
Unit 3 求职篇


求职类邮件非常重要,一封好的求职信能够给 HR 留下深刻印象,进而能够帮求职者赢得面试机会。撰写该类邮件时应该注意做到以下几个方面:

a) 写明写信人的地址、写信日期和收信人的姓名、地址。

b) 文章称呼要正规,如果知道对方姓名,要有尊称;如果不知道收信方是谁,则一般要用“尊敬的领导”。

c) 第一段要表明自己写信的目的、应聘的岗位及职位信息来源,态度要诚恳友善。第二段说明自己的能力和优势,特别要针对自己所要申请岗位的要求,毕业生可以强调自己的学习成绩、担任职务和实习经验,有工作经验者还要强调工作经验。第三段表现自己的强烈意愿和希望,恳请招聘方给予面试机会,并让招聘方相信自己的决心。

d) 文章最后切记要写上自己的联系方式,便于招聘方联系。最后表达美好的祝愿。

e) 一般的求职信都会附加简历,来帮助招聘者更好的了解应聘者的素质和能力。因此,附简历的话要注明。


a)I am writing to apply for the job that you post on the newspaper.


b)I am very pleased to introduce myself to you and wish to apply for the job that...


c)I was told that your company needs an executive secretary, and I am so happy to introduce myself to you that I...


d)I have a good education background which provides me with a good knowledge about the job.


e)I think I am very suitable for your company. I hope you can provide me with opportunities for employment.


f)I am looking forward to working with you to discuss about design issues as well as my career planning. Hope you can give me the chance to have a face-to-face interview.


g)I am skilled in communication, and good at leading and market analysis. You can see the specific information in my resume.


h)I think the interview yesterday was very flexible which asked a high level of interview skills. So I want to know more about my interview.


i)I am looking forward to your reply. Thank you so much for your help.


j)If it is convenient for you, could you help me check my interview result? And then tell me the result. So I can prepare early, to find another job.


范例1 | 询问职缺

Dear Mr. Henry,

I am a designer who has a four-year experience of designing. And I have worked for a lot of companies as a senior designer. I know your company is one of China’s best design companies, so I want to consult if your company needs a designer.

I know this job needs strong professional knowledge.I have a master's degree in graphic design, and some of my works have won awards. What's more, I have a strong sense of responsibility, executive ability and a good team spirt. I am able to work under high pressure and strength.

I am looking forward to working with you to discuss about design issues as well asmy career planning. Hope you can give me the chance to have a face-to-face interview.My telephone number is 534-364-4223. Thank you in advance for your help.

Yours sincerely,





我期待能与您讨论关于设计方面的问题以及对自己职业生涯的规划。希望能给我这次面对面探讨的机会。我的联系电话是534-364-4223 。提前在这里感谢您的帮助。

乔治   谨上

Dear George,

Recently many departments of our company are hiring employees, including the human resources department, marketing department, financial department and the design department. There are many positions you can choose. But first of all, please send your resume and application letter to me. Then we will inform you of the specific interview time and place. Based on your good design foundation and experience, I think you can go to apply for the design department.

Good luck!

Yours sincerely,





亨利   谨上

Dear George,

Recently many departments of our company will hire new staffs. But unfortunately, our design department has not a plan to recruit new employees. If you would like to apply for a job in our company, I suggest you take interviews of other departments, and then when the design department has any vacancies you can transfer to the design work. If you have other better choices, then wish you good luck.

Yours sincerely,




亨利   谨上

范例2 | 求职

Dear Sir or Madam:

I noticed your advertisement for the services of an administrative assistant in last morning’s newspaper. I beg to offer myself for the position, feeling confident that I am qualified to fill it to your satisfaction.

I am twenty five years of age, and unmarried. Having graduated from a commercial school two years ago, I was in YYT Company for a year, where I filled a situation similar to that in dicated by you.

Should my application be regarded favorably. I shall endeavor to justify the confidence you may repose in me.

