
大银鱼Protosalanx hyalocranius (Abbott)

英文名: Large icefish

地方名: 银鱼、面条鱼

分类地位: 鲑形目,银鱼科,大银鱼属

形态特征: 个体较小,体细长,前部略呈圆筒形,后部侧扁。头部扁平。吻尖,呈三角形。下颌长于上颌。胸鳍大而尖。背鳍ii- 15~17;臀鳍条ii- 27~32;腹鳍条i- 6。体透明。两侧腹面各有1 行黑色色素点。性成熟时雄鱼臀鳍成扇形,鳍基具1 列鳞片。

生态习性: 海淡水中均有分布,对环境的适应能力强,耐盐碱、低温。肉食性,幼鱼摄食浮游动物,成鱼摄食小鱼、小虾。一般寿命为1 年。冬季繁殖,产卵高峰期在1 月中、下旬,产卵水温为2℃~8℃,为多次产卵类型。

地理分布: 常见于山东至浙江沿海和江河中下游及附属湖泊中。20 世纪90 年代引入宁夏。

经济价值: 味道鲜美,营养丰富,整体可食,具有较高的经济价值。

ENGLISH NAME:Large icefish

LOCAL NAME:Yinyu; Miantiaoyu

CLASSIFICATION:Salmoniformes;Salangidae; Protosalanx

MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Small and long body, whose the frontal regionis in cylindrical form and the rear part is in compressed form. Compressed head; pointed mouth in triangular shape; lower jaw is longer than upper jaw; pectoral fin is big and sharp-pointed; dorsal fin ii-15~17; anal rays ii-27~32; pelvic fin i-6; transparent body; two rows of black pigment spots are distributed along the pronesurface of two sides; at sexual maturity stage, the male anal fin is in fan shape, and fin base has a row of scales.

ECOLOGICAL HABITS:It is distributed in sea water and fresh water, which shows stron-gadaption capacity to environment, such as salt-alkali and cold resistant. It is a carnivo-rous fish, which the youngs eat zooplankton, the adult ingests baby fish and shrimp. Its life generally lasts one year; it breeds in winter and the spawning climax is in the middle and later of January; the water temperature for spawning is at 2~8℃, and it is a multi-ple spawning fish.

GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: It is commonly distributed in coastal area, middle and lower reaches of rivers and tributaries water areas from Shandong to Zhejiang Province, and was introduced in Ningxia in 1980’s.

ECONOMIC VALUE:It is fresh in taste and rich in nutrition with a certain economic value. v1rhbea1YHRgQsuuHaSdwfuuITjEo6aOW0OwLDWNDPCHouj+rKNq8Cx9u7mUvPz8
