

During an interval in the Melvinski trial in the large building of the Law Courts the members and public prosecutor met in Ivan Egorovich Shebek's private room, where the conversation turned on the celebrated Krasovski case. Fedor Vasilievich warmly maintained that it was not subject to their jurisdiction, Ivan Egorovich maintained the contrary, while Peter Ivanovich, not having entered into the discussion at the start, took no part in it but looked through the Gazette which had just been handed in.

在法院大楼里,梅尔文斯基的案子休庭时,法官和公诉人都聚在伊凡? 叶果罗维奇? 谢贝克的办公室里,开始聊有名的克拉索夫案。费多尔? 瓦西里耶维奇坚持认为那不在他们的管辖之下,言辞激烈,伊凡? 叶果罗维奇则坚持认为那正是在他们的管辖之下,而一开始并未加入讨论的彼得? 伊凡内奇始终一言不发,只是翻阅着刚刚送来的《公报》。

"Gentlemen, " he said, "Ivan Ilych has died! "

“先生们,” 他说, “伊凡·伊里奇死了。”

"You don't say so! "


"Here, read it yourself, " replied Peter Ivanovich, handing Fedor Vasilievich the paper still damp from the press. Surrounded by a black border were the words: "Praskovya Fedorovna Golovina, with profound sorrow, informs relatives and friends of the demise of her beloved husband Ivan Ilych Golovin, Member of the Court of Justice, which occurred on February the 4th of this year 1882. The funeral will take place on Friday at one o'clock in the afternoon. "

“这里,你自己来看。” 彼得? 伊凡内奇回答,把刚从印刷厂出来、墨迹未干的报纸递给费多尔? 瓦西里耶维奇。黑框中间是这样一行字: “普拉斯柯菲雅? 费多罗夫娜? 高洛文娜在此沉痛告知众位亲属及朋友,我敬爱的夫君伊凡? 伊里奇? 高洛文法官已于一八八二年二月四日辞世。葬礼兹定于本周五下午一时举行。”

Ivan Ilych had been a colleague of the gentlemen present and was liked by them all. He had been ill for some weeks with an illness said to be incurable. His post had been kept open for him, but there had been conjectures that in case of his death Alexeev might receive his appointment, and that either Vinnikov or Shtabel would succeed Alexeev. So on receiving the news of Ivan Ilych's death the first thought of each of the gentlemen in that private room was of the changes and promotions it might occasion among themselves or their acquaintances.

伊凡? 伊里奇是在座各位先生的同事,受到他们所有人的爱戴。他已经病了几个星期,据说是身患绝症。他的职位还为他保留着,但是大家猜测他死后,阿历克谢耶夫会接替他的位置,而文尼科夫或施塔别尔两人中有一人会接替阿历克谢耶夫的位置。所以,一听到伊凡? 伊里奇的死讯,办公室里的各位先生首先想到的是可能发生在自己或熟人身上的人事变动和升迁。

"I shall be sure to get Shtabel's place or Vinnikov's, " thought Fedor Vasilievich. "I was promised that long ago, and the promotion means an extra eight hundred rubles a year for me besides the allowance. "

“我肯定能升到施塔别尔或文尼科夫的位置上去。” 费多尔? 瓦西里耶维奇想道, “很久以前就有人向我保证过了,这次要是能升官,就意味着每年除了津贴我还能多挣八百卢布。”

"Now I must apply for my brother—in—law's transfer from Kaluga, " thought Peter Ivanovich. "My wife will be very glad, and then she won't be able to say that I never do anything for her relations. "

“现在我得申请把妻弟从卡卢加调过来。” 彼得? 伊凡内奇想道, “妻子肯定会非常高兴,这下她可再不能说我从来没帮过她家人了。”

"I thought he would never leave his bed again, " said Peter Ivanovich aloud. "It's very sad. "

“我已经想到他这一病就再也下不了床了。” 彼得? 伊凡内奇大声说, “让人痛心疾首。”

"But what really was the matter with him? "


"The doctors couldn't say—at least they could, but each of them said something different. When last I saw him I though he was getting better.”


"And I haven't been to see him since the holidays. I always meant to go. "


"Had he any property? "


"I think his wife had a little—but something quiet trifling.”


"We shall have to go to see her, but they live so terribly far away. "


"Far away from you, you mean. Everything's far away from your place. "


"You see, he never can forgive my living on the other side of the river, " said Peter Ivanovich, smiling at Shebek. Then, still talking of the distances between different parts of the city, they returned to the Court.

“你瞧,他总是揪住我住在河对岸这一点不放。” 彼得? 伊凡内奇说,冲着谢贝克微笑。然后,大家又讨论了一会儿市里各处的远近距离,就回到了法庭上。

Besides considerations as to the possible transfers and promotions likely to result from Ivan Ilych's death, the mere fact of the death of a near acquaintance aroused, as usual, in all who heard of it the complacent feeling that, "it is he who is dead and not I. "

除了考虑到伊凡? 伊里奇的死可能导致的人事调动和升迁,这位大家熟识的同事的死讯,如同往常一样,还激起了听到这一消息的所有人心中沾沾自喜的感觉: “死的人是他不是我。”

Each one thought or felt, "Well, he's dead but I 'm alive! " But the more intimate of Ivan Ilych's acquaintances, his so—called friends, could not help thinking also that they would now have to fulfill the very tiresome demands of propriety by attending the funeral service and paying a visit of condolence to the widow.

每一个人或想到或感觉到: “还好,他死了,但是我还活着!” 不过那些和伊凡? 伊里奇走得更近的熟人,所谓他的朋友们,不禁还想到他们必须得不辞劳苦地参加葬礼、亲自慰问孀妇,这样才合乎礼数。

Fedor Vasilievich and Peter Ivanovich had been his nearest acquaintances. Peter Ivanovich had studied law with Ivan Ilych and had considered himself to be under obligations to him.

