
Part IV   The Construction of Canals to Connect the Inland Waterway Systems of North and Central China with the Great Northern Port

This scheme will include the regulation of the Hoangho and its branches, the Weiho in Shensi, and the Fenho in Shansi and connecting canals. The Hoangho should be deepened at its mouth in order to give a good drawing to clear its bed of silt and carry the same to the sea. For this purpose, jetties should be built far out to the deep sea, as those at the mouths of the Mississippi in America. Its embankments should be parallel in order to make the width of the channel equal right along, so as to give equal velocity to the current which will prevent the deposit of silt at the bottom. By dams and locks, it could be made navigable right up to Lanchow, in the province of Kansu, and at the same time water power could be developed. The Weiho and the Fenho can also be treated in the same manner so as to make them navigable to a great extent in the provinces of Shensi and Shansi. Thus the provinces of Kansu, Shensi, and Shansi can be connected by waterway with our projected port on the Gulf of Pechihli, so that cheap carriage can be provided for the rich mineral and other products from these three hitherto secluded provinces.

对于被裁百余万之兵,只以北方大港与多伦诺尔间辽阔之地区,已足以安置之。此地矿源富而户口少,倘有铁路由该港出发以达多伦诺尔,则此等散兵可供利用,以为筑港、建路及开发长城以外沿线地方之先驱者。而多伦诺尔将为发展极北殖民政策之基矣。 Tlj5CRLT8ev4fw07a5jej2WwZUG/knUKGcaYPOdOG0Kz/MKBrBJYAr2uZCgdqj1W
