

My Uncle Sosthenes

My Uncle Sosthenes was a Freethinker, like so many others are, from pure stupidity; people are very often religious in the same way. The mere sight of a priest threw him into a violent rage; he shook his fist and grimaced at him, and touched a piece of iron when the priest's back was turned, forgetting that the latter action showed a belief after all, the belief in the evil eye. Now when beliefs are unreasonable one should have all or none at all. I myself am a Freethinker; I revolt at all the dogmas which have invented the fear of death, but I feel no anger towards places of worship, be they Catholic, Apostolic, Roman, Protestant, Greek, Russian, Buddhist, Jewish, or Mohammedan. I have a peculiar manner of looking at them and explaining them. A place of worship represents the homage paid by man to THE UNKNOWN. The more extended our thoughts and our views become, the more the unknown diminishes, and the more places of worship will decay. I, however, in the place of church furniture, in the place of pulpits, reading desks, altars, and so on, would fit them up with telescopes, microscopes, and electrical machines; that is all.


My uncle and I differed on nearly every point. He was a patriot, while I was not, for after all patriotism is a kind of religion; it is the egg from which wars are hatched.


My uncle was a Freemason, and I used to declare that they are stupider than old women devotees. That is my opinion, and I maintain it; if we must have any religion at all the old one is good enough for me.


What is their object? Mutual help to be obtained by tickling the palms of each other's hands. I see no harm in it, for they put into practice the Christian precept: "Do unto others as ye would they should do unto you. " The only difference consists in the tickling, but it does not seem worth while to make such a fuss about lending a poor devil half—a—crown.

他们的宗旨是什么呢?靠互挠手心来获得互相帮助。这里我没看到什么危害,因为他们把基督教的规诫付诸于行动: “己所不欲,勿施于人。” 唯一的区别存在于挠手心,但是对于借半克朗给一个可怜人这样的事情如此小题大做似乎并不值得。

To all my arguments my uncle's reply used to be:


"We are raising up a religion against a religion; Freethought will kill clericalism. Freemasonry is the headquarters of those who are demolishing all deities. "


"Very well, my dear uncle, " I would reply (in my heart I felt inclined to say, "You old idiot! " ); "it is just that which I am blaming you for. Instead of destroying, you are organizing competition; it is only a case of lowering the prices. And then, if you only admitted Freethinkers among you I could understand it, but you admit anybody. You have a number of Catholics among you, even the leaders of the party. Pius IX. is said to have been one of you before he became Pope. If you call a society with such an organization a bulwark against clericalism, I think it is an extremely weak one. "

“很好,我亲爱的舅舅,” 我会回答(其实我心里很想说: “你这个老糊涂” ), “这正是我要责怪你们的地方。不是消灭,你们是在组织竞争,只是一个降低市价的问题。其次,如果你们只是允许自由思想者加入,我还可以理解,但是任何人你们都批准。你们中间有很多天主教徒,甚至还有政党的领袖。据说,庇护九世在成为教皇之前就是你们中的一员。要是你把这样一个组成的团体称之为反抗教权主义的堡垒,那我想它是一个极其脆弱的堡垒。”

"My dear boy, " my uncle would reply, with a wink, "our most formidable actions are political; slowly and surely we are everywhere undermining the monarchical spirit. "

“我亲爱的孩子,” 我舅舅眨一眨眼睛回答道, “我们最令人畏惧的行动是在政治上,我们正慢慢地、稳步地在每一个地方瓦解君主思想。”

Then I broke out: "Yes, you are very clever! If you tell me that Freemasonry is an election—machine, I will grant it you. I will never deny that it is used as a machine to control stove for candidates of all shades; if you say that it is only used to hoodwink people, to drill them to go to the voting—urn as soldiers are sent under fire, I agree with you; if you declare that it is indispensable to all political ambitions because it changes all its members into electoral agents, I should say to you, 'That is as clear as the sun. ' But when you tell me that it serves to undermine the monarchical spirit, I can only laugh in your face.

