

The doctor of medicine and surgery, Krestyan Ivanovitch Rutenspitz, a very hale though elderly man, with thick eyebrows and whiskers that were beginning to turn grey, eyes with an expressive gleam in them that looked capable of routing every disease, and, lastly, with orders of some distinction on his breast, was sitting in his consulting—room that morning in his comfortable armchair. He was drinking coffee, which his wife had brought him with her own hand, smoking a cigar and from time to time writing prescriptions for his patients. After prescribing a draught for an old man who was suffering from haemorrhoids and seeing the aged patient out by the side door, Krestyan Ivanovitch sat down to await the next visitor.


Mr. Golyadkin walked in.


Apparently Krestyan Ivanovitch did not in the least expect nor desire to see Mr. Golyadkin, for he was suddenly taken aback for a moment, and his countenance unconsciously assumed a strange and, one may almost say, a displeased expression. As Mr. Golyadkin almost always turned up inappropriately and was thrown into confusion whenever he approached any one about his own little affairs, on this occasion, too, he was desperately embarrassed. Having neglected to get ready his first sentence, which was invariably a stumbling—block for him on such occasions, he muttered something—apparently an apology—and, not knowing what to do next, took a chair and sat down, but, realizing that he had sat down without being asked to do so, he was immediately conscious of his lapse, and made haste to efface his offence against etiquette and good breeding by promptly getting up again from the seat he had taken uninvited. Then, on second thoughts, dimly perceiving that he had committed two stupid blunders at once, he immediately decided to commit a third—that is, tried to right himself, muttered something, smiled, blushed, was overcome with embarrassment, sank into expressive silence, and finally sat down for good and did not get up again. Only, to protect himself from all contingencies, he looked at the doctor with that defiant glare which had an extraordinary power of figuratively crushing Mr. Golyadkin's enemies and reducing them to ashes. This glance, moreover, expressed to the full Mr. Golyadkin's independence—that is, to speak plainly, the fact that Mr. Golyadkin was "all right, " that he was "quite himself, like everybody else, " and that there was "nothing wrong in his upper storey. " Krestyan Ivanovitch coughed, cleared his throat, apparently in token of approval and assent to all this, and bent an inquisitorial interrogative gaze upon his visitor.

显然,克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇压根就没料到戈利亚德金先生会来,也不想看见他,因为他突然大吃一惊,脸上不由地露出一副冷淡的、几乎可以说是不满的表情。因为戈利亚德金先生几乎总是会不合适宜地出现,并且一跟人家提起自己琐碎的私事就会不知所措,乱成一团。这次也一样,他极为困窘。他还没准备好第一句话(这总是他在这种场合下的绊脚石),只是嘀咕了句什么——显然是道歉的话——因为不知道接下来该怎么办了,他便拿了把椅子,坐下来,但是,认识到自己这是不请自坐,他立刻意识到了自己的失礼,于是迅速地从那个不请自坐的座位上站了起来,以赶紧抹去自己的不懂礼节和缺乏教养。接着,进一步考虑之后,他隐隐约约地意识到自己已经犯了两个愚蠢的错误了,便立即决定再犯一个——也就是,努力去纠正自己,嘟囔了句什么,笑了一下,脸涨得通红,窘迫难堪,陷入意味深长的沉默,最后,一屁股坐下去,愣是没再起来。不过,为了保护自己,以防万一,他以挑衅的目光瞪着医生,这目光有着非比寻常的力量,能够让戈利亚德金先生的敌人心理崩溃,让他们化为灰烬。而且,这一瞥还充分表现了戈利亚德金先生的自立——简单地说,也就是戈利亚德金先生 “一切都好” ,他 “确实是他自己,像其他人一样” ,而且 “他的脑子也没什么问题” 。克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇咳了几声,清了清嗓子,明显对这一切表示赞许和同意,接着便把审判官似的疑问的目光投向了这位来访者。

"I have come to trouble you a second time, Krestyan Ivanovitch, " began Mr. Golyadkin, with a smile, "and now I venture to ask your indulgence a second time... " He was obviously at a loss for words.

