
Two Gold Bricks


The heavy portiers were rudely thrust aside and a young man of twenty—two or thereabout, flung himself into the apartment to the evident astonishment of its inmate, who paused long enough in the act of lighting a cigarette to burn his fingers with the paper—lighter. "Ye gods! preserve us from the faddist! " he cried, dramatically elevating his arms heavenward as though invoking the protection of his divine friends, and then collapsing into the comfortable embrace of the nearest easy—chair.

厚重的门帘被粗鲁地推到了一边,一个二十二岁左右的年轻人冲了进来,显然把这屋子里住的人吓了一跳;那人原本正在点烟,却愣在了那里很长时间,直到点烟纸烧到了他的手指头。 “众神啊!保护我们远离那赶时髦的人吧!” 青年大喊道,戏剧性地将双臂高举向天,仿佛在祈求他的众神朋友庇护一般,接着就瘫倒在了离他最近的安乐椅那舒适的怀抱里。

His audience, having recovered his equanimity at the expense of a muffed curse upon all stage—struck friends, shoved the smoking stand at him. For a space they yielded to the soothing caress of the weed, then proceeded to an elucidation.


"Well, Ollie, old man, out with it. What's the rub? " interrogated he of the burned fingers. "Has your tailor taken to dunning on a wheel? Have your auburn lovelocks come into demand? or are they trying to enlist your sympathies in that artistic crusade among the unaesthetical denizens of Mott and Mulberry streets. "

“好吧,奥利,老家伙,快说吧。到底是什么破事儿?” 烧到手指的那个人质问道, “是你的裁缝开始坐着汽车过来向你催债了?还是你那赤褐色的前额鬈发开始走俏了?或者是他们想要设法拉拢你支持莫特大街和马尔伯里大街那些毫无审美能力的居民所开展的艺术圣战?”

"No. It's not so bad as that; but what do you think they've been up to? "


"What? which? who? the aesthetics or the nonaesthetics? "


"I mean the crowd. "


"Oh, Archie and his friends. What have they been doing? Nothing serious I hope; and yet, they always were a serious crowd. "


"It's not serious. Oh, no; and still it concerns a very serious subject. Ha! ha! ha! you'd never guess! He! he! he! you 'd—Ho! ho! ho! "


"Confound you and your paradoxes! Not serious—concerns a serious subject; a serious crowd, a fool's laughter—fine material for an epigram. By Jove, if I don't think it up. "


"Mercy, Oh, Damon, I pray you. A truce to your epigrams. I plead an arrest of judgment till I explain. "


"Proceed, I may be lenient. "


"You know I intended going down to Cape Weola for canvas—back and had made arrangements to start today. I packed up, expressed my traps, and said goodby all around, only to find the hunting—party had fallen through. Finding my pleasure nipped in the bud and because I had nothing to do, I became virtuous and made a long—delayed call upon that long—suffering maiden aunt of mine, in Brooklyn. Nice old girl! I tried not to be bored, and made the acquaintance of her two Persian cats, to say nothing of an angular female, who called and spent the afternoon in discussing equal suffrage and all that rot. What with that and the tea, I returned with a very bad headache and a very good intention of going early to bed.


"However, I thought I would drop in and see Archie—nice brother, archie—and entice him into making a call upon the long—suffering maiden aunt aforesaid. Archie was out, and tired of waiting I made myself comfortable in his boudoir—it's a real boudoir, you know—and fell asleep. I've no idea how long I was there, but suddenly I was awakened by the popping of corks and by conversation in his studio. 'Archie and a lot of his cronies, ' I thought. 'Evidently they don't know I' m here. "

“但是,我又觉得应该顺便去拜访一下阿奇——我的好兄弟,阿奇——劝他去看望一下前面提到的那位一直忍受着苦难的姨妈。可是阿奇不在家,后来我等得烦了,就在他的闺房里休息了一会儿——这闺房还真是名副其实,你知道的——然后我就睡着了。不知道在那里睡了多久,我突然被砰的一声拔瓶塞声音以及他工作室里的说话声吵醒啦。 ‘肯定是阿奇和他的那帮密友。’ 我想, ‘显然,他们并不知道我在这里。”

"They were as serious as usual. That melancholy rascal! Le Blanche, whose 'Bridge of Sighs, ' and 'The Requital' you'll remember at the exhibition, was there, as was also Schomberg, his twin brother of personified misery. They were discussing the death of Willis' 89—used to chum with Archie and that crowd. The conversation turned to monuments, headstones, and epitaphs, and became quite interesting, I can assure you.