Yours faithfully,

Zhang Ying



我25 岁,未婚。两年前从一所商业学校毕业,之后进入YYT 公司工作了一年,我的岗位与贵公司招聘岗位相似。


张英 敬上

邮件回复Reply 1

Dear Miss. Zhang,

Thank you for your application for the position of an administrative assistant.

We regret to inform you that the position has been filled. However, we will keep your application on file so that we can contact you when this is a vacancy in the future.

Thank you again for your interest in our company.

Yours Sincerely,

ABC Company





ABC公司   谨上

邮件回复Reply 2

Dear Miss. Zhang,

Thank you for your application for the position of an administrative assistant.

We take pleasure to inform you that your initial application has been accepted and we are looking forward to meeting you at 10 a.m., on March 26 for a face-to-face talk.

Yours Sincerely,

ABC Company



我们很高兴地通知你,我们已经接受你的初步申请,   并且期待3 月26 日上午10 点与你进行面对面的交谈。

ABC公司   谨上


1. administrative [ədˈministrətiv]   adj.   管理的,行政的

[例句] The administrative limit for this request was exceeded.

[解释]   这个请求已经超过了管理限制。

2. initial [iˈniʃəl]   adj.   最初的;字首的   vt.   用姓名的首字母签名   n.   词首大写字母

[例句] For individuals, the initial indication is that the rules are being enforced.

[解释]   对于个人,最初的迹象是这些规定正在得到实施。

3. justify [ˈdʒʌstifai]   vi.   证明合法;整理版面   vt.   证明……是正当的;替……辩护

[例句] The pursuit of good ends does not justify the employment of bad means.

[解释]   追求正当的目的并不证明可以用不正当的手段。

范例3 | 求职自荐

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am replying to your advertisement in the March 23 edition of Wuhan Evening.

As indicated in my resume, I have had two-years experience of keeping accounts for BBC’ Company. In this position, I was responsible for book keeping, vouchers preparation and filings. I have been good at reporting and commenting on financial performance.

Because it is difficult to indicate every area of my expertise in resume,I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss my qualiyfications for this position.

I look forward to meeting you.

Yours sincerely,

Wang Yong


我看到3 月23 日武汉晚报上贵公司刊登的招聘广告,特此应征。

正如我的简历中描述的那样,我在BBC 公司做过两年会计。我的岗位职责是记账、凭证编制以及归档。我擅长报告财务数字和对财务表现进行评价。



王 永 敬上

邮件回复Reply 1

Dear Mr. Wang,

Thank you for applying for our company’s position.

We are pleased to announce that your application for the position as an accountant has been accepted, and we would like you to come for an interview.

We are pleased to arrange an appointment for you to speak with Mr. Jones, director of the Personnel, at 10:00 a.m.on April 5.

Yours sincerely,

ABC Corporation




我们很高兴安排您与我公司人事部经理琼斯先生面谈,时间为4 月5 日上午10 点。

ABC公司   谨上

邮件回复Reply 2

Dear Mr. Wang,

Thank you for your application for the position of accountant of our finance department.

We regret to inform you that the position of accountant has been filled. We were, however, impressed by your qualification and have kept your application on file. While there is no opening at this moment, we will contact you once the opportunity arises.

Thank you for your interest in our company.

Yours sincerely,

ABC Corporation





ABC 公司   谨上


1. filing [ˈfailiŋ]   n.   文件归档;锉;锉屑

[例句] Have you kept all of your financial documents etc. in your filing cabinet?

[解释]    你在你的档案橱柜里保留你所有的金融单据了吗?

2. accountant [əˈkauntənt]   n.   会计师;会计人员

[例句] A good accountant is a treasure to a company.

[解释]   优秀的会计师是公司的宝贵财富。

3. qualification [ˌkwɔlifiˈkeiʃən   n. 资格;条件;限制;赋予资格

[例句] Do you have qualification or special skills?