“克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇,我又来麻烦你了。” 戈利亚德金先生微笑着开口说, “现在,我斗胆请你再次包涵……” 他显然不知如何措辞了。

"H 'm... Yes! " pronounced Krestyan Ivanovitch, puffing out a spiral of smoke and putting down his cigar on the table, but you must follow the treatment prescribed to you; I explained to you that what would be beneficial to your health is a change of habits... Entertainment, for instance, and, well, friends—you should visit your acquaintances, and not be hostile to the bottle; and likewise keep cheerful company.

“唔……是啊!” 克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇吐出一缕轻烟,把他的雪茄放在桌子上,说道, “但是,你必须遵从医嘱,我已经向你解释过了,有利于你健康的就是改变习惯……比如说娱乐,还有交朋友——你应该去拜访拜访你的亲朋好友,不要对酒有敌意,同样也要快快乐乐地与人交往。”

Mr. Golyadkin, still smiling, hastened to observe that he thought he was like every one else, that he lived by himself, that he had entertainments like every one else... that, of course, he might go to the theatre, for he had the means like every one else, that he spent the day at the office and the evenings at home, that he was quite all right; he even observed, in passing, that he was, so far as he could see, as good as any one, that he lived at home, and finally, that he had Petrushka. At this point Mr. Golyadkin hesitated.


"H 'm! no, that is not the order of proceeding that I want; and that is not at all what I would ask you. I am interested to know, in general, are you a great lover of cheerful company? Do you take advantages of festive occasions; and well, do you lead a melancholy or cheerful manner of life? "


"Krestyan Ivanovitch, I... "


"H 'm!... I tell you, " interrupted the doctor, that you must have a radical change of life, must, in a certain sense, break in your character. (Krestyan Ivanovitch laid special stress on the wordbreak in, and paused for a moment with a very significant air. ) Must not shrink from gaiety, must visit entertainments and clubs, and in any case, be not hostile to the bottle. Sitting at home is not right for you... sitting at home is impossible for you.

“唔!……我告诉你,” 医生打断了他, “你的生活必须要彻底改变,在某种意义上,必须冲破你的性格。” (克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇特别强调了 “冲破” 这个词,并带着意味深长的神态停顿了一会儿。) “绝不能退避快乐,必须要参加娱乐活动,去逛俱乐部,还有,无论如何,都不要对酒怀有敌意。你不宜坐在家里……对你来说,坐在家里是绝对不行的。”

"I like quiet, Krestyan Ivanovitch, " said Mr. Golyadkin, with a significant look at the doctor and evidently seeking words to express his ideas more successfully: "In my flat there's only me and Petrushka... I mean my man, Krestyan Ivanovitch. I mean to say, Krestyan Ivanovitch, that I go my way, my own way, Krestyan Ivanovitch. I keep myself to myself, and so far as I can see am not dependent on any one. I go out for walks, too, Krestyan Ivanovitch. "

“我喜欢安静,克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇。” 戈利亚德金先生说道,他意味深长地看着医生,显然在寻找更能充分表达他想法的词语, “在我的寓所里,只有我和彼特鲁斯卡……我说的是我的男仆,克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇。我是想说,克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇,我走我的路,我自己的路,克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇。我不太与人来往,并且我觉得我很独立。我也出去散步的,克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇。”

"What? Yes! well, nowadays there's nothing agreeable in walking: the climate's extremely bad. "


"Quite so, Krestyan Ivanovitch. Though I 'm a peaceable man, Krestyan Ivanovitch, as I've had the honour of explaining to you already, yet my way lies apart, Krestyan Ivanovitch. The ways of life are manifold... I mean... I mean to say, Krestyan Ivanovitch... Excuse me, Krestyan Ivanovitch, I've no great gift for eloquent speaking. "


