
Part 3 英国政治体系

The politics of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is of a constitutional monarchy with the Monarch as the head of state and the Prime Minister the head of government.

The British monarchy is the oldest institute of government in the world. The Monarch is a king or queen who rules the country. The power of the monarch is believed to come from God and the monarch used to be very powerful. However, since the passing of the Bill of Rights in 1689, the power of the monarch has been greatly reduced. Now, the primary role of the monarchy is to symbolize the tradition and unity of the British State. The current monarch of the state is Elizabeth II.

The British government exercises the executive power. The Prime Minister, the head of government, is assigned by the monarch from the political party that wins the most seats in the General Election. The Legislative power is exercised by two chambers of the Parliament, the House of Lords and the House of the Commons. The House of the Lords consists of the Archbishops and bishops of the Church and barons as well as life peers. The main duty of the House of Lord is to assist and scrutinize the work the other House. The House of Commons are elected through the General Election and responsible for the legislative power, judicial powers and the financial right as well as the supervision right.

The UK is a multi-party system. The two largest political parties are Conservative Party and the Labour Party. The third biggest party, the Liberal Democrats, is not powerful enough to form a government but it is very important in that it has a great impact on determining which of the two biggest party wins.

General Election is a good way for British citizens to participate in the British politics. Every qualified voter can vote for his ideal candidate and party.






10 君主制
The Monarchy

The monarchy in Britain is the oldest form of government which could be traced back to the AngloSaxon time. The continuity of the monarchy never stops except for once during the years 1649 to 1660 when the Civil War took place in Britain.

It was believed that the power of the monarchy comes directly from God instead of its subject. That is to say, the monarch had the "divine right of kings". Its subjects had no right to interfere or control the power of king.

However, not everyone was satisfied with the sovereign, especially when the king abused his power. There were events in the history of the State for the British people to fight against the power of the monarchs. As a result of these events, the monarchy's absolute power has declined.

In 125, a group of people from federal barons and the Church fought against King John's abusing of power. Their objection was so powerful that the King was forced to grant them a charter of liberty and political rights, known as Magna Carta (a Latin name). This charter helped limiting the King's abuse of power to some extent.

Another such event occurred in 1688 when King James II governed the country regardless of the opinion of the Parliament. The joint effort from politicians and church authorities replaced him with his son-in-Law, William of Orange who accepted more constraints from Parliament than previous monarchs had. In 1689, the Parliament passed the Bill of Rights to limit the power of the monarchy which marked the establishment of the limited constitutional monarchy.

Nowadays, the primary role of the monarchy is to symbolize the tradition and unity of the British State. Other roles of the monarch stated in the Constitution include: She is legally head of the executive, an integral part of the legislature, head of the judiciary, commander in chief of the armed forces and "supreme governor" of the Church of England.







词汇 Vocabulary

1 monarchy [ˈmɔnəki] n. 君主政体;君主国;君主政治

2 continuity [,kɔntiˈnju(:)iti] n. 连续性;一连串;分镜头剧本

3 baron [ˈbærən] n. 男爵;大亨;巨头

4 Magna Carta n. 大宪章;保障人民权利与自由的法令

5 authority [ɔ:ˈθɔriti] n. 权威;权力;当局

6 constitutional [,kɔnstiˈtju:ʃənəl] a. 宪法的;本质的 n. 保健散步;保健运动

7 executive [iɡˈzekjutiv] ad. 行政的;经营的;执行的,经营管理的 n. 经理;执行委员会;经理主管人员

8 legislature [ˈledʒis,leitʃə] n. 立法机关;立法机构

9 judiciary [dʒu(:)ˈdiʃiəri] n. 司法部;法官;司法制度 法官的;法院的


Magna Carta


11 议会制
Houses of Parliament

The United Kingdom Parliament, also known as the Westminster Parliament, is the supreme legislative and judicial authority that is consisted of three parts: the Monarchy, the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

The word "parliament" derives from the word "parley", namely, to negotiate. The original form of Parliament in Britain was the Great Council. The Great Council was a gathering of leading, wealth barons who were assembled by the King to collect money for special needs, such as starting a war. By the 13th century, kings found that the money collected from the barons was not enough, thus they included representatives of counties, cities and towns in the Great Council. Therefore, the group of barons has come to known as the House of Lords while the other group became the House of Commons.

The main duties of the Parliament include passing laws and voting for taxation in order to support the working of the government. The Parliament also plays the role to scrutinize government policy, administration and expenditure and to debate the major issues of the day. It alones has the power to change the Constitution.

The House of Lords nowadays consists of the Archbishops and bishops of the Church, barons and life peers. There are generally two ways to become a member of the House of Lords, one is to inherit from their forefathers and the other is to be appointed by the sovereign for their contribution to the country. The latter are also called life peers who can't pass their title to their offspring. The House of Lords mainly supports and scrutinizes the work the other House. The House of Lords is the highest judicial administrative organ of the State.

The members of The House of Commons are selected for a five-year term of office. The party that owns the most seats in the House of Commons becomes the party in office. The Prime Minister is appointed by the monarch from this party. The House of Commons owns the legislative powers, judicial powers and the financial right as well as the supervision right.