[解释]   你有资格证或是特殊技能证吗?

范例4 | 求职推荐

Dear Sir,

When Tom Smith handed me his resignation, I was, of course, sorry to learn that one of our top salesmen would be leaving. But at the same time, I am willing to say a kind word on his behalf.

Tom has worked for our company for about five years, responsible for developing Hubei and the surrounding area. He has been quite successful in achieving and even surpassing all of his annual sales targets. He has won appreciation and respect from his supervisors and colleagues through his hard work and great efforts. His superior intelligence and good sense of responsibility impressed everyone who had dealings with him.

It is my great honor to recommend a promising young man like Tom and I believehe will more than meet your expectations.

Yours sincerely,

Allen Liu

BBC Company


当汤姆· 史密斯向我递交辞呈时,当得知我们最出色的推销员之一将离开我们的时候,我当然感到很遗憾。但是,我仍很愿意为他说句好话。

汤姆已经为我们公司服务了近五年,负责湖北及周边地区的市场开拓。他一直成功地完成甚至超越每年的销售目标。他以自己的努力和勤奋赢得了上司和同事的赏识和尊重。他智慧过人,责任感强,给每个与他有过交往的人 留下深 的都刻印象。


BBC公司   艾伦刘   敬上

邮件回复Reply 1

Dear Mr. Liu,

Thank you for your letter, recommending Mr. Smith. As you have mentioned, we were impressed by his intelligence, eloquence and good sense of humor.

Yours sincerely,

ABC Company



ABC公司   敬上

邮件回复 Reply 2

Dear Mr. Liu,

We have read your recommendation for Mr. Smith, which helped us get a thorough understanding of this promising young man. We have decided to give him the offer as the marketing manager. We believe his joining will bring a more brilliant future for our company.

Yours sincerely,

ABC Company



ABC公司   敬上


1. resignation [ˌreziɡˈneiʃən]   n. 辞职;放弃;辞职书;顺从

[例句] His resignation left a vacancy on the board of directors .

[解释]   他的辞职给董事会留下了一个空缺。

2. supervisor [ˈsju:pəvaizə]   n. 监督人,管理人;检查员

[例句] The workers always fool around when the supervisor steps out.

[解释]   当监管不在的时候,工人总是糊弄工作。

3. eloquence [ˈeləkwəns]   n. 口才;雄辩;,修辞

[例句] Action is eloquence.

[解释]   行动就是雄辩。

范例5 | 推荐人确认

Dear Mr. Huang,

Thank your for your reference letter written for Mr. Zhang Hua to facilitate his application for the position of store manager in our company.

Attached please find a copy of the reference letter that we have received. If you would like to provide us with any additional information about the candidate, please contact us by fax:027-84115133 or by email:rsc@whgy.com.cn.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

GGT Company



附件请查收我们收到的推荐信复印件一份。如果您对此应征者还有未尽的情况向我们提供,请以传真(027-84115133) 或是电邮(rsc@whgy.com.cn )的形式与我们联系。


GGT公司   敬上

邮件回复Reply 1

Dear Sir,

I acknowledge receipt of your letter of March 10, 2011, enclosing a copy of my rec-ommendation for Zhang Hua.

As I have mentioned in the reference letter, Mr. Zhang was always punctual, hard-working and ready to take on new responsibilities. He has developed into a resourceful and result-oriented store keeper who, I believe, will be a good asset to your company.

Yours sincerely,

Huang Yilong

FOB Company


我收了您2011 年3 月10 日的信及附件中我为张华所写的一封推荐信。


FOB公司   黄一龙   敬上

邮件回复Reply 2

Dear Sir,

I was shocked to receive your letter of March 10, 2011, attaching a copy of the socalled recommendation from me.

I have to clarify that I have never written such a letter for Mr. Zhang Hua. I will not be responsible for the lines about his merits and achievements in the letter. I suggest you be cautious about employing this man.