于是,我脱口而出:是的,你们太聪明了!如果你们告诉我共济会是一个选举机器,那我承认。我绝不否认它被当作一台为形形色色的候选人掌握火候的机器。如果你们说它只是被用来哄骗民众,训练他们像炮火下被派出的士兵一样前去投票,那么我同意你的观点;如果你们宣称它对所有政治抱负都不可或缺,因为它把它所有的成员都变成了选举人员,那么我想对你们说: “那真是如太阳般光明。” 然而,要是你们告诉我它能起到瓦解君主思想的作用,我只有毫不客气地嘲笑你们。

"Just consider that vast and democratic association which had Prince Napoleon for its Grand Master under the Empire; which has the Crown Prince for its Grand Master in Germany, the Czar's brother in Russia, and to which the Prince of Wales and King Humbert and nearly all the royalists of the globe belong. "


"You are quite right, " my uncle said; "but all these persons are serving our projects without guessing it. "

“你说得很对,” 我的舅舅说, “但是这些人都在毫不怀疑地为我们的事业效力。”

I felt inclined to tell him he was talking a pack of nonsense.


It was, however, indeed a sight to see my uncle when he had a Freemason to dinner.


On meeting they shook hands in a manner that was irresistibly funny; one could see that they were going through a series of secret mysterious pressures. When I wished to put my uncle in a rage, I had only to tell him that dogs also have a manner which savors very much of Freemasonry, when they greet one another on meeting.


Then my uncle would take his friend into a corner to tell him something important, and at dinner they had a peculiar way of looking at each other, and of drinking to each other, in a manner as if to say: "We know all about it, don't we? "

然后,我舅舅会把他的朋友带到一个角落,告诉他一些重要的事情。随后在用餐时,他们都会以一种很怪异的方式看对方、与对方喝酒,那副样子就像在说: “我们了然于心,不是吗?”

And to think that there are millions on the face of the globe who are amused at such monkey tricks! I would sooner be a Jesuit.


Now in our town there really was an old Jesuit who was my uncle's detestation. Every time he met him, or if he only saw him at a distance, he used to say: "Go on, you toad! " And then, taking my arm, he would whisper to me:

目前,我们城里还真有一位老耶稣会会员,他是我舅舅很讨厌的人。每次遇见他,或只是远远地瞧见他,舅舅就会说: “滚吧,你这个癞蛤蟆!” 然后,他就会抓着我的胳膊,低声对我说:

"Look here, that fellow will play me a trick some day or other, I feel sure of it. "


My uncle spoke quite truly, and this was how it happened and through my fault also.


It was close on Holy Week, and my uncle made up his mind to give a dinner on Good Friday, a real dinner with his favorite chitterlings and blackpuddings. I resisted as much as I could, and said:


"I shall eat meat on that day, but at home, quite by myself. Your manifestation, as you call it, is an idiotic idea. Why should you manifest? What does it matter to you if people do not eat any meat? "


But my uncle would not be persuaded. He asked three of his friends to dine with him at one of the best restaurants in the town, and as he was going to pay the bill, I had certainly, after all, no scruples about manifesting.

然而我的舅舅却不会被说服。他邀请三个朋友与他一起去城里最有名的餐厅用餐,因为是他请客,我当然终究没再顾忌所谓的 “示威” 。

At four o'clock we took a conspicuous place in the most frequented restaurant in the town, and my uncle ordered dinner in a loud voice for six o'clock.


We sat down punctually, and at ten o'clock he had not finished yet. Five of us had drunk eighteen bottles of fine still wines, and four of champagne. Then my uncle proposed what he was in the habit of calling: "The archbishop's turn. " Each man put six small glasses in front of him, each of them filled with a different liquor, and then they had all to be emptied at one gulp, one after another, while one of the waiters counted twenty. It was very stupid, but my uncle thought it was very suitable to the occasion.

