
第五部   开发直隶、山西煤铁矿源,设立制铁炼钢工厂


The unlimited iron and coal fields of Shansi and Chihli should be developed on a large scale. Let us say a capital of from five hundred to a thousand million dollars Mex. should be invested in this project. For as soon as the general development of China is started we would have created a vast market for iron and steel which the present industrial world will be unable to supply. Think of our railway construction, city building, harbor works, and various kinds of machineries and implements that will be needed! In fact, the development of China means the creation of a new need of various kinds of goods, for which, we must undertake to create the supply also, by utilizing the raw materials near by. Thus a great iron and steel works is an urgent necessity as well as a greatly profitable project.

In this F IRST P ROGRAM , we have followed the four principles set forth at the outset pretty closely. As needs create new needs and profits promote more profits, so our first program will be the forerunner of the other great developments, which we will deal with shortly.



[1] Chinese Turkestan:指今新疆地区。——编者注

[2] 母财、子利:资本、利息。

[3] 直隶湾:即渤海湾。在渤海西部,北起河北省乐亭县大清河口,南到山东省黄河口。

[4] 宿昔:向来,往日。

[5] 浚渫:疏浚、疏通。

[6] 咪:英里,mile的英译,现已极少使用。——编者注

[7] 襟带:如襟如带,指山川环绕,地势险要。

[8] 生齿:语出《周礼·秋官·司民》,后借指人口、家口。

[9] 费府:即费城,美国东北部大城。

[10] As soon as this first program reached the American Legation in Peking, the former Minister, Dr. Paul S. Reinsch, immediately sent an expert to survey the site which the writer indicated, and found that it is really the best site on the Chihli Coast for a world harbor, excepting that the entrance of the port should be at the west side instead of the east side as the writer proposed. Detailed plans have been made as figures 1 and 2.

[11] 奉天:指今辽宁省。其辖境古今略有不同。

[12] 芮恩诗:今译芮恩施,1869—1923年。美国外交官,1913年任美国驻华公使,1919年辞职后,受聘为北洋政府法律顾问。

[13] 迪化城:指今新疆维吾尔自治区首府乌鲁木齐市。

[14] 伯达:旧多译为报达,今译巴格达,今伊拉克首都。

[15] 达马斯加斯:今译大马士革,叙利亚首都。

[16] 海楼:今译开罗。

[17] Mukden:沈阳,满语音为“穆克敦和屯(mukden hoton)”,意为“兴盛之京”,故称“盛京”,又名奉天。——编者注

[18] 中国本部(China Proper):指以汉文化为主导、汉族占人口绝大多数的地区,在本书中指清朝的“十八行省”行政区域,不包括东北、新疆、蒙古、青海、西藏等地区。此英文名词为当时的传统用法,今日主要用于历史或地理研究,现代中文已绝少使用。十八行省范围历经元、明两代变迁,最后在清康熙朝时,定为冀、苏、皖、鲁、晋、豫、陕、甘、闽、浙、赣、鄂、湘、川、粤、桂、滇、黔。——编者注

[19] 麕聚:群聚。

[20] 阿尔然丁:今译阿根廷。

[21] 子偿其母:指获利甚多,利息即可偿还所投入资本。

[22] 饿莩:亦作“饿殍”,指饿死的人。

[23] 密西悉比河:今通译为密西西比河。 RuYOuMEIF27Fp9ovcfnUu90vYrVaCv1N616vmyZUYH+7GkzvIZVTVBDM3PYJ18+X
