
I. Of Kings' Treasuries

I BELIEVE, ladies and gentlemen, that my first duty this evening is to ask your pardon for the ambiguity of title under which the subject of lecture has been announced; and for having endeavoured, as you may ultimately think, to obtain your audience under false pretence. For indeed I am not going to talk of kings, known as regnant, nor of treasuries, understood to contain wealth; but of quite another order of royalty, and another material of riches, than those usually acknowledged. I had even intended to ask your attention for a little while on trust, and (as sometimes one contrives, in taking a friend to see a favourite piece of scenery) to hide what I wanted most to show, with such imperfect cunning as I might, until we unexpectedly reached the best point of view by winding paths. But since my good plain-spoken friend, Canon Anson, has already partly anticipated my reserved "trot for the avenue" in his first advertised title of subject, "How and What to Read;"—and as also I have heard it said, by men practised in public address, that hearers are never so much fatigued as by the endeavour to follow a speaker who gives them no clue to his purposes, I will take the slight mask off at once, and tell you plainly that I want to speak to you about books; and about the way we read them, and could, or should read them. A grave subject, you will say; and a wide one! Yes; so wide that I shall make no effort to touch the compass of it. I will try only to bring before you a few simple thoughts about reading, which press themselves upon me every day more deeply, as I watch the course of the public mind with respect to our daily enlarging means of education, and the answeringly wider spreading, on the levels, of the irrigation of literature. It happens that I have practically some connextion with schools for different classes of youth; and I receive many letters from parents respecting the education of their children. In the mass of these letters, I am always struck by the precedence which the idea of a "position in life" takes above all other thoughts in the parents'—more especially in the mothers'—minds. "The education befitting such and such a station in life"—this is the phrase, this the object, always. They never seek, as far as I can make out, an education good in itself: the conception of abstract rightness in training rarely seems reached by the writers. But an education "which shall keep a good coat on my son's back;—an education which shall enable him to ring with confidence the visitors' bell at double-belled doors;—education which shall result ultimately in establishment of a double-belled door to his own house; in a word, which shall lead to advancement in life”. It never seems to occur to the parents that there may be an education which, in itself, is advancement in Life;—that any other than that may perhaps be advancement in Death;—and that this essential education might be more easily got, or given, than they fancy, if they set about it in the right way; while it is for no price, and by no favour, to be got, if they set about it in the wrong.


Indeed, among the ideas most prevalent and effective in the mind of this busiest of countries, I suppose the first—at least that which is confessed with the greatest frankness, and put forward as the fittest stimulus to youthful exertion—is this of "Advancement in life." My main purpose this evening is to determine, with you, what this idea practically includes, and what it should include.


Practically, then, at present, "advancement in life" means becoming conspicuous in life;—obtaining a position which shall be acknowledged by others to be respectable or honourable. We do not understand by this advancement, in general, the mere making of money, but the being known to have made it; not the accomplishment of any great aim, but the being seen to have accomplished it. In a word, we mean the gratification of our thirst for applause. That thirst, if the last infirmity of noble minds, is also the first infirmity of weak ones; and, on the whole, the strongest impulsive influence of average humanity: the greatest efforts of the race have always been traceable to the love of praise, as its greatest catastrophes to the love of pleasure.


I am not about to attack or defend this impulse. I want you only to feel how it lies at the root of effort, especially of all modern effort. It is the gratification of vanity which is, with us, the stimulus of toil, and balm of repose; so closely does it touch the very springs of life that the wounding of our vanity is always spoken of (and truly) as in its measure mortal; we call it "mortification," using the same expression which we should apply to a gangrenous and incurable bodily hurt. And although few of us may be physicians enough to recognise the various effect of this passion upon health and energy, I believe most honest men know, and would at once acknowledge, its leading power with them as a motive. The seaman does not commonly desire to be made captain only because he knows he can manage the ship better than any other sailor on board. He wants to be made captain that he may be called captain. The clergyman does not usually want to be made a bishop only because he believes no other hand can, as firmly as his, direct the diocese through its difficulties. He wants to be made bishop primarily that he may be called "My Lord." And a prince does not usually desire to enlarge, or a subject to gain, a kingdom because he believes that no one else can as well serve the state upon its throne; but, briefly, because he wishes to be addressed as "Your Majesty," by as many lips as may be brought to such utterance.


This, then, being the main idea of advancement in life, the force of it applies, for all of us, according to our station, particularly to that secondary result of such advancement which we call "getting into good society." We want to get into good society, not that we may have it, but that we may be seen in it; and our notion of its goodness depends primarily on its conspicuousness.


Will you pardon me if I pause for a moment to put what I fear you may think an impertinent question? I never can go on with an address unless I feel, or know, that my audience are either with me or against me: (I do not much care which, in beginning); but I must know where they are; and I would fain find out, at this instant, whether you think I am putting the motives of popular action too low. I am resolved, to-night, to state them low enough to be admitted as probable; for whenever, in my writings on Political Economy, I assume that a little honesty, or generosity,—or what used to be called "virtue"—may be calculated upon as a human motive of action, people always answer me, saying, "You must not calculate on that: that is not in human nature; you must not assume anything to be common to men but acquisitiveness and jealousy; no other feeling ever has influence on them, except accidentally, and in matters out of the way of business." I begin accordingly to-night low down in the scale of motives; but I must know if you think me right in doing so. Therefore, let me ask those who admit the love of praise to be usually the strongest motive in men's minds in seeking advancement, and the honest desire of doing any kind of duty to be an entirely secondary one, to hold up their hands. (About a dozen hands held up—the audience partly not being sure the lecturer is serious, and partly shy of expressing opinion.) I am quite serious—I really do want to know what you think; however, I can judge by putting the reverse question. Will those who think that duty is generally the first, and love of praise the second, motive, hold up their hands? (One hand reported to have been held up, behind the lecturer.) Very good: I see you are with me, and that you think I have not begun too near the ground. Now, without teasing you by putting farther question, I venture to assume that you will admit duty as at least a secondary or tertiary motive. You think that the desire of doing something useful, or obtaining some real good, is indeed an existent collateral idea, though a secondary one, in most men's desire of advancement. You will grant that moderately honest men desire place and office, at least in some measure for the sake of beneficent power; and would wish to associate rather with sensible and well-informed persons than with fools and ignorant persons, whether they are seen in the company of the sensible ones or not. And finally, without being troubled by repetition of any common truisms about the preciousness of friends, and the influence of companions, you will admit, doubtless, that according to the sincerity of our desire that our friends may be true, and our companions wise,—and in proportion to the earnestness and discretion with which we choose both, will be the general chances of our happiness and usefulness.


But, granting that we had both the will and the sense to choose our friends well, how few of us have the power! or, at least, how limited, for most, is the sphere of choice! Nearly all our associations are determined by chance, or necessity; and restricted within a narrow circle. We cannot know whom we would; and those whom we know, we cannot have at our side when we most need them. All the higher circles of human intelligence are, to those beneath, only momentarily and partially open. We may, by good fortune, obtain a glimpse of a great poet, and hear the sound of his voice; or put a question to a man of science, and be answered good-humoredly. We may intrude ten minutes' talk on a cabinet minister, answered probably with words worse than silence, being deceptive; or snatch, once or twice in our lives, the privilege of throwing a bouquet in the path of a Princess, or arresting the kind glance of a Queen. And yet these momentary chances we covet; and spend our years, and passions, and powers in pursuit of little more than these; while, meantime, there is a society continually open to us, of people who will talk to us as long as we like, whatever our rank or occupation; —talk to us in the best words they can choose, and with thanks if we listen to them. And this society, because it is so numerous and so gentle, —and can be kept waiting round us all day long, not to grant audience, but to gain it;—kings and statesmen lingering patiently in those plainly furnished and narrow anterooms, our bookcase shelves, —we make no account of that company, —perhaps never listen to a word they would say, all day long!


You may tell me, perhaps, or think within yourselves, that the apathy with which we regard this company of the noble, who are praying us to listen to them; and the passion with which we pursue the company, probably of the ignoble, who despise us, or who have nothing to teach us, are grounded in this,—that we can see the faces of the living men, and it is themselves, and not their sayings, with which we desire to become familiar. But it is not so. Suppose you never were to see their faces;—suppose you could be put behind a screen in the statesman's cabinet, or the prince's chamber, would you not be glad to listen to their words, though you were forbidden to advance beyond the screen? And when the screen is only a little less, folded in two, instead of four, and you can be hidden behind the cover of the two boards that bind a book, and listen, all day long, not to the casual talk, but to the studied, determined, chosen addresses of the wisest of men;—this station of audience, and honourable privy council, you despise!


But perhaps you will say that it is because the living people talk of things that are passing, and are of immediate interest to you, that you desire to hear them. Nay; that cannot be so, for the living people will themselves tell you about passing matters, much better in their writings than in their careless talk. But I admit that this motive does influence you, so far as you prefer those rapid and ephemeral writings to slow and enduring writings—books, properly so called. For all books are divisible into two classes, the books of the hour, and the books of all time. Mark this distinction—it is not one of quality only. It is not merely the bad book that does not last, and the good one that does. It is a distinction of species. There are good books for the hour, and good ones for all time; bad books for the hour, and bad ones for all time. I must define the two kinds before I go farther.


The good book of the hour, then,—I do not speak of the bad ones—is simply the useful or pleasant talk of some person whom you cannot otherwise converse with, printed for you. Very useful often, telling you what you need to know; very pleasant often, as a sensible friend's present talk would be. These bright accounts of travels; good-humoured and witty discussions of question; lively or pathetic story-telling in the form of novel; firm fact-telling, by the real agents concerned in the events of passing history;—all these books of the hour, multiplying among us as education becomes more general, are a peculiar possession of the present age: we ought to be entirely thankful for them, and entirely ashamed of ourselves if we make no good use of them. But we make the worst possible use if we allow them to usurp the place of true books: for, strictly speaking, they are not books at all, but merely letters or newspapers in good print. Our friend's letter may be delightful, or necessary, to-day: whether worth keeping or not, is to be considered. The newspaper may be entirely proper at breakfast time, but assuredly it is not reading for all day. So, though bound up in a volume, the long letter which gives you so pleasant an account of the inns, and roads, and weather last year at such a place, or which tells you that amusing story, or gives you the real circumstances of such and such events, however valuable for occasional reference, may not be, in the real sense of the word, a "book" at all, nor, in the real sense, to be "read." A book is essentially not a talked thing, but a written thing; and written, not with the view of mere communication, but of permanence. The book of talk is printed only because its author cannot speak to thousands of people at once; if he could, he would—the volume is mere multiplication of his voice. You cannot talk to your friend in India; if you could, you would; you write instead: that is mere conveyance of voice. But a book is written, not to multiply the voice merely, not to carry it merely, but to perpetuate it. The author has something to say which he perceives to be true and useful, or helpfully beautiful. So far as he knows, no one has yet said it; so far as he knows, no one else can say it. He is bound to say it, clearly and melodiously if he may; clearly, at all events. In the sum of his life he finds this to be the thing, or group of things, manifest to him; —this the piece of true knowledge, or sight, which his share of sunshine and earth has permitted him to seize. He would fain set it down forever; engrave it on rock, if he could; saying, "This is the best of me; for the rest, I ate, and drank, and slept, loved, and hated, like another; my life was as the vapour, and is not; but this I saw and knew: this, if anything of mine, is worth your memory." That is his "writing;" it is, in his small human way, and with whatever degree of true inspiration is in him, his inscription, or scripture. That is a "Book."


Perhaps you think no books were ever so written?


But, again, I ask you, do you at all believe in honesty, or at all in kindness? or do you think there is never any honesty or benevolence in wise people? None of us, I hope, are so unhappy as to think that. Well, whatever bit of a wise man's work is honestly and benevolently done, that bit is his book, or his piece of art. It is mixed always with evil fragments—ill-done, redundant, affected work. But if you read rightly, you will easily discover the true bits, and those are the book.


Now books of this kind have been written in all ages by their greatest men:—by great readers, great statesmen, and great thinkers. These are all at your choice; and Life is short. You have heard as much before;—yet have you measured and mapped out this short life and its possibilities? Do you know, if you read this, that you cannot read that—that what you lose to-day you cannot gain to-morrow? Will you go and gossip with your housemaid, or your stable-boy, when you may talk with queens and kings; or flatter yourselves that it is with any worthy consciousness of your own claims to respect that you jostle with the hungry and common crowd for entrée here, and audience there, when all the while this eternal court is open to you, with its society wide as the world, multitudinous as its days, the chosen, and the mighty, of every place and time? Into that you may enter always; in that you may take fellowship and rank according to your wish; from that, once entered into it, you can never be outcast but by your own fault; by your aristocracy of companionship there, your own inherent aristocracy will be assuredly tested, and the motives with which you strive to take high place in the society of the living, measured, as to all the truth and sincerity that are in them, by the place you desire to take in this company of the Dead.


"The place you desire," and the place you fit yourself for, I must also say; because, observe, this court of the past differs from all living aristocracy in this:—it is open to labour and to merit, but to nothing else. No wealth will bribe, no name overawe, no artifice deceive, the guardian of those Elysian gates. In the deep sense, no vile or vulgar person ever enters there. At the portières of that silent Faubourg St. Germain 1 , there is but brief question, "Do you deserve to enter? Pass. Do you ask to be the companion of nobles? Make yourself noble, and you shall be. Do you long for the conversation of the wise? Learn to understand it, and you shall hear it. But on other terms?—no. If you will not rise to us, we cannot stoop to you. The living lord may assume courtesy, the living philosopher explain his thought to you with considerate pain; but here we neither feign nor interpret; you must rise to the level of our thoughts if you would be gladdened by them, and share our feelings, if you would recognise our presence.”


This, then, is what you have to do, and I admit that it is much. You must, in a word, love these people, if you are to be among them. No ambition is of any use. They scorn your ambition. You must love them, and show your love in these two following ways.


I.—First, by a true desire to be taught by them, and to enter into their thoughts. To enter into theirs, observe; not to find your own expressed by them. If the person who wrote the book is not wiser than you, you need not read it; if he be, he will think differently from you in many respects.

