
Flush of Gold2

"That settled it, that first glimpse he caught of her. He did not start back down the Yukon in a week, as he had intended. He lingered on a month, two months, all summer. And we who had suffered understood, and wondered what the outcome would be. Undoubtedly, in our minds, it seemed that Flush of Gold had met her master. And why not? There was romance sprinkled all over Dave Walsh. He was a Mammon King, he had made the Mammon Creek strike; he was an old sour dough, one of the oldest pioneers in the land—men turned to look at him when he went by, and said to one another in awed undertones, 'There goes Dave Walsh. ' And why not? He stood six feet four; he had yellow hair himself that curled on his neck; and he was a bull—a yellow—maned bull just turned thirty—one.

“他见到她的第一眼,就下了决心。一周后他没有如之前打算好的那样,启程沿育空河顺流而下回去。他逗留了一个月、两个月、整个夏天。我们这些曾吃过苦头的人理解,也想知道结局会怎样。毋庸置疑,在我们看来,金光好像遇到了可以征服她的男人。怎么能不是呢?爱情遍布了戴夫•沃尔什的全身。他是一个玛门国王,他发现了玛门河的矿藏。他是个老居民,是这片土地最早的开拓者之一——他路过时男人们都会转身看他,而且还会充满敬畏地低声对彼此说, ‘那就是戴夫•沃尔什。’ 怎么能不是呢?他身高六英尺四英寸,他那黄色的头发在脖颈处卷曲,他就是一头公牛——一头刚满三十一岁的黄色鬃毛的公牛。

"And Flush of Gold loved him, and, having danced him through a whole summer's courtship, at the end their engagement was made known. The fall of the year was at hand, Dave had to be back for the winter's work on Mammon Creek, and Flush of Gold refused to be married right away. Dave put Dusky Burns in charge of the Mammon Creek claim, and himself lingered on in Dawson. Little use. She wanted her freedom a while longer; she must have it, and she would not marry until next year. And so, on the first ice, Dave Walsh went alone down the Yukon behind his dogs, with the understanding that the marriage would take place when he arrived on the first steamboat of the next year.


"Now Dave was as true as the Pole Star, and she was as false as a magnetic needle in a cargo of loadstone. Dave was as steady and solid as she was fickle and fly—away, and in some way Dave, who never doubted anybody, doubted her. It was the jealousy of his love, perhaps, and maybe it was the message ticked off from her soul to his; but at any rate Dave was worried by fear of her inconstancy. He was afraid to trust her till the next year, he had so to trust her, and he was pretty well beside himself. Some of it I got from old Victor Chauvet afterwards, and from all that I have pieced together I conclude that there was something of a scene before Dave pulled north with his dogs. He stood up before the old Frenchman, with Flush of Gold beside him, and announced that they were plighted to each other. He was very dramatic, with fire in his eyes, old Victor said. He talked something about 'until death do us part'; and old Victor especially remembered that at one place Dave took her by the shoulder with his great paw and almost shook her as he said: 'Even unto death are you mine, and I would rise from the grave to claim you. ' Old Victor distinctly remembered those words' Even unto death are you mine, and I would rise from the grave to claim you. 'And he told me afterwards that Flush of Gold was pretty badly frightened, and that he afterwards took Dave to one side privately and told him that that wasn't the way to hold Flush of Gold—that he must humour her and gentle her if he wanted to keep her.

