In 1924—to be precise, on the morning of January 3—the city of San Francisco awoke to read in one of its daily papers a curious letter, which had been received by Walter Bassett and which had evidently been written by some crank.
Walter Bassett was the greatest captain of industry west of the Rockies, and was one of the small group that controlled the nation in everything but name.
As such, he was the recipient of lucubrations from countless cranks; but this particular lucubration was so different from the average ruck of similar letters that, instead of putting it into the waste-basket, he had turned it over to a reporter.
It was signed “Goliah,” and the superscription gave his address as “Palgrave Island."
The letter was as follows:
“Mr. Walter Bassett,
"I am inviting you, with nine of your fellow-captains of industry, to visit me here on my island for the purpose of considering plans for the reconstruction of society upon a more rational basis.
Up to the present, social evolution has been a blind and aimless, blundering thing.
The time has come for a change.
人类已经由原始海洋黏质物的生命进化成为物质世界的主宰,但却还没掌控社会。Man has risen from the vitalized slime of the primeval sea to the mastery of matter; but he has not yet mastered society.
Man is to-day as much the slave to his collective stupidity, as a hundred thousand generations ago he was a slave to matter.
"There are two theoretical methods whereby man may become the master of society, and make of society an intelligent and efficacious device for the pursuit and capture of happiness and laughter.
The first theory advances the proposition that no government can be wiser or better than the people that compose that government; that reform and development must spring from the individual; that in so far as the individuals become wiser and better, by that much will their government become wiser and better; in short, that the majority of individuals must become wiser and better, before their government becomes wiser and better.
The mob, the political convention, the abysmal brutality and stupid ignorance of all concourses of people, give the lie to this theory.
In a mob the collective intelligence and mercy is that of the least intelligent and most brutal members that compose the mob.
On the other hand, a thousand passengers will surrender themselves to the wisdom and discretion of the captain, when their ship is in a storm on the sea.
In such matter, he is the wisest and most experienced among them.
"The second theory advances the proposition that the majority of the people are not pioneers, that they are weighted down by the inertia of the established; that the government that is representative of them represents only their feebleness, and futility, and brutishness; that this blind thing called government is not the serf of their wills, but that they are the serfs of it; in short, speaking always of the great mass, that they do not make government, but that government makes them, and that government is and has been a stupid and awful monster, misbegotten of the glimmerings of intelligence that come from the inertia-crushed mass.
"Personally, I incline to the second theory.
Also, I am impatient.
For a hundred thousand generations, from the first social groups of our savage forebears, government has remained a monster.
To-day, the inertia-crushed mass has less laughter in it than ever before.
In spite of man’s mastery of matter, human suffering and misery and degradation mar the fair world.
"Wherefore I have decided to step in and become captain of this world-ship for a while.
I have the intelligence and the wide vision of the skilled expert.
Also, I have the power.
I shall be obeyed
The men of all the world shall perform my bidding and make governments so that they shall become laughter-producers.
These modelled governments I have in mind shall not make the people happy, wise, and noble by decree; but they shall give opportunity for the people to become happy, wise, and noble.
"I have spoken.
I have invited you, and nine of your fellow captains, to confer with me.
On March third the yacht Energon will sail from San Francisco.
You are requested to be on board the night before.
This is serious.
The affairs of the world must be handled for a time by a strong hand.
Mine is that strong hand.
If you fail to obey my summons, you will die.
Candidly, I do not expect that you will obey.
But your death for failure to obey will cause obedience on the part of those I subsequently summon.
You will have served a purpose.
And please remember that I have no unscientific sentimentality about the value of human life.
I carry always in the background of my consciousness the innumerable billions of lives that are to laugh and be happy in future aeons on the earth.
"Yours for the reconstruction of society,
The publication of this letter did not cause even local amusement.
Men might have smiled to themselves as they read it, but it was so palpably the handiwork of a crank that it did not merit discussion.
Interest did not arouse till next morning.
An Associated Press despatch to the Eastern states, followed by interviews by eager-nosed reporters, had brought out the names of the other nine captains of industry who had received similar letters but who had not thought the matter of sufficient importance to be made public.
But the interest aroused was mild, and it would have died out quickly had not Gabberton cartooned a chronic presidential aspirant as “Goliah”.
Then came the song that was sung hilariously from sea to sea, with the refrain, “Goliah will catch you if you don’t watch out."