(1)首先,出于真心想要向他们求教,并且进入他们的思想。请注意,是进入他们的思想 , 而不是去寻找由他们表达出来的你自己的思想。如果写书的人并不比你有智慧,那就不要读他的书;如果他比你有智慧,他会在很多方面与你的想法不一样。

Very ready we are to say of a book, "How good this is—that's exactly what I think!" But the right feeling is, "How strange that is! I never thought of that before, and yet I see it is true; or if I do not now, I hope I shall, some day." But whether thus submissively or not, at least be sure that you go to the author to get at his meaning, not to find yours. Judge it afterwards, if you think yourself qualified to do so; but ascertain it first. And be sure also, if the author is worth anything, that you will not get at his meaning all at once;—nay, that at his whole meaning you will not for a long time arrive in any wise. Not that he does not say what he means, and in strong words too; but he cannot say it all; and what is more strange, will not, but in a hidden way and in parables, in order that he may be sure you want it. I cannot quite see the reason of this, nor analyse that cruel reticence in the breasts of wise men which makes them always hide their deeper thought. They do not give it to you by way of help, but of reward, and will make themselves sure that you deserve it before they allow you to reach it. But it is the same with the physical type of wisdom, gold. There seems, to you and me, no reason why the electric forces of the earth should not carry whatever there is of gold within it at once to the mountain tops, so that kings and people might know that all the gold they could get was there; and without any trouble and digging, or anxiety, or chance, or waste of time, cut it away, and coin as much as they needed. But Nature does not manage it so. She puts it in little fissures in the earth, nobody knows where: you may dig long and find none; you must dig painfully to find any.

我们会很轻易地说:“这本书太好了!书里的想法和我的一模一样 !”但正确的感受应该是:“这本书太奇怪了!我以前从来没有这样想过,但我明白这种想法是对的;或者虽然我现在不明白,但我希望将来有一天能明白。”但无论是否如此恭敬,至少你一定要走近作者去理解他的意思,而不是去寻找你自己的想法。如果你觉得自己够资格评判这本书,你可以去评判,但在此之前你要先弄明白作者在说什么。而且对于值得花工夫去理解的作者,你不会一看就知道他想说什么——不仅如此,他会让你很长一段时间都不会感到有所顿悟。不是作者词不达意,也不是他的语言不够鲜明,而是他不能说得太明白;更奇怪的是,他也不愿意说得太明白,而是通过隐晦的方式和比喻的方法来表达,以便弄清楚你是否真的想要知道。我也不是很明白作者为什么这样做,也分析不出为什么智者总是将他们深邃的思想隐藏在心里,任凭我们如何痛苦思量,他们还是沉默寡言。他们不是通过帮助来向你传达他们的思想,而是以一种奖励的姿态;在允许你得到之前,他们要确信你值得拥有。这就好比“有形的智慧”——黄金。可能你我都会觉得,为什么不用地球上的电力把一切含有黄金的物质都马上运到山顶呢?这样一来,国王和人民就会知道他们能得到的所有金子都在山顶,就不必费力去挖掘、不必焦虑、不必投机、不必浪费时间,直接砍掉一块,想铸多少金币就铸多少。但大自然不这样安排。她把黄金放在地球的小缝隙中,没人知道在哪儿:你可能挖很久也挖不到一点;要找到黄金,你必须努力地挖。

And it is just the same with men's best wisdom. When you come to a good book, you must ask yourself, "Am I inclined to work as an Australian miner would? Are my pickaxes and shovels in good order, and am I in good trim myself, my sleeves well up to the elbow, and my breath good, and my temper?" And, keeping the figure a little longer, even at the cost of tiresomeness, for it is a thoroughly useful one, the metal you are in search of being the author's mind or meaning, his words are as the rock which you have to crush and smelt in order to get at it. And your pickaxes are your own care, wit, and learning; your smelting-furnace is your own thoughtful soul. Do not hope to get at any good author's meaning without those tools and that fire; often you will need sharpest, finest chiselling, and patientest fusing, before you can gather one grain of the metal.


And, therefore, first of all, I tell you, earnestly and authoritatively, (I know I am right in this,) you must get into the habit of looking intensely at words, and assuring yourself of their meaning, syllable by syllable—nay, letter by letter. For though it is only by reason of the opposition of letters in the function of signs, to sounds in the function of signs, that the study of books is called "literature," and that a man versed in it is called, by the consent of nations, a man of letters instead of a man of books, or of words, you may yet connect with that accidental nomenclature this real principle:—that you might read all the books in the British Museum (if you could live long enough), and remain an utterly "illiterate," uneducated person; but that if you read ten pages of a good book, letter by letter,—that is to say, with real accuracy,—you are forevermore in some measure an educated person. The entire difference between education and non-education (as regards the merely intellectual part of it), consists in this accuracy. A well-educated gentleman may not know many languages,—may not be able to speak any but his own,—may have read very few books. But whatever language he knows, he knows precisely; whatever word he pronounces he pronounces rightly; above all, he is learned in the peerage of words; (knows the words of true descent and ancient blood, at a glance, from words of modern canaille); remembers all their ancestry—their inter-marriages, distant relationships, and the extent to which they were admitted, and offices they held, among the national noblesse of words at any time, and in any country. But an uneducated person may know by memory any number of languages, and talk them all, and yet truly know not a word of any,—not a word even of his own. An ordinarily clever and sensible seaman will be able to make his way ashore at most ports; yet he has only to speak a sentence of any language to be known for an illiterate person: so also the accent, or turn of expression of a single sentence will at once mark a scholar. And this is so strongly felt, so conclusively admitted, by educated persons, that a false accent or a mistaken syllable is enough, in the parliament of any civilized nation, to assign to a man a certain degree of inferior standing forever. And this is right; but it is a pity that the accuracy insisted on is not greater, and required to a serious purpose. It is right that a false Latin quantity should excite a smile in the House of Commons; but it is wrong that a false English meaning should not excite a frown there. Let the accent of words be watched, by all means, but let their meaning be watched more closely still, and fewer will do the work. A few words well chosen and distinguished, will do work that a thousand cannot, when every one is acting, equivocally, in the function of another. Yes; and words, if they are not watched, will do deadly work sometimes. There are masked words droning and skulking about us in Europe just now,—(there never were so many, owing to the spread of a shallow, blotching, blundering, infectious, "information," or rather deformation, everywhere, and to the teaching of catechisms and phrases at schools instead of human meanings)—there are masked words abroad, I say, which nobody understands, but which everybody uses, and most people will also fight for, live for, or even die for, fancying they mean this, or that, or the other, of things dear to them: for such words wear chameleon cloaks—"groundlion" cloaks, of the colour of the ground of any man's fancy: on that ground they lie in wait, and rend him with a spring from it. There never were creatures of prey so mischievous, never diplomatists so cunning, never poisoners so deadly, as these masked words; they are the unjust stewards of all men's ideas: whatever fancy or favourite instinct a man most cherishes, he gives to his favourite masked word to take care of for him; the word at last comes to have an infinite power over him,—you cannot get at him but by its ministry. And in languages so mongrel in breed as the English, there is a fatal power of equivocation put into men's hands, almost whether they will or no, in being able to use Greek or Latin words for an idea when they want it to be respectable, and Saxon or otherwise common forms when they want to discredit it. What a singular and salutary effect, for instance, would be produced on the minds of people who are in the habit of taking the Form of the words they live by, for the Power of which those words tell them, if we always either retained, or refused, the Greek form "biblos," or "biblion," as the right expression for "book"—instead of employing it only in the one instance in which we wish to give dignity to the idea, and translating it into English everywhere else. How wholesome it would be for many simple persons who worship the Letter of God's Word instead of its Spirit, (just as other idolaters worship His picture instead of His Presence,) if, in such places (for instance) as Acts xix. 19 we retained the Greek expression, instead of translating it, and they had to read—"Many of them also which used curious arts, brought their bibles together, and burnt them before all men; and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver!" Or if, on the other hand, we translated where we retain it, and always spoke of "The Holy Book," instead of "Holy Bible," it might come into more heads than it does at present that the Word of God, by which the heavens were, of old, and by which they are now kept in store (2 Peter iii. 5-7), cannot be made a present of to anybody in morocco binding; nor sown on any wayside by help either of steam plough or steam press; but is nevertheless being offered to us daily, and by us with contumely refused; and sown in us daily, and by us as instantly as may be, choked.

因此,首先我认真而负责地(我知道自己这样说是44对的)告诉你,你必须养成认真看每一个字的习惯,确认你知道每一个字的意思,一个音节一个音节地—不,应该是一个字母一个字母地看。关于书的研究被人们称为“文学”,精通此道的人被所有国家称为文学家,而不是书人或字词家,只不过是因为字母与发音在符号功能中的对立。虽然如此,你还是能把这种带有偶然性的命名法同下面这个标准联系起来—有的人读遍了大英博物馆的书(假设他能活这么长时间),到最后还是一个彻底的“文盲”,一个没有受过教育的人;而有的人读了一本好书的十页,一个字母一个字母地看—也就是说,真正精确地读—在某种程度上便永远是受过教育的人。(仅从智力教育来看)一个人是否受过教育完全取决于这种精确性。一个受过良好教育的人,可能会的语言不多——可能只会说自己的母语——可能读过的书很少。但是只要是他会的语言,他都掌握得很精确;无论他读哪一个单词,他的发音都正确;更重要的是,他所精通的是“贵族词语”( 他一眼就能看44出哪些词语有正统的古典血统,哪些是现代的低俗用语);他记得所有这些词语的出身——它们的联姻、它们的远亲,甚至还知道它们在各个年代、各个国家的贵族词汇中被接受的程度和被应用的场所。但是,一个没有受过教育的人可能靠记忆记住很多种语言,也都会说,然而实际上却没真正理解任何一个词——甚至是他自己的母语。一个智力和判断力都一般的海员可以在很多国家的港口顺利靠岸,但无论哪个国家的语言,他只要说一句就马上暴露出他是个没有受过教育的人。同样,只需要一句话,从口音或者表达方式上,就可以立即辨别出谁是学者。受过教育的人无不强烈感到并很肯定地认为,在任何一个文明国家的国会,口音不对或是发错一个音节就足以把一个人永远归于低人一等的位置了。这种想法是正确的,但很可惜人们对这种精确性的坚持还不够,目的也不严肃。在众议院发言,满口拉丁音的确会引人发笑,但用错一个英语单词的意思却没人为此而皱眉,这是不对的。我们要想尽各种4办法密切关注词语的发音,但是更要密切关注它们的意思,然而很少有人会这样做。几个精挑细选、反复推敲出来的好词,要比 1,000 个含糊不清、错乱混淆的词好用多了。是的,如果对词语不够重视,有时会犯致命的错误。现在,欧洲有很多伪词隐藏在我们身边嗡嗡作响——(这些词比以往任何时候都要多,这是因为浅薄、肮脏、愚蠢和传染病似的“信息” ——更准确的说是畸形信息——无处不在,还因为学校里教的是教条的知识和短语,而不是实际的词语意义)——我敢说,这些到处都是的伪词,没有人知道它们是什么意思,但每个人都在用,很多人还会捍卫它们的存在,为它们而活,甚至可以为它们去死,想象它们有这样那样的意义;还有人把它们看得很宝贵:因为这些词披着变色龙一样的外衣——或者说“地狮”(“groundlion”, 是“khamaileōn”(古希腊语,变色龙之义)的字面意思 ) 一样的外衣,能够迎合每个人想象中的色彩:它们潜伏在人们的头脑中,伺机跃起把人撕个粉碎。没有哪些猎食者比这些伪词更危险,没有哪位外交家比它们更狡猾,没有任何投毒者比它们更致命;它们是人们思想中无良的管家:无论一个人最珍惜的想象或喜爱的直觉是什么,他都交给最中意的伪词来替他保管;而这个伪词,最终无限地控制了他——不通过这个管家别人是无法明白这个人的。在像英语这样血统混杂的语言中,人们手中含糊的力量是致命的,几乎是不管他们愿不愿意,他们想要表达体面的想法时可以用希腊或拉丁词,想要通俗时又能用撒克逊或其他普通词汇。例如,如果我们总是采用或坚决不用希腊语“biblos”或“biblion”来表达英语中的“book(书)”, 而不是只在想表现自己思想高贵的时候才用,而其他时候都用英语表达,那么对我们这些习惯把“words(词)”这个词的形式当成这些词本身意义的人来说,这将给思想带来多么非凡而有益的影响啊!.如果 ( 比方说 ) 在《圣经 使徒行传》第 19 章第 19 小节中,我们保留希腊语表达,而不是像现在翻译成英语,那么很多信奉《圣经》的文字却不知道其实质的没头脑的人(就像那些只崇拜上帝画像而不是上帝本人的偶像崇拜者一样),就不得不这样读这段文字了——“平素行邪术的,也有许多人把书拿来,堆积在众人面前焚烧。他们算计书价,便知道共合五万块钱!”这将是多么有益啊!又或者,我们把现在保留的文字翻译成英语,不说“Holy Bible(《圣经》)”而说“Holy Book(《圣书》)”,那么可能会有比现在更多的人认识到古老的、来自天堂的上帝的话语,现在却陈列在商店待售(《彼得后书》第3章5—7小节——作者注),这是不能用摩洛哥皮革捆起来送人的;也是不能用蒸汽犁或是蒸汽印刷机随便在路边播撒的;虽然每天都收到上帝的话语,但我们总是傲慢地拒绝;虽然每天都有上帝的福音撒播在身上,但我们总是尽可能快地将其扼杀。

So, again, consider what effect has been produced on the English vulgar mind by the use of the sonorous Latin form "damno", in translating the Greek "κατακρ?νω", when people charitably wish to make it forcible; and the substitution of the temperate "condemn" for it, when they choose to keep it gentle. And what notable sermons have been preached by illiterate clergymen on—"He that believeth not shall be damned;" though they would shrink with horror from translating, Heb. xi. 7, "The saving of his house, by which he damned the world," or John viii. 12, "Woman, hath no man damned thee? She saith, No man, Lord. Jesus answered her, Neither do I damn thee; go and sin no more." And divisions in the mind of Europe, which have cost seas of blood, and in the defense of which the noblest souls of men have been cast away in frantic desolation, countless as forest-leaves—though, in the heart of them, founded on deeper causes—have nevertheless been rendered practicably possible, namely, by the European adoption of the Greek word for a public meeting, to give peculiar respectability to such meetings, when held for religious purposes; and other collateral equivocations, such as the vulgar English one of using the word "priest" as a contraction for "presbyter."