“那时的戴夫就像北极星一样忠诚,而她则像众多磁石中的磁针一样摇摆不定。戴夫坚定不移而且忠诚可靠,而她用情不专而且轻浮不定。在某些方面,从未怀疑过别人的戴夫,对她产生了怀疑。或许,是他的爱令他产生猜忌,也许是因为她的灵魂传达给他的灵魂的讯息,但不管怎么说,戴夫因怕她变心而感到忧虑。戴夫不敢到明年之前一直信任他,但他又不得不这样信任她,他几乎发狂了。有些事情是我后来从老维克托•肖韦那里听来的,从我拼起来的所有事情中我断定,在戴夫驾着狗北去之前发生了这样一幕。戴夫站到那个法国老人面前,金光则站在戴夫旁边。戴夫宣布他和金光已经订婚了。老维克托说,戴夫当时非常激动,眼中充满了热情。他说了些类似 ‘直到死亡将我们分开’ 的话。老维克托尤其记得,在一个地方,戴夫用他的大手抓住金光的肩膀,几乎是边晃着她边说道: ‘即使是死了,你也是我的,我会从墓穴里站出来占有你。’ 老维克托清楚地记得那些话, ‘即使是死了,你也是我的,我会从墓穴里站出来占有你。’ 他事后告诉我金光真是被吓坏了,他后来私下把戴夫叫到一旁,告诉他那不是抓住金光的方式——如果他想拥有她的话,就必须迎合她、抚慰她。

"There is no discussion in my mind but that Flush of Gold was frightened. She was a savage herself in her treatment of men, while men had always treated her as a soft and tender and too utterly—utter something that must not be hurt. She didn't know what harshness was... until Dave Walsh, standing his six feet four, a big bull, gripped her and pawed her and assured her that she was his until death, and then some. And besides, in Dawson, that winter, was a music—player—one of those macaroni—eating, greasy—tenor—Eye—talian—dago propositions—and Flush of Gold lost her heart to him. Maybe it was only fascination—I don't know. Sometimes it seems to me that she really did love Dave Walsh. Perhaps it was because he had frightened her with that even—unto—death, rise—from—the—grave stunt of his that she in the end inclined to the dago music—player. But it is all guesswork, and the facts are, sufficient. He wasn't a dago; he was a Russian count—this was straight; and he wasn't a professional piano—player or anything of the sort. He played the violin and the piano, and he sang—sang well—but it was for his own pleasure and for the pleasure of those he sang for. He had money, too—and right here let me say that Flush of Gold never cared a rap for money. She was fickle, but she was never sordid.

“在我看来,金光毋庸置疑是被吓到了。她本人对待男人很残酷,然而男人却总是把她当成是温柔脆弱、绝对绝对不能受到伤害的女子。她从不知什么是残酷……直到身高六英尺四英寸的戴夫•沃尔什出现,他像一头大公牛一样,抓着她、笨拙地抚摸她,并向她保证到死她都是他的人,而且还远不止这些。另外,那年冬天,在道森有一个音乐家——那些吃通心粉、油嘴滑舌、追求金光的意大利人中的一个——金光爱上了他。或许那只是迷恋——我不知道。有时在我看来她好像真的爱戴夫•沃尔什。或许是因为他那场 ‘就算死了也要从墓穴里站出来’ 的惊人表演吓到了她,她最终倾向了那个意大利音乐家。但这一切都是猜测,而事实是很充分的。他不是意大利佬,他是个俄国伯爵——这是真的。他并不是职业钢琴家或者诸如此类的别的什么。他拉小提琴、弹钢琴,还唱歌——唱得很好——但那是为了让自己和那些自己为之歌唱的人高兴。他也有钱——在这里我要说明一下,金光从来不在乎钱。她虽用情不专,但从不贪婪。

"But to be getting along. She was plighted to Dave, and Dave was coming up on the first steamboat to get her—that was the summer of '98, and the first steamboat was to be expected the middle of June. And Flush of Gold was afraid to throw Dave down and face him afterwards. It was all planned suddenly. The Russian music—player, the Count, was her obedient slave. She planned it, I know. I learned as much from old Victor afterwards. The Count took his orders from her, and caught that first steamboat down. It was the Golden Rocket. And so did Flush of Gold catch it. And so did I. I was going to Circle City, and I was flabbergasted when I found Flush of Gold on board. I didn't see her name down on the passenger list. She was with the Count fellow all the time, happy and smiling, and I noticed that the Count fellow was down on the list as having his wife along. There it was, stateroom, number, and all. The first I knew that he was married, only I didn't see anything of the wife... unless Flush of Gold was so counted. I wondered if they'd got married ashore before starting. There'd been talk about them in Dawson, you see, and bets had been laid that the Count fellow had cut Dave out.