"That idiot, Fessler, opened the ball by deploring the conventional inconsistency with which our moderns remember the dead by the inscriptions they place on their headstones; and Schomberg quoted Shakespeare, revised; 'The good that men do lives' —etc. while Le Blanche favored them with the following from Byron, which I happened to know:

费舍尔那个傻瓜起了个头,谴责我们这些现代人刻在墓碑上用以纪念逝者的碑文和逝者通常都不相符;朔姆贝格则引用了莎士比亚的一句话,并略加改动, ‘善行长存’ 等;而勒·布朗什也用拜伦下面的这首诗来支持他们的观点,正好我也知道这诗:

'When some proud son of man returns to earth, Unknown to glory but upheld by birth, The Sculptor's art exhausts the pomp of woe, And storied urns record who sests below; When all is done, upon the tomb is seen, Not what he was, but what he should have been.


"Finally, that band of morbid—minded pessimists took up funeral sermons and unmercifully berated our pious divines for their hypocrisy in the perpetration of the same. They decided that the custom was all wrong and a blot upon our cultured civilization. In the first place, they decided it was impossible to obtain anything but flattery when a man was paid to preach the sermon; in the second place, that it should be delivered by one who was conversant with the whole life of the deceased; and in the third place that, if he were an enemy he could not be induced to officiate, if a friend he would be certain to flatter. They at last reached the conclusion that all funeral sermons were snares and deceits, and since the only one who could properly officiate and tell the brutal, naked truth, would be the person being buried, it were better to abolish the wicked and immoral custom.


"Here the subject would have been dropped but for that brother of mine, who thought it would be 'so original, you know, for a man to make his own funeral oration. ' Then he was ably supplemented by Moore, who enthusiastically cried out 'Why not? "

“要不是我的那位兄弟,这个话题本该就此打住,可他认为 ‘一个人来为自己的葬礼致辞,你知道,多么富有创意。’ 接着,穆尔又画龙点睛,满腔热情地喊道: ‘为什么不呢?”

"It dawned upon them all—why not—the phonograph. Then and there they organized into a 'Voice from the Beyond, ' or 'Every Man His Own Minister, ' society. They gave it some Greek name and this is my free rendition of it. They elected their officers, swore ironclad oaths to tell all the mean little things and mean big things they had done during their lifetime, and promised to criticize unsparingly each other's faults and vices. After a voluntary assessment had been levied to procure a phonograph and the necessary paraphernalia they adjourned. They expect to have all their sermons in by this day week, and Archie is to take charge of them. He is to put them in that little safe you'll remember stands in a corner of his studio.

“他们所有人一时顿悟——为什么不呢——留声机。他们当场就组建了一个叫做 ‘来自远方的声音’ 或者 ‘每个人都是自己的牧师’ 的社团。其实他们是用希腊语给它起的名字,这是我随便翻译过来的。他们还推选了一些干事,并发毒誓会和盘托出他们毕生所做的所有不愿告人的大事小事,还保证会不留情面地批评彼此所犯下的错误和恶行。在对如何弄到留声机以及所需设备进行了一番随意的估计之后,他们就休会了。他们期望能在下星期的今天收到所有的葬礼演说辞,并任命阿奇统一保管。阿奇会把它们放到那个小保险箱中,你应该还记得它就放在工作室的一个角落里。”

"While the crowd was departing I slipped Out by another door, and here I am. "


"Like the girl that you are, come to tell me the secret while yet warm. But, Ollie, it seems to me as though there is more in it than you have told. I have a scheme. "


"A scheme? "


"Yes, we will give an entertainment in your parlors. You know we have been running too big a margin, and I. for one, am rather short. This quarter's was all gone before I received it, and what I shall do till next quarter is an enigma. You are in just as bad a fix, too, so we'll give an entertainment. "


"An entertainment? "


"Yes, and clear a cool ten hundred apiece. "


"Whew! Ten hundred! Why I could square up and go on swimmingly! But, Damon, how are you going to do it? "


"Give an entertainment. "


"Now don't talk in riddles. Come, explain. "


And Damon explained while Ollie went into ecstasies of delight. Late that night, Ollie departed, and during the next ten days many were the consultations he held with Damon regarding the scheme.


Ten nights later, Ollie's parlors are all ablaze and perhaps threescore and ten male guests are assembled, for this is the night of the entertainment. Damon and Ollie are all bustling and important, and why not? Is not Professor Armstrong engaged this evening at a hundred dollars? Has not one of Edison's assistants come all the way from New Jersey with expenses paid and another hundred? And is there not the phonograph specialist? to say nothing of Crooke's tubes, electrical apparatus, kinetoscopes, and phonographs? Indeed, is it not to be a veritable treat to those lovers of popular science that have received invitations?


By nine, Ollie introduces Professor Armstrong, who took up Roentgen's discovery and applied it in many curious and instructive experiments. The kinetoscope man then engrossed their attention with thrilling scenes of life, and was followed by Edison's assistant, who presented illustrated demonstrations of several of the wizard's "marvelous inventions.

九点的时候,奥利给大家介绍了阿姆斯特朗教授——他继续了伦琴射线的研究,并将其应用在了很多新奇而又富有启发性的实验当中。然后,活动电影放映机的发明者用生活中的惊险场景吸引了他们所有人的注意。随后爱迪生的助手上场,他用图片展示了爱迪生这位 “魔术师” 的几件绝妙发明。

In the meanwhile Damon drew Ollie aside and asked: "Is Archie's crowd all here? "

此时,戴蒙把奥利拉到一边,问道: “阿奇那帮人都到了吗?”

