云计算的出现,深刻地改变了IT行业。回顾IT行业这几十年,从刚开始的硬件时代(mainframe, PC),到软件(enterprise and personal software)时代,到现在的服务(services)。云计算将IT真正带入到了服务的时代。
本书的出发点是云服务提供商(cloud provider)。在本书中,我们会从一个云服务提供商的角度来探讨如何提供云服务。在云服务的整个产业链中,这是难度最大的一个角色。这是因为云服务公司在战略上、运营上和技术上与传统IT公司有着巨大的不同。
本书是云计算的最佳实践(best practice)及其相应理论的第一本书。本书的价值体系在几个方面:
• 商务运营管理(business operations management):投资、融资、成本、并购。
• 技术运营管理(technical operations management):服务的构建、运营,质量改进。
• 技术架构:云服务在技术上的实现,包括面向云服务的架构、监控,质量保证等。
• 安全技术和管理:云安全框架、IaaS/PaaS/SaaS的安全、业务连续性,合规性。
• 组织能力:团队的思维、能力和治理。
Cloud Computing Services: Operations Management and Technical Architecture
The emergence of the cloud service has dramatically changed the IT industry. Looking back we see the hardware phase (mainframe, PC), the software phase (enterprise and personal software), and, now cloud computing has truly brought us up to the service phase.
The real value of cloud computing resides in the services. It is the business value of the services that has powered the development of cloud computing. Without the value of these services, cloud computing would stay in the lab as technologies, or products of some companies, but would never become a revolution of the IT industry. In fact, this is also the reason we use“cloud computing service”, rather than“cloud computing” in our book title.
The concept of cloud computing has been extensively discussed its strategy, concepts, model and technology. However, seldom do the publications have a deep discussion of how to realize cloud computing as a production service by often omitting some key pieces of the cloud puzzle such as the technical operations, or the whole picture from the operations viewpoint. One of the reasons may be that most of the authors are from academic or engineering backgrounds, and not from the cloud industry operations.
Our Objectives
This book is a result of four years of analysis and research from a group of 15 authors from the cloud computing industry. The purpose of this book is to present a comprehensive picture and detailed study of how the commercial and production cloud services are implemented and operated.
Broad topics are covered in detail. They are grouped in five major fields: business operations, technical operations, technical architecture, security, and organization capability.
Our audiences are:
It can also serve as a reference for general IT professionals and colleges to study to understand how a cloud service is designed, built and operated in a service provider company and the business considerations behind that.
Our Values
The values of our book are following:
(1) Cloud Service Provider Viewpoint: Implementation and Operations
(2) Industry Insight
(3) Comprehensive Study
(4) Theory Novelty
On top of the above, we added numerous case studies for easier understanding and reading. That will help our readers build up their own operations system faster based on their own scenarios.
Book Structure
We constructed our book contents in the following parts.
(1) Business Operations Management
(2) Technical Operations Management
(3) Technical Architecture
(4)Security Technologies and Management
(5)Organization Capability
The main contents of our book are below:
The book writing has never been an easy task. I'd like to thanks for all the authors for their hard work of the book. Also, thanks for supports from my colleagues from WebEx (now CISCO cloud services), InfowareLab and G-NET, and all the friends involved. Thanks for G-NET company's strong support for the writing.
This book is the contribution from all our authors: Yantao LI, Guoping LIU, Liwei YANG, Kerry ZHU, Yaohe CAO, Ling JIANG, Yonghong CHEN, Jinxian LIU, Power WANG, Fang LIU, Simon TU, Fred YANG, Garry CHEN, Jessica HU, Autumn WANG. Also many colleagues and friends support in providing the writing materials: Stone YANG, Fei ZHU, Guowei TIAN, Xigui ZAI, Junfu SU, Yong ZHANG, Yiming DING, and all the people invovled. These authors and supporters are from G-NET, WebEx (CSCO), 21Vianet (VNET), Teradata (TDC), China Telecom, ShenDa (SNDA), Infowarelab, 99bill, etc. Thanks for our editor ZhaoYan XIA and his colleagues from Tsinghua University Publisher Company.
Thanks for my family, Huiwei and Jane, for their constant support. This writing is very effort and time consuming. Their support is really an encouragement. Also, my special thanks to my father, Mr. Rinong CHEN. He has a lifetime impact to me. He is a well-known journalist in China and directed“China Today” magazine for many years. Most of his time spends on studying, researching and writing. Because of him, I become one of few engineers in IT industry who are willing to write a book.
This book is dedicated for the practitioners and professionals of the cloud computing industry. The idea of the writing was formed about 7 years ago, and real hand-on writing was started 4 years ago. It was a very challenging task for all of our authors: we practice, we learn, we write and we improve ourselves in this writing journey. Hope the book can help the people who are working in and developing our cloud services.
Should there are any questions or suggestions, please feel free contact us:
Email: chris_cchen0@yahoo.com
LinkedIn: Chris Chen ( http://www.linkedin.com/in/chriscchen )
Wechat: chris_cchen