所以,再想一想,翻译希腊语“κατακρ?νω”时,为了凸显它的强制性,人们会选择铿锵有力的拉丁词形“damno(罚入地狱受刑)”;想让它显得温和些时,又会选择温和的“condemn(判罪)”,这对英国普通大众的思想产生了怎样的影响?想一想,虽然一些牧师没受过什么教育,但他们在引用“He that believeth not shall be damned(不信的必被定罪)”这样保留希腊语特色的句子时显得多么庄严和神圣啊;虽然他们对翻译成英语的《圣经》害怕得要死,例如《希伯来书》第11章第7小节的“The saving of his house, by which he damned the world(使他全家得救,因此定了全世界的罪)”,或者《约翰福音》第8 章第12 小节的“Woman, hath no man damned thee? She saidth, No man, Lord. Jesus answered her, Neither do I damn thee; go and sin no more(耶稣对她说,妇人,没有人定你的罪吗?她说,主啊,没有。耶稣说,我也不定你的罪;去吧,从此不要再犯罪了)”。欧洲人头脑中对本国语言和外来语之间的区分曾令成千上万的人为之流血牺牲,为了捍卫这条界限,多少高尚的灵魂被抛弃在令人发狂的孤独中,这些灵魂多如林叶——尽管,在他们内心深处,有着更深层次的原因——但是,某些时候,例如为了给宗教集会这种公众活动赋予特别的尊重,借用希腊语来表达实际上也是可行的;某些时候界限也是模糊的,例如通俗英语中的“priest(牧师)”是作为"presbyter"的缩写使用的。

Now, in order to deal with words rightly, this is the habit you must form. Nearly every word in your language has been first a word of some other language—of Saxon, German, French, Latin, or Greek; (not to speak of eastern and primitive dialects). And many words have been all these;—that is to say, have been Greek first, Latin next, French or German next, and English last: undergoing a certain change of sense and use on the lips of each nation; but retaining a deep vital meaning which all good scholars feel in employing them, even at this day. If you do not know the Greek alphabet, learn it; young or old—girl or boy—whoever you may be, if you think of reading seriously (which, of course, implies that you have some leisure at command), learn your Greek alphabet; then get good dictionaries of all these languages, and whenever you are in doubt about a word, hunt it down patiently. Read Max Müller's lectures thoroughly, to begin with; and, after that, never let a word escape you that looks suspicious. It is severe work; but you will find it, even at first, interesting, and at last, endlessly amusing. And the general gain to your character, in power and precision, will be quite incalculable.

因此,要正确使用词语,你必须养成下面的习惯。你的母语中,几乎每一个词语最初都来源于其他的某种语言——撒克逊语、德语、法语、拉丁语或者希腊语(这还不包括东方和原始方言)。很多词都是这样的——也就是说,先是希腊语,然后是拉丁语,接着是法语或德语,最后是英语:每个民族讲出来时,词语的意义和用法都发生了一些变化,但深层的关键意义被保留了下来。所有优秀的学者在使用词语时都能感受到,即使在今天也不例外。如果你还不知道希腊字母表,现在就学吧;不管你是年轻人还是老年人,是女孩还是男孩,无论是谁——如果你想要认真阅读(当然,这也意味着你有可支配的空闲时间),就要熟悉希腊字母表;然后学所有这些语言你都要有好字典,无论何时你对某个词有疑问,都要耐心地追根溯源。.我建议可以从通读马克斯 缪勒的演讲稿开始;然后,不要放过任何一个看似可疑的词语。这是项艰苦的工作,但是甚至刚开始你就会发现它很有意思,到最后你则会觉得其乐无穷。而这种习惯对你性格的塑造,其益处是无法估量的,它能增强你的精神力量,培养你的精确思维能力。

Mind, this does not imply knowing, or trying to know, Greek, or Latin, or French. It takes a whole life to learn any language perfectly. But you can easily ascertain the meanings through which the English word has passed; and those which in a good writer's work it must still bear.


And now, merely for example's sake, I will, with your permission, read a few lines of a true book with you, carefully; and see what will come out of them. I will take a book perfectly known to you all; No English words are more familiar to us, yet nothing perhaps has been less read with sincerity. I will take these few following lines of Lycidas: 2


"Last came, and last did go,


The pilot of the Galilean lake;


Two massy keys he bore of metals twain,


(The golden opes, the iron shuts amain),


He shook his mitred locks, and stern bespake,


How well could I have spar'd for thee, young swain,


Enow of such as for their bellies' sake


Creep, and intrude, and climb into the fold!


Of other care they little reckoning make,


Than how to scramble at the shearers' feast,


And shove away the worthy bidden guest;


Blind mouths! that scarce themselves know how to hold


A sheep-hook, or have learn'd aught else, the least


That to the faithful herdsman's art belongs!


What recks it them? What need they? They are sped;


And when they list, their lean and flashy songs


Grate on their scrannel pipes of wretched straw;


The hungry sheep look up, and are not fed,


But swoln with wind, and the rank mist they draw,


Rot inwardly, and foul contagion spread;


Besides what the grim wolf with privy paw


Daily devours apace, and nothing said.”


Let us think over this passage, and examine its words.


First, is it not singular to find Milton assigning to St. Peter 3 , not only his full episcopal function, but the very types of it which Protestants usually refuse most passionately? His "mitred" locks! Milton was no Bishop-lover; how comes St. Peter to be "mitred?" "Two massy keys he bore." Is this, then, the power of the keys claimed by the Bishops of Rome, and is it acknowledged here by Milton only in a poetical licence, for the sake of its picturesqueness, that he may get the gleam of the golden keys to help his effect? Do not think it. Great men do not play stage tricks with doctrines of life and death: only little men do that. Milton means what he says; and means it with his might too—is going to put the whole strength of his spirit presently into the saying of it. For though not a lover of false bishops, he was a lover of true ones; and the Lake-pilot is here, in his thoughts, the type and head of true episcopal power. For Milton reads that text, "I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of Heaven"quite honestly. Puritan though he be, he would not blot it out of the book because there have been bad bishops; nay, in order to understand him, we must understand that verse first; it will not do to eye it askance, or whisper it under our breath, as if it were a weapon of an adverse sect. It is a solemn, universal assertion, deeply to be kept in mind by all sects. But perhaps we shall be better able to reason on it if we go on a little farther, and come back to it. For clearly, this marked insistence on the power of the true episcopate is to make us feel more weightily what is to be charged against the false claimants of episcopate; or generally, against false claimants of power and rank in the body of the clergy; they who, "for their bellies' sake, creep, and intrude, and climb into the fold."


Do not think Milton uses those three words to fill up his verse, as a loose writer would. He needs all the three; especially those three, and no more than those—"creep," and "intrude," and "climb;" no other words would or could serve the turn, and no more could be added. For they exhaustively comprehend the three classes, correspondent to the three characters, of men who dishonestly seek ecclesiastical power. First, those who "creep" into the fold; who do not care for office, nor name, but for secret influence, and do all things occultly and cunningly, consenting to any servility of office or conduct, so only that they may intimately discern, and unawares direct, the minds of men. Then those who "intrude" (thrust, that is) themselves into the fold, who by natural insolence of heart, and stout eloquence of tongue, and fearlessly perseverant self-assertion, obtain hearing and authority with the common crowd. Lastly, those who "climb," who by labour and learning, both stout and sound, but selfishly exerted in the cause of their own ambition, gain high dignities and authorities, and become "lords over the heritage," though not "ensamples to the flock."


Now go on:—


"Of other care they little reckoning make,


Than how to scramble at the shearers' feast.


Blind mouths—”


I pause again, for this is a strange expression; a broken metaphor, one might think, careless and unscholarly.


Not so: its very audacity and pithiness are intended to make us look close at the phrase and remember it. Those two monosyllables express the precisely accurate contraries of right character, in the two great offices of the Church—those of bishop and pastor.


A Bishop means a person who sees.


A Pastor means a person who feeds.


The most unbishoply character a man can have is therefore to be Blind.


The most unpastoral is, instead of feeding, to want to be fed,—to be a Mouth.


Take the two reverses together, and you have "blind mouths." We may advisably follow out this idea a little. Nearly all the evils in the Church have arisen from bishops desiring power more than light. They want authority, not outlook. Whereas their real office is not to rule; though it may be vigorously to exhort and rebuke; it is the king's office to rule; the bishop's office is to oversee the flock; to number it, sheep by sheep; to be ready always to give full account of it. Now it is clear he cannot give account of the souls, if he has not so much as numbered the bodies of his flock. The first thing, therefore, that a bishop has to do is at least to put himself in a position in which, at any moment, he can obtain the history from childhood, of every living soul in his diocese, and of its present state. Down in that back street, Bill, and Nancy, knocking each other's teeth out!—Does the bishop know all about it? Has he his eye upon them? Has he had his eye upon them? Can he circumstantially explain to us how Bill got into the habit of beating Nancy about the head? If he cannot, he is no bishop, though he had a mitre as high as Salisbury steeple 4 ; he is no bishop,—he has sought to be at the helm instead of the masthead; he has no sight of things. "Nay," you say, it is not his duty to look after Bill in the backstreet. What! the fat sheep that have full fleeces—you think it is only those he should look after, while (go back to your Milton) "the hungry sheep look up, and are not fed, besides what the grim wolf, with privy paw" (bishops knowing nothing about it) "daily devours apace, and nothing said?"


"But that's not our idea of a bishop." Perhaps not; but it was St. Paul's; and it was Milton's. They may be right, or we may be; but we must not think we are reading either one or the other by putting our meaning into their words.


I go on.


"But, swoln with wind, and the rank mist they draw."


This is to meet the vulgar answer that "if the poor are not looked after in their bodies, they are in their souls; they have spiritual food."


And Milton says, "They have no such thing as spiritual food; they are only swollen with wind." At first you may think that is a coarse type, and an obscure one. But again, it is a quite literally accurate one. Take up your Latin and Greek dictionaries, and find out the meaning of "Spirit." It is only a contraction of the Latin word "breath," and an indistinct translation of the Greek word for "wind." The same word is used in writing, "The wind bloweth where is listeth;" and in writing, "So is every one that is born of the Spirit;" born of the breath, that is; for it means the breath of God, in soul and body. We have the true sense of it in our words "inspiration" and "expire." Now, there are two kinds of breath with which the flock may be filled; God's breath, and man's. The breath of God is health, and life, and peace to them, as the air of heaven is to the flocks on the hills; but man's breath—the word which he calls spiritual,—is disease and contagion to them, as the fog of the fen. They rot inwardly with it; they are puffed up by it, as a dead body by the vapours of its own decomposition. This is literally true of all false religious teaching; the first, and last, and fatalest sign of it is that "puffing up." Your converted children, who teach their parents; your converted convicts, who teach honest men; your converted dunces, who, having lived in cretinous stupefaction half their lives, suddenly awakening to the fact of there being a God, fancy themselves therefore His peculiar people and messengers; your sectarians of every species, small and great, Catholic or Protestant, of high church or low 5 , in so far as they think themselves exclusively in the right and others wrong; and pre-eminently, in every sect, those who hold that men can be saved by thinking rightly instead of doing rightly, by word instead of act, and wish instead of work:—these are the true fog children—clouds, these, without water; bodies, these, of putrescent vapour and skin, without blood or flesh: blown bag-pipes for the fiends to pipe with—corrupt, and corrupting,—"Swollen with wind, and the rank mist they draw."

弥尔顿说 :“根本就没有精神食粮这种东西;他们只能喝西北风”。起初,你也许会认为这样的语言粗糙晦涩。但另一方面,这却是一个非常准确的用词。翻开你的拉丁语和希腊语字典,看一下“精神(Spirit)”这个词的意思。它只不过是拉丁语“呼吸(breath)”一词的缩写,是希腊语“风(wind)”一词的模糊翻译。同一个词还用在“风儿任意吹”和“凡从精神生的,也是如此”的写作当中;也就是,生于呼吸的人;这里指的是上帝的呼吸,灵魂与肉体上都是。在“吸气(inspiration)”和“呼气(expire)”这两个词中,我们可以体会到“精神(Spirit)”的真正含义。现在,羊群(教民)可以呼吸到的有两种气息:上帝的气息和人的气息。上帝的气息就像健康、生命以及和平一样,对他们很重要,正如空气对于山上的群羊一样重要;而人的气息——他所谓的精神——对于他们就像是疾病和传染,正如沼泽的雾气一样。这种气息让羊群的内脏腐烂;使它们膨胀起来,就像死尸被自身分解的气体吹起来一样。这对所有虚假的宗教学说来说都是真实的;其最初、最后,也是最重要的特征是“膨胀起来”。皈依了的孩子,反过来教训他们的父母;皈依了的罪人,开始教育诚实的人;皈依了的蠢人,原本半生生活得痴痴呆呆,迷迷糊糊,突然间认识到了上帝的存在,因此幻想自己是上帝眷顾的人,是上帝的使者;在各个宗派中,无论大小,无论是天主教徒还是新教徒,无论是高教会派还是低教会派,许多成员认为只有自己才是对的,别人都是错的;尤其是各个宗派中那些认为人是通过正确的思想而不是正确的行为,是通过说话而不是行动,是通过意愿而不是工作而获得救赎的人——这些人是真正的雾的孩子——是没有水汽的云;是没有了血肉的腐烂气体和躯壳:是魔鬼吹奏的风笛——已经腐败,而且还在继续腐败——“喝西北风,嗅着刺鼻的薄雾。

Lastly, let us return to the lines respecting the power of the keys, for now we can understand them. Note the difference between Milton and Dante in their interpretation of this power: for once, the latter is weaker in thought; he supposes both the keys to be of the gate of heaven; one is of gold, the other of silver: they are given by St. Peter to the sentinel angel; and it is not easy to determine the meaning either of the substances of the three steps of the gate, or of the two keys. But Milton makes one, of gold, the key of heaven; the other, of iron, the key of the prison, in which the wicked teachers are to be bound who "have taken away the key of knowledge, yet entered not in themselves."


We have seen that the duties of bishop and pastor are to see, and feed; and, of all who do so, it is said, "He that watereth, shall be watered also himself." But the reverse is truth also. He that watereth not, shall be withered himself; and he that seeth not, shall himself be shut out of sight,—shut into the perpetual prison-house. And that prison opens here, as well as hereafter: he who is to be bound in heaven must first be bound on earth. That command to the strong angels, of which the rock-apostle is the image, "Take him, and bind him hand and foot, and cast him out," issues, in its measure, against the teacher, for every help withheld, and for every truth refused and for every falsehood enforced; so that he is more strictly fettered the more he fetters, and farther outcast, as he more and more misleads, till at last the bars of the iron cage close upon him, and as "the golden opes, the iron shuts amain."