"H 'm... you say... "


"I say, you must excuse me, Krestyan Ivanovitch, that as far as I can see I am no great hand at eloquence in speaking, " Mr. Golyadkin articulated, stammering and hesitating, in a half—aggrieved voice. "In that respect, Krestyan Ivanovitch, I 'm not quite like other people, " he added, with a peculiar smile, I can't talk much, and have never learnt to embellish my speech with literary graces. On the other hand, I act, Krestyan Ivanovitch; on the other hand, I act, Krestyan Ivanovitch.

“我说,你必须原谅我,克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇,在我看来,我并非能说会道。” 戈利亚德金先生用有点委屈的声音说着,结结巴巴,迟疑不决。 “在这一方面,克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇,我不像其他人。” 他带着一种奇怪的微笑,接着说道, “我不善言谈,也从未学过说漂亮话。在另一方面,我会做事,克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇;在另一方面,我会做事,克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇。”

"H 'm... How's that... you act? " responded Krestyan Ivanovitch.

“唔……这是怎么回事……你会做事?” 克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇反问道。

Then silence followed for half a minute. The doctor looked somewhat strangely and mistrustfully at his visitor. Mr. Golyadkin, for his part, too, stole a rather mistrustful glance at the doctor.


"Krestyan Ivanovitch, " he began, going on again in the same tone as before, somewhat irritated and puzzled by the doctor's extreme obstinacy: "I like tranquillity and not the noisy gaiety of the world. Among them, I mean, in the noisy world, Krestyan Ivanovitch, one must be able to polish the floor with one's boots... " (here Mr. Golyadkin made a slight scrape on the floor with his toe); "they expect it, and they expect puns too... one must know how to make a perfumed compliment... that's what they expect there. And I've not learnt to do it, Krestyan Ivanovitch, I've never learnt all those tricks, I've never had the time. I 'm a simple person, and not ingenious, and I've no external polish. On that side I surrender, Krestyan Ivanovitch, I lay down my arms, speaking in that sense. "

“克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇,” 他又开始了,和之前的语气一样,多少有点生气,而且对医生极端的固执有些困惑不解, “我喜欢平静,而不是社交界闹哄哄的快乐。处在他们中间,我的意思是说,在吵吵闹闹的社交界,克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇,一个人必须得会用靴子擦地板……” (这时,戈利亚德金先生用他的脚趾稍微蹭了一下地板), “他们希望这样,他们也想听俏皮话……你必须得懂得如何进行芳香四溢的恭维……这就是他们在那里所期待的。而我没学过这一套,克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇,我从未学习过所有那些鬼把戏,我从来没有那个功夫。我是个普通人,不够机敏,而且我不玩虚的。在那一方面,我投降,克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇,从那种意义上说,我甘拜下风。”

All this Mr. Golyadkin pronounced with an air which made it perfectly clear that our hero was far from regretting that he was laying down his arms in that sense and that he had not learnt these tricks; quite the contrary, indeed. As Krestyan Ivanovitch listened to him, he looked down with a very unpleasant grimace on his face, seeming to have a presentiment of something. Mr. Golyadkin's tirade was followed by a rather long and significant silence.


"You have, I think, departed a little from the subject, " Krestyan Ivanovitch said at last, in a low voice: "I confess I cannot altogether understand you. "

“我认为你有点偏题了。” 克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇最后低声说道, “我承认我无法完全明白你的意思。”

"I 'm not a great hand at eloquent speaking, Krestyan Ivanovitch; I've had the honour to inform you, Krestyan Ivanovitch, already, " said Mr. Golyadkin, speaking this time in a sharp and resolute tone.

“我是个不善言辞的人,克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇,我已经有幸告诉你了,克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇。” 戈利亚德金先生说道,这次的语气生硬而坚决。

"H 'm! "...