Within the parliament, in terms of representation, the monarch, as the symbol of the country, is nonpolitical and represents each and all; the House of Lords are not elected and therefore are not considered to represent anyone besides themselves; the House of Commons are elected, so they represent for the group of people who vote for them.

英国议会或威斯敏斯特议会,是英国最高立法和司法机关。英国议会由三个部分组成:君主、上议院和下议院。Parliament这个单词由parley衍生而来,parley的意思是协商。英国议会的雏形是大议会(the Great Council)。大议会是国王为某些特殊需求,比如征战,筹措资金而召集有名望的富有贵族开的会议。到了13世纪,国王意识到贵族无法满足他们的经济需求,因此,他们把来自不同县市镇的代表也囊括到了大议会中。后来,那部分贵族演变为上议院议员,而那些各个地方的代表则构成了下议院。





词汇 Vocabulary

1 parliament [ˈpɑ:ləmənt] n. 议会,国会

2 scrutinize [ˈskrutinaiz] vi. 细阅;作详细检查 vt. 详细检查;细看 n. 仔细或彻底检查

3 debate [diˈbeit] vt. 辩论,争论,讨论 vi. 辩论,争论,讨论 n. 辩论;辩论会

4 Archbishop [ˈɑ:tʃˈbiʃəp] n. 【宗】大主教;总教主

5 peer [piə] vi. 凝视,窥视 vi. 封为贵族;与……同等 n. 贵族;同等的人

6 representation [,reprizenˈteiʃən] n. 代表;表现;表示法;陈述


1. The Houses of Parliament

依泰晤士河而建的议会大厦(the Houses of Parliament)位于伦敦市中心区的泰晤士河畔,是19世纪中期英国最主要的哥特式建筑。大厦建立在泰晤士河畔一个近于梯形的地段上,面向泰晤士河。议会大厦内有一千间房间,自13世纪以来此处便是英国国会开会之处,也同时兼为国王宫殿。大厦一侧有一座闻名中外的“大本钟”。大本钟每小时报时一次,钟声响起时远近可闻,且是十分准时,英国BBC电视台也是依据此钟报时。

2. Life peers


12 选举制度
Electoral System

The United Kingdom is the first country in the world to start general election and its election system has a great influence on British representative democratic political system as well as that of other western countries.

All the qualified citizens in Britain can vote. The qualification to vote covers the following aspects:

1. Nationality. People with British nationalities (Irish citizenship and citizenship of the British Commonwealth of Nations are included) can vote.

2. Age. People who are 18 or above can vote.

3. Residential limitation. People who live in the parliamentary constituency for at least 3 months can vote, except for army members who have the right to vote after staying for 1 month.

4. People who cannot vote are those who have mental problems or who serve their terms in prison.

Only after all of the above qualifications are met can a person vote.

The whole state is generally divided into 651 parliamentary constituencies; with each constituency contain a population of around 50, 000 people. The voting committee is responsible for balancing the numbers of voters in all the constituencies so that every constituency is of approximately equal voters.

In each constituency, there is a register official assigned by the government to do the registration for the voters door-to-door and work out an "electoral register". "Electoral register" is a list on which all the qualified voters appear. When the voting date is decided, each voter can receive a voting card via mail with detailed information about when and where the voting will take place (The voting date is not fixed in Britain). When the day comes, the voters go to the voting station and exchange the voting card for another card with names of the candidate on. Every voter has only one vote and is allowed to vote for one candidate. After choosing the candidate, the voter folds the voting card and put it into a sealed box.

The candidates to be voted are mostly from different political parties. The local organization of each party selects the most suitable candidate to represent the party and compete with other candidates. The candidate with the most votes of the constituency wins and the party with the most constituencies wins the election.

All the political parties conduct electoral campaigns to win more votes. There are constituency campaigns and national campaigns. In the campaign, each party uses newspaper advertisement, door-to-door campaign, postal deliveries of leaflets and TV campaigns to "sell" their policies.

The counting begins immediately after the voting and the result of the voting comes out a few hours later. The party with the most constituencies wins the election and forms the new government.













词汇 Vocabulary

1 qualification [,kwɔlifiˈkeiʃən] n. 资格;条件;限制;赋予资格

2 commonwealth [ˈkɔmənwelθ] n. 联邦;共和国;国民整体

3 residential [,reziˈdenʃəl] a. 住宅的;与居住有关的

4 constituency [kənˈstitjuənsi] n. (选区的)选民;支持者;(一批)顾客

5 campaign [kæmˈpein] vi. 作战;参加竞选;参加活动 n. 运动;活动;战役


First-past-the-post election system

简单多数选举制(First-past-the-post election system),即根据一党所占有的议员数量。如果一党拥有绝对多数的议员,则此党将组成下届政府,该党党魁则成为首相。如果没有任何党派拥有绝对多数席位,则合计拥有绝对多数席位的两个或多个政党将组成联合政府(Coalition government),基本上其中最大党党魁将成为首相;或者单独一党成立政府,并通过与其他党派非正式的联盟和协议而得以延续。 GXBn37DwGQnQ+egtnaaamYgem+S/mb0zUQ20BjVKeoP3OCQXrmS7atPHFyOohHFC
