
Unit 4 申请篇


a) 说明自己写信的目的,即清楚的说明自己的申请要求;

b) 写明申请的原因以及自己符合申请的条件,并希望对方能够答应;

c) 表达对对方的祝福和感谢。


a)I hope you can give me this opportunity. Thank you very much.


b)I am writing this letter in order to apply for working in a different department.


c)I'd like to apply for the staff dormitory. I hope this application can be approved.


d)Because of the bad cold, I can't come to work and I want to have a day off to rest at home. Tomorrow I will go to work on time. I hope you can agree.Thank you!


e)A few days ago I read a notice which said the company was providing the opportunity of in-service training. I really want to apply for the quota.


f)I believe that interest is the best teacher. As long as I keep learning and accumulating work experience, I will do a better job. I hope you can consider my request. Thank you!


g)So I am writing to apply for a new fax machine as soon as possible. I hope you can agree with this application.


h)Thank you for your consideration. I hope I can receive good news from you.


i)I have a strong ability of learning and I am also innovative.So I believe I can excellently do this job.


j)Please approve my application. I am so appreciating that.


范例1 | 求职申请

Dear Sir,

I have learned from the Want column of the China Post that you have a vacancy for an English editor, and I am extremely interested in the position.

I have worked for the White Publishing House for 4 years and I am primarily responsible for book editing. My performance has been acknowledged by my superiors and a large number of readers. But that place is quite far away from my home and I really want to work in your company, so that I can get close to my family.

I am looking forward to hearing from you!

Enclosed please find my resume.

Yours sincerely,




我为怀特出版社工作了4 年,主要负责图书编辑。我的工作得到了上司和广大读者的好评。但是那家出版社距离我家太远,我希望能进入贵公司工作,这样能离家人更近一些。



玛吉   敬上

邮件回复Reply 1

Dear Maggie,

We are writing to acknowledge your application letter as well as your resume. We have studied your resume and want to have a face-to-face talk with you to make our final decision. Will you be able to come to our company this Friday afternoon with your recent photo?

We are looking forward to meeting you!

Your sincerely,

ABC Company




ABC 公司   谨上

邮件回复Reply 2

Dear Maggie,

Thank you for your interest in our company. We have gotten your resume and concluded that you are a great talent for this kind of position. But we are sorry to tell you that the vacancy has been filled recently and it is our pity not to have the opportunity to work with you. But we will have your resume stocked in our database, and we will give priority to you if there is another chance in the future and if you still want to work with us.

Yours sincerely,

ABC Company



ABC 公司   谨上


1. vacancy [ˈveikənsi]   n. 空缺;空位;空白;空虚

[例句] Do you still have the vacancy?

[解释]   你们还有空缺职位吗 ?。

2. responsible [risˈpɔnsəbl]   adj. 负责的,可靠的;有责任的

[例句] They want to be responsible business people.

[解释]   他们想成为负责任的商业人士。

3. qualified [ˈkwɔlifaid]   adj. 合格的;有资格的

[例句] No, they have yet to find a qualified applicant.

[解释]   还没有,他们还在找一个合格的申请人。

4. resume [riˈzju:m]   n. 摘要;履历;个人简历   vt. 重新开始;重新获得   vi. 再开始

[例句] Reasons for leaving a job and setbacks do not have a place on a resume.

[解释]   离开你的前一份工作的原因以及过去的挫折都不要出现在简历上面。

5. priority [praiˈɔriti]   n. 优先;优先权; [ 数 ] 优先次序;优先考虑的事

[例句] One priority is to encourage more write-downs of mortgage debt.

[解释]   一项优先任务是鼓励增加有担保的抵押债务。

范例2 | 请假申请

Dear Mr. Lin,

I would like to know if I could ask for a casual leave of absence for one day on May 14th, this Wednesday.

This morning I received a telephone call from my dentist, urging me to come to his practice for immediate treatment of my teeth. I have been experiencing a stinging pain, depriving me of my sleep during the past fortnight. The situation could worsen, should infection occur.

Concerning my workload, as Wednesday is not as busy as the other weekdays, I think a one-day leave this Wednesday may be the best solution. I apologize for the inconvenience my absence from work may cause.

Thank you for your understanding. I will call you at 1:30p.m. or you can call me at any time.