We have got something out of the lines, I think, and much more is yet to be found in them; but we have done enough by way of example of the kind of word-by-word examination of your author which is rightly called "reading;" watching every accent and expression, and putting ourselves always in the author's place, annihilating our own personality, and seeking to enter into his, so as to be able assuredly to say, "Thus Milton thought," not "Thus I thought, in mis-reading Milton." And by this process you will gradually come to attach less weight to your own "Thus I thought" at other times. You will begin to perceive that what you thought was a matter of no serious importance;—that your thoughts on any subject are not perhaps the clearest and wisest that could be arrived at thereupon:—in fact, that unless you are a very singular person, you cannot be said to have any "thoughts" at all; that you have no materials for them, in any serious matters;—no right to "think," but only to try to learn more of the facts. Nay, most probably all your life (unless, as I said, you are a singular person) you will have no legitimate right to an "opinion" on any business, except that instantly under your hand. What must of necessity be done, you can always find out, beyond question, how to do. Have you a house to keep in order, a commodity to sell, a field to plough, a ditch to cleanse? There need be no two opinions about these proceedings; it is at your peril if you have not much more than an "opinion" on the way to manage such matters. And also, outside of your own business, there are one or two subjects on which you are bound to have but one opinion. That roguery and lying are objectionable, and are instantly to be flogged out of the way whenever discovered;—that covetousness and love of quarreling are dangerous dispositions even in children, and deadly dispositions in men and nations;—that in the end, the God of heaven and earth loves active, modest, and kind people, and hates idle, proud, greedy, and cruel ones;—on these general facts you are bound to have but one, and that a very strong, opinion. For the rest, respecting religions, governments, sciences, arts, you will find that, on the whole, you can know NOTHING,—judge nothing; that the best you can do, even though you may be a well-educated person, is to be silent, and strive to be wiser every day, and to understand a little more of the thoughts of others, which so soon as you try to do honestly, you will discover that the thoughts even of the wisest are very little more than pertinent questions. To put the difficulty into a clear shape, and exhibit to you the grounds for indecision, that is all they can generally do for you!—and well for them and for us, if indeed they are able "to mix the music with our thoughts, and sadden us with heavenly doubts." This writer, from whom I have been reading to you, is not among the first or wisest: he sees shrewdly as far as he sees, and therefore it is easy to find out his full meaning; but with the greater men, you cannot fathom their meaning; they do not even wholly measure it themselves,—it is so wide. Suppose I had asked you, for instance, to seek for Shakespeare's opinion, instead of Milton's, on this matter of Church authority?—or for Dante's? Have any of you, at this instant, the least idea what either thought about it? Have you ever balanced the scene with the bishops in Richard III 6 .against the character of Cranmer 7 ? the description of St. Francis and St. Dominic 8 against that of him who made Virgil 9 wonder to gaze upon him,—"disteso, tanto vilmente, nell' eterno esilio;" or of him whom Dante stood beside, "come'l frate che confessa lo perfido assassin?" (Inf. xix. 71; xxiii. 117) Shakespeare and Alighieri knew men better than most of us, I presume! They were both in the midst of the main struggle between the temporal and spiritual powers. They had an opinion, we may guess? But where is it? Bring it into court! Put Shakespeare's or Dante's creed into articles, and send that up into the Ecclesiastical Courts!

我想我们已经从字里行间读出些什么来了,并且更多的意思还有待进一步发掘。但是鉴于我们只是为了举例说明如何逐字解读作者才能被称作“阅读”,我想我们已经做得够多了;要注意每一个发音和表达,始终把我们放在作者的立场上,消除自己的个性,努力进入作者的思想,然后才能坚定地说“弥尔顿就是这样想的”,而不是“误读弥尔顿时,我是这样想的”。通过这个过程,你会逐渐不那么重视“我是这样想的”这种平素自我的想法。你会发现你的想法并不是什么重要的思想——你对任何事物的想法都或许不是最清楚和最明智的——实际上,除非你卓越非凡,否则你根本就谈不上有什么“思想”;对于任何严肃的事物,你都没有掌握材料——你没有权利去“想”,而只能努力去了解更多的事实。不,很可能你的一生(就像我刚说的,除非你卓越非凡),除了手头上的事,对任何事物都没有发表“意见”的合法权利。对于必须要做的事情,毫无疑问,你总能发现该怎样去做。你有房间要打扫吗?有货要卖吗?有田要耕吗?要沟渠要清理吗?做这些事,不需要有两种意见;如果你在这些事情上有不止一种“意见”,那你就危险了。而且,除了你自己的琐事之外,还有一两件事,你也只能有一种意见。耍无赖和撒谎都是令人讨厌的,一旦被发现马上就会遭到驱逐——贪婪和爱争吵即便对儿童而言,也是危险的倾向,对成年人和国家来说,则是致命的——毕竟,主宰天地万物的上帝还是喜欢积极、谦虚和善良的人,憎恶懒惰、骄傲、贪婪和残忍的人——对于这些基本的事实,你必须只能有一种意见,而且要非常坚决。对于其他事情,涉及到宗教、政治、科学、艺术,你会发现,总的来说,你什么也不知道,什么也不能判断;即使你或许是一个受过良好教育的人,你所能做的,最好就是保持沉默,努力让自己每天变得聪明一点,多了解一些别人的思想。只要老老实实努力去做到这些,你就会发现即使是最聪明的想法也不过是些与之相关的问题而已。把难题表述清楚,向你展示无法定论的原因,一般而言,这就是这些思想所能做到的一切!如果确实能够“将音乐与我们的思想混合,用上天的疑惑使我们悲哀”,那么它们所起的作用,对于它们和我们来讲都是令人满意的,我向你们朗读的这位作家,不属于最顶尖的也不是最聪明的:只要是他能看到的,他都看得很精明,因此很容易就能发现他的全部意思;不过,对于更伟大的作家,你就无法测量他们的意思了,甚至他们自己也不能完全衡量这些意义——实在太广泛了,例如,假设我问你们的不是弥尔顿,而是莎士比亚或者但丁对教会权威的看法,你们当中有谁能有些许看法,知道他们是怎么想的吗?你们是否曾比较过《查理三世》中主教的形象和克兰麦这个角色?是否比较过对圣方济各和圣多明我的描述和那个让维吉尔惊奇地去注视的人物——“他目睹那人躺倒在地上成十字形,竟然如此可耻地经受这永被放逐的苦刑”,或者那个但丁旁边的人物,“我呆在那里,像是教.士听取不忠的杀手作忏悔”(《神曲 地狱》第 19 首第 71行;第 23 首 117 行——作者注)。我认为莎士比亚和但丁比我们大多数人都更了解人类!他们都身处世俗权力和精神力量的主要斗争之中。我们可以猜想他们有自己的观点吗?但他们的观点在哪里呢?带到法庭来!将莎士比亚或但丁的信条逐条列出,然后将它们送入教会法庭里!

You will not be able, I tell you again, for many and many a day, to come at the real purposes and teaching of these great men; but a very little honest study of them will enable you to perceive that what you took for your own "judgement" was mere chance prejudice, and drifted, helpless, entangled weed of castaway thought: nay, you will see that most men's minds are indeed little better than rough heath wilderness, neglected and stubborn, partly barren, partly overgrown with pestilent brakes and venomous wind-sown herbage of evil surmise; that the first thing you have to do for them, and yourself, is eagerly and scornfully to set fire to this; burn all the jungle into wholesome ash-heaps, and then plough and sow. All the true literary work before you, for life, must begin with obedience to that order, "Break up your fallow ground, and sow not among thorns."


II. Having then faithfully listened to the great teachers, that you may enter into their Thoughts, you have yet this higher advance to make;—you have to enter into their Hearts. As you go to them first for clear sight, so you must stay with them that you may share at last their just and mighty Passion. Passion, or "sensation." I am not afraid of the word; still less of the thing. You have heard many outcries against sensation lately; but, I can tell you, it is not less sensation we want, but more. The ennobling difference between one man and another,—between one animal and another,—is precisely in this, that one feels more than another. If we were sponges, perhaps sensation might not be easily got for us; if we were earth-worms, liable at every instant to be cut in two by the spade, perhaps too much sensation might not be good for us. But being human creatures, it is good for us; nay, we are only human in so far as we are sensitive, and our honour is precisely in proportion to our passion.

2 诚心聆听过伟大导师的教诲之后,你才可能进入他们的思想,但你还需要更进一步——你还要进入他们的心里。因为你靠近他们首先是为了看得清楚,所以你必须和他们在一起,这样你才可能最终分享他们正确而强大的感情。感情,又或者说“感知”,我不害怕说这个词,更不害怕提及这件事。最近,你们已经听过不少对感知的斥责;但是,我可以告诉你们,我们所需要的不是较少的感知,而是更多的感知。区分人与人、动物与动物间高低贵贱的正是这一点,就在于一方比另一方感知到的要多。如果我们是海绵,可能感知对我们来说是不容易得到的;如果我们是蚯蚓,随时有可能被铁锹砍成两段,可能太多的感知对我们来说并不是好事。但作为人类,感知对我们来说是好的;不,甚至可以说,因为我们可以感知才成为人,我们的荣光恰恰与感情成正比。

You know I said of that great and pure society of the dead, that it would allow "no vain or vulgar person to enter there." What do you think I meant by a "vulgar" person? What do you yourselves mean by "vulgarity?" You will find it a fruitful subject of thought; but, briefly, the essence of all vulgarity lies in want of sensation. Simple and innocent vulgarity is merely an untrained and undeveloped bluntness of body and mind; but in true inbred vulgarity, there is a deathful callousness, which, in extremity, becomes capable of every sort of bestial habit and crime, without fear, without pleasure, without horror, and without pity. It is in the blunt hand and the dead heart, in the diseased habit, in the hardened conscience, that men become vulgar; they are for ever vulgar, precisely in proportion as they are incapable of sympathy,—of quick understanding,—of all that, in deep insistence on the common, but most accurate term, may be called the "tact" or touch-faculty of body and soul: that tact which the Mimosa has in trees, which the pure woman has above all creatures;—fineness and fulness of sensation beyond reason;—the guide and sanctifier of reason itself. Reason can but determine what is true:—it is the God-given passion of humanity which alone can recognise what God has made good.


We come then to the great concourse of the Dead, not merely to know from them what is True, but chiefly to feel with them what is Righteous. Now, to feel with them, we must be like them; and none of us can become that without pains. As the true knowledge is disciplined and tested knowledge,—not the first thought that comes,—so the true passion is disciplined and tested passion,—not the first passion that comes. The first that come are the vain, the false, the treacherous; if you yield to them they will lead you wildly and far, in vain pursuit, in hollow enthusiasm, till you have no true purpose and no true passion left. Not that any feeling possible to humanity is in itself wrong, but only wrong when undisciplined. Its nobility is in its force and justice; it is wrong when it is weak, and felt for paltry cause. There is a mean wonder, as of a child who sees a juggler tossing golden balls, and this is base, if you will. But do you think that the wonder is ignoble, or the sensation less, with which every human soul is called to watch the golden balls of heaven tossed through the night by the Hand that made them? There is a mean curiosity, as of a child opening a forbidden door, or a servant prying into her master's business;—and a noble curiosity, questioning, in the front of danger, the source of the great river beyond the sand,—the place of the great continents beyond the sea;—a nobler curiosity still, which questions of the source of the River of Life, and of the space of the Continent of Heaven,—things which "the angels desire to look into." So the anxiety is ignoble, with which you linger over the course and catastrophe of an idle tale; but do you think the anxiety is less, or greater, with which you watch, or ought to watch, the dealings of fate and destiny with the life of an agonized nation? Alas! it is the narrowness, selfishness, minuteness, of your sensation that you have to deplore in England at this day;—sensation which spends itself in bouquets and speeches; in revellings and junketings; in sham fights and gay puppet shows, while you can look on and see noble nations murdered, man by man, woman by woman, child by child, without an effort, or a tear.


I said "minuteness" and "selfishness" of sensation, but in a word, I ought to have said "injustice" or "unrighteousness" of sensation. For as in nothing is a gentleman better to be discerned from a vulgar person, so in nothing is a gentle nation (such nations have been) better to be discerned from a mob, than in this,—that their feelings are constant and just, results of due contemplation, and of equal thought. You can talk a mob into anything; its feelings may be—usually are—on the whole generous and right; but it has no foundation for them, no hold of them; you may tease or tickle it into any, at your pleasure; it thinks by infection, for the most part, catching an opinion like a cold, and there is nothing so little that it will not roar itself wild about, when the fit is on;—nothing so great but it will forget in an hour, when the fit is past. But a gentleman's, or a gentle nation's, passions are just, measured, and continuous. A great nation, for instance, does not spend its entire national wits for a couple of months in weighing evidence of a single ruffian's having done a single murder; and for a couple of years, see its own children murder each other by their thousands or tens of thousands a day, considering only what the effect is likely to be on the price of cotton, and caring nowise to determine which side of battle is in the wrong. Neither does a great nation send its poor little boys to jail for stealing six walnuts; and allow its bankrupts to steal their hundreds or thousands with a bow, and its bankers, rich with poor men's savings, to close their doors "under circumstances over which they have no control," with a "by your leave;" and large landed estates to be bought by men who have made their money by going with armed steamers up and down the China Seas, selling opium at the cannon's mouth, and altering, for the benefit of the foreign nation, the common highwayman's demand of "your money or your life," into that of "your money and your life." Neither does a great nation allow the lives of its innocent poor to be parched out of them by fog fever, and rotted out of them by dunghill plague, for the sake of sixpence a life extra per week to its landlords; and then debate, with drivelling tears, and diabolical sympathies, whether it ought not piously to save, and nursingly cherish, the lives of its murderers. Also, a great nation, having made up its mind that hanging is quite the wholesomest process for its homicides in general, can yet with mercy distinguish between the degrees of guilt in homicides; and does not yelp like a pack of frost-pinched wolf-cubs on the blood-track of an unhappy crazed boy, or grey-haired clodpate Othello, "perplexed i' the extreme," at the very moment that it is sending a Minister of the Crown to make polite speeches to a man who is bayoneting young girls in their father's sight, and killing noble youths in cool blood, faster than a country butcher kills lambs in spring. And, lastly, a great nation does not mock Heaven and its Powers, by pretending belief in a revelation which asserts the love of money to be the root of all evil, and declaring, at the same time, that it is actuated, and intends to be actuated, in all chief national deeds and measures, by no other love.(See the evidence in the Medical officer's report to the Privy Council, just published. There are suggestions in its preface which will make some stir among us, I fancy, respecting which let me note these points following:—