Yours sincerely,

Huang Yilong

FOB Company


收到您2011 年3 月10 日的信及所附一封所谓本人起草的推荐信复印件我感到十分震惊。


FOB 公司   黄一龙   敬上


1. candidate [ˈkændidit]   n. 候选人,候补者;应试者

[例句] I am not the youngest candidate, but I am the most experienced!

[解释]   我不是最年轻的候选人,但是我是最有经验的!

2. clarify [ˈklærifai]   vt. 澄清;阐明   vi. 得到澄清;变得明晰;得到净化

[例句] You should clarify the facts relative to this problem.

[解释]   你应当澄清与此问题有关的事实。

3. resourceful [riˈsɔ:sfl] adj. 资源丰富的;足智多谋的;机智的

[例句] My immediate boss is quite resourceful.

[解释]   我的直属上司十分足智多谋。

范例6 | 请求安排面试

Dear Sir or Madam:

I have sent you by email a resume to apply for the position of a sales assistant in your company. But, unfortunately, I have not gotten any reply from you. I have to assume that you are so busy that you have neglected it.

My name is Zhang Lin, a newly graduate from Nanjing University, majoring in marketing a nd obtaining my bachelor’s degree with honor. I completed my internship program in BBC companying with good performance. And I believe I am qualified to fill the position you advertised for.

I sincerely hope that you can arrange an interview to discuss about my qualification.I am available for it at your convenience.

Yours sincerely,

Zhang Lin



我叫张林,刚刚从南京大学毕业。我的专业是市场营销,以优异的成绩获得学士学位。我在BBC 公司实习过,表现良好。我相信我能够胜任你们招聘的职位。

我真诚地希望你们能够为我安 一 面试,排次来考核我是否合格。只要你们方便,我任何时候都能参加面试。

张林   敬上

邮件回复Reply 1

Dear Mr. Zhang,

We have received your resume and your letter of March 28, asking for an interview. We are sorry we were unable to reply your letters in time because of the heavy work load.

We take pleasure to inform that we accept your initial application and we are looking forward to meeting you at 10:00 a.m. on April 2, 2011.

Yours sincerely,

ABC Company


我们已经收到了你的简历,及你3 月28 请求面试的来信。我们很抱歉由于工作繁忙没能及时给你回复。

我们很高兴地通知你我们接受你初步的申请,并且期待2011 年4 月2 日上午10 点与你面谈。

ABC公司   谨上

邮件回复Reply 2

Dear Mr. Zhang,

Thank you for your interest in our company, but we regret to inform you that the position which you applied for has been filled. However, your resume impressed us and we will keep it on file. And we will contact you if there is a vacancy similar to the advertised position in the future.

We extend our apology for not being able to reply your letters in time because of some unexpected circumstances.

Yours sincerely,

ABC Company




ABC公司   谨上


1. internship [ˈintə:nʃip]   n. 实习生;(美)实习期;实习医师职位

[例句] The internship period is usually about 3 months, but it could vary a bit.

[解释]   通常实习期为 3 个月左右,也可以稍微有所变动。

2. circumstance [ˈsə:kəmstəns]   n. 环境,情况;事件;境遇

[例句] Circumstance is life; culture is soul.

[解释]   环境是生命,文化是灵魂。

范例7 | 询问面试结果

Dear Mr. Toffler,

I am writing this letter to inquire about my interview. I was lucky to have an interview in your company last Saturday. I hope that I can enter your company through this interview.

The position I applied for is the secretary of the general manager. And the time of the interview was last Saturday, September 4th at 10:00 in the morning. My name is Tom Cook. I think my performance in the interview is good, so I feel quite confi dent of this interview. By now I still have not received any notice,so I want to write this letterto ask the result.

I appreciate your time to readthis letter.I am looking forward to your reply.

Good luck!

