
壹   前言






It is more difficult to achieve successful changes in social institutions. Even when an institution has failed to meet the need of the people, there may be no substitute. The difficulty lies in the fact that since a social institution consists of human relations, it can be changed only through concerted actions which cannot readily be organized. Moreover, the social situation is usually complicated and expectation varies among the individuals involved. Therefore in the process of social change, it is always necessary in order to organize collective actions to have a more or less accepted definition of the situation and a formulated programme. Such preparatory activities generally take a linguistic form. It can be seen in its simplest form in the command of a captain to his crew when directing the course of a ship. It can also be observed in the well staged debates in parliament or congress. Different definitions of the situation and varying expectations about the results form the centre of the debates. Nevertheless, such preparatory activities are always present in an innovation in socially organized activities.

An inaccurate definition of situation, either due to deliberate aberrations or to ignorance, is dangerous for the group because it may lead to an undesired future. There are many instances in the present account to illustrate the importance of an empirical definition of the situation. In anticipation of the following pages, I shall mention a few of them. In kinship organization, the present practice of inheritance is defined by the legislature as an instance of inequality between sexes. Since the situation is so defined, once the idea of sex equality has been accepted, the resultant actions would involve a revision of the unilateral kinship principle. As I shall show, the transmission of property is a part of the reciprocal relation between generations; the obligation of supporting the old, in a society where that responsibility falls upon the children, cannot be equally shared by sons and daughters under the present system of patrilocal marriage. Therefore the bilateral inheritance combined with unilateral affiliation creates inequality between the sexes. Seen in this light, the consequences of the legislation are obviously contrary to expectation (IV–6).



A definition of situation sometimes may be accurate but not complete. In the silk industry, for instance, the reformers have defined the situation mainly in technical terms. The omission of the factor of international trade in the decline of the price of silk had resulted in their failure for many years to fulfil their promise to the villagers of big incomes from the industry (XII–8).

An adequate definition of situation, if it is to organize successful actions and attain the desired end, must be reached through a careful analysis of the functions of the social institutions, in relation to the need that they purport to satisfy and in relation to other institutions on which their working depends. This is the work of a social scientist. Social science therefore should play an important rôle in directing cultural change.

The need of such knowledge has become more and more urgent in China because the country cannot afford to waste any more of her wealth and energy in making mistakes. The fundamental end is evident; it is the satisfaction of the basic requirements common to every Chinese. This should be recognized by all. A village which stands on the verge of starvation profits nobody, not even the usurers. In this sense there should be no political differences among the Chinese upon these fundamental measures. Where differences exist, they are due to misrepresentation of facts. A systematic presentation of the actual conditions of the people will convince the nation of the urgent policies necessary for rehabilitating the lives of the masses. It is not a matter for philosophical speculation, much less should it be a matter for dispute between schools of thought. What is really needed is a common-sense judgment based on reliable information.

The present study is only one of the initial attempts of a group of young Chinese students who have realized the importance of this task. Similar studies have been carried out in Fukien, Shantung, Shansi, Hopei, and Kwangsi and will be pursued in the future by more extensive and better organized efforts. I am reluctant to present this premature account, premature because I have been deprived of chances of further field investigation in the immediate future on account of the Japanese occupation and destruction of the village here described. But I am presenting this study in the hopes that it may give a realistic picture to Western readers of the huge task that has been imposed on my people and the agony of the present struggle. Without being pessimistic, let me assure my readers that the struggle is evidently to be a long and grave one. We are ready for the worst and it may be a thousand times worse than the Japanese bombs and poisonous gas. I am, however, confident that, despite the past errors and present misfortunes, China will emerge once more a great nation, through the unswerving effort of her people. The present account is not a record of a vanished history but a prelude to a new chapter of the world history that will be written not in ink but in the blood of millions.





调查的机会。但我还是要把本书贡献出来,希望它能为西方读者提供一幅现实的画面,这就是:我的人民肩负重任,正在为当前的斗争付出沉痛的代价。我并不悲观,但肯定地说这是一场长期而严酷的斗争。我们已作了最坏的准备,准备承受比日本的炸弹和毒气还会更坏的情况。然而我确信,就算有过去的错误和当前的不幸,通过人民坚持不懈的努力,中国将再一次以一个伟大的国家屹立在世界上。本书并不是一本消逝了的历史的记录,而是将以百万人民的鲜血写成的世界历史新篇章的序言。 ddOJ5jGz/DVBUtWHbTpEHmz19imG8nMMgp3uIa3LusmsA4HPl0vXuQml7R5VzMYa
