
第二部   西北铁路系统

吾人所计划之铁路,由北方大港起,经滦河谷地,以达多伦诺尔,凡三百咪。经始之初,即筑双轨,以海港为出发点,以多伦诺尔为门户,以吸收广漠平原之物产,而由多伦诺尔进展于西北。第一线,向北偏东北走,与兴安岭山脉平行,经海拉尔,以赴漠河。漠河者,产金区域,而黑龙江右岸地也。计其延长,约八百咪。第二线,向北偏西北走,经克鲁伦,以达中俄边境,以与赤塔城附近之西伯利亚铁路相接,长约六百咪。第三线,以一干 线向西北,转正西,又转西南,沿沙漠北境,以至国境西端之迪化城 [13] ,长约一千六百咪。地皆平坦,无崇山峻岭。第四线,由迪化迤西以达伊犁,约四百咪。第五线,由迪化东南,超出天山山峡,以入戈壁边境,转而西南走,经天山以南沼地与戈壁沙漠北偏之间一带腴沃之地,以至喀什噶尔;由是更转而东南走,经帕米尔高原以东,昆仑以北,与沙漠南边之间一带沃土,以至于阗,即克里雅河岸。延长约一千二百咪,地亦平坦。第六线,于多伦诺尔、迪化间干线,开一支线,由甲接合点出发,经库伦,以至恰克图,约长三百五十咪。第七线,由干线乙接合点出发,经乌里雅苏台,倾北偏西北走,以至边境,约六百咪。第八线,由干线丙接合点出发,西北走,达边境,约四百咪。(参观第二图)

Regarded from the principle of "following the line of least resistance" our projected railways in this program is the most ideal one. For most of the seven thousand miles of lines under this project are on perfectly level land. For instance, the Trunk Line from Dolon Nor to Kashgar and beyond, about a distance of three thousand miles right along is on the most fertile plain and encounters no natural obstacles, neither high mountains nor great rivers.

Regarded from the principle of "the most suitable position," our projected railways will command the most dominating position of world importance. It will form a part of the trunk line of the Eurasian system which will connect the two populous centers, Europe and China, together. It will be the shortest line from the Pacific Coast to Europe. Its branch from Ili will connect with the future Indo-European line, and through Bagdad, Damascus and Cairo, will link up also with the future African system. Then there will be a through route from our projected port to Capetown. There is no existing railway commanding such a world important position as this.


以“地位适宜”之原则言之,则此种铁路,实居支配世界的重要位置。盖将为欧亚铁路系统之主干,而中、欧两陆人口之中心,因以联结。由太平洋岸前往欧洲者,以经此路线为最 近;而由伊犁发出之支线,将与未来之印度、欧洲线路(即行经伯达 [14] ,以通达马斯加斯 [15] 及海楼 [16] 府者)联络,成一连锁。将来由吾人所计划之港,可以直达好望角城。综观现在铁路,于世界位置上无较此重要者矣。

Regarded from the principle of the "most urgent need of the Nation," this railway system becomes the first in importance, for the territories traversed by it are larger than the eighteen provinces of China Proper. Owing to the lack of means of transportation and communication at present these rich territories are left undeveloped and millions of laborers in the congested provinces along the Coast and in the Yangtze Valley are without work. What a great waste of natural and human energies. If there is a railway connecting these vast territories, the waste labor of the congested provinces can go and develop these rich soils for the good not only of China but also of the whole commercial world. So a system of railways to the northwestern part of the country is the most urgent need both politically and economically for China to-day.