Yours sincerely,



我想要在5 月14 日即本周三请一天事假。



感谢您的理解。我会在午间1 点半给您打电话,或者您也可以随时打给我。

玛丽   敬上

邮件回复Reply 1

Dear Mary,

I am very sorry to hear that you have suffered from a toothache. Don’t worry about your work. I will ask Linda to deal with your case while you are absent. Please take good care of yourself and call me if you need any help.

Wish you recover soon.

Yours sincerely,

Lin Tao




林涛   谨上

邮件回复Reply 2

Dear Mary,

I am really sorry to hear that you have suffered from the pain for so long. You should have gone for your dentist earlier. I am approving your leave for that day. Don’t worry about your work and I will ask Helen to help you with it while you are away. Please have a good rest and if you need my help, call me any time.

Wish you recover soon.

Yours sincerely,

Lin Tao




林涛   谨上


1. deprive [diˈpraiv]   vt. 使丧失,剥夺

[例句] Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all they have.

[解释]   永不剥夺别人的希望,希望也许是他们所拥有的一切。

2. concern [kənˈsə:n]   vt. 涉及,关系到;使担心   n. 关心;关系;关心的事

[例句] Again, thanks for your concern.

[解释]   再次谢谢你的关心。

3. apologize [əˈpɔlədʒaiz]   vi. 道歉;辩解;赔不是   vt. 道歉;谢罪;辩白

[例句] I apologize for what happened.

[解释]   我为所发生的事情道歉。

4. recover [ri:ˈkʌvə(r)]   vt. 恢复;弥补;重新获得 vi. 恢复;胜诉

[例句] It took him a year to recover.

[解释]   过了一年的时间,他才恢复过来。

范例3 | 信用证申请

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your mail of March 15, containing your acceptance of our offer for 400 Model PT-250 typewriters.

We ask that you promptly open an irrevocable L/C in our favor, valid until April 2.

Upon receiving your L/C, we will promptly complete shipment arrangements of your order. We will of course, notify you when we have completed the shipment.

We are looking forward to your early and favorable reply.

Yours sincere ly,

BOT Company


感谢贵方3 月15 日来信表示接受我方对400 台PT-250 型号打字机的报价。

我方请你方立即以我方为受益人开具不可撤销信用证,有效期到4 月2 日。



BOT 公司敬上

邮件回复Reply 1

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your mail of March 16. Complying with your request for opening an irrevocable L/C, we have instructed Industrial and Commercial Bank of China to open a credit for ¥100,000 in your favor, valid until April 2. Please inform us when the order is executed.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Yours sincerely,

ABC Company


非常感谢贵方3 月16 日的来信。根据你方开立不可撤销信用证的要求,我方已经通知中国工商银行开立金额为 10 万人民币的信用证,你方为受益人,有效期至4 月 2 日。你方执行订单时,请告知我方。


ABC 公司   谨上

邮件回复Reply 2

Dear Sir,

We acknowledge with gratitude receipt of your letter of March 16.

In compliance with your requirement to open an irrevocable L/C, we have instructed our bank, Bank of China, to open a credit in your favor for ¥100,000. The L/C will be valid until April 2.

Enclosed please find all of the documents that must be presented to you with our draft.

Yours sincerely,

ABC Company


非常感谢贵方3 月16 日的来信。

根据你方开立不可撤销信用证的要求, 我方已经通知我方开证行——中国银行开立金额为 10 万人民币的信用证,你方为受益人,有效期至4 月 2 日。


ABC公司   谨上


1. promptly [ˈprɔmptli]   adv. 迅速地;立即地;敏捷地

[例句] Any orders you place with us will be processed promptly.

[解释]   贵方与我方的所有订购都将迅速办理。

2. irrevocable [iˈrevəkəbəl]   adj. 不可改变的;不能取消的;不能挽回的

[例句] What is marriage? An irrevocable vow.

[解释]   婚姻是什么呢?是不能取消的誓言。

3. gratitude [ˈɡrætitju:d]   n. 感谢,感激之情,感恩图报之心

[例句] We have no words to express our gratitude.

[解释]   我们实在无法用言语来表达感激之情。

范例4 | 商标注册申请

Dear Director of Patents and Trademarks,ABC Company


12 Lianhu Road, Hanyang District, Wuhan

The above identified applicant has been adopted and is using the trademark shown in the accompanying drawing for Weijie washing machine and requests that such mark be registered in the Patent and Trademark Bureau of P.R.China on the Principal Register established by the Act of Patient and Trademark.

