
Part 2 英国地理政治体制

05 区域划分概述

The UK is a unitary state governed under a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary system. It is made up of four countries: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

Each country of the United Kingdom has its own system of administrative and geographic demarcation, which often has origins before the formation of the United Kingdom itself.

In terms of their geographic distribution, we all know that the UK is an island group in Western Europe, islands constituting the island of the Great Britain and the north-eastern part of the island of Ireland and many smaller islands. Britain – the largest island is the location for the separate countries of England, Scotland and Wales. England lies on the southern eastern part of the island of Great Britain. Scotland lies to the north of England, and Wales joins it on the west. Northern Ireland lies across the Irish Sea to the west, sharing the island of Ireland with the Republic of Ireland.

As for the administrative demarcation, there are three devolved national administrations, each with varying powers, situated in Belfast, Cardiff and Edinburgh; the capitals of Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland respectively.

In this unit we are going to offer more details on the four countries of the UK, namely England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland respectively in terms of their geographic, administrative and cultural features.


06 英格兰

Population (2008) 51, 446, 000 (UK total 62, 008, 048)

Area 130, 423 km2 (UK total 24, 752 km2)

Population Density 395/km2

The country of England shows dominance over the other three nations in terms of area, population, economy and culture. As a result, it is usually mistakenly used to refer to the UK by foreigners as well as by people in England. But people in the other three nations would always prefer to be called British, Scottish, Irish or Welsh rather than English. So oddly, the English feel the most British and have the weakest sense of themselves as a separate "English" culture as compared with the other three nations.

With regard to geographic view, England consists mostly of lowland terrain which mostly comprises low hills and plains, especially in the central and southern part. However, there are uplands in the north and in the southwest. The upland moors of the Pennine Chain in the north region, known as the "backbone of England", divides northern England into western and eastern sectors. There is no peak in England that is 1, 000 m or higher with the highest being 978 m (Scafell Pike). The longest river flowing through England is the Severn (354 km) while Thames is the longest river entirely in England (346 km). There are many lakes in England, the largest being Windermere, within the Lake District in the North West.

As a highly urbanized country, 80% of England's populations live in cities and only 2% working in agriculture. London is situated at the southeast of England. As the capital of the UK, London is also the largest metropolitan area in the United Kingdom and a long history, London is also one of the most bustling financial cities in the world famous for its commercial and manufacturing industries. Other major cities in England also include Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool and Newcastle.

Today England is governed directly by the Parliament of the United Kingdom, although other countries of the United Kingdom have devolved governments. There exist in England four levels of administrative division today ranging from Region, County, District and Parish; however, such division has only a limited role in public policy. At the highest level, the whole England is divided into nine regions, with London included, that are each made up of a number of counties and districts. The lowest level of parish division is only exercised in parts of England.








词汇 Vocabulary

1 dominance [ˈdɔminəns] n. 优势;支配(地位),统治(地位)

2 Scottish [ˈskɔtiʃ] n. 苏格兰人;苏格兰语

3 Irish [ˈaiəriʃ] n. 爱尔兰人;爱尔兰语

4 Welsh [welʃ] n. 威尔士人;威尔士语

5 terrain [ˈterein] n. 地面;地域;地带;地势

6 metropolitan [metrəˈpɔlit(ə)n] a. 大都市的

7 manufacturing [,mænjuˈfæktʃəriŋ] n. 制造业


Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool and Newcastle.


07 苏格兰

Population (2010) 5, 222, 100 (UK total 62, 008, 048)

Area 77, 080km2 (UK total 24, 752 km2)

Population Density 66/km2

Situated at the northern region of the UK, Scotland (Gaelic: Alba) is the second largest of the four nations, both in population and in geographic area. Scotland has previously been a unified state independent of the UK for a substantial period of history until 1707; therefore people in Scotland have a strong sense of themselves being "Scottish" and the unique "Scottish" culture. It is well-known in the world for its tartan check, bagpipe, whiskey industry. The official language in Scotland is English and the regional recognized languages include Gaelic and Scots.