我说到感知的“舍本逐末”和“自私”,但换言之我应该说感知的“不道义”或“不正当”。因为就像辨别绅士和粗俗的人一样,辨别温良的民族(这样的民族已经存在)和乌合之众,最好的方法就是看他们的感觉是不是始终如一和正当,是不是经过了深思熟虑,是不是公正的思想。你可以说服一群乌合之众做任何事情,总的来说,他们的感觉可能——通常是——慷慨和正确的,但这些都是无本之木、无源之水,你可以随性戏弄他们,他们中的大多数,在思想上都是人云亦云,就像被传染了一样。对他们来说,只要发作起来,再微不足道的小事也能让他们疯狂;而只要发作过后,无论多大的事都会在一个小时内忘记。但是,绅士或者温良的民族,他们的感情是正当的、经过深思熟虑的和持续的。比如,一个伟大的国家,不会将整个国家的心智连续几个月用来权衡某个恶棍是否杀了人的证据;也不会长达数年看着自己的子民互相残杀,看着每天死去成千上万的人,不会只顾着思考这可能会对棉花价格产生什么样的影响而丝毫不去思考战争中到底哪一方是错的。一个伟大的国家也不会因为一个贫穷的小男孩偷了六个胡桃就把他送进监狱;不会让破产的人鞠个躬就偷走成千上万元;不会让银行家拿着穷人的积蓄,借口“在这种情况下他们也无能为力”,一句“请原谅”就关门大吉;不会让那些驾着蒸汽船横行中国海域,用大炮强行贩卖鸦片的人,那些为了外国的利益而把强盗通常所要求的“要钱还是要命”改成“要钱也要命”的人,有钱大量买田置地。一个伟大的国家也不会让无辜的穷人饱受流感热病的灼烧,不会因为穷人没有每人每周向房东交付额外的 6 便士租金就任他们在恶臭和瘟疫中腐烂;不会流着愚蠢的眼泪和怀着恶毒的同情心,去争论是否应该虔诚地拯救和精心地呵护杀人犯们的性命。此外,一个伟大的国家,在下定决心对杀人犯普遍实行绞刑是很有益的程序之后,仍然能够仁慈地区分杀人犯罪行的不同程度;也不会像一群冻僵的狼崽子,对着一个不幸的疯男孩留下的血痕发出嚎叫,也不会像满头白发傻瓜似的奥赛罗一样,起初派王宫大臣向那个当着女孩父亲的面刺死女孩的凶手、那个冷血杀害高贵青年快过乡下屠夫宰杀羊羔的杀人犯,发表温和的演说,之后又感慨“我简直无法理解”。最后,一个伟大的国家不会嘲笑上帝和他的力量,不会假装相信对金钱的热爱是一切罪恶的根源,而同时又宣称其一切主要的国家行动和措施都是而且都会被这种对金钱的热爱所驱使。(有关证据可以参考刚刚发布的卫生官员呈枢密院的报告。我猜这份报告前言中的一些建议会在我们中引起轰动,考虑到这一点,请允许我摘录如下一些观点:

There are two theories on the subject of land now aboard, and in contention; both false.


The first is that by Heavenly law, there have always existed, and must continue to exist, a certain number of hereditarily sacred persons, to whom the earth, air, and water of the world belong, as personal property; of which earth, air and the water these persons may, at their pleasant permit, or forbid, the rest of the human race to eat, to breathe or to drink. This theory is not for many years longer tenable. The adverse theory is that a division of the land of the world among the mob of the world would immediately elevate the said mob into scared personages; that houses would then build themselves, and corn grow of itself; and that everybody would able to live, without doing any work for his living. This theory would also be found highly untenable in practice.


It will, however, require some rough experiments, and rougher catastrophes, even in this magnesium-lighted epoch, before the generality of persons will be convinced that no law concerning anything, least of all concerning land, for either holding or dividing it, or renting it high, or renting it low, would be of the smallest ultimate use to the people, so long as the general contest for life, and for the means of life, remains one of mere brutal competition. That contest, in an unprincipled nation, will take one deadly form or another, whatever laws you make for it. For instance, it would be an entirely wholesome law for England, if it could be carried, that maxium limits should be assigned to incomes, according to classes; and that every nobleman's income should be paid to him as a fixed salary or pension by the nation; and not squeezed by him in a variable sum, at direction, out of the tenants of his land. But if you could get such a law passed tomorrow; and if, which would be father necessary, you could fix the value of the assigned incomes by making a given weight of pure wheat-flour legal tender for a given sum, a twelvemonth would not pass before another currency would have been tacitly established, and the power of accumulative wealth would have re-asserted itself in some other article, or some imaginary sign. Forbid man to buy each other's life for sovereigns, and they will for shells, or slates. There is only one cure for public distress—and that is public education, directed to make man thoughtful, merciful, and just. There are, indeed, many laws conceivable which would gradually better and strengthen the nation temper; but, for the most part, they are such as the national temper must be much bettered before it would bear. A nation in its youth may be helped by laws, as a weak child by backboards, but when it is old, it cannot that way straighten its crooked spine.


And besides; the problem of land, at its worst, is a bye one; distribute the earth as you will, the principal question remains inexorable,—who is to dig it? Which of us, in brief words, is to do the hard and dirty work for the rest—and for what pay? Who is to do the pleasant and clean work, and for what pay? And there are curious moral and religious questions connected with these. How far is it lawful to suck a portion of the soul out of a great many persons, in order to put the abstracted psychical quantities together, and make one very beautiful or ideal soul? If we had to deal with mere blood, instead of spirit, and the thing might literally be done (as it has been done with infants before now) so that it were possible, by taking a certain quantity of blood from the arms of a given number of the mob, and putting it all into one person, to make a more azure-blooded gentleman of him, the thing would of course be managed; but secretly, I should conceive. But now, because it is brain and soul that we abstract, not visible blood, it can be done quite openly; and we live, we gentlemen, on delicatest prey, after the manner of weasels; that is to say we keep a certain number of clowns digging and ditching, and generally stupefied, in order that we, being fed gratis, may have all the thinking feeling to ourselves. Yet there is a great deal to be said for this. A highly-bred and trained English, French, Austrian, or Italian gentleman (much more a lady) is a great production,—a better production than most statues; being beautifully coloured as well as shaped, and plus all the brains; aglorious thing to look at, a wonderful thing to talk to; and you cannot have it, any more than a pyramid or a church, but by sacrifice of much contributed life. And it is, perhaps, better to build a beautiful human creature than a beautiful dome of steeple; and more delightful to look up reverently to a creature far above us, than to a wall; only the beautiful human creature will have some duties to do in return—duties of living belfry and rampart—of which presently.)


My friends, I do not know why any of us should talk about reading. We want some sharper discipline than that of reading; but, at all events, be assured, we cannot read. No reading is possible for a people with its mind in this state. No sentence of any great writer is intelligible to them. It is simply and sternly impossible for the English public, at this moment, to understand any thoughtful writing,—so incapable of thought has it become in its insanity of avarice. Happily, our disease is, as yet, little worse than this incapacity of thought; it is not corruption of the inner nature; we ring true still, when anything strikes home to us; and though the idea that everything should "pay" has infected our every purpose so deeply, that even when we would play the good Samaritan, we never take out our two pence and give them to the host, without saying, "When I come again, thou shalt give me fourpence," there is a capacity of noble passion left in our hearts' core. We show it in our work—in our war,—even in those unjust domestic affections which make us furious at a small private wrong, while we are polite to a boundless public one: we are still industrious to the last hour of the day, though we add the gambler's fury to the labourer's patience; we are still brave to the death, though incapable of discerning true cause for battle, and are still true in affection to our own flesh, to the death, as the sea-monsters are, and the rock-eagles. And there is hope for a nation while this can be still said of it. As long as it holds its life in its hand, ready to give it for its honour (though a foolish honour), for its love (though a selfish love), and for its business (though a base business) there is hope for it. But hope only; for this instinctive, reckless virtue cannot last. No nation can last, which has made a mob of itself, however generous at heart. It must discipline its passions, and direct them, or they will discipline it, one day, with scorpion whips. Above all, a nation cannot last as a money-making mob: it cannot with impunity,—it cannot with existence,—go on despising literature, despising science, despising art, despising nature, despising compassion, and concentrating its soul on Pence. Do you think these are harsh or wild words? Have patience with me but a little longer. I will prove their truth to you, clause by clause.


I. I say first we have despised literature. What do we, as a nation, care about books? How much do you think we spend altogether on our libraries, public or private, as compared with what we spend on our horses? If a man spends lavishly on his library, you call him mad—a biblio-maniac. But you never call any one a horse-maniac, though men ruin themselves every day by their horses, and you do not hear of people ruining themselves by their books. Or, to go lower still, how much do you think the contents of the book-shelves of the United Kingdom, public and private, would fetch, as compared with the contents of its wine-cellars? What position would its expenditure on literature take, as compared with its expenditure on luxurious eating? We talk of food for the mind, as of food for the body: now a good book contains such food inexhaustibly; it is a provision for life, and for the best part of us; yet how long most people would look at the best book before they would give the price of a large turbot for it! Though there have been men who have pinched their stomachs and bared their backs to buy a book, whose libraries were cheaper to them, I think, in the end, than most men's dinners are. We are few of us put to such trial, and more the pity; for, indeed, a precious thing is all the more precious to us if it has been won by work or economy; and if public libraries were half as costly as public dinners, or books cost the tenth part of what bracelets do, even foolish men and women might sometimes suspect there was good in reading, as well as in munching and sparkling; whereas the very cheapness of literature is making even wise people forget that if a book is worth reading, it is worth buying. No book is worth anything which is not worth much; nor is it serviceable, until it has been read, and reread, and loved, and loved again; and marked, so that you can refer to the passages you want in it, as a soldier can seize the weapon he needs in an armoury, or a housewife bring the spice she needs from her store. Bread of flour is good; but there is bread, sweet as honey, if we would eat it, in a good book; and the family must be poor indeed which, once in their lives, cannot, for such multipliable barley-loaves, pay their baker's bill. We call ourselves a rich nation, and we are filthy and foolish enough to thumb each other's books out of circulating libraries!


II. I say we have despised science. "What!" (you exclaim) "are we not foremost in all discovery, and is not the whole world giddy by reason, or unreason, of our inventions?" Yes; but do you suppose that is national work? That work is all done in spite of the nation; by private people's zeal and money. We are glad enough, indeed, to make our profit of science; we snap up anything in the way of a scientific bone that has meat on it, eagerly enough; but if the scientific man comes for a bone or a crust to us, that is another story. What have we publicly done for science? We are obliged to know what o'clock it is, for the safety of our ships, and therefore we pay for an observatory; and we allow ourselves, in the person of our Parliament, to be annually tormented into doing something, in a slovenly way, for the British Museum; sullenly apprehending that to be a place for keeping stuffed birds in, to amuse our children. If anybody will pay for his own telescope, and resolve another nebula, we cackle over the discernment as if it were our own; if one in ten thousand of our hunting squires suddenly perceives that the earth was indeed made to be something else than a portion for foxes, and burrows in it himself, and tells us where the gold is, and where the coals, we understand that there is some use in that; and very properly knight him: but is the accident of his having found out how to employ himself usefully any credit to us? (The negation of such discovery among his brother squires may perhaps be some discredit to us, if we would consider of it.) But if you doubt these generalities, here is one fact for us all to meditate upon, illustrative of our love of science. Two years ago there was a collection of the fossils of Solenhofen to be sold in Bavaria; the best in existence, containing many specimens unique for perfectness, and one, unique as an example of a species (a whole kingdom of unknown living creatures being announced by that fossil). This collection, of which the mere market worth, among private buyers, would probably have been some thousand or twelve hundred pounds, was offered to the English nation for seven hundred: but we would not give seven hundred, and the whole series would have been in the Munich Museum at this moment, if Professor Owen (I state this fact without Professor Owen's permission: which of course he could not with propriety have granted, had I asked it; but I consider it so important that the public should be aware of the fact, that I do what seems to me right, though rude.) had not, with loss of his own time, and patient tormenting of the British public in person of its representatives, got leave to give four hundred pounds at once, and himself become answerable for the other three! which the said public will doubtless pay him eventually, but sulkily, and caring nothing about the matter all the while; only always ready to cackle if any credit comes of it. Consider, I beg of you, arithmetically, what this fact means. Your annual expenditure for public purposes (a third of it for military apparatus), is at least 50 millions. Now 700l. is to 50,000,000l. roughly, as seven pence to two thousand pounds. Suppose then, a gentleman of unknown income, but whose wealth was to be conjectured from the fact that he spent two thousand a year on his park-walls and footmen only, professes himself fond of science; and that one of his servants comes eagerly to tell him that an unique collection of fossils, giving clue to a new era of creation, is to be had for the sum of seven pence sterling; and that the gentleman, who is fond of science, and spends two thousand a year on his park, answers, after keeping his servant waiting several months, "Well! I'll give you fourpence for them, if you will be answerable for the extra threepence yourself, till next year!"

(二)我说到我们鄙视了科学。“什么!”(你们大叫)“难道在各项发现中我们不是最领先的吗?难道整个世界没有因为我们的发明的理智性或非理智性而眼花缭乱吗?”是的,我们做到了。但你是不是认为这些是国家的成就呢?这些成就和国家没有关系,是靠个人的热情和金钱达成的。我们的确非常乐于从科学中谋取利益;迫不及待地争夺那根带肉的科学的骨头。但如果是科学家来我们这儿想要得到一根骨头或是一块面包皮,那就是另一回事了。我们公众为科学做过些什么呢?为了船舰的安全,必须知道时间,所以我们才出钱建造天文台;我们允许自己通过议会每年勉强地为大英博物馆随便做些事,生气地认为那只是一个保存鸟类标本的地方,不过是为了娱乐儿童。如果有人自掏腰包买望远镜,分析出另一团星云,我们会喋喋不休地谈论这一发现,就像是我们自己的一样;如果我们一万个狩猎骑士中有一个忽然发现地球上不只是有若干的狐狸,还有其他东西,然后亲自探寻,告诉我们哪里有黄金,哪里有煤矿,我们会认为这样是有些用处的;然后非常理所当然地给他加官进爵。但是,这只不过是一个人偶然发现了怎样使自己成为有用之人,我们有什么值得骄傲呢?(如果我们想一想就会发现,他的同圈兄弟对这一发现的否定,可能倒是我们应该觉得丢脸的事。)不过,如果你们怀疑这些概括性的表述,这里倒是有个事实可以让我们思考,表现我们对科学的热爱。两年前,德国巴伐利亚州有一批索伦霍芬的化石出售,这是现存最好的化石了,包含很多保存完好程度罕见的标本,以及一个稀有物种的仅存标本(整块化石展示了一个完整的未知生物的王国)。在私人收藏家中,这批化石纯粹的市场价格可能达到 1,000 至 1,200 英镑,而给英国的报价是 700 英镑。但我们不愿出 700 英镑。如果不是欧文教授费时奔走(我在这里引用的事实,并没有得到欧文教授的允许:如果我事先征求他的意见,他肯定会有所顾忌,不同意我引用;但是我想这件事很重要,应该引起公众的注意。所以尽管有些无礼,但我还是做了自己认为正确的事。——作者注),耐心地逐个苦劝英国公众的代表,得到批准及时支付 400 英镑,然后自掏腰包支付了另外 300 英镑,那么这批化石现在早已进了慕尼黑博物馆。毫无疑问,政府最终肯定还是会把钱还给他,但是并不高兴,从始至终根本不关心这件事;只要从中可以获得任何利益,随时准备好开怀一笑。我请你们想一想,计算一下这件事究竟意味着什么。每年我们的公共开支(其中有三分之一用于军事装备)至少有 5,000 万英镑。现在 700 英镑对 5,000 英镑,大致相当于 7 便士对 2,000 英镑。那么假设有一位绅士,收入未知,但从他每年仅仅花在花园墙和男佣身上的钱就有 2,000 英镑这一事实,我们可以推算出他的财产不菲,同时他声称自己喜欢科学。假设他的一个仆人热心地来告诉他有一批可以揭示生命新纪元的稀有的化石用 7 便士的价格就可以买到;这位喜欢科学的绅士,这位每年花2,000 英镑打理花园的绅士,让他的仆人等了几个月后,答复说:“好吧!我可以付 4 便士,如果你明年以前先垫付另外3便士的话!”

