
〔2〕Geographical Foundation

The village chosen for my investigation is called Kaihsienkung, locally pronounced kejiug'on . It is situated on the south-east bank of Lake Tai, in the lower course of the Yangtze River and about eighty miles west of Shanghai. It is in the geographical region of the Yangtze Plain. The geographical foundation of this region has been described by G. B. Cressey: "The Yangtze Plain is a land of rivers and canals. Probably nowhere else in the world is there an area with so many navigable waterways. The Yangtze Kiang, the Hwai Ho, and their tributaries provide a splendid highway through the length of the region. In addition to the many rivers there are a series of great lakes, chief among which are Tungting, Poyang, Tai, and Hungtse Hu. It is the canals, however, which give the most characteristic note to the landscape. These canals are the very arteries of life. In the region of Yangtze Delta they form an intricate network and serve as an artificial drainage system which takes the place of rivers. Their length in the south delta alone is estimated by F. H. King, at twenty-five thousand miles.





我所选择的调查地点叫开弦弓村,坐落在太湖东南岸,位于长江下游,在上海以西约80英里的地方,其地理区域属于长江三角洲。G. B.克雷西曾经这样描述该区域的地理概况:“在长江平原的土地上,布满了河流与运河。世界上大概再也没有其他地区会有那么多可通航的水路。长江、淮河及其支流形成了一条贯穿这个区域的通道,颇为壮观。这里不但河流多,而且还有许多大小湖泊,其中主要有洞庭湖、鄱阳湖、太湖、洪泽湖。然而赋予这个地貌以最显著的特征的是人工河渠。这些河渠正是生活的命脉。在长江三角洲地区,河渠形成了错综复杂的网络,起着人工水系的作用,取代了河流。据F. H.金的估计,仅三角洲南部的河渠长度就有25,000英里左右。

"This region is compound alluvial plain, the accumulation of sediment laid down by the rivers during long ages. There are a few isolated hills, but for the most part the land is level. The country is flat, but innumerable grave mounds and the trees about the villages break the view. Both rural and urban settlement is more congested than in the region of the North, but factors of climate and location combine to make this the most prosperous part of China.

"The Yangtze Plain is...distinctly influenced by summer-monsoon conditions... Here, too, are felt the greatest effects of continental cyclonic storms.

"Owing to the southernly latitude, the summers are subtropical with temperatures which frequently rise to 38℃. (100℉.)... The average (rainfall) for the entire region is about 1,200 mm. (45 in.).... Most of the rain falls during the spring and summer, with June the rainiest month. The period from October to February is comparatively dry with clear skies and stimulating temperatures, making this the most pleasant season of the year.

"Winter temperatures seldom remain below freezing for more than a few days at a time. Ice forms only in thin sheets on the colder nights and there is little snow.... The average of summer maximum temperature for Shanghai is 37℃. (91℉.), and the average of winter minimum is –7℃. (19℉.).

"The Yangtze Plain has climate conditions which are favourable for agriculture during most of the year so that the growing season lasts for about 300 days."

The commanding position of this region in Chinese eco no my is due partly to its superior natural environment and partly to its favourable position in the system of communications. It is located at the crossing point of the two main water routes: namely, the Yangtze River and the Grand Canal. They connect this region with the immense territory of western and northern China. Being a coastal region, it has become more and more important since the development of international trade by ocean transport. Shanghai, the seaport of this region, has developed into the biggest metropolis in the Far East. The railway system in this region is also well developed. From Shanghai, two important lines have been built, one to Nanking, passing Soochow, and one to Hongchow, passing Chianhsing. Recently in 1936 a new line between Soochow and Chianhsing was added to form a circuit between the above-mentioned two main lines. Motor roads have been built for the intra-regional communication; and besides there is an extensive use of the canals and canalized streams.



“由于纬度偏南,夏季呈亚热带气候,气温经常升至38℃ (100℉)。……整个地区平均降雨量约为1,200毫米(45英寸)……春、夏季多雨,6月份的雨量最多。自10月至来年2月,气候较为干燥,天空晴朗,气温宜人,这时候是一年中最爽快的季节。




This region has supported a very dense population, most of which is resident in villages. A bird's-eye view shows a cluster of villages. Each village is separated from its neighbour by only a walking distance of, on an average, twenty minutes. Kaihsienkung is but one of these thousands of villages crowding on this land.

In the centre of several tens of villages there is a town. The town is the collecting centre of the basic produce from the surrounding villages and the distributing point for manufactured goods brought from the outside cities. The town on which Kaihsienkung depends is called Chên Tsê, about four miles south of the village. It takes about two and a half hours for a single trip by boat. Chên Tsê lies about six miles south-east of Lake Tai and eight miles west of the Grand Canal and the Soochow-Chianhsing line. At present it is connected with the nearest station, Ping Wang, both by motor boat and bus services. By the existing railway lines, one can reach Shanghai from the town within eight hours. The geographical position of Kaihsienkung in relation to the above-mentioned towns and cities is shown in the accompanying maps (Map I and II).

〔3〕Economic Background

Here the human geographer will be right in inferring the occupation of the people from the natural conditions of the land they occupy. A traveller in a train, passing through that region, would not lose sight of the rice fields for more than intervals of a few minutes. In Kaihsienkung, according to estimates, more than ninety per cent. of the land is used for rice cultivation. This single village produces, on the average, eighteen thousand bushels of rice every year (X–2). Only a little more than half of the produce is consumed by the people themselves (VII–5). Very few households in the village are entirely free from agricultural work. About seventy-six per cent. of the total number of households are engaged in agriculture as their main occupation (VIII–1). The time spent in cultivating rice amounts to six months in the year (IX–3). From this crop the people earn more than half of their income (XII–2). Thus from any angle, rice is of primary importance.


在数十个村庄的中心地带就有一个市镇。市镇是收集周围村子土产品的中心,又是分配外地城市工业品下乡的中心。开弦弓所依傍的市镇叫震泽,在开弦弓以南约四英里,坐手摇船单程约需两个半小时。震泽地处太湖东南约六英里,大运河及苏嘉线以西约八英里。目前,可乘轮船或公共汽车到达苏嘉线的平望站。通过现有的铁路线,可在八小时以内从震泽到达上海。开弦弓与上述各城市及集镇间的位置关系,详见所附地图(见地图I、II)。 h0DOA22jpjxb800WJ0TDZJRIgEIfwiEhn2G1AU/QRBa6dabbpeOAJyq75mKjcXYn