The trademark was first used on the goods on January 10,2011;and it has been in use by now.The markis usedby applying it to labels affixed to the product. Five specimens showing the mark as actually used are presented here.

ABC Company




武汉市汉阳区莲湖路12 号


该商标于2011 年1 月10 日第一次用于该商品,且现在仍在使用。该商标用于产品上的附标签。现附上5 份样品,显示商标的实际使用情况。


邮件回复Reply 1

ABC Company:

We acknowledge receipt of your application, asking for registration of the trademark for your Weijie washing machine. We will deal with it as soon as possible and you can expect our approval in about five week days.

Patent and Trademark Bureau of P.R.C




邮件回复Reply 2

ABC Company:

We accept your application of registration of the trademark for your Weijie washing machine. We will inform you of our approval in a week.

Patent and Trademark Bureau of P.R.C





1. patent [ˈpeitənt]   vt. 授予专利;取得……的专利权   adj. 专利的;新奇的;显然的   n. 专利权;执照;专利品

[例句] The report urges a reform of the patent system.

[解释]   这份报告极力主张对专利权体制进行一场革新。

2. registration [ˌredʒisˈtreiʃən]   n. 注册;登记;挂号

[例句] Registration is often just the start.

[解释]   通常,登记在案仅仅只是开始。

3. trademark [ˈtreidmɑ:k]   n. 商标

[例句] What if you want to continue to use the trademark?

[解释]   如果以后还想继续使用注册商标呢?

范例5 | 许可证申请

Dear President of Pala,

I, Li Min, do hereby apply for a license to show the trademark of your corporation, “Pala”, at my place of business situated at 18 Lotus Lake Road, in Wuhan.

This application accords with the franchising regulations of your corporation. I know more about the regulations that govern the display of the said trademark and the manner of conducting business, and I agree to follow up such regulations at all times.

Yours sincerely,

Li Min


本人,李敏,特此郑重申请贵公司商标使用许可证,因此我位于武汉市莲湖路18 号的店面便可以获准使用“派乐”商标。


李敏   敬上

邮件回复Reply 1

Dear Ms. Li,

Through the examination of our company, we strongly feel that there is both a professional and personal fit between you and Pala, which will ensure the success of this venture. It is hereby approved that you can use our trademark of Pala at your place.

Thank you for your interest and cooperation.

Pala Hamburger





邮件回复Reply 2

Dear Ms. Li,

Thank you for your interest in our company and our trademark. However, we are afraid we can not approve your application, since there has been a Pala store in your district. We hope you can understand our situation and forgive us for not being able to accept you.

Pala Hamburger





1. hereby [ˈhiəˈbai]   adv. 以此方式,据此;特此

[例句] I hereby declare you man and wife.

[解释]   本人特此宣布你们结为夫妇。

2. regulation [reɡjuˈleiʃən]   n. 管理;规则;校准

[例句] As in mature markets, regulation plays a big role.

[解释]   与成熟市场一样,管理发挥着重大作用。

范例6 | 出国进修申请

Dear Mr. Smith,

In order to improve my professional skill and offer better service for our company, I think I should learn more about current international sophisticated technology. I hereby advance an application for further study abroad.

I will ensure to study hard and come back to contribute more for our company’s promising future! Your decision may influence our tomorrow. Please consider carefully .

Looking forward to your support.

Yours, sincerely






汤姆   谨上

邮件回复Reply 1

Dear Tom,

I have discussed your case with other directors of the board. We have decided to approve your application for further study abroad, We will provide a fund to cover your training expense on the condition that you obtain the graduation certificate and are willing to work 3 more years for us.

We will arrange Mr. White of your section to take over your responsibility. Please ensure to complete the handover before you leave.

Yours sincerely,

John Smith


我已与董事会的其他成员讨论过你的情况。我们决定同意你出国进修的申请,我们将会对你的培训费用予以报销,条件是你取得结业证书,并愿意再为公司服务3 年。


约翰 ·史密斯   谨上

邮件回复Reply 2

Dear Tom,

We have discussed your case and feel sorry to turn down your application for further study abroad.