I have intentionally left out the first principle—"the most remunerative field must be selected"—not because I want to neglect it but because I mean to call more attention to it and treat it more fully. It is commonly known to financiers and railway men that a railway in a densely populated country from end to end is the best paying proposition, and a railway in a thinly settled country from end to end is the least paying one. And a railway in an almost unpopulated country like our projected lines will take a long time to make it a paying business. That is why the United States Government had to grant large tracts of public lands to railway corporations to induce them to build the Transcontinental lines to the Pacific Coast, half a century ago. Whenever I talked with foreign railway men and financiers about the construction of railways to Mongolia and Sinkiang, they generally got very shy of the proposition. Undoubtedly they thought that it is for political and military reasons only that such a line as the Siberian Railway was built, which traversed through a thinly populated land. But they could not grasp the fact which might be entirely new to them, that a railway between a densely populated country and a sparsely settled country will pay far better than one that runs from end to end in a densely populated land. The reason is that in economic conditions the two ends of a well populated country are not so different as that between a thickly populated country and a newly opened country. At the two ends of a well populated country, in many respects, the local people are self-supplying, excepting a few special articles which they depend upon the other end of the road to supply. So the demand and supply between the two places are not very great, thus the trade between the two ends of the railway could not be very lucrative. While the difference of the economic condition between a well populated country and an unpopulated country is very great. The workers of the new land have to depend upon the supplies of the thickly populated country almost in everything excepting foodstuffs and raw materials which they have in abundance and for disposal of which they have to depend upon the demand of the well populated district. Thus the trade between the two ends of the line will be extraordinarily great. Furthermore, a railway in a thickly populated place will not affect much the masses which consist of the majority of the population. It is only the few well-to-do and the merchants and tradesmen that make use of it. While with a railway between a thickly populated country and a sparsely settled or unsettled country, as soon as it is opened to traffic for each mile, the masses of the congested country will use it and rush into the new land in a wholesale manner. Thus the railway will be employed to its utmost capacity in passenger traffic from the beginning. The comparison between the Peking-Hankow Railway and the Peking-Mukden [17] Railway in China is a convincing proof.

以“国民需要” 之原则言之,此为第一需要之铁路。盖所经地方,较诸本部十八行省 [18] 尤为广阔。现以交通动输机 关缺乏之故,丰富地域,委为荒壤,而沿海沿江烟户稠密省分,麕聚 [19] 之贫民无所操作,其弃自然之惠泽而耗人力于无为者,果何如乎?倘有铁路与此等地方相通,则稠密省区无业之游民,可资以开发此等富足之地。此不仅有利于中国,且有以利世界商业于无穷也。故中国西北部之铁路系统,由政治上、经济上言之,皆于中国今日为必要而刻不容缓者也。


The Peking-Hankow Railway is a line of over eight hundred miles running from the capital of the country to the commercial center in the heart of China right along in an extraordinarily densely settled country from end to end. While the Peking-Mukden line is barely six hundred miles in length running from a thickly populated country to thinly populated Manchuria. The former is a well paying line but the latter pays far better. The net profit of the shorter Peking-Mukden line is sometimes three to four millions more yearly than that of the longer Peking-Hankow line.

Therefore, it is logically clear that a railway in a thickly populated country is much better than one that is in a thinly populated country in remuneration. But a railway between a very thickly populated and a very thinly populated or unpopulated country is the best paying proposition. This is a law in Railway Economics which hitherto had not been discovered by railway men and financiers.

According to this new railway economic law, our projected railway will be the best remunerative project of its kind. For at the one end, we have our projected port which acts as a connecting link with the thickly populated coast of China and the Yangtze Valley and also the two existing lines, the Kingham and the Tsinpu, as feeders to the projected port and the Dolon Nor line. And at the other end, we have a vast and rich territory, larger than China Proper, to be developed. There is no such vast fertile field so near to a center of a population of four hundred millions to be found in any other part of the world.



据此铁路经济上之新原则,而断吾人所计划之铁路,斯为有利中之最有利者。盖一方联接吾人所计划之港,以通吾国沿海沿江户口至多省分;又以现存之京汉、津浦两路,为此港暨多伦诺尔路线之给养,他方联接大逾中国本部之饶富未开之地。世界他处,欲求似此广漠腴沃之地,而邻近于四万万人口之中心者,真不可得矣。 ocXqnz/7KEL4z/YhVm3iUeghLEGZFVIfYF1181Wazvte/GUcfmqLTjBgB+ZB+vCs