The weeks passed and the incident was forgotten.
Walter Bassett had forgotten it likewise; but on the evening of February 22, he was called to the telephone by the Collector of the Port.
"I just wanted to tell you,” said the latter, “that the yacht Energon has arrived and gone to anchor in the stream off Pier Seven."
What happened that night Walter Bassett has never divulged.
But it is known that he rode down in his auto to the water front, chartered one of Crowley’s launches, and was put aboard the strange yacht.
It is further known that when he, returned to the shore, three hours later, he immediately despatched a sheaf of telegrams to his nine fellow captains of industry who had received letters from Goliah.
These telegrams were similarly worded, and read: “The yacht Energon has arrived.
There is something in this.
I advise you to come."
Bassett was laughed at for his pains.
It was a huge laugh that went up (for his telegrams had been made public), and the popular song on Goliah revived and became more popular than ever.
Goliah and Bassett were cartooned and lampooned unmercifully, the former, as the Old Man of the Sea, riding on the latter’s neck.
The laugh tittered and rippled through clubs and social circles, was restrainedly merry in the editorial columns, and broke out in loud guffaws in the comic weeklies.
There was a serious side as well, and Bassett’s sanity was gravely questioned by many, and especially by his business associates.
Bassett had ever been a short-tempered man, and after he sent the second sheaf of telegrams to his brother captains, and had been laughed at again, he remained silent.
In this second sheaf, he had said: “Come, I implore you.
As you value your life, come."
He arranged all his business affairs for an absence, and on the night of March 2 went on board the Energon.
The latter, properly cleared, sailed next morning.
And next morning the newsboys in every city and town were crying “Extra."
In the slang of the day, Goliah had delivered the goods.
The nine captains of industry who had failed to accept his invitation were dead.
A sort of violent disintegration of the tissues was the report of the various autopsies held on the bodies of the slain millionnaires; yet the surgeons and physicians (the most highly skilled in the land had participated) would not venture the opinion that the men had been slain.
Much less would they venture the conclusion, “at the hands of parties unknown."
It was all too mysterious.
They were stunned.
Their scientific credulity broke down.
They had no warrant in the whole domain of science for believing that an anonymous person on Palgrave Island had murdered the poor gentlemen.
One thing was quickly learned, however, namely, that Palgrave Island was no myth.
It was charted and well known to all navigators, lying on the line of 160 west longitude, right at its intersection by the tenth parallel north latitude, and only a few miles away from Diana Shoal.
Like Midway and Fanning, Palgrave Island was isolated, volcanic and coral in formation.
Furthermore, it was uninhabited.
A survey ship, in 1887, had visited the place and reported the existence of several springs and of a good harbor that was very dangerous of approach.
And, that was all that was known of the tiny speck of land that was soon to have focussed on it the awed attention of the world.
Goliah remained silent till March 24.
On the morning of that day, the newspapers published his second letter, copies of which had been received by the ten chief politicians of the United States—ten leading men in the political world who were conventionally known as “statesmen."
The letter, with the same superscription as before, was as follows:
"I have spoken in no uncertain tone.
I must be obeyed.
You may consider this an invitation or a summons; but if you still wish to tread this earth and laugh, you will be aboard the yacht Energon, in San Francisco harbor, not later than the evening of April 5.
It is my wish and my will that you confer with me here on Palgrave Island in the matter of reconstructing society upon some rational basis.
"Do not misunderstand me, when I tell you that I am one with a theory.
I want to see that theory work, and therefore I call upon your cooperation.
In this theory of mine, lives are but pawns; I deal with quantities of lives.
I am after laughter, and those that stand in the way of laughter must perish.
The game is big.
There are fifteen hundred million human lives to-day on the planet.
What is your single life against them?
It is as naught, in my theory.
And remember that mine is the power.
Remember that I am a scientist, and that one life, or one million of lives, mean nothing to me as arrayed against the countless billions of billions of the lives of the generations to come.
It is for their laughter that I seek to reconstruct society now; and against them your own meagre little life is a paltry thing indeed.
"Whoso has power can command his fellows.
By virtue of that military device known as the phalanx, Alexander conquered his bit of the world.
By virtue of that chemical device, gunpowder, Cortes with his several hundred cutthroats conquered the empire of the Montezumas.
Now I am in possession of a device that is all my own.
In the course of a century not more than half a dozen fundamental discoveries or inventions are made.