III. I say you have despised Art! "What!" you again answer, "have we not Art exhibitions, miles long? and do we not pay thousands of pounds for single pictures? and have we not Art schools and institutions, more than ever nation had before?" Yes, truly, but all that is for the sake of the shop. You would fain sell canvas as well as coals, and crockery as well as iron; you would take every other nation's bread out of its mouth if you could; not being able to do that, your ideal of life is to stand in the thoroughfares of the world, like Ludgate 10 apprentices, screaming to every passer by, "What d'ye lack?" You know nothing of your own faculties or circumstances; you fancy that, among your damp, flat, fat fields of clay, you can have as quick art-fancy as the Frenchman among his bronzed vines, or the Italian under his volcanic cliffs;—that Art may be learned as book-keeping is, and when learned, will give you more books to keep. You care for pictures, absolutely, no more than you do for the bills pasted on your dead walls. There is always room on the walls for the bills to be read,—never for the pictures to be seen. You do not know what pictures you have (by repute) in the country, nor whether they are false or true, nor whether they are taken care of or not; in foreign countries, you calmly see the noblest existing pictures in the world rotting in abandoned wreck—(and, in Venice, with the Austrian guns deliberately pointed at the palaces containing them), and if you heard that all the Titians in Europe were made into sand-bags to-morrow on the Austrian forts, it would not trouble you so much as the chance of a brace or two of game less in your own bags in a day's shooting. That is your national love of Art.


IV. You have despised nature; that is to say, all the deep and sacred sensations of natural scenery. The French revolutionists made stables of the cathedrals of France; you have made race-courses of the cathedrals of the earth. Your one conception of pleasure is to drive in railroad carriages round their aisles, and eat off their altars. You have put a railroad bridge over the fall of Schaffhausen. You have tunnelled the cliffs of Lucerne by Tell's chapel; you have destroyed the Clarens shore of the Lake of Geneva; there is not a quiet valley in England that you have not filled with bellowing fire; there is no particle left of English land which you have not trampled coal ashes into—nor any foreign city in which the spread of your presence is not marked among its fair old streets and happy gardens by a consuming white leprosy of new hotels and perfumers' shops: the Alps themselves, which your own poets used to love so reverently, you look upon as soaped poles in a bear-garden, which you set yourselves to climb, and slide down again, with "shrieks of delight." When you are past shrieking, having no human articulate voice to say you are glad with, you fill the quietude of their valleys with gunpowder blasts, and rush home, red with cutaneous eruption of conceit, and voluble with convulsive hiccough of self-satisfaction. I think nearly the two sorrowfullest spectacles I have ever seen in humanity, taking the deep inner significance of them, are the English mobs in the valley of Chamouni 11 , amusing themselves with firing rusty howitzers; and the Swiss vintagers of Zurich expressing their Christian thanks for the gift of the vine, by assembling in knots in the "towers of the vineyards," and slowly loading and firing horse-pistols from morning till evening. It is pitiful, to have dim conceptions of duty; more pitiful, it seems to me, to have conceptions like these, of mirth.


Lastly. You despise compassion. There is no need of words of mine for proof of this. I will merely print one of the newspaper paragraphs which I am in the habit of cutting out and throwing into my store-drawer; here is one from a Daily Telegraph of an early date this year; date which, though by me carelessly left unmarked, is easily discoverable; for on the back of the slip, there is the announcement that "yesterday the seventh of the special services of this year was performed by the Bishop of Ripon in St.Paul's;" and there is a pretty piece of modern political economy besides, worth preserving note of, I think, so I print it in the note below (It is announced that arrangement has been concluded between the Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Credit for the payment of the eleven millions which the State has to pay to the National Bank by the 14th inst. This sum will be raised as follows:—The eleven commercial members of the committee of the Bank of Credit will each borrow a million of florins for three months of this bank, which will accept their bills, which again will be discounted by the National Bank. By this arrangement the National Bank will itself furnish the funds with which it wil be paid. ). But my business is with the main paragraph, relating one of such facts as happen now daily, which, by chance, has taken a form in which it came before the coroner. I will print the paragraph in red. Be sure, the facts themselves are written in that colour, in a book which we shall all of us, literate or illiterate, have to read our page of, some day.

最后,你们鄙视同情心。这一点不需要我说任何话来证明。剪报并将其收藏在抽屉中是我的一个习惯,我就引述一段报纸上的话。这是今年(1867)早些时候《每日电讯报》上的一段话,虽然我不小心忘了标注日期,但应该很容易就查清,因为剪报背面写着“昨天在圣保罗教堂里彭主教主持了今年第七次特别宗教仪式”;旁边还有一段现代政治经济学的精辟论断,我认为值得记下来,所以就写在下面的脚注里。(据报道,国家财政部与信贷银行已达成协议,政府将于本月 14 日之前,向国家银行支付1,100 万。这笔钱将通过以下方式筹得:信贷银行委员会的 11 位商业成员每人从这家银行借 100 万银币,借款期为 3 个月;信贷银行将承兑他们的汇票,再由国家银行贴现。根据这项协议,实际上是国家银行用自己提供的资金来付给自己。——作者注)但我要说的是主要的段落,关系到每天都会发生的众多事情中的一件。巧合的是,这件事呈现在了验尸官面前。我把引用的段落印成红色。注意,我们所有人,无论是否识字,总有一天都要读到生命这本书中我们的那一页,在那本书中,这些事本身就是用红色书写的。

"An inquiry was held on Friday by Mr. Richards, deputy coroner, at the White Horse Tavern, Christ Church, Spitalfields, respecting the death of Michael Collins, aged 58 years. Mary Collins, a miserable-looking woman, said that she lived with the deceased and his son in a room at 2, Cobb's Court, Christ Church. Deceased was a 'translator' of boots. Witness went out and bought old boots; deceased and his son made them into good ones, and then witness sold them for what she could get at the shops, which was very little indeed. Deceased and his son used to work night and day to try and get a little bread and tea, and pay for the room (2s. a week), so as to keep the home together. On Friday-night week deceased got up from his bench and began to shiver. He threw down the boots, saying, 'Somebody else must finish them when I am gone, for I can do no more.' There was no fire, and he said, 'I would be better if I was warm.' Witness therefore took two pairs of translated boots to sell at the shop, but she could only get 14d. for the two pairs, for the people at the shop said, 'We must have our profit.' Witness got 14lb. of coal, and a little tea and bread. Her son sat up the whole night to make the 'translations,' to get money, but deceased died on Saturday morning. The family never had enough to eat.—Coroner: 'It seems to me deplorable that you did not go into the workhouse.' —Witness: 'We wanted the comforts of our little home.' A juror asked what the comforts were, for he only saw a little straw in the corner of the room, the windows of which were broken. The witness began to cry, and said that they had a quilt and other little things. The deceased said he never would go into the workhouse. In summer, when the season was good, they sometimes made as much as 10s. profit in a week. They then always saved towards the next week, which was generally a bad one. In winter they made not half so much. For three years they had been getting from bad to worse.—Cornelius Collins said that he had assisted his father since 1847. They used to work so far into the night that both nearly lost their eyesight. Witness now had a film over his eyes. Five years ago deceased applied to the parish for aid. The relieving officer gave him a 4lb. loaf, and told him if he came again he should 'get the stones.' (I do not know what this means. It is curiously coincident in verbal form, with a certain passage which some of us may remember. It may perhaps be well to preserve beside this paragraph, another cutting out of my store-drawer, from the Morning Post, of about a parallel date, Friday, March 10th, 1865:—The salons of Mme. C—, who did the honours with clever imitative grace and elegance, were crowded with princes, dukes, marquises, and counts—in fact, with the same male company as one meets at the parties the Princess Metternich and Madame Drouyn de Lhuys. Some English peers and members of Parliament were present, and appeared to enjoy the animated and dazzlingly improper scene. On the second floor the supper tables were loaded with every delicacy of the season. That your readers may form some idea of the dainty fare of the Parisian demi-monde, I copy the menu of the supper, which was served to all the guests (about 200) seated at four o'clock. Choice Yquem, Johannisberg, Laffitte, Tokay, and Champagne of the finest vintages were served most lavishly throughout the morning. After supper dancing was resumed with increased animation, and the ball terminated with a chaine diabalique and a cancan d'enfer at seven in the morning. (Morning service—‘Ere the fresh lawns appeared, under the opening eyelids of the Morn. —') Here is the menu:—‘Consommé de volaille à la Bagration; 16 hors-d'?vres variés. Bouchées à la Talleyrand. Saumons froids, sauce Ravigote. Filets de bauf en Bellevue, timbales milanaises chaudfroid de gibier. Dindes truffées. Patés de foies gras, buissons d'écrevisses, salads vénétiennes, gelees blanches aux fruits, gateaux mancini, parisiens et parisiennes. Fromages glacés. Ananas. Dessert. ') That disgusted deceased, and he would have nothing to do with them since. They got worse and worse until last Friday week, when they had not even a half penny to buy a candle. Deceased then lay down on the straw, and said he could not live till morning.—A juror: 'You are dying of starvation yourself, and you ought to go into the house until the summer.' —Witness: 'If we went in we should die. When we come out in the summer we should be like people dropped from the sky. No one would know us, and we would not have even a room. I could work now if I had food, for my sight would get better.' —Dr. G. P. Walker said deceased died from syncope, from exhaustion from want of food. The deceased had had no bed-clothes. For four months he had had nothing but bread to eat. There was not a particle of fat in the body. There was no disease, but, if there had been medical attendance, he might have survived the syncope or fainting. —The coroner having remarked upon the painful nature of the case, the jury returned the following verdict, 'That deceased died from exhaustion from want of food and the common necessaries of life; also through want of medical aid.'"

“本周五,代理验尸官理查兹先生在斯毕塔菲尔德地.区克里斯特教堂辖区的白马客栈就 58 岁的迈克尔 柯林.斯之死展开调查。神情悲痛的妇人玛丽 柯林斯说自己和死者以及他们的儿子住在克里斯特教堂辖区考伯院 2 号的一间屋子里。死者生前是一个皮靴的“翻改者”。女证人负责到外面收购旧靴子,死者和儿子将旧鞋翻新,然后再由女证人拿到商店去卖些钱,能卖多少算多少,不过收入微薄。死者和他的儿子常常日以继夜地工作,为了尽力换取少量的面包和茶,并支付房租(每星期 2 先令),以使全家共居一处。周五晚上,死者从长凳上站起来后开始发抖。他扔下手里的鞋,说道:“这双要我走以后让别人来修补了,我已经干不了了。”房间里没生火,他说:“要是暖和些,我会感觉好点。”于是女证人拿了两双修好的靴子到商店去卖,但两双鞋只卖了 14 便士。商店的人说:“我们必须要盈利啊。”证人买了 14 磅煤,以及一点茶和面包。她的儿子为了赚钱,修了一夜鞋,但死者还是在星期六早上去世了。这一家子从来没有足够的东西可吃——验尸官说:“在我看来,你们没去救济院真是令人感叹。”女证人说:“我们需要这个小家庭带来的舒适。”一名陪审员问有哪些舒适,因为他只在房屋的角落里看到了几根稻草和已经破烂不堪的窗户。女证人开始哭了起来,说他们有一床被子和其他一些小东西。死者生前说过他绝不会到救济院去。夏天生意好的时候,他们有时每周可以赚到 10先令。那时他们总是会为下个星期省下一些钱,因为下个星期往往生意不好。冬天他们的收入连夏天的一半都没.有。3 年来,他们的状况越来越差——科尼利厄斯 柯林斯说他从 1847 年起就帮爸爸干活。他们常常工作到很晚,以致于两个人几乎都要失明了。男证人(儿子)现在眼睛里还有翳影。5 年前,死者曾向教区求助。救济官给了他4 磅面包,然后告诉他要是再来的话,就只能“吃闭门羹”了。(我不知道这是什么意思。很凑巧,这个动词形式和某段文章中的那个一样,也许我们中还有人记得。除了这一段外,也许我还可以再引用一段我抽屉里的剪报新闻。这篇新闻的日期和第一篇几乎是平行的,摘自 1865 年 3月 10 日星期五的《晨报》。内容如下:“C女士的沙龙——她通过巧妙地模仿优美和雅致而使整个沙龙显得很高贵,这里云集了王子、公爵、侯爵夫人和伯爵等贵族——事实. .上,这些人与出现在梅特里奇公主和德劳恩 德 鲁伊斯夫人聚会上的是同一群男士。也有些英国贵族和国会议员出席,他们看起来很喜欢这里充满活力和令人眼花缭乱的非正统氛围。二楼的餐桌上,摆放着各种时令美食。为了让读者对巴黎上层风流社会的美食有些概念,我抄下了晚餐的菜单。下午 4 点钟的时候,所有客人(约 200 人)都坐了下来享受这些美食。不限量供应上等依奎姆葡萄酒、德国的高级白葡萄酒、拉斐特葡萄酒、匈牙利芳香葡萄酒、以及优质葡萄酒香槟,直至凌晨。晚餐过后,歌舞表演更浓,舞会一直持续到凌晨 7 点,在魔鬼的锁链和地狱的流言中结束。(早礼拜——“清晨睁开了眼睛,面前是一片清新的草坪。”)菜单如下:巴格拉季昂炖鸡汤、16 道冷盘、塔列兰巧克力夹心糖、冷鲑鱼、调味沙司、百利威牛里脊肉、米兰烩饭、烤火鸡、肥肝罐头、成堆的螯虾、威尼斯沙拉、冰镇水果、曼奇尼蛋糕、巴黎宫庭菜、奶酪冰激凌、凤梨、餐后点心等等。——作者注)这令死者非常厌恶,从那以后他再也不想和这些救济官员有什么瓜葛了。他们的状况越来越差,直到上周五,他们连买蜡烛的半个便士也没有了。死者躺在稻草上,说自己活不到第二天早上了——一名陪审员接着说:“你们自己也快饿死了,应该到救济院去住 , 直到夏天。” ——男证人说:“如果进去了,我们会死的。夏天离开救济院的时候,我们会像从天上掉下来的人一样。没有人会认识我们,甚至连个房间也没有。只要有食物,我现在就可以工作,因为我的眼睛会变好的。” G. P.沃克医生说死者死于昏厥,是由于缺少食物而导致的精疲力竭所引起的。死者连被褥也没有。4个月以来,他只能吃面包。他的身体里没有一点脂肪。虽然他没有生病,但是如果曾得到医疗护理,他可能会在昏厥过后生存下来。验尸官评论完这起令人悲痛的案件之后,陪审团作出如下判决:“死者死于缺少食物以及生活必需品而导致的精疲力竭,另一原因是没有得到医治。”