As you know, we are now short of hands and it is impossible to get someone to take over your responsibility while you are away. We hope you can put the interests of the whole company at the first place and suspend your plan for a while.

Yours sincerely,

John Smith




约翰 ·史密斯   谨上


1. professional [prəˈfeʃənəl]   adj. 专业的;职业的;职业性的   n. 专业人员;职业运动员

[例句] You can, of course, get professional help, but I am not sure if I should recommend it.

[解释]   当然,你还可以寻求专业帮助,但我拿不准自己是否该建议你这么做。

2. sophisticated [səˈfistikeitid   adj. 复杂的;精致的;久经世故的;富有经验的

[例句] Yet even more sophisticated products could arise.

[解释]   更精密的产品还会陆续出现。

3. handover [ˈhændəuvə]   n. 移交

[例句] Many welcomed the handover of power, particularly the corrupt politicians.

[解释]   很多人欢迎这种权力交接,尤其是贪官污吏。

范例7 | 调职申请

Dear Sir,

This is Tom Smith from Planning Section. I have worked here for more than 4 years since April 1, 2007. I have been doing my best to fulfill every task assigned to me, sparing no effort and pursuing perfection.

I have been devoting my energy and love to our company, and I really hope I could have long-term development here. Therefore, I want to know the company overall. As the Marketing Section is the leading department, which is in charge of our main business, I want to have a chance to enter this departmentto learn more.I promise I will work as hard in the new department as in my current department.

I desperately expect your permission.

Yours sincerely,

Tom Smith


我是企划部的汤姆· 史密斯,于200 7 年4 月1 日开始在这个部门工作,至今已经四年多的时间了。我一直很尽心尽力,严格要求自己,努力的完成每项任务。

我对公司倾注了极大的精力和感情,我希望在这里得到长足发展,所以我想更全面地了解一下公司其它部门的工作。营销部是公司的重要部门,负责公司的主要业务。我希望可以得到机会,前往这个部门学习,我一 会 在现在定像这个部门一 工样努力作。


汤姆· 史密斯   敬上

邮件回复 Reply 1 Dear Tom,

We received your application for a transfer, and had a discussion about it.

Complying with your request, we decide to transfer you to the Marketing Section.We arrange Zhang Ying, a new recruit to replace you. Please ensure to complete the handover before you leave.

Human Resource Section





邮件回复Reply 2

Dear Tom,

We have received your application, asking for a transfer to the Marketing Section. We are sorry to turn down your application, as there is no vacancy in our department for the moment. However, we will give you the precedence if there is one in the future.

Marketing Section





1. perfection [pəˈfekʃən]   n. 完善;完美

[例句] The cut of her dress shows off her figure to perfection.

[解释]   她的服装样式使得她的身材显得分外匀称。

2. loyalty [ˈlɔiəlti]   n. 忠诚;忠心;忠实

[例句] They still show amazing loyalty to their parents.

[解释]   他们仍对父母表现出惊人的忠诚。

3. precedence [ˈpresidəns]   n. 优先;居先

[例句] This task must be given precedence over all others.

[解释]   这一工作必须先做,其它一切后做。

范例8 | 员工宿舍申请

Dear Sir,

This is Zhang Peng, a new staff member of the company. I live in Hanyang District, which is quite far away from our company, and it takes me almost 3 hours to commute everyday. In addition, the rents for apartments around the company are quite high, and it is difficult for me to afford renting a house. Therefore, I sincerely hope that the company can help me solve this major problem, so that I can work more energetically. I hereby apply for a dormitory.

Expecting our aproval.

Truly yours,

Zhagn Peng


我是公司的新进员工张鹏。我来自汉阳区,我现在的居住地到单位路途较远,每天要花近3 个小时在路上。另外,单位附近房屋普遍租金较高,在附近租房对我来说真的很困难。因此,我衷心地希望公司能够帮助我解决这个大难题,让我每天能够有充沛的精力更好地工作。特此向您申请宿舍一间。



邮件回复Reply 1

Dear Mr. Zhang,

We have received your letter, asking for a dormitory. We are informing you that we have approved your application, since it is our duty to arrange accommodation for our staffs. We will allocate to you a furnished single room with a shower cubicle. You can move in once you go through the necessary procedures. Please come to our section for formalities in two days.

