
Lesson 2 THE CANARY BIRD 金丝雀

ca-na´-ry be-cause´ hol´-low frm´-ly guide

per-haps´ yel´-low clothed perch builds

cru´-el coun´-try cov´-ered walk thir´-teen

spar´-rows mus´-cles feath´-ers ra´-ther ca-na´-ries

swal´-lows bod´-ies front stead´-y re-pay´

1.Are you fond of birds? Perhaps you have one at home.It is very cruel to keep such birds as sparrows or swallows in cages, because these birds like better to fy about in the open air.

2.But there is a small yellow bird, called the canary, which we may keep in a cage, if we are kind to it;for, if we let it fy away, it would soon die in this cold country of ours.It is better that it should live in a warm house.

3.The canary and other birds have bones and muscles very much like those in our own bodies.Their bones,

however, are hollow and very light. This makes it easy for them to fy.

4.See how the canary is clothed.It is covered with feathers.Some of them are long, and these are used for fying.The others are short, and serve to keep the bird warm.

5.All birds have two legs and two arms;but these arms are not like ours.We call them wings, and the birds use them for fying.

6.Look at the canary's foot.It has one strong toe behind, and three toes in front.This foot is just the right shape for holding firmly to the branch or perch on which the canary sits.So the canary is called a perching bird.It cannot walk as we do, but it hops or jumps along the ground.

7.What a strong beak the canary has!With its beak it splits open the seeds on which it feeds.And do you see its bright eyes, looking like black beads?

8.The canary has rather a long tail, and this tail helps to steady the bird and to guide it when it fies.

9.The canary builds a little nest of wool, hair, or moss, and in this nest the mother bird lays her eggs.Then she sits on the eggs to keep them warm.

10.In thirteen days the young birds come out of the eggs, and the mother and father feed them many times a day.

11.Why do we keep canaries? It is because they look so pretty with their yellow and green feathers, but still more because they have such a sweet song.

12.Keep your canary's cage clean, and give the bird fresh water to drink and seed to eat every day.Then it will repay you by its sweet singing all day long.


The canary is a small yellow bird that can live only in warm places. It is a very pretty bird, and has a sweet song.Its bones are hollow and light.It has two legs and two wings.Its foot is so made that it can hold on frmly to a branch or a perch.It has a strong beak, and its long tail helps it in fying.



2.但是有一种黄色的小鸟,叫做金丝雀(the canary bird)。这种鸟儿,只要我们好好地对待它,是可以养在笼子里的。因为英国的天气很冷,如果让金丝雀飞走了,它过不了多久就会冻死的。金丝雀最好生活在温暖的屋子里。①




6.看看金丝雀的脚。它的脚有一个强健的脚趾朝后,三个脚趾朝前。这样的脚,形状很适合紧紧地抓住树枝,或者栖息在金丝雀坐着的地方。所以,我们把金丝雀叫做木栖鸟类(perching bird)。金丝雀不能像人类一样走路,但是可以在地上,用单脚或者双脚跳。








① 金丝雀还有另一个中国名字叫“玉鸟”。现在,经过人们的培育,金丝雀的颜色变得多种多样,有白色、橘红色、古铜色等等。金丝雀需要充分的运动,所以笼子必须宽大,最好用专门的金丝雀笼。

② 金丝雀孵化的时间是不一定的,咱们中国南方的金丝雀需要14-16天,北方如果比较冷,可能需要17-18天。

③ 小金丝雀必须有“老师”教,才能学会好听的鸣叫。“老师”可以是老金丝雀、百灵鸟、大山雀等等。

④ 金丝雀是一种比较娇气的鸟,饲养方法很复杂,读者可以自己查找更详细的资料。 doyH3U5S7qmpafdcEdVt4gUvQ6BU/dFdwuaZcyH1yvmVav/T0r1yWgTC+tv7XfFf
