
Chapter 1


第一章 监狱的门

A throng of bearded men, in sadcoloured garments, and grey, steeple-crowned hats, intermixed with women, some wearing hoods and others bareheaded, was assembled in front of a wooden edifice, the door of which was heavily timbered with oak, and studded with iron spikes.


The founders of a new colony, whatever Utopia of human virtue and happiness they might originally project, have invariably recognised it among their earliest practical necessities to allot a portion of the virgin soil as a cemetery, and another portion as the site of a prison. In accordance with this rule, it may safely be assumed that the forefathers of Boston had built the first prison-house somewhere in the vicinity of Cornhill, almost as seasonably as they marked out the first burial-ground, on Isaac Johnson's lot, and round about his grave, which subsequently became the nucleus of all the congregated sepulchres in the old churchyard of King's Chapel. Certain it is, that, some fifteen or twenty years after the settlement of the town, the wooden jail was already marked with weather-stains and other indications of age which gave a yet darker aspect to its beetle-browed and gloomy front. The rust on the ponderous iron-work of its oaken door looked more antique than anything else in the New World. Like all that pertains to crime, it seemed never to have known a youthful era. Before this ugly edifice, and between it and the wheel-track of the street, was a grassplot, much overgrown with burdock, pigweed, appleperu, and such unsightly vegetation, which evidently found something congenial in the soil that had so early borne the black flower of civilised society, a prison. But, on one side of the portal, and rooted almost at the threshold, was a wild rose-bush, covered, in this month of June, with its delicate gems, which might be imagined to offer their fragrance and fragile beauty to the prisoner as he went in, and to the condemned criminal as he came forth to his doom, in token that the deep heart of Nature could pity and be kind to him.


This rose-bush, by a strange chance, has been kept alive in history; but whether it had merely survived out of the stern old wilderness, so long after the fall of the gigantic pines and oaks that originally over-shadowed it-or whether, as there is fair authority for believing, it had sprung up under the footsteps of the sainted Ann Hutchinson, as she entered the prison-door-we shall not take upon us to determine. Finding it so directly on the threshold of our narrative, which is now about to issue from that inauspicious portal, we could hardly do otherwise than pluck one of its flowers, and present it to the reader. It may serve, let us hope, to symbolise some sweet moral blossom, that may be found along the track, or relieve the darkening close of a tale of human frailty and sorrow.

由于某种不可思议的机缘,这簇玫瑰得以历劫而永生; 仅是因为当年遮掩它的巨松和橡树倒下了,这簇玫瑰才得以在古老的荒野中存活下来吗?还是如人们所深信不疑的权威说法那样,当年圣徒安·哈钦森踏进狱门时,玫瑰便从她脚下破土而出了呢?这都无需我们亲自去确定。既然故事要从这道不祥的大门开始,而这簇野玫瑰刚好就长在门坎处,我们不如摘下其中一朵玫瑰,将其献给读者。但愿这簇玫瑰,能在这个关于人性脆弱和哀伤的故事中,作为道德之花的象征,让人访得一丝甜美,或是在读完阴晦凄惨的故事结局时,使人得到些许慰藉。 oxDQfDWlFh5Nh0AiBGlIP/YZMLamOt2AIzhyYxoCNa2+I7uUu7YO3BLKEyp1T8PO