Yours sincerely,




我面试的职位是总经理秘书。面试的时间是在上周六,9月4 日上午10 点,我的名字叫做汤姆· 库克。我觉得自己在面试中的表现还可以,对自己还是蛮有信心的。但是还没有收到任何通知,所以我想写信询问一下。



汤姆   谨上

邮件回复Reply 1

Dear Tom,

I’m glad you take this interview so seriously. I checked the interview transcripts, and found your grades were very good, ranking the second. Congratulations! You are admitted by our company. We will send the admission notice on this Wednesday. Please pay attention to it.

Yours sincerely,




托夫勒   谨上

邮件回复Reply 2

Dear Tom,

Your letter has been received. I’m glad you not only want to ask your interview results, but pay more attention to your shortcomings; this is very good. But I’m sorry, your performance is not very good, so you are not admitted by our company.During the interview, you had many disadvantages.For example, during the interview you didn’t have enough self-confidence, and you were easy to be nervous. When you answered the questions you didn't talk much. So your interview result is low. I hope you can continue to work.

Good luck!

Yours sincerely,





托 夫勒谨上

范例8 | 感谢给与职位

Dear Mr. Liu,

As we discussed on the phone, I am very pleased to accept the position of marketing manager in PPT Company. Thank you for the opportunity. I am eager to make a positive contribution to the company and to work with everyone there.

As we discussed, my starting salary will be ¥ 3,000, and insurance and housing fund benefits will be provided after 3 months of employment.

I look forward to starting employment on April 20,2011.If there is any additional information or paperwork you need prior to then, please let me know.

I,again,extend my sincere gratitude to you.

Yours sincerely,

Zhang Lin


正如我们电话中谈到的,我很高兴接受PPT 公司提供的销售经理一职。感谢您提供给我这一机会。我期待着能为贵公司做出积极的贡献,并且能和贵公司的职员一起共事。

我们讨论过,我的起薪是3000 元,3 个月后办理五险一金。

我期待2011 年4 月20 日报到上班。如果在那之前,还需要其他信息或材料,请与我联系。


张林   敬上

邮件回复Reply 1

Dear Mr. Zhang,

We acknowledge your mail of April 14, accepting the position of marketing manager.

We are looking forward to your arrival on April 20, 2011.

If you need any help, please do not hesitate to tell us.

Yours sincerely,

PPT Company


我们收到你4 月14 日的邮件,并且表示愿意接受你担任营销经理一职。

我们期待你2011 年4 月20 日来报到。


PPT公司   谨上

邮件回复Reply 2

Dear Mr. Zhang,

You are so considerate to send us a confirmation of your acceptance of the position of marketing manager.

We can hardly wait to welcome you to join us.

See you then.

Yours sincerely,

PPT Company





PPT 公司   谨上


1. insurance [inˈʃuərəns]   n. 保险;保险费;保险契约;赔偿金

[例句] And health insurance reform is central to that effort.

[解释]   而医疗卫生改革正是这种努力的关键。

2. employment [imˈplɔimənt]   n. 使用;职业;雇用

[例句] That can pull down employment and growth.

[解释]   这可能拖累就业与经济增长。

3. marketing [ˈmɑ:kitiŋ]   n. 行销,销售

[例句] That sounds like a really clever marketing strategy.

[解释]   这听起来真是个聪明的销售策略。

范例9 | 拒绝工作邀请

Dear Mr. Clinton,

I’m pleased to receive your letter to tell me I had been accepted by your company. This is good news for me. I like your company. But I’m sorry that I have to refuse this offer,because I had received a notice of acceptance from New York University. I decided to go to my ideal university to continue my study. I’m sorry to let you down and I hope next time I can have the chance to enter the company.

Best wishes!

Yours sincerely,

Liu Ming




刘明   谨上

邮件回复Reply 1

Dear Liu Ming,

I’m glad to hear that you had received the offer of the New York University. We all think you are a great talent. I hope you can return to our company after you finish your study. You are welcomed to our company.

Wish you all the best.