"Krestyan Ivanovitch! " began Mr. Golyadkin again in a low but more significant voice in a somewhat solemn style and emphasizing every point: "Krestyan Ivanovitch, when I came in here I began with apologies. I repeat the same thing again, and again ask for your indulgence. There's no need for me to conceal it, Krestyan Ivanovitch. I 'm an unimportant man, as you know; but fortunately for me, I do not regret being an unimportant man. Quite the contrary, indeed, Krestyan Ivanovitch, and, to be perfectly frank, I' m proud that I 'm not a great man but an unimportant man. I' m not one to intrigue and I 'm proud of that too, I don't act on the sly, but openly, without cunning, and although I could do harm too, and a great deal of harm, indeed, and know to whom and how to do it, Krestyan Ivanovitch, yet I won't sully myself, and in that sense I wash my hands. In that sense, I say, I wash them, Krestyan Ivanovitch! " Mr. Golyadkin paused expressively for a moment; he spoke with mild fervour.

“克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇!” 戈利亚德金先生又开始了,声音低沉但更意味深长,显得有几分郑重,还强调着每一点, “克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇,我一来这里就开始道歉。我再重说一遍,再次请你包涵。我没必要隐瞒这个,克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇。我是个无足轻重的人物,你知道的,但幸运的是,对我来说,我不后悔做一个无关紧要的人。其实正相反,克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇,非常坦率地说,我为自己不是个重要人物,而是个无关紧要的人而自豪。我不是个耍阴谋诡计的人,而我也为此感到骄傲,我做事从不偷偷摸摸,而是光明正大,没什么心计,尽管我也可以做害人的事,而且其实是很大的伤害,知道去伤害谁,以及如何去做,克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇,然而,我不会玷污我自己,从那种意义上说,我洁身自好。我是说,从那种意义上讲,我洁身自好,克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇!” 戈利亚德金先生意味深长地略停了一会儿,他说话带着几分狂热。

"I set to work, Krestyan Ivanovitch, " our hero continued, "directly, openly, by no devious ways, for I disdain them, and leave them to others. I do not try to degrade those who are perhaps purer than you and I... that is, I mean, I and they, Krestyan Ivanovitch—I didn't mean you. I don't like insinuations; I've no taste for contemptible duplicity; I 'm disgusted by slander and calumny. I only put on a mask at a masquerade, and don't wear one before people every day. I only ask you, Krestyan Ivanovitch, how you would revenge yourself upon your enemy, your most malignant enemy—the one you would consider such? Mr. Golyadkin concluded with a challenging glance at Krestyan Ivanovitch.

“我做事,克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇,” 我们的主人公继续说道, “直来直去,毫不隐瞒,从不兜圈子,因为我鄙视它们,谁爱搞就让他们搞去吧。我不是想设法侮辱那些或许比你和我还要正派的人……就是说,我说的是,我和他们,克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇——我不是说你。我不喜欢含沙射影,对卑劣的口是心非没有兴趣,我厌恶诽谤和诬蔑。我只在化妆舞会上才戴面具,而平日里我不在人前戴的。我只问你,克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇,你会如何报复你的敌人,你最恶毒的敌人——那个你认为是这样的?” 戈利亚德金先生以挑衅的目光扫视了克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇一眼,结束了他的话。

Though Mr. Golyadkin pronounced this with the utmost distinctness and clearness, weighing his words with a self—confident air and reckoning on their probable effect, yet meanwhile he looked at Krestyan Ivanovitch with anxiety, with great anxiety, with extreme anxiety. Now he was all eyes: and timidly waited for the doctor's answer with irritable and agonized impatience. But to the perplexity and complete amazement of our hero, Krestyan Ivanovitch only muttered something to himself; then he moved his armchair up to the table, and rather drily though politely announced something to the effect that his time was precious, and that he did not quite understand; that he was ready, however, to attend to him as far as he was able, but he wold not go into anything further that did not concern him. At this point he took the pen, drew a piece of paper towards him, cut out of it the usual long strip, and announced that he would immediately prescribe what was necessary.