Geographically speaking, Scotland is the most rugged part of the UK, with Highlands in both south and north and Lowlands in the middle. The highest peak of the UK – Ben Nevis (1, 343m) locates in the northern highlands. The central Lowlands are the location of the Firth of Clyde in the west and the Firth of Forth in the east. The central region is also main farming district in Scotland and boasts several large cities, including Edinburgh and Glasgow, and 90 percent of Scottish population.

Locating in the west of the lowland zone, Glasgow is the largest city in Scotland and the third largest in the UK. With a population of almost 1.2 million, home to nearly a quarter of Scotland's population, it is not only the commercial center of Scotland, but also an art and cultural center with many buildings and museums of the Victoria style. Edinburgh, the capital city and the second biggest city of Scotland, is located at the east of Scotland near the North Sea. As the political, economical and cultural center of Scotland, the city attracts over 2 million tourists all over the world for its beauty and the annual Edinburgh Festival. Different from England, Scotland has its own devolved government. It has partial self-government within the United Kingdom as well as representation in the UK Parliament. The Scottish Parliament has legislative authority for Scotland, as well as limited power to vary income tax. As for administrative division, Scotland has been divided into 32 Unitary Authority Regions since 1996. The "Region" in Scotland is similar to the "County" in England in nature.







词汇 Vocabulary

1 previously [ˈpri:vju:sli] ad. 事先;以前

2 substantial [səbˈstænʃəl] a. 多的;大的;大量的;丰盛的

3 tartan [ˈtɑ:tən] n. 格子呢;方格花纹

4 bagpipe [ˈbæɡpaip] n. (乐器)风笛

5 whiskey [ˈ(h)wiski] n. 威士忌酒

6 legislative [ˈledʒis,leitiv] a. 立法的;有立法权的

7 unitary [ˈju:nitəri] a. 单一的;统一的;一元的


1.Gaelic and Scots


2.Edinburgh Festival


08 威尔

Population (2010) 3, 006, 400 (UK total 62, 008, 048)

Area 20, 779 km2 (UK total 24, 752 km2)

Population Density 140/km2

Locating at the south west of UK, Wales is the smallest among the three nations of the Great Britain. It is very close to the most densely populated parts of central England and there is no natural boundary between Wales and England, so Wales shares a close political and social history with the rest of Great

Britain. Nevertheless, it has retained a distinct cultural identity. Wales is officially bilingual, the Welsh and English languages having equal status. Spoken by 20% of the population, the Welsh language is an important element of Welsh culture, and its use is supported by national policy.

Most parts of Wales are covered by mountains. There are three mountainous regions in particular: Snowdonia in the northwest, the Cambrian Mountains in mid Wales, and the Brecon Beacons in the south. Snowdon in the area of Snowdonia is the highest point in Wales at 1, 085m. Wales is much less urbanized as compared with England and has preserved many sites of natural beauty. Wales has three national parks: Snowdonia, Brecon Beacons and Pembrokeshire Coast. It also has five Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).

Cardiff has become the capital city in Wales since 1995, also the youngest capital in Europe. It is the biggest city with around 340 thousand people in Wales and it is Wales' chief commercial centre, the base for most national cultural and sporting institutions. Cardiff also has beautiful coastal view and two national parks, so it is a significant tourism centre and the most popular visitor destination in Wales with 18.3 million visitors in 2010.

Wales also has its own devolved government. The Government of Wales Act 1998 established devolution in Wales, and certain executive and legislative powers have been constitutionally delegated to the National Assembly for Wales. The scope of these powers was further widened by the Government of Wales Act 2006. Since 1996 Wales has been divided into 22 unitary authorities including counties, cities and county boroughs.