"I talked with the purser. He didn't know anything more about it than I did; he didn't know Flush of Gold, anyway, and besides, he was almost rushed to death. You know what a Yukon steamboat is, but you can't guess what the Golden Rocket was when it left Dawson that June of 1898. She was a hummer. Being the first steamer out, she carried all the scurvy patients and hospital wrecks. Then she must have carried a couple of millions of Klondike dust and nuggets, to say nothing of a packed and jammed passenger list, deck passengers galore, and bucks and squaws and dogs without end. And she was loaded down to the guards with freight and baggage. There was a mountain of the same on the fore—lower—deck, and each little stop along the way added to it. I saw the box come aboard at Teelee Portage, and I knew it for what it was, though I little guessed the joker that was in it. And they piled it on top of everything else on the fore—lower—deck, and they didn't pile it any too securely either. The mate expected to come back to it again, and then forgot about it. I thought at the time that there was something familiar about the big husky dog that climbed over the baggage and freight and lay down next to the box. And then we passed the Glendale, bound up for Dawson. As she saluted us, I thought of Dave on board of her and hurrying to Dawson to Flush of Gold. I turned and looked at her where she stood by the rail. Her eyes were bright, but she looked a bit frightened by the sight of the other steamer, and she was leaning closely to the Count fellow as for protection. She needn't have leaned so safely against him, and I needn't have been so sure of a disappointed Dave Walsh arriving at Dawson. For Dave Walsh wasn't on the Glendale. There were a lot of things I didn't know, but was soon to know—for instance, that the pair were not yet married. Inside half an hour preparations for the marriage took place. What of the sick men in the main cabin, and of the crowded condition of the Golden Rocket, the likeliest place for the ceremony was found forward, on the lower deck, in an open space next to the rail and gang—plank and shaded by the mountain of freight with the big box on top and the sleeping dog beside it. There was a missionary on board, getting off at Eagle City, which was the next step, so they had to use him quick. That's what they'd planned to do, get married on the boat.


"But I've run ahead of the facts. The reason Dave Walsh wasn't on the Glendale was because he was on the Golden Rocket. It was this way. After loiterin 'in Dawson on account of Flush of Gold, he went down to Mammon Creek on the ice. And there he found Dusky Burns doing so well with the claim, there was no need for him to be around. So he put some grub on the sled, harnessed the dogs, took an Indian along, and pulled out for Surprise Lake. He always had a liking for that section. Maybe you don't know how the creek turned out to be a four—flusher; but the prospects were good at the time, and Dave proceeded to build his cabin and hers. That's the cabin we slept in. After he finished it, he went off on a moose hunt to the forks of the Teelee, takin't he Indian along.


"And this is what happened. Came on a cold snap. The juice went down forty, fifty, sixty below zero. I remember that snap—I was at Forty Mile; and I remember the very day. At eleven o'clock in the morning the spirit thermometer at the N.A. T. &T. Company's store went down to seventy—five below zero. And that morning, near the forks of the Teelee, Dave Walsh was out after moose with that blessed Indian of his. I got it all from the Indian afterwards—we made a trip over the ice together to Dyea. That morning Mr. Indian broke through the ice and wet himself to the waist. Of course he began to freeze right away. The proper thing was to build a fire. But Dave Walsh was a bull. It was only half a mile to camp, where a fire was already burning. What was the good of building another? He threw Mr. Indian over his shoulder—and ran with him—half a mile—with the thermometer at seventy—five below. You know what that means. Suicide. There's no other name for it. Why, that buck Indian weighed over two hundred himself, and Dave ran half a mile with him. Of course he froze his lungs. Must have frozen them near solid. It was a tomfool trick for any man to do. And anyway, after lingering horribly for several weeks, Dave Walsh died.