"No, it's not necessary, Krestyan Ivanovitch! No, that's not necessary at all! " said Mr. Golyadkin, getting up from his seat, and clutching Krestyan Ivanovitch's right hand. "That isn't what's wanted, Krestyan Ivanovitch. "

“不,没有必要,克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇!不,那根本没必要!” 戈利亚德金先生说着,从他的座位上站了起来,紧紧地抓住了克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇的右手, “那不是我想要的,克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇。”

And, while he said this, a queer change came over him. His grey eyes gleamed strangely, his lips began to quiver, all the muscles, all the features of his face began moving and working. He was trembling all over. After stopping the doctor's hand, Mr. Golyadkin followed his first movement by standing motionless, as though he had no confidence in himself and were waiting for some inspiration for further action.


Then followed a rather strange scene.


Somewhat perplexed, Krestyan Ivanovitch seemed for a moment rooted to his chair and gazed open—eyed in bewilderment at Mr. Golyadkin, who looked at him in exactly the same way. At last Krestyan Ivanovitch stood up, gently holding the lining of Mr. Golyadkin's coat. For some seconds they both stood like that, motionless, with their eyes fixed on each other. Then, however, in an extraordinarily strange way came Mr. Golyadkin's second movement. His lips trembled, his chin began twitching, and our hero quite unexpectedly burst into tears. Sobbing, shaking his head and striking himself on the chest with his right hand, while with his left clutching the lining of the doctor's coat, he tried to say something and to make some explanation but could not utter a word.


At last Krestyan Ivanovitch recovered from his amazement.


"Come, calm yourself! " he brought out at last, trying to make Mr. Golyadkin sit down in an armchair.

“来,冷静点!” 他最终说道,设法使戈利亚德金先生坐在扶手椅里。

"I have enemies, Krestyan Ivanovitch, I have enemies; I have malignant enemies who have sworn to ruin me... " Mr Golyadkin answered in a frightened whisper.

“我有敌人,克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇,我有敌人,我有恶毒的敌人,他们发誓要毁掉我……” 戈利亚德金先生害怕地低声回答道。

"Come, come, why enemies? you mustn't talk about enemies! You really mustn't. Sit down, sit down, " Krestyan Ivanovitch went on, getting Mr. Golyadkin once and for all into the armchair.

“得啦,得啦,为何是敌人?不要再说什么敌人了!真的不必要。坐下,坐下。” 克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇接着说道,最终让戈利亚德金先生坐在了扶手椅里。

Mr. Golyadkin sat down at last, still keeping his eyes fixed on the doctor. With an extremely displeased air, Krestyan Ivanovitch strode from one end of the room to another. A long silence followed.


"I 'm grateful to you, Krestyan Ivanovitch, I' m very grateful, and I 'm very sensible of all you've done for me now. To my dying day I shall never forget your kindness, Krestyan Ivanovitch, " said Mr. Golyadkin, getting up from his seat with an offended air.

“我感激你,克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇,我非常感激,我现在完全认识到你为我所做的一切了。我在有生之年,绝对不会忘记你的仁慈善良的,克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇。” 戈利亚德金先生说着,从座位上站起来,带着一种忿忿不已的神情。

"Come, give over! I tell you, give over! " Krestyan Ivanovitch responded rather sternly to Mr. Golyadkin's outburst, making him sit down again.

“得了,别再说这了!我告诉你,打住吧!” 克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇对戈利亚德金先生的感情迸发作出相当严厉的回应,又让他坐了下来。

"Well, what's the matter? Tell me what is unpleasant, " Krestyan Ivanovitch went on, "and what enemies are you talking about? What is wrong? "

“嗯,什么事?告诉我有什么令人不快的事。” 克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇继续说, “还有,你说的是什么敌人?出什么事啦?”