我们准时落座,到了十点他还没吃够。我们五个人喝掉了十八瓶上好的葡萄酒和四瓶香槟。随后,我舅舅提议行酒令,他习惯称之为 “大主教的行酒令” 。每个人放六个小杯子在自己面前,每个杯子里倒进不同的酒,接下来,当在座者中有人数到二十,大家就一杯接一杯把所有的酒一饮而尽。这很无趣,但我的舅舅却觉得很适合时宜。

At eleven o'clock he was as drunk as a fly. So we had to take him home in a cab and put him to bed, and one could easily foresee that his anti—clerical demonstration would end in a terrible fit of indigestion.


As I was going back to my lodgings, being rather drunk myself, with a cheerful Machiavelian drunkenness which quite satisfied all my instincts of skepticism, an idea struck me.


I arranged my necktie, put on a look of great distress, and went and rang loudly at the old Jesuit's door. As he was deaf he made me wait a long while, but at length he appeared at his window in a cotton nightcap and asked what I wanted.


I shouted out at the top of my voice:


"Make haste, reverend Sir, and open the door; a poor, despairing, sick man is in need of your spiritual ministrations. "


The good, kind man put on his trousers as quickly as he could, and came down without his cassock. I told him in a breathless voice that my uncle, the Freethinker, had been taken suddenly ill, and fearing it was going to be something serious he had been seized with a sudden fear of death, and wished to see him and talk to him; to have his advice and comfort, to make his peace with the Church, and to confess, so as to be able to cross the dreaded threshold at peace with himself; and I added in a mocking tone:


"At any rate he wishes it, and if it does him no good it can do him no harm. "


The old Jesuit, who was startled, delighted, and almost trembling, said to me:


"Wait a moment, my son, I will come with you; " but I replied: "Pardon me, reverend Father, if I do not go with you; but my convictions will not allow me to do so. I even refused to come and fetch you; so I beg you not to say that you have seen me, but to declare that you had a presentiment—a sort of revelation of his illness. "

“等一下,我的孩子,我马上来。” 但我回答说: “原谅我,神父,我不跟您一起去,是我的信念不允许我这么做。我甚至拒绝来找您,所以我恳求您不要说您曾经看到过我,只用说您有一种不详的预感——一种启示,关于他的病情。”

The priest consented, and went off quickly, knocked at my uncle's door, and was soon let in; and I saw the black cassock disappear within that stronghold of Freethought.


I hid under a neighboring gateway to wait for events. Had he been well, my uncle would have half—murdered the Jesuit, but I knew that he would scarcely be able to move an arm, and I asked myself, gleefully, what sort of a scene would take place between these antagonists, what explanation would be given? and what would be the issue of the situation which my uncle's indignation would render more tragic still?


I laughed till I had to hold my sides, and said to myself, half aloud: "Oh! What a joke, what a joke! "

我笑到直不起腰来要用手撑住,自言自语起来,声音半大不小: “噢!多么可笑,多么可笑!”

Meanwhile it was getting very cold, and I noticed that the Jesuit stayed a long time, and thought: "They are having an explanation, I suppose. "

同时天气越来越冷了,而我发现那位耶稣会会员很呆了一段时间,寻思着: “他们正在理论吧,我猜。”

One, two, three hours passed, and still the reverend Father did not come out. What had happened? Had my uncle died in a fit when he saw him, or had he killed the cassocked gentleman? Perhaps they had mutually devoured each other? This last supposition appeared very unlikely, for I fancied that my uncle was quite incapable of swallowing a grain more nourishment at that moment.


At last the day broke.


I was very uneasy, and, not venturing to go into the house myself, I went to one of my friends who lived opposite. I knocked him up, explained matters to him, much to his amusement and astonishment, and took possession of his window.


At nine o'clock he relieved me, and I got a little sleep. At two o'clock I, in my turn, replaced him. We were utterly astonished.


At six o'clock the Jesuit left, with a very happy and satisfied look on his face, and we saw him go away with a quiet step.


