
第一部   北方大港

拟建筑不封冻之深水大港于直隶湾中。中国该部必需此港,国人宿昔 [4] 感之,无时或忘。向者屡经设计浚渫 [5] 大沽口沙,又议筑港于岐河口。秦皇岛港已见小规模的实行,而葫芦岛港亦经筹商兴筑。今余所策,皆在上举诸地以外。盖前两者距深水线过远而淡水过近,隆冬即行结冰,不堪作深水不冻商港用;后两者与户口集中地辽隔,用为商港,不能见利。兹所计划之港,为大沽口、秦皇岛两地之中途,青河、滦河两口之间,沿大沽口、秦皇岛间海岸岬角上。该地为直隶湾中最近深水之一点,若将青河、滦河两淡水远引他去,免就近结冰,使为深水不冻大港,绝 非至难之事。此处与天津相去,方诸天津、秦皇岛间少差七、八十咪 [6] 。且此港能借运河以与北部、中部内地水路相连,而秦皇、葫芦两岛则否。以商港论,现时直隶湾中唯一不冻之港,惟有秦皇岛耳。而此港则远胜秦皇、葫芦两岛矣。


But my idea is to develop this port as large as New York in a reasonable limit of time. Now, let us survey the hinterland to see whether the possibility justifies my ideal or not. To the southwest are the provinces of Chihli and Shansi, and the Hoangho valley with a population of nearly a hundred millions. To the northwest are the undeveloped Jehol district and the vast Mongolian Prairie with their virgin soil waiting for development, Chihli with its dense population and Shansi with its rich mineral resources have to depend upon this port as their only outlet to the sea. And if the future Dolon Nor and Urga Railway is completed with connection to the Siberian line then Central Siberia will also have to use this as its nearest seaport. Thus its contributing or rather distributing area will be larger than that of New York. Finally, this port will become the true terminus of the future Eurasian Railway System, which will connect the two continents. The land which we select to be the site of our projected port is now almost worth next to nothing. Let us say two or three hundred square miles be taken up as national property absolutely for our future city building. If within forty years we could develop a city as large as Philadelphia, not to say New York, the land value alone will be sufficient to pay off the capital invested in its development.

顾吾人之 理想,将欲于有限时期中发达此港,使与纽约等大。试观此港所襟带 [7] 控负之地,即足证明吾人之理想能否实现矣。此地西南为直隶、山西两省与夫黄河流域,人口之众约一万万。西北为 热河特别区域及蒙古游牧之原,土旷人稀,急待开发。夫以直隶生齿 [8] 之繁,山西矿源之富,必赖此港为其唯一输出之途。倘将来多伦诺尔、库伦间铁路完成,以与西伯利亚铁路联络,则中央西伯利亚一带皆视此为最近之海港。由是言之,其供给分配区域,当较纽约为大。穷其究竟,必成将来欧亚路线之确实终点,而两大陆于以连为一气。今余所计划之地,现时毫无价值可言。假令于此选地二三百方咪置诸国有,以为建筑将 来都市之用,而四十年后,发达程度即令不如纽约,仅等于美国费府 [9] ,吾敢信地值所涨,已足偿所投建筑资金矣。

The need of such a port in this part of China goes without saying. For the provinces of Chihli, Shansi, Western Shantung, Northern Honan, a part of Fengtien and the greater part of Shensi and Kansu with a population of about 100 million are lacking of a seaport of this kind. Mongolia and Sinkiang as well as the rich coal and iron fields of Shansi will also have to depend on the Chihli coast as their only outlet to the sea. And the millions of congested population of the coast and the Yangtze Valley need an entrance to the virgin soil of the Mongolian Prairie and the Tienshan Valley. The port will be the shortest doorway and the cheapest passage to these regions.

The locality of our projected port is nearest to deep water line, and far away from any large river which might carry silt to fill up the approach of the harbor like those of the Hoangho entrance and the Yangtze estuary which cause great trouble to conservancy work. So it has no great natural obstacle to be overcome. Moreover, it is situated in an arid plain with few people living on it, so it has no artificial hindrance to be overcome. We can do whatever we please in the process of construction.

As regards the planning and estimation of the work of the harbor construction and city building, I must leave them to experts who have to make extensive surveys and soundings before detailed plan and proper estimation could be made. Whereas for rough reference s ee Map I, and figures 1 and 2. [10]

中国该部地方,必 需如是海港,自不待论。盖直隶、山西、山东西部、河南北部、奉天 [11] 之一半、陕甘两省之泰半,约一万万之人口,皆未尝有此种海港。蒙古、新疆与夫煤铁至富之山西,亦将全恃直隶海岸,为其出海通衢。若乎沿海、沿江各地稠聚人民,必需移实蒙古、天山一带从事垦殖者,此港实为最近门户,且以由此行旅为最廉矣。


详图之说明:自第一计划寄到北京公使馆之后,美使芮恩诗 [12] 博士即派专门技师,往作者所指定之北方大港地点实行测量,果发见此地确为直隶沿海最适宜于建筑一世界港之地。惟其不同之点,只有港口当位于西边耳。因作者当时无精确之图也。读者一观此两详细图,便可一目了然矣。


Figures 1 and 2 2O5tg9OLvKqp54wxUN6e6tkFf5eE+QS6xvmyHg2+qDEruk5EWVRRSnGAAB3r8WEf