"No, Krestyan Ivanovitch, we'd better leave that now, " answered Mr. Golyadkin, casting down his eyes; "let us put all that aside for the time... Till another time, Krestyan Ivanovitch, till a more convenient moment, when everything will be discovered and the mask falls off certain faces, and something comes to light. But, meanwhile, now, of course, after what has passed between us... you will agree yourself, Krestyan Ivanovitch... Allow me to wish you good morning, Krestyan Ivanovitch, " said Mr. Golyadkin, getting up gravely and resolutely and taking his hat.

“不,克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇,我们现在最好不谈那个。” 戈利亚德金先生垂下目光,回答道, “让我们把这一切暂且放一放吧……直到另外一个时间,克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇,直到一个更合适的时机,到时一切都查明了,某些人脸上的面具脱掉了,而且有些事变得众所周知了。但此时,现在,当然,在我们说了这些之后……你自己会同意的,克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇……允许我祝你早安,克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇。” 戈利亚德金先生说着,严肃而坚决地站起来,拿起他的帽子。

"Oh, well... as you like... h 'm... " (A moment of silence followed. ) For my part, you know... whatever I can do... and I sincerely wish you well.

“哦,好吧……随便你……唔……” (紧接着是一阵沉默。) “就我而言,你知道……无论我能做什么……我衷心地祝你一切都好。”

"I understand you, Krestyan Ivanovitch, I understand: I understand you perfectly now... In any case excuse me for having troubled you, Krestyan Ivanovitch.


"H 'm, no, I didn't mean that. However, as you please; go on taking the medicines as before... "


"I will go with the medicines as you say, Krestyan Ivanovitch. I will go on with them, and I will get them at the same chemist's... To be a chemist nowadays, Krestyan Ivanovitch, is an important business... "


"How so? In what sense do you mean? "


"In a very ordinary sense, Krestyan Ivanovitch. I mean to say that nowadays that's the way of the world... "


"H 'm... "


"And that every silly youngster, not only a chemist's boy turns up his nose at respectable people. "


"H 'm. How do you understand that? "


"I 'm speaking of a certain person, Krestyan Ivanovitch... of a common acquaintance of ours, Krestyan Ivanovitch, of Vladimir Semyonovitch... "


"Ah! "


"Yes, Krestyan Ivanovitch: and I know certain people, Krestyan Ivanovitch, who didn't keep to the general rule of telling the truth, sometimes. "


"Ah! How so? "


"Why, yes, it is so: but that's neither here nor there: they sometimes manage to serve you up a fine egg in gravy.


"What? Serve up what? "


"An egg in gravy, Krestyan Ivanovitch.


It's a Russian saying. They know how to congratulate some one the right moment, for instance; there are people like that. "


"Congratulate? "


"yes, congratulate, Krestyan Ivanovitch, as some one I know very well did the other day! "...


"Some one you know very well... Ah! how was that? " said Krestyan Ivanovitch, looking attentively at Mr. Golyadkin.

“你非常熟悉的一个人……啊!那是怎么回事呀?” 克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇说道,他专注地看着戈利亚德金先生。

"Yes, some one I know very well indeed congratulated some one else I know very well—and, what's more, a comrade, a friend of his heart, on his promotion, on his receiving the rank of assessor. This was how it happened to come up: 'I am exceedingly glad of the opportunity to offer you, Vladimir Semyonovitch, my congratulations, my sincere congratulations, on your receiving the rank of assessor.

“真的,一个我很熟悉的人的确向另外一个我也很了解的人道贺——而且是朋友,他的知心朋友。他祝贺他升官,并且官升至八品。就这样恰好提到了: ‘能有机会向你道贺,费拉基米尔•谢苗诺维奇,我特别地高兴,衷心地祝贺你官升八品。”

And I 'm the more pleased, as all the world knows that there are old women nowadays who tell fortunes. ' "


At this point Mr. Golyadkin gave a sly nod, and screwing up his eyes, looked at Krestyan Ivanovitch...


