


Friday, 21st.


The year has begun with an accident. On my way to school this morning I was repeating to my father these words of our teacher, when we perceived that the street was full of people, who were pressing close to the door of the schoolhouse. Suddenly my father said: "An accident! The year is beginning badly!"


We entered with great difficulty. The big hall was crowded with parents and children, whom the teachers had not succeeded in drawing off into the class-rooms, and all were turning towards the director's room, and we heard the words, "Poor boy! Poor Robetti!"


Over their heads, at the end of the room, we could see the helmet of a policeman, and the bald head of the director; then a gentleman with a tall hat entered, and all said, "That is the doctor." My father inquired of a master, "What has happened?"— "A wheel has passed over his foot," replied the latter. "His foot has been crushed," said another. He was a boy belonging to the second class, who, on his way to school through the Via Dora Grossa, seeing a little child of the lowest class, who had run away from its mother, fall down in the middle of the street, a few paces from an omnibus which was bearing down upon it, had hastened boldly forward, caught up the child, and placed it in safety; but, as he had not withdrawn his own foot quickly enough, the wheel of the omnibus had passed over it. He is the son of a captain of artillery. While we were being told this, a woman entered the big hall, like a lunatic, and forced her way through the crowd: she was Robetti's mother, who had been sent for. Another woman hastened towards her, and flung her arms about her neck, with sobs: it was the mother of the baby who had been saved. Both flew into the room, and a desperate cry made itself heard: "Oh my Giulio! My child!"


At that moment a carriage stopped before the door, and a little later the director made his appearance, with the boy in his arms; the latter leaned his head on his shoulder, with pallid face and closed eyes. Every one stood very still; the sobs of the mother were audible. The director paused a moment, quite pale, and raised the boy up a little in his arms, in order to show him to the people. And then the masters, mistresses, parents, and boys all murmured together: "Bravo, Robetti! Bravo, poor child!" and they threw kisses to him; the mistresses and boys who were near him kissed his hands and his arms. He opened his eyes and said, "My portfolio!" The mother of the little boy whom he had saved showed it to him and said, amid her tears, "I will carry it for you, my dear little angel; I will carry it for you." And in the meantime, the mother of the wounded boy smiled, as she covered her face with her hands. They went out, placed the lad comfortably in the carriage, and the carriage drove away. Then we all entered school in silence.

这时,一辆马车停在了校门口,又过了一会儿,校长抱着那个男孩出现了;男孩把头靠着校长的肩膀上,面无血色,闭着眼睛。大家都静静地站着,只听见那位母亲的啜泣声。校长停留了一阵子,面色十分苍白;为了让大家看到,他把怀里的小男孩稍微举高了一些。随后老师、家长、学生都一齐小声地说道:“做得好啊,洛佩谛!做得好啊,可怜的孩子!”他们向他献吻;靠近一点儿的女老师和学生都去吻他的手和手臂。他睁开眼睛说道:“我的书包!”他救的那个男孩的母亲把书包给他看,流着眼泪说:“我会替你拿着的,我的小天使,我会替你拿着的。”这时受伤的男孩的母亲笑了,她用手捂住了脸。他们走了出去,把那个男孩小心地放到马车里,接着马车就开走了。之后我们都默默地走进了学校。 GDH5d0t79bClC+OEVW1M5loXgXIRgB409RbO+o8z6By1oyBntdkD24pkIEuK1cpA