“接下来就是随后发生的。天气骤冷。温度降到了零下四十度、零下五十度、零下六十度。我记得那次的寒潮——我那时在四十里,我记得那一天。那天上午的十一点钟,N. A. T. &T. 公司仓库中的酒精温度计显示气温降到了零下七十五度。那天早上,在特俄勒俄岔口附近,戴夫•沃尔什带着那个该死的印第安人出去猎驼鹿。这都是我事后从那个印第安人那里得知的——我们曾一起从冰上旅行到代亚。那天早上,那位印第安先生掉进了冰窟窿,腰部以下都湿了。当然他身上立马就开始结冰了。合适的做法就是生个火。但是戴夫•沃尔什就是一头公牛。那里离宿营地只有半英里,而宿营地已经生了火。何必再生火呢?他将那个印第安先生扛在肩上——扛着他跑——跑了半英里——当时气温是零下七十五度。你知道那意味着什么。自杀。没什么别的说法了。哎呀,那个印第安男人自己的体重就超过了二百磅,戴夫扛着他跑了半英里。当然他的肺被冻住了。它们肯定快被冻得坚实了。任何人这么做都是愚蠢透顶的。总之,这样可怕地拖延了几周后,戴夫•沃尔什就死了。

"The Indian didn't know what to do with the corpse. Ordinarily he'd have buried him and let it go at that. But he knew that Dave Walsh was a big man, worth lots of money, a hi—yu skookum chief. Likewise he'd seen the bodies of other hi—yu skookums carted around the country like they were worth something. So he decided to take Dave's body to Forty Mile, which was Dave's headquarters. You know how the ice is on the grass roots in this country—well, the Indian planted Dave under a foot of soil—in short, he put Dave on ice. Dave could have stayed there a thousand years and still been the same old Dave. You understand—just the same as a refrigerator. Then the Indian brings over a whipsaw from the cabin at Surprise Lake and makes lumber enough for the box. Also, waiting for the thaw, he goes out and shoots about ten thousand pounds of moose. This he keeps on ice, too. Came the thaw. The Teelee broke. He built a raft and loaded it with the meat, the big box with Dave inside, and Dave's team of dogs, and away they went down the Teelee.


"The raft got caught on a timber jam and hung up two days. It was scorching hot weather, and Mr. Indian nearly lost his moose meat. So when he got to Teelee Portage he figured a steamboat would get to Forty Mile quicker than his raft. He transferred his cargo, and there you are, fore—lower deck of the Golden Rocket, Flush of Gold being married, and Dave Walsh in his big box casting the shade for her. And there's one thing I clean forgot. No wonder I thought the husky dog that came aboard at Teelee Portage was familiar. It was Pee—lat, Dave Walsh's lead—dog and favourite—a terrible fighter, too. He was lying down beside the box.


"Flush of Gold caught sight of me, called me over, shook hands with me, and introduced me to the Count. She was beautiful. I was as mad for her then as ever. She smiled into my eyes and said I must sign as one of the witnesses. And there was no refusing her. She was ever a child, cruel as children are cruel. Also, she told me she was in possession of the only two bottles of champagne in Dawson—or that had been in Dawson the night before; and before I knew it I was scheduled to drink her and the Count's health. Everybody crowded round, the captain of the steamboat, very prominent, trying to ring in on the wine, I guess. It was a funny wedding. On the upper deck the hospital wrecks, with various feet in the grave, gathered and looked down to see. There were Indians all jammed in the circle, too, big bucks, and their squaws and kids, to say nothing of about twenty—five snarling wolf—dogs. The missionary lined the two of them up and started in with the service. And just then a dog—fight started, high up on the pile of freight—Pee—lat lying beside the big box, and a white—haired brute belonging to one of the Indians. The fight wasn't explosive at all. The brutes just snarled at each other from a distance—tapping at each other long—distance, you know, saying dast and dassent, dast and dassent. The noise was rather disturbing, but you could hear the missionary's voice above it.


"There was no particularly easy way of getting at the two dogs, except from the other side of the pile. But nobody was on that side—everybody watching the ceremony, you see. Even then everything might have been all right if the captain hadn't thrown a club at the dogs. That was what precipitated everything. As I say, if the captain hadn't thrown that club, nothing might have happened.


