



One of my friends had said to me: —


“If you happen to be near Bordj—Ebbaba while you are in Algeria, be sure and go to see my old friend Auballe, who has settled there.”


I had forgotten the name of Auballe and of Ebbaba, and I was not thinking of this planter, when I arrived at his house by pure accident.


For a month, I had been wandering on foot through that magnificent district which extends from Algiers to Cherchell, Orleansville, and Tiaret.


It is at the same time wooded and bare, grand and charming.

在两座山丘间,在冬天有急流穿过的狭窄山谷里,人们会偶遇高大的松树林。Between two hills, one comes across large pine forests in narrow valleys, through which torrents rush in the winter.


Enormous trees, which have fallen across the ravine, serve as a bridge for the Arabs, and also for the tropical creepers, which twine round the dead stems, and adorn them with new life.


There are hollows, in little known recesses of the mountains, of a terribly beautiful character, and the sides of the brooks, which are covered with oleanders, are indescribably lovely.


But what has left behind it the most pleasant recollections of that excursion, is the long after—dinner walks along the slightly wooded roads on those undulating hills, from which one can see an immense tract of country from the blue sea as far as the chain of the Quarsenis, on whose summit there is the cedar forest of Teniet—el—Haad.


On that day I lost my way.


I had just climbed to the top of a hill, whence, beyond a long extent of rising ground, I had seen the extensive plain of Metidja, and then, on the summit of another chain, almost invisible in the distances that strange monument which is called The Tomb of the Christian Woman, and which was said to be the burial—place of the kings of Mauritania.


I went down again, going southward, with a yellow landscape before me, extending as far as the fringe of the desert, as yellow as if all those hills were covered with lions skins sewn together, sometimes a pointed yellow peak would rise out of the midst of them, like the bristly back of a camel.


I walked quickly and lightly, like as one does when following tortuous paths on a mountain slope.


Nothing seems to weigh on one in those short, quick walks through the invigorating air of those heights, neither the body, nor the heart, nor the thoughts, nor even cares.

那天,我完全感受不到任何压垮和折磨我们生活的东西,我只感受到那下山的快乐。On that day I felt nothing of all that crushes and tortures our life; I only felt the pleasure of that descent.


In the distance I saw an Arab encampment, brown pointed tents, which seemed fixed to the earth, like limpets are to a rock, or else gourbis, huts made of branches, from which a gray smoke rose. 男男女女的白色身影慢慢地走着,羊群的铃铛在夜色中虚无缥缈地响着。

White figures, men and women, were walking slowly about, and the bells of the flocks sounded vaguely through the evening air.


The arbutus trees on my road hung down under the weight of their purple fruit, which was falling on the ground.


They looked like martyred trees, from which blood—colored sweat was falling, for at the top of every tier there was a red spot, like a drop of blood.


The earth all round them was covered with it, and as my feet crushed the fruit, they left blood—colored traces behind them, and sometimes, as I went along, I would jump and pick one, and eat it.


All the valleys were by this time filled with a white vapor, which rose slowly, like the steam from the flanks of an ox, and on the chain of mountains that bordered the horizon, on the outskirts of the desert of Sahara, the sky was in flames.


Long streaks of gold alternated with streaks of blood—blood again!


Blood and gold, the whole of human history—and sometimes between the two there was a small opening in the greenish azure, far away like a dream.


How far away I was from all those persons and things with which one occupies oneself on the boulevards, far from myself also, for I had become a kind of wandering being, without thought or consciousness, far from any road, of which I was not even thinking, for as night came on, I found that I had lost my way.

夜色落在地上,就像是黑暗的阵雨,在我前方的远处,除了山什么都看不到。The shades of night were falling onto the earth like a shower of darkness, and I saw nothing before me but the mountains, in the far distance.


Presently, I saw some tents in the valley, into which I descended, and tried to make the first Arab I met understand in which direction I wanted to go.


I do not know whether he understood me, but he gave me a long answer, which I did not in the least understand.


In despair, I was about to make up my mind to pass the night wrapped up in a rug near the encampment, when among the strange words he uttered, I fancied that I heard the name, Bordj—Ebbaba, and so I repeated:




“Yes, yes.”


I showed him two francs that were a fortune to him, and he started off, while I followed him.


Ah! I followed that pale phantom which strode on before me bare—footed along stony paths, on which I stumbled continually, for a long time, and then suddenly I saw a light, and we soon reached the door of a white house, a kind of fortress with straight walls, and without any outside windows.


When I knocked, dogs began to bark inside, and a voice asked in French:


“Who is there?”

“奥巴尔先生住这里吗?” 我问道。

“Does Monsieur Auballe live here?” I asked.




The door was opened for me, and I found myself face to face with Monsieur Auballe himself, a tall man in slippers, with a pipe in his mouth and the looks of a jolly Hercules.


As soon as I mentioned my name, he put out both his hands and said:


“Consider yourself at home here, Monsieur.”


A quarter of an hour later I was dining ravenously, opposite to my host, who went on smoking.


