英文名: Rainbow trout
地方名: 鳟鱼
分类地位: 鲑形目,鲑科,鲑属
形态特征: 体长,纺锤形,稍侧扁。头小,口大。体被小圆鳞。背鳍后方有1个小脂鳍。背鳍iv- 9~12;臀鳍iii- 8~12;腹鳍i- 8~10。侧线完全,侧线鳞120~145。体色随个体大小、栖息地点和性别的不同而有变化。头部、体侧、鳍上有小黑斑。成鱼体侧有1 条宽大的彩虹色纵带。
生态习性: 底层冷水性鱼类,喜栖于水质清澈、溶氧充足、底质为沙质的山间溪流中,喜集群。生存水温为0.5℃~25℃,适宜生长水温为13℃~18℃。肉食性。人工养殖可食配合饲料。2~3 龄性成熟,体重1 千克左右。
地理分布: 原产于北美洲。20 世纪80 年代引入宁夏,目前宁夏泾源县有一定养殖规模。
经济价值: 较大型名贵经济鱼类。
ENGLISH NAME:Rainbow trout
CLASSIFICATION:Salmoniformes;Salmonoidea; Salmo
MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Long body in spindle shape and slightly com-pressed; small head, big mouth, and covered with small cycloid scales; there is a small adipose fin behind the dorsal fin; the body color shall vary according to individual adult, place of habitat and sex; small black spots scaters around head, side body and fins; there is a broad longitudinal ribbon at the body sides of adult one; dorsal fin iv-9~12;anal fin iii-8~12;ventral fin i-8~10; completed lateral line; scales in lateral line 120~145.
ECOLOGICAL HABITS:It is a bottomliving coldwater fish and colonial fish, which likes to live in clear stream with rich oxygen content and sandy substrate; the cultrualed fish may eat artificial fixed feed; it matures at age of 2~3, which weighs around 1000g.
GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: It is originated from the North America, and was intro-duced in Ningxia in 1980’s. Presently, it is cultured in Jingyuan County, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region with a certain production scale.
ECONOMIC VALUE:It is a relatively large-sized precious commercial fish.