

As soon as Armistice was declared in the recent World War, I began to take up the study of the International Development of China, and to form programs accordingly. I was prompted to do so by the desire to contribute my humble part in the realization of world peace. China, a country possessing a territory of 4,289,000 square miles, a population of 400,000,000 people, and the richest mineral and agricultural resources in the world, is now a prey of militaristic and capitalistic powers—a greater bone of contention than the Balkan Peninsula. Unless the Chinese question can be settled peacefully, another world war greater and more terrible than the one just past will be inevitable. In order to solve the Chinese question, I suggest that the vast resources of China be developed internationally under a socialistic scheme, for the good of the world in general and the Chinese people in particular. It is my hope that as a result of this, the present spheres of influence can be abolished; the international commercial war can be done away with; the internecine capitalistic competition can be got rid of, and last, but not least, the class struggle between capital and labor can be avoided. Thus the root of war will be forever exterminated so far as China is concerned.

Each part of the different programs in this International Scheme, is but a rough sketch or a general policy produced from a layman's thought with very limited materials at his disposal. So alterations and changes will have to be made after scientific investigation and detailed survey. For instance, in regard to the projected Great Northern Port, which is to be situated between the mouths of the Tsingho and the Lwanho, the writer thought that the entrance of the harbor should be at the eastern side of the port but from actual survey by technical engineers, it is found that the entrance of the harbor should be at the western side of the port instead. So I crave great indulgence on the part of experts and specialists.

I w ish to thank Dr. Monlin Chiang [1] , Mr. David Yui [2] , Dr. Y. Y. Tsu [3] , Mr. T. Z. Koo [4] , and Dr. John Y. Lee [5] , who have given me great assistance in reading over the manuscripts with me.

Sun Yat-sen.
C ANTON , April 25, 1921.

[1] 蒋梦麟:1886—1964年,原名梦熊,浙江余姚人。美国哥伦比亚大学教育学博士,师从杜威。曾长期担任北京大学校长。著有《西潮》、《新潮》等。——编者注

[2] 余日章:1882—1936年,原籍蒲圻,生于武昌。获美国哈佛大学教育科硕士学位、上海圣约翰大学文科博士学位。先后担任中华基督教青年会全国协会总干事、中华基督教协进会会长等职务。——编者注

[3] 朱友渔:1886—1986年,社会学家、基督徒。1911年获美国哥伦比亚大学哲学博士学位。曾任上海圣约翰大学社会学教授、中华圣公会云贵教区主教等。——编者注

[4] 顾子仁:1887—1971年,生于上海,毕业于上海圣约翰大学,曾任职于中华基督教青年会、世界基督教学生同盟等。——编者注

[5] 李耀邦:1884—约1940年,物理学家,生于广东省番禺,1914年获美国芝加哥大学哲学博士学位。曾任南京高等师范学校教授、基督教青年会全国协会副总干事等。——编者注 fzWrbSfRn2ma154YSKKAioIEMT4MAQ7l7BeYnu//r/KfzcVQX+eN4L5aVUsiGeTJ