I knew his history.


After having wasted a great amount of money on women, he had invested the remnants of his fortune in Algerian landed property and taken to money—making.


It turned out prosperously; he was happy, and had the calm look of a happy and contented man.


I could not understand how this fast Parisian could have grown accustomed to that monstrous life in such a lonely spot, and I asked him about it.

“您来这里多久了?” 我问他。

“How long have you been here?” I asked him.


“For nine years.”


“And have you not been intolerably dull and miserable?”


“No, one gets used to this country, and ends by liking it.”

您无法想象它是如何控制人的,靠那些我们自己忽视了的细小的动物的本能。You cannot imagine how it lays hold on people by those small, animal instincts that we are ignorant of ourselves.


We first become attached to it by our organs, to which it affords secret gratifications which we do not inquire into.


The air and the climate overcome our flesh, in spite of ourselves, and the bright light with which it is inundated keeps the mind clear and fresh, at but little cost.


“It penetrates us continually by our eyes, and one might really say that it cleanses the somber nooks of the soul.”


“But what about women?”


“Ah! There is rather a dearth of them!”


“Only rather?”


“Well, yes rather.”


“For one can always, even among the Arabs, find some complaisant, native women, who think of the nights of Roumi.”


He turned to the Arab, who was waiting on me, who was a tall, dark fellow, with bright, black eyes, that flashed beneath his turban, and said to him:


“I will call you when I want you, Mohammed.”


And then, turning to me, he said:


“He understands French, and I am going to tell you a story in which he plays a leading part.”


As soon as the man had left the room, he began:

“我来这里大约四年的时候,还没觉得完全安定在这个国家,我刚开始说它的语言,为了不完全断绝我在其他地方的那些对我来说不幸的激情,我被迫时不时地去阿尔及尔几天。” “I had been here about four years, and scarcely felt quite settled yet in this country, whose language I was beginning to speak, and forced, in order not to break altogether with those passions that had been fatal to me in other places, to go to Algiers for a few days, from time to time.”


“I had bought this farm, this bordj, which had been a fortified post, and was within a few hundred yards from the native encampment, whose man I employ to cultivate my land.”


“Among the tribe that had settled here, and which formed a portion of the Oulad—Taadja, I chose, as soon as I arrived here, that tall fellow whom you have just seen, Mohammed ben Lam” har, who soon became greatly attached to me.


As he would not sleep in a house, not being accustomed to it, he pitched his tent a few yards from my house, so that I might be able to call him from my window.


“You can guess what my life was, I dare say?”


Every day I was busy with cleanings and plantations; I hunted a little, I used to go and dine with the officers of the neighboring fortified posts, or else they came and dined with me.


As for pleasures……I have told you what they consisted in.


Algiers offered me some which were rather more refined, and from time to time a complaisant and compassionate Arab would stop me when I was out for a walk, and offer to bring one of the women of his tribe to my house at night.

有时我接受了,但是更多时候我拒绝了,害怕不愉快的结果和可能带给我的麻烦。Sometimes I accepted, but more frequently I refused, from fear of the disagreeable consequences and troubles it might entail upon me.


“One evening, at the beginning of summer, as I was going home, after going over the farm, as I wanted Mohammed, I went into his tent without calling him, as I frequently did, and there I saw a woman, a girl, sleeping almost naked, with her arms crossed under her head, on one of those thick, red carpets, made of the fine wool of Djebel—Amour, and which are as soft and as thick as a feather bed.”


Her body, which was beautifully white under the ray of light that came in through the raised covering of the tent, appeared to me to be one of the most perfect specimens of the human race that I had ever seen, and most of the women about here are beautiful and tall, and are a rare combination of features and shape.


I let the edge of the tent fall in some confusion, and returned home.


“I love women!”

这画面的突然闪现,渗透、灼烧着我,又重新点燃了我血脉中那以前想来这里的强烈的情欲。The sudden flash of this vision had penetrated and scorched me, and had rekindled in my veins that old, formidable ardor to which I owe my being here.


“It was very hot for it was July, and I spent nearly the whole night at my window, with my eyes fixed on the black Mohammed” s tent made on the ground.


“When he came into my room the next morning, I looked him closely in the face, and he hung his head, like a man who was guilty and in confusion.”


Did he guess that I knew?


I however, asked him, suddenly:

“那么,穆罕默德,你已经结婚了吧?” 我看到他的脸变红了,他支支吾吾地说道:” 没有,先生!”

“So you are married, Mohammed?” and I saw that he got red, and he stammered out: “No, mo” ssieuia!”


I used to make him speak French to me, and to give me Arabic lessons, which was often productive of a most incoherent mixture of languages; however, I went on:


“Then why is there a woman in your tent?”

“她来自南方,” 他用低低的、带有歉意的声音说道。

“She comes from the South,” he said, in a low, apologetic voice.


“Oh! So she comes from the South?”


“But that does not explain to me how she comes to be in your tent.”


Without answering my question, he continued:


“She is very pretty.”


“Oh! Indeed.”