"Why would witness not go into the workhouse?" you ask. Well, the poor seem to have a prejudice against the workhouse which the rich have not; for of course every one who takes a pension from Government goes into the workhouse on a grand scale: only the workhouses for the rich do not involve the idea of work, and should be called play-houses. But the poor like to die independently, it appears; perhaps if we made the play-houses for them pretty and pleasant enough, or gave them their pensions at home, and allowed them a little introductory peculation with the public money, their minds might be reconciled to it. Meantime, here are the facts: we make our relief either so insulting to them, or so painful, that they rather die than take it at our hands; or, for third alternative, we leave them so untaught and foolish that they starve like brute creatures, wild and dumb, not knowing what to do, or what to ask. I say, you despise compassion; if you did not, such a newspaper paragraph would be as impossible in a Christian country as a deliberate assassination permitted in its public streets. (I am heartily glad to see such a paper as the Pall Mall Gazette established; for the power of the press in the hands of highly-educated men, in independent position, and of honest purpose, may indeed become all that it has been hitherto vainly vaunted to be. Its editor will therefore, I doubt not, pardon me, in that, by very reason of my respect for the journal, I do not let pass unnoticed an article in its third number, page 5, which was wrong in every word of it, with the intense wrongness which only an honest man can achieve who has taken a false turn of thought in the outset, and is following it, regardless of consequences. It contained at the end this notable passage: —

你们问:“证人为什么不进救济院?”噢,这个,似乎穷人对救济院有偏见而富人却没有,因为每一个从政府领取保障金的人当然都可以说是进了广泛意义上的救济院:只是富人的救济院不需要工作,更应该被称为游乐园。看起来好像穷人喜欢独自死去,但也许如果我们也给他们建一座足够漂亮、足够舒服的游乐园,或者让他们在家就可以领取保障金,允许他们稍稍侵吞点公款,那么他们的想法可能会因此改变,使他们自己去接受这一安排。而事实却是:我们的救济要么使他们觉得受辱,要么使他们痛苦,以至于他们宁愿死也不愿意接受我们的帮助;又或者,第三种情况,我们任由他们不受教育,任由他们愚蠢下去,以致于他们像野兽般饥饿得发狂却说不出来,不知道该做些什么,或是该要些什么。我说你们是鄙视同情心的,如果你们没有,一个基督教国家是不会任由这段新闻里所描述的事情发生的,就像不会允许在大街上发生蓄意谋杀一样。(我非常高兴看到像《佩尔美尔公报》这样一份报纸问世,因为新闻舆论的力量掌握在学识渊博的人手中,处在独立的位置,抱着诚实的目的,可能真的会将新闻界长期自我标榜的形象变成现实。因此,我相信这份报纸的编辑会原谅我出于对这份刊物的尊重,指出第 3 期第 5 页的那篇文章从头到尾大错特错了。只有诚实的人才会犯这样严重的错误,从一开始想法就是错的,然后不计后果地一路错下去。文章的结尾有这样值得注意的一段:

"The bread of affliction, and the water of affliction—aye, and the bedsteads and blankets of affliction, are the very utmost that the law ought to give to outcasts merely as outcasts." I merely put beside this expression of the gentlemanly mind of England in 1865, a part of the message which Isaiah was ordered to "lift up his voice like a trumpet" in declaring to the gentlemen of his day: "Ye fast for strife, and to smite with the fist of wickedness. Is not this fast that I have chosen, to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out (margin, 'afflicted') to thy house." The falsehood on which the writer had "To confound the functions of the dispensers of the poor-rates with those of the dispensers of a charitable institution is a great and pernicious error." This sentence is so accurately and exquisitely wrong, that its substance must be thus reversed in our minds before we can deal with any existing problem of national distress. "To understand that the dispensers of the poor-rates are the almoners of the nation, and should distribute its alms with a gentleness and freedom of hand as much greater and franker than that possible to individual charity, as the collective national wisdom and power may be supposed greater than those of any single person, is the foundation of all law respecting pauperism.”) "Christian" did I say? Alas, if we were but wholesomely un-Christian, it would be impossible: it is our imaginary Christianity that helps us to commit these crimes, for we revel and luxuriate in our faith, for the lewd sensation of it; dressing it up, like everything else, in fiction. The dramatic Christianity of the organ and aisle, of dawn-service and twilight-revival—the Christianity which we do not fear to mix the mockery of, pictorially, with our play about the devil, in our Satanellas, —Roberts, —Fausts; chanting hymns through traceried windows for back-ground effect, and artistically modulating the "Dio" through variation on variation of mimicked prayer: (while we distribute tracts, next day, for the benefit of uncultivated swearers, upon what we suppose to be the signification of the Third Commandment); —this gas-lighted, and gas-inspired, Christianity, we are triumphant in, and draw back the hem of our robes from the touch of the heretics who dispute it. But to do a piece of common Christian righteousness in a plain English word or deed; to make Christian law any rule of life, and found one National act or hope thereon, —we know too well what our faith comes to for that! You might sooner get lightning out of incense smoke than true action or passion out of your modern English religion. You had better get rid of the smoke, and the organ pipes, both: leave them, and the Gothic windows, and the painted glass, to the property man; give up your carburetted hydrogen ghost in one healthy expiration, and look after Lazarus at the door-step. For there is a true Church wherever one hand meets another helpfully, and that is the only holy or Mother Church which ever was, or ever shall be.

“法律应该把流浪汉仅仅当作流浪汉对待,给予他们的最多不过是痛苦之面包和痛苦之水;是的,还有痛苦之床铺和被褥。”我只是在这位 1865 年英国绅士的话旁边标注了几句话,即以赛亚受命“像喇叭一样高声”向他那个时代的绅士们宣布:“你们禁食,为的是吵闹和竞争,拿凶恶的拳头打人。难道我选择的禁食不是要你们把面包分给饥饿的人,把被驱逐的穷人带到你们的房屋吗?”就像作者前面提到的那样,该文章的错误思想建立在:“将贫民救济税分配人的职责和慈善机构分配人的职责混在一起是一个重大的、致命的错误。”这句话错得实在离谱,要想解决英国现存的国民贫困问题,我们必须将这句话在脑海中反过来理解。“要知道贫民救济税的分配者是国家的施赈人员,在发放救济品时应该温柔、自主,要比个人慈善行为更加大方和诚恳;就像国家的集体智慧和力量理应比任何个人更伟大一样,这一点是一切有关贫困问题的法律基础。” ——作者注)我说了“基督教”吗?天啊,如果我们有幸都不是基督教徒,这样的事似乎也不可能发生;正是我们想象中的基督教促使我们犯下了这些罪行,因为我们任由自己陶醉沉湎于自己的信仰,贪恋它所带来的邪恶感官刺激;就像对待其他任何事物一样,用想象把它伪装起来。装饰着风琴和走廊,每天晨仪暮诵的戏剧化的基督教——我们不害怕《撒旦尼拉斯》、《罗伯茨》和《浮士德》剧目里魔鬼出场时嘲讽地从雕花窗户里传出赞美诗的背景音乐,不害怕抑扬顿挫的优美唱诗音"Dio"(上帝)实际上不过是模仿祈祷中音调的变换(当翌日为未受教洗的宣誓者分发宗教宣传册时,我们认为自己是受了第三戒律的感召)。这种靠煤气灯照耀和启发的基督教,我们为之欢欣鼓舞,拉回我们法袍的褶边,以免质疑我们信仰的异教徒碰到。即便是在日常的语言和行为上,我们也谨守基督教徒共有的正直;将基督教的训诫当作生活的准则,在其基础上建立我们国家的法律和希望。我们对于自己的信仰所要实现的这些目的再清楚不过了!从熏香烟里得到闪电也要比从你们现代英国宗教里得到真正的行动力和激情来得容易。你们最好把烟雾和管风琴统统扔掉,把它们以及哥特式窗户和彩画玻璃,留给道具管理员;放弃健康体魄中虚无缥缈的幻象去照顾门前台阶上的穷人。因为凡是人与人之间愿意伸出援手的地方,就有真正的教堂,而且只有那样的教堂才是神圣的,过去是,将来也是。

All these pleasures, then, and all these virtues, I repeat, you nationally despise. You have, indeed, men among you who do not; by whose work, by whose strength, by whose life, by whose death, you live, and never thank them. Your wealth, your amusement, your pride would all be alike impossible, but for those whom you scorn or forget. The policeman, who is walking up and down the black lane all night to watch the guilt you have created there; and may have his brains beaten out, and be maimed for life at any moment, and never be thanked: the sailor wrestling with the sea's rage; the quiet student poring over his book or his vial, the common worker, without praise, and nearly without bread, fulfilling his task as your horses drag your carts, hopeless, and spurned of all: these are the men by whom England lives; but they are not the nation; they are only the body and nervous force of it, acting still from old habit in a convulsive perseverance, while the mind is gone. Our National wish and purpose are to be amused; our National religion, the performance of church ceremonies, and preaching of soporific truths (or untruths) to keep the mob quietly at work, while we amuse ourselves; and the necessity for this amusement is fastening on us as a feverous disease of parched throat and wandering eyes—senseless, dissolute, merciless. When men are rightly occupied, their amusement grows out of their work, as the colour-petals out of a fruitful flower; —when they are faithfully helpful and compassionate, all their emotions become steady, deep, perpetual, and vivifying to the soul as the natural pulse to the body. But now, having no true business, we pour our whole masculine energy into the false business of money-making; and having no true emotion, we must have false emotions dressed up for us to play with, not innocently, as children with dolls, but guiltily and darkly, as the idolatrous Jews with their pictures on cavern walls, which men had to dig to detect. The justice we do not execute, we mimic in the novel and on the stage; for the beauty we destroy in nature, we substitute the metamorphosis of the pantomime, and (the human nature of us imperatively requiring awe and sorrow of some kind) for the noble grief we should have borne with our fellows, and the pure tears we should have wept with them, we gloat over the pathos of the police court, and gather the night-dew of the grave.


It is difficult to estimate the true significance of these things; the facts are frightful enough;—the measure of national fault involved in them is perhaps not as great as it would at first seem. We permit, or cause, thousands of deaths daily, but we mean no harm; we set fire to houses, and ravage peasants' fields; yet we should be sorry to find we had injured anybody. We are still kind at heart; still capable of virtue, but only as children are. Chalmers 12 , at the end of his long life, having had much power with the public, being plagued in some serious matter by a reference to "public opinion," uttered the impatient exclamation, "The public is just a great baby!" And the reason that I have allowed all these graver subjects of thought to mix themselves up with an inquiry into methods of reading, is that, the more I see of our national faults and miseries, the more they resolve themselves into conditions of childish illiterateness, and want of education in the most ordinary habits of thought. It is, I repeat, not vice, not selfishness, not dullness of brain, which we have to lament; but an unreachable schoolboy's recklessness, only differing from the true schoolboy's in its incapacity of being helped, because it acknowledges no master. There is a curious type of us given in one of the lovely, neglected works of the last of our great painters. It is a drawing of Kirkby Lonsdale 13 churchyard, and of its brook, and valley, and hills, and folded morning sky beyond. And unmindful alike of these, and of the dead who have left these for other valleys and for other skies, a group of schoolboys have piled their little books upon a grave, to strike them off with stones. So do we play with the words of the dead that would teach us, and strike them far from us with our bitter, reckless will, little thinking that those leaves which the wind scatters had been piled, not only upon a gravestone, but upon the seal of an enchanted vault—nay, the gate of a great city of sleeping kings, who would awake for us, and walk with us, if we knew but how to call them by their names. How often, even if we lift the marble entrance gate, do we but wander among those old kings in their repose, and finger the robes they lie in, and stir the crowns on their foreheads; and still they are silent to us, and seem but a dusty imagery; because we know not the incantation of the heart that would wake them;—which, if they once heard, they would start up to meet us in their power of long ago, narrowly to look upon us, and consider us; and, as the fallen kings of Hades meet the newly fallen, saying, "Art thou also become weak as we—art thou also become one of us?" so would these kings, with their undimmed, unshaken diadems, meet us, saying, "Art thou also become pure and mighty of heart as we? art thou also become one of us?"


