英文名: Ayu
形态特征:体细小,侧扁。头小,吻尖,吻前端向下弯曲成钩形突起。口大。体被有细小的圆形鳞片,脂鳍小,与臀鳍后端相对。背鳍 iii-9;臀鳍 ii-14。侧线鳞 142~150。体背部苍黑色,体侧带黄色,腹部银白色,各鳍淡黄色。头部、体侧、鳍上有小黑斑。成鱼体侧有1条宽大的彩虹色纵带。
地理分布:辽宁到福建沿海均有分布。20世纪 80年代引入宁夏。
LOCAL NAME:Youxiangyu; Liuxiangyu
CLASSIFICATION:Salmoniformes;Plecoglossidae; Plecoglossus
MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Thin body in compressed shape; small head and pointed mouth whose nose bends downwards which forms evection in hook shape; big mouth; body is covered with little cycloid scales, small adipose fin which opposite to the back of anal fin; dorsal fin iii-9; anal fin ii-14; scales in lateral line 142~150; dark black back, side body is yellow; abdomen is silvery white; fins are light yellow;there are small black spots around head,body sides, and fins;the adult has a broad longitudinal ribbon-colored stripe on its body side .
ECOLOGICAL HABITS:It inhabits in clear coastline water. At the beginning of summer, it migrates from sea to fresh water area to spawn. The young develops in the sea. The fish lives on minitype aquatic animals in the sea; while in the fresh water area, it usually lives on diatom, cyanophyta, as well as insects.
GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: It is distributed in the coastal area from Liaoning to Fu-jian Province, and was introduced in Ningxia in 1980's.
ECONOMIC VALUE:It is a minitype precious commercial fish, and famous for its delicious taste and unique flavor both from home and abroad.