"The missionary had just reached the point where he was saying 'In sickness and in health, ' and 'Until death do us part. ' And just then the captain threw the club. I saw the whole thing. It landed on Pee—lat, and at that instant the white brute jumped him. The club caused it. Their two bodies struck the box, and it began to slide, its lower end tilting down. It was a long oblong box, and it slid down slowly until it reached the perpendicular, when it came down on the run. The onlookers on that side the circle had time to get out from under. Flush of Gold and the Count, on the opposite side of the circle, were facing the box; the missionary had his back to it. The box must have fallen ten feet straight up and down, and it hit end on.

“那传教士刚刚说到 ‘无论疾病还是健康’ 和 ‘直到死亡将我们分开’ 。就在那时船长扔出了那根棒子。我目睹了那一切。棒子砸在了皮拉特的身上,就在那一刻,那只大白狗朝它猛地扑了过去。这是那根棒子引起的。它们两个的身体碰撞着那个箱子,箱子开始往下滑,较低的一端倾斜下来。那是一个矩形的长箱子,它慢慢下滑直到垂直立起来,这时它开始不停向下落。周圈那边的旁观者们还来得及从它下面躲开。金光和伯爵站在周圈的另一边,面对着箱子,传教士则背对着它。那箱子肯定是直上直下地从十英尺高处掉下来,然后一头着地了。

"Now mind you, not one of us knew that Dave Walsh was dead. We thought he was on the Glendale, bound for Dawson. The missionary had edged off to one side, and so Flush of Gold faced the box when it struck. It was like in a play. It couldn't have been better planned. It struck on end, and on the right end; the whole front of the box came off; and out swept Dave Walsh on his feet, partly wrapped in a blanket, his yellow hair flying and showing bright in the sun. Right out of the box, on his feet, he swept upon Flush of Gold. She didn't know he was dead, but it was unmistakable, after hanging up two days on a timber jam, that he was rising all right from the dead to claim her. Possibly that is what she thought. At any rate, the sight froze her. She couldn't move. She just sort of wilted and watched Dave Walsh coming for her! And he got her. It looked almost as though he threw his arms around her, but whether or not this happened, down to the deck they went together. We had to drag Dave Walsh's body clear before we could get hold of her. She was in a faint, but it would have been just as well if she had never come out of that faint; for when she did, she fell to screaming the way insane people do. She kept it up for hours, till she was exhausted. Oh, yes, she recovered. You saw her last night, and know how much recovered she is. She is not violent, it is true, but she lives in darkness. She believes that she is waiting for Dave Walsh, and so she waits in the cabin he built for her. She is no longer fickle. It is nine years now that she has been faithful to Dave Walsh, and the outlook is that she'll be faithful to him to the end.”


Lon McFane pulled down the top of the blankets and prepared to crawl in.


"We have her grub hauled to her each year, " he added, "and in general keep an eye on her. Last night was the first time she ever recognized me, though. "

“我们每年都会把她的食物给她运送过去,” 他加了一句, “大体上照看她一下。而昨晚是她第一次认出我。”

"Who are the we? " I asked.

“我们是指谁啊?” 我问道。

"Oh, " was the answer, "the Count and old Victor Chauvet and me. Do you know, I think the Count is the one to be really sorry for. Dave Walsh never did know that she was false to him. And she does not suffer. Her darkness is merciful to her. "

“噢,” 他答道, “伯爵、老维克托•肖韦和我。” 你知道吗,我觉得那个伯爵才是真正值得可怜的人。戴夫•沃尔什从来都不知道金光对他不忠诚。而金光没有受苦。那黑暗对她来说是种仁慈。”

I lay silently under the blankets for the space of a minute.


"Is the Count still in the country? " I asked.

“那个伯爵还在这个村子吗?” 我问道。

But there was a gentle sound of heavy breathing, and I knew Lon McFane was asleep.

但传来一阵和缓又沉重的呼吸声,我知道朗•麦克费恩睡着了。 bKiZS0EbaSCenfa8N2ykffUteQdS217UZWj7/eIaEa4ucUKQBMwjzJ3a5ARJj8mz