Another time, please, when you happen to receive a pretty woman from the South, you will take care that she comes to my gourbi, and not to yours.


“You understand me, Mohammed?”

“是的,先生,” 他严肃地重复道。

“Yes, mo’ ssieuia,” he repeated, seriously.


“I must acknowledge that during the whole day I was in a state of aggressive excitement at the recollection of that Arab girl lying on the red carpet, and when I went in at dinner time, I felt very strongly inclined to go to Mohammed’ s tent again.”


During the evening, he waited on me just as usual, and hovered round me with his impassive face, and several times I was very nearly asking him whether he intended to keep that girl from the South, who was very pretty, in his camel skin tent for a long time.


“Towards nine o’ clock, still troubled with that longing for female society which is as tenacious as the hunting instinct in dogs, I went out to get some fresh air, and to stroll about a little round that cone of brown skin through which I could see a brilliant speck of light.”


I did not remain long, however, for fear of being surprised by Mohammed in the neighborhood of his dwelling.


When I went in an hour later, I clearly saw his outline in the tent, and then, taking the key out of my pocket, I went into the bordj, where besides myself, there slept my steward, two French laborers, and an old cook whom I had picked up in the Algiers.


As I went up stairs, I was surprised to see a streak of light under my door, and when I opened it, I saw a girl with the face of a statue sitting on a straw chair by the side of the table, on which a wax candle was burning; she was bedizened with all those silver gew—gaws which women in the South wear on their legs, arms, breast, and even on their stomach.


Her eyes, which were tinged with kohl, to make them look larger, regarded me earnestly, and four little blue spots, finely tatooed on her skin, marked her forehead, her cheeks, and her chin.


Her arms, which were loaded with bracelets, were resting on her thighs, which were covered by the long, red silk skirt that she wore.


“When she saw me come in, she got up and remained standing in front of me, covered with her barbaric jewels, in an attitude of proud submission.”

“你在这里做什么?” 我用阿拉伯语对她说。”

“What are you doing here?” I said to her in Arabic.


“I am here because Mohammed told me to come.”


“Very well, sit down.”


“So she sat down and lowered her eyes, while I examined her attentively.”

“她有一张奇怪而规则的、精致又还有点野性的脸,但是和一尊佛一样神秘。” “She had a strange, regular, delicate, and rather bestial face, but mysterious as that of a Buddha. 她那有点儿厚的嘴唇,表面的红色有点泛白,我在她身体其余部分也发现了,表明她是黑人的混血,虽然她的手和胳膊无可厚非的白。”

Her lips, which were rather thick and covered with a reddish efflorescence, which I discovered on the rest of her body as well, indicated a slight admixture of negro blood, although her hands and arms were of an irreproachable whiteness.


“I hesitated what to do with her, and felt excited, tempted and rather confused, so in order to gain time and to give myself an opportunity for reflection, I put other questions to her, about her birth, how she came into this part of the country, and what her connection with Mohammed was. 但是,她只是回答那些我不太感兴趣的,我没法知道她为什么来这里、出于什么企图、受谁的吩咐,也没法知道她和我的仆人间发生了什么。”

But she only replied to those that interested me the least, and it was impossible for me to find out why she had come, with what intention, by whose orders, nor what had taken place between her and my servant.


However, just as I was about to say to her: “Go back to Mohammed” s tent,” she seemed to guess my intention, for getting up suddenly, and raising her two bare arms, on which the jingling bracelets slipped down to her shoulders, she crossed her hands behind my neck and drew me towards her with an irresistible air of suppliant longing.

“她的眼睛明亮,出自情感,出自征服男人的必要,使得一个不纯洁的女人的面容和那些猫族一样诱人,吸引了我、束缚了我、剥夺了我所有的抵抗能力,让我充满了冲动的情欲。” “Her eyes, which were bright from emotion, from that necessity of conquering man, which makes the looks of an impure woman as seductive as those of the feline tribe, allured me, enchained me, deprived me of all the power of resistance, and filled me with impetuous ardor.”


It was a short, sharp struggle of the eyes only, that eternal struggle between those two human brutes, the male and the female, in which the male is always beaten.


“Her hands, which had clasped behind my head, drew me irresistibly, with a gentle, increasing pressure, as if by mechanical force towards her red lips, on which I suddenly laid mine while, at the same moment, I clasped her body, that was covered with jingling silver rings, in an ardent embrace.”


“She was as strong, as healthy, and as supple as a wild animal, with all the motions, the ways, the grace, and even something of the odor of a gazelle, which made me find a rare, unknown zest in her kisses, which was as strange to my senses as the taste of tropical fruits.”


Soon—I say soon, although it may have been towards morning—I wished to send her away, as I thought that she would go in the same way that she had come; I did not, even, at the moment, ask myself what I should do with her, or what she would do with me, but as soon as she guessed my intention, she whispered: KmRQCTTZAGb0ar7pZYrMhKxOc4OkEFqldT+Vli6JjUfDFWG7nP6A0kCaycI2sHJw