"H 'm. So he said that... "


"He did, Krestyan Ivanovitch, he said it and glanced at once at Andrey Filippovitch, the uncle of our Prince Charming, Vladimir Semyonovitch.


But what is it to me, Krestyan Ivanovitch, that he has been made an assessor? What is it to me? And he wants to get married and the milk is scarcely dry on his lips, if I may be allowed the expression. And I said as much. Vladimir Semyonovitch, said I! I've said everything now; allow me to withdraw. "


"H 'm... "


"Yes, Krestyan Ivanovitch, allow me now, I say, to withdraw. But, to kill two birds with one stone, as I twitted our young gentleman with the old women, I turned to Klara Olsufyevna (it all happened the same day, before yesterday at Olsufy Ivanovitch's), and she had only just sung a song with feeling, 'You've sung songs of feeling, madam, ' said I, 'but they've not been listened to with a pure heart. ' And by that I hinted plainly, Krestyan Ivanovitch, hinted plainly, that they were not running after her now, but looking higher... "

“真的,克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇,我说现在请允许我告退。但为了一石二鸟,我在用老女人取笑我们那位年轻的先生时,转向了克拉拉•奥尔苏菲耶芙娜(这一切都发生在同一天,就是前天在奥尔苏菲•伊万诺维奇的家里),她刚刚有感情地唱了一首歌, ‘夫人,你唱得很有感情,’ 我说, ‘但听歌的人心灵却不纯洁。’ 这话我带有明显的暗示,克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇,明显地暗示他们现在并不是在追求她,而在谋求更高的权位……”

"Ah! And what did he say? "


"He swallowed the pill, Krestyan Ivanovitch, as the saying is. "


"H 'm... "


"Yes, Krestyan Ivanovitch.


To the old man himself, too, I said, 'Olsufy Ivanovitch, ' said I, 'I know how much I' m indebted to you, I appreciate to the full all the kindness you've showered upon me from my childhood up. But open your eyes, Olsufy Ivanovitch, 'I said. ' Look about you. I myself do things openly and aboveboard, Olsufy Ivanovitch. '

“我也对那位老人本人说过, ‘奥尔苏菲•伊万诺维奇,’ 我说, ‘我知道我多蒙了您的恩赐,我万分感谢从儿时起您就给予我的所有关怀。但是,睁开您的双眼,奥尔苏菲•伊万诺维奇。’ 我说, ‘您四下看看。我自己做事毫不隐瞒,开诚布公,奥尔苏菲•伊万诺维奇。’”

"Oh, really! "


"Yes, Krestyan Ivanovitch. Really... "


"What did he say? "


"Yes, what, indeed, Krestyan Ivanovitch? He mumbled one thing and another, and 'I know you, ' and that 'his Excellency was a benevolent man '—he rambled on... But, there, you know! he's begun to be a bit shaky, as they say, with old age. "

“哦,其实,他能说什么啊,克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇?他嘀咕着这个那个,说什么 ‘我了解你’ , ‘阁下大人是个乐善好施的人’ ——就这样瞎扯……可是,得啦,你知道的!他开始有点颤巍巍了,正如他们说的,人老了。”

"Ah! So that's how it is now... "


"Yes, Krestyan Ivanovitch.


And that's how we all are! Poor old man! He looks towards the grave, breathes incense, as they say, while they concoct a piece of womanish gossip and he listens to it; without him they wouldn't... "


"Gossip, you say? "


"Yes, Krestyan Ivanovitch, they've concocted a womanish scandal. Our bear, too, had a finger in it, and his nephew, our Prince Charming. They've joined hands with the old women and, of course, they've concocted the affair. Would you believe it? They plotted the murder of some one!... "


"The murder of some one? "


"Yes, Krestyan Ivanovitch, the moral murder of some one.