Logistics Group




邮件回复Reply 2

Dear Mr. Zhang,

We acknowledge your application for a dormitory. But we feel sorry to turn it down, because we do not have enough rooms for a moment to accommodate our staffs. However, we are planning to build a nine storey apartment, -which has been approved by the board. You can expect to be allocated a dormitory in half a year. We extend our sincere apology for the inconvenience you are experiencing.

Logistics Group





1. allocate [ˈæləkeit]   vt. 分配;拨出;使坐落于 vi. 分配;指定

[例句] Yet they lack the power to raise funds or to allocate spending.

[解释]   然而他们却没有权利筹集资金或是分配消费。

2. furnished [ˈfə:niʃt]   adj. 家具,有家具的 v. 供应;装备( furnish 的过去分词)

[例句] Are you trying to find a furnished house?

[解释]   你是想找一套备有家具的房子吗?

范例9 | 调换部门申请

Dear Mr. Zhang,

I am writing this letter in order to apply for working in a different department. Last month after we cooperated with the Marketing Department, I found I was interested in that department.I also learnt some marketing knowledge by myself. I think if I can be a member of the Marketing Department, I will have more enthusiasm and better work efficiency. On the other hand,the Marketing Department colleagues also recognize my ability. So I hope to be able to work for the Marketing Department.

I believe that interest is the best teacher. As long as I keep learning and accumulating work experience, I will do a better job. I hope you can consider my request. Thank you!

Best wishes!

Yours sincerely,






汤姆   谨上

邮件回复Reply 1

Dear Tom,

I am very glad to receive your letter. We have considered your request and decided to approve your application. We think you are a quick learner and also innovative. I hope you can have a better performance there.

Best wishes!

Yours sincerely,

Zhang Ming




张明   谨上

邮件回复Reply 2

Dear Tom,

We have received your letter. We also have carefully considered your application. We ct approve your application of changing the an’work department. Your work is quite different with that in marketing. I think you are suitable for the work of your department. Besides,your department is also short of hands, and needs your help. If it is possible next time, we may consider your request.

Best wishes!

Yours sincerely,

Zhang Ming



张明   谨上

范例10 | 购买新传真机申请

Dear Mr. Zhang,

Our fax machine of the finance department recently has broken, and the repair department also can’t fix it. So we need a new one. We need this machine all the time to keep working. So I am writing to apply for a new fax machine as soon as possible. I am waiting for your approval.Best wishes!

Yours sincerely,





汤姆   谨上

邮件回复Reply 1

Dear Tom,

Your application has been approved. Fax machine will be sent to your office in the end of the month.

Best wishes!

Yours sincerely,

Zhang Ming




张明   谨上

邮件回复Reply 2

Dear Tom,

After consideration, we decide to get an unused fax machine for your department from other departments. Thus we can make good use of resources of the company. I hope you can use it in the right way.

Best wishes!

Yours sincerely,

Zhang Ming



张明   谨上

范例11 | 留学申请

Dear Mr. Zhang,

I am a senior student now and have learnt a lot during the four years.Our teachers help me a lot. Since my teacher mentioned the Washington University to me, I have been looking forward to studying in this school. So I want to apply to go to Washington University to study abroad.

Going to st udy in a foreign university is my dream, so I have always studied very hard, and ranked top in class. I also participaed in many community activities to enrich my extracurricuar life, and I exercised a lot from them. During the summer and winter vacations, I attended a variety of internships which had broadened my vision.

I’d like to go abroad and experience the different ways of teaching. So I expect to continue my study in Washington University. Please approve the application.

Best wishes!

Yours sincerely,







汤姆   谨上

邮件回复Reply 1

Dear Tom,

We know that you are an excellent student with strong abilities of both academic and practice. We agree that you are qualified to go abroad. So we approve your application.

Good luck!

Yours sincerely,

Zhang Ming





邮件回复 Reply 2 Dear Tom,

We have received your letter of application, and made an investigation. I am sorry to tell you that you don’t meet the requirement, because your scores of major courses are not enough. So you are not qualified to apply for studying abroad.

Best wishes!

Yours sincerely,

Zhang Ming




张明   谨上 e94B1J8EESVmRR+AtzWkddnvsuObAU+xMsZMx4MFPRwIxzTjpHngI1JlXOfXydqN

