biggest compliment is to eat lots of food!


When you've had plenty, you might offer to clear the table or wash the dishes. But since you're the guest, your hosts may not let you.Instead, they may invite everyone to move to the living room for dessert with tea or coffee.After an hour or so of general chit-chat, it's probablytime to head for the door.You don't want to wear out your welcome.And above all, don't go snooping around the house.It's more polite to wait for the host to offer you a guided tour.But except for Housewarmings, guests often don't get past the living room.


Americans usually like to have advance notice when people come to see them. Only very close friends drop by unannounced.This is especially true if the guests want to stay for a few days.Here's a good rule of thumb for house guests:Short stays are best.As one 19th century French writer put it,”Thefirst day a man is a guest, the second a burden, the third a pest.”Even relatives don't usually stay for several weeks at atime.While you’re staying with an American family, try to keep your living area neat andtidy.Your host families will appreciate your consideration.And they may even invite you back!


Most Americans consider themselves hospitable people. Folks in the southern United States, in particular, take pride in entertaining guests.In fact,“southern hospitality”has become legendary.But in all parts of America, people welcome their guests with open arms.So don't be surprised tofind the welcome mat out for you.Just don't forget to wipe your feet.



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