They spread about... I 'm speaking of a man I know very well.


Krestyan Ivanovitch nodded.


"They spread rumours about him... I confess I 'm ashamed to repeat them, Krestyan Ivanovitch. "


"H 'm. "...


"They spread a rumour that he had signed a promise to marry though he was already engaged in another quarter... and would you believe it, Krestyan Ivanovitch, to whom? "

“他们散布谣言说,尽管他已经和另一个人订婚了,但却又和一个人签了结婚保证……你信吗,克列斯季扬. 伊万诺维奇,和谁?”

"Really? "


"To a cook, to a disreputable German woman from whom he used to get his dinners; instead of paying what he owed, he offered her his hand. "


"Is that what they say? "


"Would you believe it, Krestyan Ivanovitch? A low German, a nasty shameless German, Karolina Ivanovna, if you know... "


"I confess, for my part... "


"I understand you, Krestyan Ivanovitch, I understand, and for my part I feel it... "


"Tell me, please, where are you living now? "


"Where am I living now, Krestyan Ivanovitch? "


"Yes... I want... I believe you used to live... "


"Yes, Krestyan Ivanovitch, I did, I used to. To be sure I lived! " answered Mr. Golyadkin, accompanying his words with a little laugh, and somewhat disconcerting Krestyan Ivanovitch by his answer.

“是的,克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇,我住在那里,过去住在那里。我确实住过!” 戈利亚德金先生回答道,边说边笑,他的回答让克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇多少有些不安。

"No, you misunderstood me; I meant to say... "


"I, too, meant to say, Krestyan Ivanovitch, I meant it too, " Mr. Golyadkin continued, laughing. "But I've kept you far too long, Krestyan Ivanovitch. I hope you will allow me now, to wish you good morning. "

“我也想说,克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇,我的本意也是这个。” 戈利亚德金先生笑着继续说道, “但是我耽搁你太久了,克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇。希望你允许我现在祝你早安。”

"H 'm... "


"Yes, Krestyan Ivanovitch, I understand you; I fully understand you now, " said our hero, with a slight flourish before Krestyan Ivanovitch. "And so permit me to wish you good morning... "

“真的,克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇,我明白你的意思,我现在完全明白了。” 我们的主人公说道,同时在克列斯季扬•伊万诺维奇面前做了个有点夸张的动作, “所以,允许我祝你早安……”

At this point our hero made a scraping with the toe of his boot and walked out of the room, leaving Krestyan Ivanovitch in the utmost amazement. As he went down the doctor's stairs he smiled and rubbed his hands gleefully. On the steps, breathing the fresh air and feeling himself at liberty, he was certainly prepared to admit that he was the happiest of mortals, and thereupon to go straight to his office—when suddenly his carriage rumbled up to the door: he glanced at it and remembered everything. Petrushka was already opening the carriage door. Mr. Golyadkin was completely overwhelmed by a strong and unpleasant sensation. He blushed, as it were, for a moment. Something seemed to stab him. He was just about to raise his foot to the carriage step when he suddenly turned round and looked towards Krestyan Ivanovitch's window. Yes, it was so! Krestyan Ivanovitch was standing at the window, was stroking his whiskers with his right hand and staring with some curiosity at the hero of our story.


"That doctor is silly, " thought Mr. Golyadkin, huddling out of sight in the carriage; "extremely silly. He may treat his patients all right, but still... he's as stupid as a post. "

“那个医生是个蠢蛋,” 戈利亚德金先生蜷缩在马车里看不见的地方,想着, “太蠢了。他或许能医治好他的病人,但还是……他笨的像根木头。”

Mr. Golyadkin sat down, Petrushka shouted "Off! " and the carriage rolled towards Nevsky Prospect again.

戈利亚德金先生坐下后,彼特鲁斯卡喊了声 “走喽!” ,马车又朝涅瓦大街驶去。