I have made such an invention.
The possession of it gives me the mastery of the world.
I shall use this invention, not for commercial exploitation, but for the good of humanity.
For that purpose I want help—willing agents, obedient hands; and I am strong enough to compel the service.
I am taking the shortest way, though I am in no hurry.
I shall not clutter my speed with haste.
"The incentive of material gain developed man from the savage to the semi-barbarian he is to-day.
This incentive has been a useful device for the development of the human; but it has now fulfilled its function and is ready to be cast aside into the scrap-heap of rudimentary vestiges such as gills in the throat and belief in the divine right of kings.
Of course you do not think so; but I do not see that that will prevent you from aiding me to fling the anachronism into the scrap-heap.
For I tell you now that the time has come when mere food and shelter and similar sordid things shall be automatic, as free and easy and involuntary of access as the air.
I shall make them automatic, what of my discovery and the power that discovery gives me.
And with food and shelter automatic, the incentive of material gain passes away from the world forever.
With food and shelter automatic, the higher incentives will universally obtain—the spiritual, aesthetic, and intellectual incentives that will tend to develop and make beautiful and noble body, mind, and spirit.
Then all the world will be dominated by happiness and laughter.
It will be the reign of universal laughter.
"Yours for that day,
Still the world would not believe.
The ten politicians were at Washington, so that they did not have the opportunity of being convinced that Bassett had had, and not one of them took the trouble to journey out to San Francisco to make the opportunity.
As for Goliah, he was hailed by the newspapers as another Tom Lawson with a panacea; and there were specialists in mental disease who, by analysis of Goliah’s letters, proved conclusively that he was a lunatic.
The yacht Energon arrived in the harbor of San Francisco on the afternoon of April 5, and Bassett came ashore.
But the Energon did not sail next day, for not one of the ten summoned politicians had elected to make the journey to Palgrave Island.
The newsboys, however, called “Extra” that day in all the cities.
The ten politicians were dead.
The yacht, lying peacefully at anchor in the harbor, became the centre of excited interest.
She was surrounded by a flotilla of launches and rowboats, and many tugs and steamboats ran excursions to her.
相关当局、甚至记者都允许登上“爱纳港号”,而围观的民众则被控制了,绝对不准靠近。While the rabble was firmly kept off, the proper authorities and even reporters were permitted to board her.
The mayor of San Francisco and the chief of police reported that nothing suspicious was to be seen upon her, and the port authorities announced that her papers were correct and in order in every detail.
Many photographs and columns of descriptive matter were run in the newspapers.
The crew was reported to be composed principally of Scandinavians—fair-haired, blue-eyed Swedes, Norwegians afflicted with the temperamental melancholy of their race, stolid Russian Finns, and a slight sprinkling of Americans and English.
It was noted that there was nothing mercurial and flyaway about them.
They seemed weighty men, oppressed by a sad and stolid bovine-sort of integrity.
A sober seriousness and enormous certitude characterized all of them.
They appeared men without nerves and without fear, as though upheld by some overwhelming power or carried in the hollow of some superhuman hand.
The captain, a sad-eyed, strong-featured American, was cartooned in the papers as “Gloomy Gus” (the pessimistic hero of the comic supplement).
Some sea-captain recognized the Energon as the yacht Scud, once owned by Merrivale of the New York Yacht Club.
With this clew it was soon ascertained that the Scud had disappeared several years before.
The agent who sold her reported the purchaser to be merely another agent, a man he had seen neither before nor since.
The yacht had been reconstructed at Duffey’s Shipyard in New Jersey.
The change in her name and registry occurred at that time and had been legally executed.
Then the Energon had disappeared in the shroud of mystery.
In the meantime, Basset was going crazy—at least his friends and business associates said so.
He kept away from his vast business enterprises and said that he must hold his hands until the other masters of the world could join with him in the reconstruction of society—proof indubitable that Goliah’s bee had entered his bonnet.
To reporters he had little to say.
He was not at liberty, he said, to relate what he had seen on Palgrave Island; but he could assure them that the matter was serious, the most serious thing that had ever happened.
His final word was that the world was on the verge of a turnover, for good or ill he did not know, but, one way or the other, he was absolutely convinced that the turnover was coming.
As for business, business could go hang.
He had seen things, he had, and that was all there was to it.
There was a great telegraphing, during this period, between the local Federal officials and the state and war departments at Washington.