Yours sincerely,





克林顿   谨上

邮件回复Reply 2

Dear Liu Ming,

We are so sorry that you can’t join us. We have to inform you that someone has taken your place.

Best wishes!

Yours sincerely,





克林顿   谨上

范例10 | 拒绝求职者

Dear Liu Ming,

I am so happy to hear from you. I think you are a thoughtful person. I appreciate your courage and determination. Thank you for your attention to our company. But I am sorry to tell you that you are not accepted by our company, because this job asks for about at least five years’ work experience about designing.I think you will have the chance next time. Please keep trying.

Best wishes !

Yours sincerely,





克林顿   谨上

邮件回复Reply 1

Dear Mr. Clinton,

Thank you for your letter. I was frustrated after receiving this letter, because I really like the working environment and atmosphere of your company. Therefore I spent a lot of energy and time on the interview. Work experience is very important, but I think thought is more important. I will continue to fight for my dream.

Best wishes!

Yours sincerely,

Liu Ming




刘明   谨上

邮件回复Reply 2

Dear Mr. Clinton,

Thank you for your letter. Although I felt sad when hearing this news, I think the process is more important than the result. Now I feel happy to have this chance to know your company and learn something from the interview.

Wish you all the best!

Yours sincerely,

Liu Ming




刘明   谨上

范例11 | 辞职

Dear Mr. Stephen,

With this letter I officially submit my resignation that I will resign the position as the assistant of general manager. I will leave the company on 10th next month. Hope you can make the arrangements.

The reason of my leaving is that my father is badly ill. He was diagnosed with cancer. Ineed to take care of him for a long time. And I want to concentrate on taking care of him. Thank you very much for training me for two years, and colleagues also help me a lot. During this period I have learned much knowledge and many skills, which will benefit me in future days. I’m very grateful.

Before I leave, I will make the rest of the work clear to my colleagues. Try not to delay the work progress. If you have any questions, I am willing to provide help any time.

Best wishes!

Yours sincerely,



在此,我将正式辞去我总经理助理的职位。我将在下个月10 号正式离职。希望你能够做出些安排。




艾比   谨上

邮件回复Reply 1

Dear Abby,

We have received your letter. I’m sorry that we will lose such a good employee. During these two years, you are excellent in your job and bring a lot of achivements to our company. Now that you have the reason that you must leave, we understand that. We will arrange the work as soon as possible.

Best wishes!

Yours sincerely,





史蒂芬   谨上

邮件回复Reply 2

Dear Abby,

We are very sorry to hear your reason for leaving the company. Hope you can take good care of your father. We can understand this situation and we support you for doing this. Hope you can be brave to face this difficulty. At the same time I wish you can take good care of yourself too.

Best wishes!

Yours sincerely,





史蒂芬   谨上

范例12 | 解雇

Dear Mr. Li,

We will terminate your employment on Tuesday, 7 December, because your mistake in the work has brought a great loss to the company. The company needs to pay one hundred thousand Yuan to the customer because of your mistake. After discussion about this, we decide to terminate your employment.

Before you leave please finish the project you are working on. Then return the employee access badge and other property of the company. You will be paid until that day.And your paycheck will be mailed to you.

You have the right to formally appealyourtermination within one week after receiving thisletter. If you have any questions, please contact me.







乔治 谨上

邮件回复Reply 1

Dear George,

I am so sad to receive this letter. I know I have made a big mistake and caused a big problem. I feel really sorry for this. I will finish the project before the deadline and return the property of the company.


Li Hua



李华   谨上

邮件回复Reply 2

Dear George,

I am very sorry to bring so much trouble to company, but I am afraid that it is not all my fault. I will consult my lawyer and if necessary, I will appeal.


Li Hua



李华   谨上 MpVR6n3/GL5PoQn9oY4yVtmiby9KrhvXNG6UxZc4w1O57DQf9ZBpywm1PjyZeYoV

