英文名: White bream
地方名: 鳊鱼、鳊花
分类地位: 鲤形目,鲤科,鳊属
形态特征: 体高而侧扁,呈长菱形。头很小。头后背部隆起。自胸鳍下方至肛门具腹棱。吻短。口小,端位。侧线平直。背鳍具光滑的硬刺。臀鳍基部长。背鳍iii- 7;臀鳍iii- 28~34。侧线鳞54~61。
生态习性: 栖息于水体中下层。杂食性,以植物为主。最大个体达2kg。3~4 龄性成熟,繁殖期5~8 月。
地理分布: 全国广泛分布。20 世纪60 年代引入宁夏。
经济价值: 可作为搭配品种进行人工养殖,适于在湖泊、池塘水库放养。
ENGLISH NAME:White bream
LOCAL NAME:Bianyu; Bianhua
CLASSIFICATION:Cypriniformes;Cyprinidae; Parabramisr
MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Broad width and compressed body in long dia-mond shape; small head; rising back after head; abdomen scutes begins from the pec-toral fin anus; small terminal mouth; straight lateral line; dorsal fin has a smooth ossi-fied spine; long base of annl fin; dorsal fin iii-7; anal fin iii-28~34; scales in lateral line 54~61.
ECOLOGICAL HABITS: It lives in middle and under stratum of water body; it is an om-nivory fish, which mainly lives on plants; the maximum individual adult weighs 2kg; it matures at the age of 3~4, and its breeding period is from May to August.
GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: It is a national distributed fish, and was introduced in Ningxia in 1960's.
ECONOMIC VALUE: It may be cultured as collocation species in lakes and ponds.