Mighty of heart, mighty of mind—"magnanimous"—to be this, is indeed to be great in life; to become this increasingly, is, indeed, "to advance in life,"—in life itself—not in the trappings of it. My friends, do you remember that old Scythian 14 custom, when the head of a house died? How he was dressed in his finest dress, and set in his chariot, and carried about to his friends' houses; and each of them placed him at his table's head, and all feasted in his presence? Suppose it were offered to you, in plain words, as it is offered to you in dire facts, that you should gain this Scythian honour, gradually, while you yet thought yourself alive. Suppose the offer were this: "You shall die slowly; your blood shall daily grow cold, your flesh petrify, your heart beat at last only as a rusted group of iron valves. Your life shall fade from you, and sink through the earth into the ice of Caina 15 ; but, day by day, your body shall be dressed more gaily, and set in higher chariots, and have more orders on its breast—crowns on its head, if you will. Men shall bow before it, stare and shout round it, crowd after it up and down the streets; build palaces for it, feast with it at their tables' heads all the night long; your soul shall stay enough within it to know what they do, and feel the weight of the golden dress on its shoulders, and the furrow of the crown-edge on the skull;—no more. Would you take the offer, verbally made by the death-angel? Would the meanest among us take it, think you? Yet practically and verily we grasp at it, every one of us, in a measure; many of us grasp at it in its fulness of horror. Every man accepts it, who desires to advance in life without knowing what life is; who means only that he is to get more horses, and more footmen, and more fortune, and more public honour, and—not more personal soul. He only is advancing in life, whose heart is getting softer, whose blood warmer, whose brain quicker, whose spirit is entering into Living peace. And the men who have this life in them are the true lords or kings of the earth—they, and they only. All other kingships, so far as they are true, are only the practical issue and expression of theirs; if less than this, they are either dramatic royalties,—costly shows, with real jewels instead of tinsel,—the toys of nations; or else, they are no royalties at all, but tyrannies, or the mere active and practical issue of national folly; for which reason I have said of them elsewhere, "Visible governments are the toys of some nations, the diseases of others, the harness of some, the burdens of more."

拥有强大的心灵和思想,也就是“宽广的胸怀”,做到这一点,也就确实成就了人生中的伟大;逐渐向着这一目标努力就是真正的“人生品质的提高” ——是人生本身而不是它的装饰品的提升。朋友们,你们还记得旧时斯基台人在一家之主去世时的习俗吗?他是如何被穿上最华丽的衣服,安放到马车里,运到他朋友们的家,他们中的每一个人都把他奉为上宾,在他面前大摆盛宴?假设有人明确无误地告诉你们,就像用可怕的事实告诉你们一样,在你们以为自己还活着的时候,可以慢慢地享受到这种斯基台人的礼遇。情形是这样的:“你将慢慢死去,血液一天天变冷,肌肉变僵,心脏最终像一组生锈的铁阀那样费力地跳动。你的生命将失去活力,穿过地面,沉入地狱深处的凯伊纳冰川。但是,日复一日,你身上的衣服越来越华丽,乘坐在越来越高的马车上,胸前的勋章越来越多——要是愿意的话,还可以戴上王冠。人们会向你的肉体鞠躬,凝视着,围着它呼喊着,在街上来来回回追随着;人们为它建造宫殿,把它摆在餐桌首席位置上,大摆筵席,整夜狂欢;你的灵魂会留在体内,让你知道他们在做什么,让你感受黄金衣压在肩上的重量和头盖骨上王冠边缘的沟壑——仅此而已。你们会接受死亡天使口述的这个机会吗?想一想,我们中最卑劣的人会接受吗?然而,我们每一个人,在某种程度上,都确确实实、毫无疑问地抓住了这样的机会;很多人在深深的恐惧中抓住了它。每个渴望提高人生品质却不知道什么是人生的人,每个只是想要得到更多马匹、更多佣人、更多财富和更多荣耀,而不是更多个人灵魂的人,都接受这样的机会。只有那些心更加柔和、血更加温暖、思维更加敏捷,心灵正在进入充满生机的平静状态下的人,才真正在提高其人生的品质。拥有这样人生的人是世上真正的君王——他们,也只有他们才是。其他一切王权,如果是真实的,也不过是王权实质上的体现和表达而已;不太真实的那些,要么是戏剧化的王权——用真正的珠宝而不是金属箔片装扮的奢华表演——就像国家的玩具;要么就根本不是王权,而是暴政,或者说只不过是国家愚蠢行为积极和现实的表现。其中的原因,我在其他地方已经说过:“有形的政府是一些国家的玩具,另一些国家的毒瘤,一些国家的护甲,更多国家的负担。”

But I have no words for the wonder with which I hear Kinghood still spoken of, even among thoughtful men, as if governed nations were a personal property, and might be bought and sold, or otherwise acquired, as sheep, of whose flesh their king was to feed, and whose fleece he was to gather; as if Achilles' 16 indignant epithet of base kings, "people-eating" were the constant and proper title of all monarchs; and enlargement of a king's dominion meant the same thing as the increase of a private man's estate! Kings who think so, however powerful, can no more be the true kings of the nation than gad-flies are the kings of a horse; they suck it, and may drive it wild, but do not guide it. They, and their courts, and their armies are, if one could see clearly, only a large species of marsh mosquito, with bayonet proboscis and melodious, band-mastered, trumpeting in the summer air; the twilight being, perhaps, sometimes fairer, but hardly more wholesome, for its glittering mists of midge companies. The true kings, meanwhile, rule quietly, if at all, and hate ruling; too many of them make "il gran refiúto;" and if they do not, the mob, as soon as they are likely to become useful to it, is pretty sure to make its "gran refiúto" of them.


Yet the visible king may also be a true one, some day, if ever day comes when he will estimate his dominion by the force of it,—not the geographical boundaries. It matters very little whether Trent 17 cuts you a cantel out here, or Rhine 18 rounds you a castle less there. But it does matter to you, king of men, whether you can verily say to this man, "Go," and he goeth; and to another, "Come," and he cometh. Whether you can turn your people as you can Trent—and where it is that you bid them come, and where go. It matters to you, king of men, whether your people hate you, and die by you, or love you, and live by you. You may measure your dominion by multitudes, better than by miles; and count degrees of love-latitude, not from, but to, a wonderfully warm and indefinite equator. Measure!—nay, you cannot measure. Who shall measure the difference between the power of those who "do and teach," and who are greatest in the kingdoms of earth, as of heaven—and the power of those who undo, and consume—whose power, at the fullest, is only the power of the moth and the rust? Strange! to think how the Moth-kings lay up treasures for the moth, and the Rusk-kings, who are to their peoples' strength as rust to armour, lay up treasures for the rust; and the Robber-kings, treasures for the robber; but how few kings have ever laid up treasures that needed no guarding—treasures of which, the more thieves there were, the better! Broidered robe, only to be rent—helm and sword, only to be dimmed; jewel and gold, only to be scattered—there have been three kinds of kings who have gathered these. Suppose there ever should arise a Fourth order of kings, who had read, in some obscure writing of long ago, that there was a Fourth kind of treasure, which the jewel and gold could not equal, neither should it be valued with pure gold. A web made fair in the weaving, by Athena's shuttle; an armour, forged in divine fire by Vulcanian force—a gold to be mined in the sun's red heart, where he sets over the Delphian cliffs;—deep-pictured tissue, impenetrable armour, potable gold!—the three great Angels of Conduct, Toil, and Thought, still calling to us, and waiting at the posts of our doors, to lead us, with their winged power, and guide us, with their unerring eyes, by the path which no fowl knoweth, and which the vulture's eye has not seen! Suppose kings should ever arise, who heard and believed this word, and at last gathered and brought forth treasures of—Wisdom—for their people?


Think what an amazing business that would be! How inconceivable, in the state of our present national wisdom! That we should bring up our peasants to a book exercise instead of a bayonet exercise!—organise, drill, maintain with pay, and good generalship, armies of thinkers, instead of armies of stabbers!—find national amusement in reading-rooms as well as rifle-grounds; give prizes for a fair shot at a fact, as well as for a leaden splash on a target. What an absurd idea it seems, put fairly in words, that the wealth of the capitalists of civilised nations should ever come to support literature instead of war! Have yet patience with me, while I read you a single sentence out of the only book, properly to be called a book, that I have yet written myself, the one that will stand, (if anything stand), surest and longest of all work of mine.


"It is one very awful form of the operation of wealth in Europe that it is entirely capitalists' wealth that supports unjust wars. Just wars do not need so much money to support them; for most of the men who wage such, wage them gratis; but for an unjust war, men's bodies and souls have both to be bought; and the best tools of war for them besides, which make such war costly to the maximum; not to speak of the cost of base fear, and angry suspicion, between nations which have not grace nor honesty enough in all their multitudes to buy an hour's peace of mind with; as, at present France and England, purchasing of each other ten millions' sterling worth of consternation, annually (a remarkably light crop, half thorns and half aspen leaves, sown, reaped, and granaried by the 'science' of the modern political economist, teaching covetousness instead of truth). And, all unjust war being supportable, if not by pillage of the enemy, only by loans from capitalists, these loans are repaid by subsequent taxation of the people, who appear to have no will in the matter, the capitalists' will being the primary root of the war; but its real root is the covetousness of the whole nation, rendering it incapable of faith, frankness, or justice, and bringing about, therefore, in due time, his own separate loss and punishment to each person."

“在欧洲,财富以一种很糟糕的形式运作,就是用整个资产阶级的财富来支持非正义的战争。正义的战争是不需要这么多钱来支持的,因为大多数参与正义战争的人都是不要钱的。但对非正义的战争来说,人的身体和灵魂都是要用钱来买的,除此之外,还要为他们买最好的战争武器,这使得这样的战争的花费达到了极限;这些还不包括那些底层民众的恐惧和国与国之间愤怒的猜忌所导致的花费,这些国家民众中全部的优雅和诚信,尚不足以买到一个小时的思想平静。就像现在英法两国一样,每年要花费,000 万英镑来让彼此感到恐惧(一种非常易燃的作物,一半是带刺的植物,一半是白杨树叶,经过现代政治经济学家的“科学”来种植、收割和仓储,教人们的是贪婪而不是真理)。而且,所有非正义的战争,如果不是通过掠夺敌人来支持,那就只能是通过资本家的贷款来支持,而这些贷款将通过随后对人民的税收来偿还,这些人民并没有要发动战争的意愿。战争主要的根源是资本家的意愿,但真正的根源是整个国家的贪婪。贪婪已经使国家丧失信仰、真诚和正义感,与此同时也给每个人带来损失,使每个人承受处罚。”

France and England literally, observe, buy panic of each other; they pay, each of them, for ten thousand thousand pounds worth of terror, a year. Now suppose, instead of buying these ten millions' worth of panic annually, they made up their minds to be at peace with each other, and buy ten millions' worth of knowledge annually; and that each nation spent its ten thousand thousand pounds a year in founding royal libraries, royal art galleries, royal museums, royal gardens, and places of rest. Might it not be better somewhat for both French and English?

请注意,英法两国的确互相收买彼此的恐慌;每年他们分别要为购买恐惧支付 1,000 万英镑。现在假设,如果他们决定彼此和平相处,不是每年买 1,000 万的恐慌,而是把这笔钱用来购买知识;每一个国家每年拿出 1,000 万来建立皇家图书馆、皇家艺术馆、皇家博物馆、皇家园林以及其余的一些地方。这样从某种程度上讲是不是对英法两国都更好呢?

It will be long, yet, before that comes to pass. Nevertheless, I hope it will not be long before royal or national libraries will be founded in every considerable city, with a royal series of books in them; the same series in every one of them, chosen books, the best in every kind, prepared for that national series in the most perfect way possible; their text printed all on leaves of equal size, broad of margin, and divided into pleasant volumes, light in the hand, beautiful, and strong, and thorough as examples of binders' work; and that these great libraries will be accessible to all clean and orderly persons at all times of the day and evening; strict law being enforced for this cleanliness and quietness.


I could shape for you other plans, for art-galleries, and for natural history galleries, and for many precious—many, it seems to me, needful—things; but this book plan is the easiest and needfullest, and would prove a considerable tonic to what we call our British constitution, which has fallen dropsical of late, and has an evil thirst, and evil hunger, and wants healthier feeding. You have got its corn laws repealed for it; try if you cannot get corn laws established for it, dealing in a better bread;—bread made of that old enchanted Arabian grain, the Sesame, which opens doors;—doors, not of robbers', but of Kings' Treasuries.


Friends, the treasuries of true kings are the streets of their cities; and the gold they gather, which for others is as the mire of the streets, changes itself, for them and their people, into a crystalline pavement for evermore.


(1) 圣日耳曼区是巴黎的一个街区,是左岸著名的高级住宅区。位于巴黎市中心塞纳河的南岸,是巴黎的文化艺术中心。

(2) 《利西达斯》,约 翰 弥尔顿(John Milton)的一首诗。

(3) 圣彼得,基督教《圣经》里的故事人物,耶稣十二使徒之一,耶稣死后,为众使徒之首在罗马殉教被追封为第一代教皇。

(4) 索尔兹伯里教堂的尖塔高约123米,是英国教堂中最高的。

(5) 高教会派和低教会派是英国圣公会中的两个派别,前者要求维持教会较高的权威地位,主张在教义、礼仪和规章上大量保持天主教的传统;后者主张简化仪式,反对过分强调教会的权威地位,较倾向于清教徒。

(6) 《查理三世》是莎士比亚的一部历史剧。

(7) 克 兰 麦(1489—1556),是16世纪英国著名教士,英国改革教会的首任坎特伯雷大主教。他对英国教会的教义、教规和仪式等方面进行了改革,为英国国教奠定了基础。

(8) 圣方济各和圣多米尼克圣多明我都是中世纪欧洲的大主教。

(9) 维吉尔(公元前70—前19),古罗马诗人,《神曲》中,但丁称他为“老师”,虚构他解救了迷路的自己,并邀请自己去游览地狱和天国。

(10) 卢德盖特,伦敦旧城墙最西边的一个城门,现已不存在。但伦敦的地名中有 LudgateHill 和 LudgateCircus保留下来。

(11) 夏 莫 尼, 亦 作Chamonix, 是 瑞士城市日内瓦东南的一个山谷,以美景和冰川而闻名,通常人们攀登勃朗峰即从此地出发。

(12) 查尔姆斯(1780—1847),苏格兰自然神学家、政治经济学家。

(13) 柯比朗斯代尔英格兰坎布里亚郡小镇,风景优美,保留有14世纪的小桥。

(14) 斯基台人,骑马游牧的古伊朗人,于古典时代(公元前8世纪—公元1000年间)生活在黑海与里海之间的大草原。

(15) 凯伊纳冰川,奇幻角色扮演游戏Dungeon & Dragon中九层地狱之第八层,极为寒冷。

(16) 阿喀琉斯,古希腊神话里的勇士。

(17) 特伦特河,英格兰中部河流,为英格兰南北的基本分界线。

(18) 莱茵河,欧洲最大河流之一,流经欧洲多国。 tE/4QMzkpQMPf2n/ezvijP9W3sK68NgM+AeYcQGdVnsiV5zLE3+hvw2bmWjfwGHJ