词汇 Vocabulary

1 retain [riˈtein] vt. 保留,保持;留住;挡住,拦住

2 bilingual [baiˈliŋɡwəl] a. (能说)两种语言的 n. 通两种语言的人

3 mountainous [ˈmauntinəs] a. 多山的;有山的

4 destination [,destiˈneiʃən] n. 目的地,终点

5 constitutionally [,kɔnstiˈtju:ʃənəli] ad. 宪法上,立宪上;本质地,天性地




2.Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)

杰出自然风景区。指由英格兰环境保护组织“自然英格兰”(Natural England)选定的位于英格兰、威尔士与北爱尔兰的风景壮丽的自然景区。之所以不包括苏格兰地区是因为苏格兰有自己的国家风景区(National Scenic Areas)。

09 北爱尔兰
Northern Ireland

Population (2010) 1, 789, 000 (UK total 62, 008, 048)

Area 13, 483 km2 (UK total 24, 752 km2)

Population Density 140/km2

Northern Ireland (often called "Ulster" after an ancient Irish kingdom which once existed in that part of Ireland) takes up about one-sixth of the island of Ireland and is separated on the east from Scotland by the narrow North Channel. It shares a border with the Republic of Ireland to the southwest – the only land border of the UK. Northern Ireland is the smallest of the four nations both in area and population. Besides English, Irish is also the official language of Northern Ireland.

Geographically speaking, Northern Ireland shapes like a saucer with low central plains surrounded by a ring of coastal mountains. The highest point is Slieve Donard, rising 852m in the southeast. Lough Neagh, which lies near the center of the nation, is the largest freshwater lake in the United Kingdom and one of the largest in Europe. The capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast, which locates at the northeast corner of Northern Ireland with a population of only 350, 000. Major industries in Belfast includes ship and airplane constructions, telecommunication, technology and trading. It is also home to the largest shipbuilder in the UK – Harland and Wolff.

Northern Ireland has undergone violent political conflict for many years. The troubles are caused by divisions between nationalists, who are predominantly Roman Catholic, and unionists, who are predominantly Protestant, which takes up the majority of the nation's population. Unionists want Northern Ireland to remain as a part of the United Kingdom, while nationalists wish for it to be politically united with the rest of Ireland, independent of British rule. The conflict escalated into armed campaigns between paramilitary groups from 1960s to 1990s. It is not until the signing of the "Good Friday Agreement" in 1998 that the two parties proclaimed to cease fire.

Northern Ireland has devolved government within the United Kingdom. There is a Northern Ireland Executive together with the 108-member Northern Ireland Assembly. As for administrative division, in 1974, Northern Ireland abolished the previous divisions of 6 counties and divided the whole nation into 26 District Council areas.




词汇 Vocabulary

1 saucer [ˈsɔ:sə] n. 茶托;浅碟;(放花盆的)垫盘

2 freshwater [ˈfreʃwɔ:tə(r)] a. 淡水的;内河航行的;无经验的

3 telecommunication [ˈtelikəmju:niˈkeiʃən] n. 电讯;远程通信;无线电通信

4 nationalist [ˈnæʃənəlist] n. 民族主义者;国家主义者;民族独立主义者

5 unionist [ˈju:njənist] n. 工会会员;联合主义者

6 escalate [ˈeskəleit] vi. 逐步增强;逐步升高 vt. 使逐步上升

7 paramilitary [,pærəˈmilitəri] a. 准军事的;辅助军事的 n. 准军事部队

8 proclaim [prəˈkleim] vt. 宣告,公布;声明;表明;赞扬


1. Irish


2. Good Friday Agreement

1998年4月10日,包括新芬党在内的北爱尔兰各派在多方多年调停下,终于签订《受难日协议》,宣布停火合作,加强北爱地方自治,负责调停的两名北爱尔兰领袖更得到当年诺贝尔和平奖。 nbYF0TmHEfTXlvSdvJ2UCAaKA4QA+RW9zaW734Wi9kgAvPtTyfygIoVYu6zgp4EI