"Yes, all except Staunton. He has received the telegram and by this time is speeding across Connecticut. "


"Good! But I 'm sorry we had to get rid of him. Won't he be angry when he finds it out? "


"Won't he though. "


To conclude the very enjoyable evening in experimental science, the phonograph specialist was introduced. After a few introductory remarks, in which, incidentally, the possibility of the voice of the dead coming back, was mentioned, he proceeded to arrange his apparatus. Taking one from a number of cylinders and inserting it in the phonograph, he applied the electric current and the delicate machinery was in motion.


A voice—Staunton's voice—in solemn tones, was heard, preaching a funeral sermon. The members of the "Voice from the Beyond" society looked inquiringly at each other, then in turn, perplexed, indignant, and amused. Staunton's rich, deep voice ground out of the machine, sternly moralizing in a manner demoralizing to the audience. How he criticized his own vices and trivialities! He had been weighed by himself in the balance and found wanting. Then he turned on his friends and upbraided them unsparingly for their follies. It was rich! Titters and suppressed giggles turned into continued roars of laughter, and when the phonograph ceased, after a bestowal of fatherly advice and solemn benedictions all round and a requiescat in pace, the audience went fairly wild.

人们听见了一个声音——斯汤顿的声音——正以庄严肃穆的语调,念着一套葬礼致辞。 “来自远方的声音” 协会的成员们诧异地看着彼此,先是困惑,然后是气愤,可随即又被逗笑了。斯汤顿浑厚而低沉的嗓音从留声机里传了出来,严肃地说教多多少少听起来让听众有些泄气。他对自己的缺点和平凡琐碎的往事批评得多么严厉啊!他已被自己放在天平上称量过,结果发现自己不合格。然后,他将话题转向了自己的朋友们,毫不留情地训斥了他们的愚蠢行为。说得还真多!起初的窃笑和压抑着的笑声变成了持续不断的阵阵狂笑。在周围人给予慈父般的忠告和庄严的祝福,并说完愿灵安息之后,留声机停了下来,群情开始激昂。

The specialist was inserting another cylinder and the members of the "Voice from the Beyond" society were doing some hard thinking. There were hasty reviews of sermons preached recently into phonographic receivers, and many imparted secrets—secrets to be made known only after death—were remembered. They became alarmed. They knew not whose turn was next and they were all convinced that it was a scurvy trick.

这位专家正要将另外一张盘插入留声机时, “来自远方的声音” 协会的成员们陷入了沉思。他们曾草草地检查过最近录入留声机接收器的葬礼演说,里面透露的很多秘密——那些只有在生者死后方可公开的秘密——他们还记得。他们开始胆战心惊。他们不知道下一个会轮到谁,所有人都觉得这是一个卑鄙的诡计。

Again the phonograph was started; but when Archie's voice was heard, soaring in the eloquent lights of his funeral oration, the members of the "Voice from the Beyond" society sprang to the little platform, stopped the machinery, and took possession of the cylinders. Ollie expostulated; Damon feigned indignation. Finally, amid much confusion and many questions, Damon dismissed the audience, which soon departed, with the exception of the "Voice from the Beyond" society, which remained to talk it over and to take summary vengeance.

留声机再次响起,阿奇的声音传了出来,他在自己的葬礼上慷慨致辞,声音激昂高亢;这时 “来自远方的声音” 协会的成员们突然涌上小讲台,拿走了所有的唱片。奥利劝诫,戴蒙则假装生气。最后,在一片困惑和诸多质疑之中,戴蒙宣布晚会结束,观众很快便纷纷离场。只有 “来自远方的声音” 协会的成员们留了下来,准备彻底地讨论一下这件事,并给予即时的回击。

Ollie was cool, determined, dramatic—he would have made a model villain. He demanded two hundred and fifty dollars for the return of each of the cylinders. They refused. Why should they pay? Were they not in possession of the cylinders? Then Ollie talked vaguely of duplicate cylinders, which might find their way into the nickle—in—the—slot [sic] machines; of funeral orations going abroad from every street and public place in New York; of the possibility of disposing of these same duplicates among friends of the late deceased; and ominously hinted of many things decidedly worse.


"I say, Damon, we've squared up the Doldrums' racket, with interest, haven't we? "


"Didn't we though. By the way, Ollie, how much is ten times two hundred and fifty, minus five hundred, divided by two? "


"Ten hundred! By Jove! You're a brick, Damon, in planning. "


"So are you, Ollie, in execution. "


"Then we're both bricks, good gold bricks, worth ten hundred apiece. "

“那么咱俩都是天才了,出色的骗子,每人身价都是一千美元。” xbAURPke9Xu+SYeRXOHz2vcnZrbOG6okX7M0y3UpLS248jUcOLlWukRZu99E20mM