Then, timid and ashamed, I went and knocked at my uncle's door; and when the servant opened it I did not dare to ask her any questions, but went upstairs without saying a word.


My uncle was lying pale, exhausted, with weary, sorrowful eyes and heavy arms, on his bed. A little religious picture was fastened to one of the bed—curtains with a pin.


"Why, uncle, " I said, "you in bed still? Are you not well? "

“怎么了,舅舅,” 我说, “您还躺在床上啊?您不舒服吗?”

He replied in a feeble voice:


"Oh! my dear boy, I have been very ill, nearly dead. "


"How was that, uncle? "


"I don't know; it was most surprising. But, what is stranger still is, that the Jesuit priest who has just left—you know, that excellent man whom I have made such fun of—had a divine revelation of my state, and came to see me. "


I was seized with an almost uncontrollable desire to laugh, and with difficulty said: "Oh, really! "

我突然很想笑,几乎无法控制,但费力地压制住,说道: “噢,真的?”

"Yes, he came. He heard a Voice telling him to get up and come to me, because I was going to die. It was a revelation. "


I pretended to sneeze, so as not to burst out laughing; I felt inclined to roll on the ground with amusement.


In about a minute I managed to say, indignantly: "And you received him, uncle, you? You, a Freethinker, a Freemason? You did not have him thrown out—of—doors? "

一分钟以后,我终于能说出话来,气愤地说: “而您接待了他,舅舅,您?” 您,一个自由思想者,一个共济会会员?您没有把他扔出门外?

He seemed confused, and stammered:


"Listen a moment, it is so astonishing—so astonishing and providential! He also spoke to me about my father; it seems he knew him formerly. "


"Your father, uncle? But that is no reason for receiving a Jesuit. "


"I know that, but I was very ill, and he looked after me most devotedly all night long. He was perfect; no doubt he saved my life; those men are all a little bit of a doctor. "


"Oh! he looked after you all night? But you said just now that he had only been gone a very short time. "


"That is quite true; I kept him to breakfast after all his kindness. He had it at a table by my bedside while I drank a cup of tea. "


"And he ate meat? "


My uncle looked vexed, as if I had said something very much out of place, and then added:


"Don't joke, Gaston; such things are out of place at times. He has shown me more devotion than many a relation would have done, and I expect to have his convictions respected. "


This rather upset me, but I answered, nevertheless: "Very well, uncle; and what did you do after breakfast? "

这让我相当不安,尽管如此我还是回答: “很好,舅舅,那你们早餐后做了什么?”

"We played a game of bezique, and then he repeated his breviary while I read a little book which he happened to have in his pocket, and which was not by any means badly written. "


"A religious book, uncle? "


"Yes, and no, or rather—no. It is the history of their missions in Central Africa, and is rather a book of travels and adventures. What these men have done is very grand. "


I began to feel that matters were going badly, so I got up. "Well, good—bye, uncle, " I said, "I see you are going to leave Freemasonry for religion; you are a renegade. "

我开始感觉事情变得糟起来,所以我站起身。 “好吧,再见了,舅舅,” 我说, “我看您就要从共济会走向宗教了,您是一个变节者。”

He was still rather confused, and stammered:


"Well, but religion is a sort of Freemasonry. "


"When is your Jesuit coming back? " I asked.

“您的那位耶稣会会员什么时候回来?” 我问道。

"I don't —I don't know exactly; tomorrow, perhaps; but it is not certain. "


I went out, altogether overwhelmed.


My joke turned out very badly for me! My uncle became radically converted, and if that had been all I should not have cared so much. Clerical or Freemason, to me it is all the same; six of one and half—a—dozen of the other; but the worst of it is that he has just made his will—yes, made his will—and he has disinherited me in favor of that rascally Jesuit!


That Costly Ride XsNnQFfe2uGVvoMoNoSWYgjqfNr359O7TcadPcPFlPEV/WXzuTWo/PrF7Y8+7SAz