费多尔? 瓦西里耶维奇和彼得? 伊凡内奇就是和伊凡走得最近的人。彼得? 伊凡内奇和伊凡? 伊里奇一起攻读法律,他认为自己受过伊凡的恩。

Having told his wife at dinner time of Ivan Ilych's death, and of his conjecture that it might be possible to get her brother transferred to their circuit, Peter Ivanovich sacrificed his usual nap, put on his evening clothes and drove to Ivan Ilych's house.

吃饭时,彼得? 伊凡内奇告诉了妻子伊凡? 伊里奇的死讯,以及有可能把她的弟弟调到他们这个区来的消息。饭后他没有像往常一样小憩,而是穿上礼服,乘着马车去了伊凡? 伊里奇家。

At the entrance stood a carriage and two cabs. Leaning against the wall in the hall downstairs near the cloak—stand was a coffin—lid covered with cloth of gold, ornamented with gold cord and tassels, that had been polished up with metal powder. Two ladies in black were taking off their fur cloaks. Peter Ivanovich recognized one of them as Ivan Ilych's sister, but the other was a stranger to him. His colleague Schwartz was just coming downstairs, but on seeing Peter Ivanovich enter he stopped and winked at him, as if to say: "Ivan Ilych has made a mess of things—not like you and me.”

伊凡家门口停着一辆私人马车和两辆出租马车。楼下大厅靠近衣帽架的墙边立着一个棺材盖,上面覆着金色的布,饰以金线和金流苏,棺材盖用金属粉末擦得锃亮。两位穿着一身黑衣的女士正脱下她们的毛皮斗篷。彼得? 伊凡内奇认出其中一位女士是伊凡? 伊里奇的姐姐,但另一位他就不认识了。他的同事施瓦茨从楼上下来,但一看到彼得? 伊凡内奇进屋,他就停下脚步,对他使了个眼色,好像在说: “伊凡? 伊里奇把事情搞得一团糟——不像你和我。”

Schwartz's face with his Piccadilly whiskers, and his slim figure in evening dress, had as usual an air of elegant solemnity which contrasted with the playfulness of his character and had a special piquancy here, or so it seemed to Peter Ivanovich.

施瓦茨的脸上留着英式的胡子,他瘦削的身材在礼服中显得优雅而肃穆,和他顽皮的性格形成对比,在这里则显现出一种奇特的滑稽感,反正彼得? 伊凡内奇是这么认为的。

Peter Ivanovich allowed the ladies to precede him and slowly followed them upstairs. Schwartz did not come down but remained where he was, and Peter Ivanovich understood that he wanted to arrange where they should play bridge that evening. The ladies went upstairs to the widow's room, and Schwartz with seriously compressed lips but a playful look in his eyes, indicated by a twist of his eyebrows the room to the right where the body lay.

彼得? 伊凡内奇请女士们先走,自己慢慢地跟在她们身后上楼。施瓦茨没有下楼而是呆在原地不动,彼得? 伊凡内奇立刻明白他是想安排今晚到哪里去打桥牌。女士们上楼进了孀妇的屋子,施瓦茨嘴唇严肃地抿着,两眼中却透出顽皮的神色,他动动眉毛,暗示尸体放置在右边的屋里。

Peter Ivanovich, like everyone else on such occasions, entered feeling uncertain what he would have to do. All he knew was that at such times it is always safe to cross oneself. But he was not quite sure whether one should make obeisances while doing so. He therefore adopted a middle course. On entering the room he began crossing himself and made a slight movement resembling a bow. At the same time, as far as the motion of his head and arm allowed, he surveyed the room. Two young men—apparently nephews, one of whom was a high—school pupil—were leaving the room, crossing themselves as they did so. An old woman was standing motionless, and a lady with strangely arched eyebrows was saying something to her in a whisper. A vigorous, resolute Church Reader, in a frock—coat, was reading something in a loud voice with an expression that precluded any contradiction. The butler's assistant, Gerasim, stepping lightly in front of Peter Ivanovich, was strewing something on the floor. Noticing this, Peter Ivanovich was immediately aware of a faint odour of a decomposing body.

在这类场合中,彼得? 伊凡内奇像其他人一样,进屋时感觉不确定他要做什么。他只知道,在这个时候,画十字是绝对没错的。但他不确定画十字的同时要不要鞠躬。于是他采取了一个折中的办法。一进屋子他就开始画十字,并做了一个细微的、很像鞠躬的动作。与此同时,在头和手臂的动作所允许的情况下,他还环视了屋子。两个年轻男子——似乎是伊凡? 伊里奇的侄子,其中一个是高中学生——一面往屋外走,一面画着十字。一位老妪一动不动地站着,一位眉毛弯得厉害的女士正对她低声说着什么。一名精力充沛、决心坚定的诵经士穿着礼服大衣正在大声诵念着什么东西,带着一副不容置疑的表情。男管家的助手盖拉西姆,轻轻走到彼得? 伊凡内奇前面,往地板上撒着什么东西。注意到这个,彼得? 伊凡内奇立即闻到了一股淡淡的腐尸味。

The last time he had called on Ivan Ilych, Peter Ivanovich had seen Gerasim in the study. Ivan Ilych had been particularly fond of him and he was performing the duty of a sick nurse.

上次彼得? 伊凡内奇去拜访伊凡? 伊里奇,就在书房里看到过盖拉西姆。伊凡? 伊里奇尤其喜欢他,他的职责就是照顾生病的伊凡。

Peter Ivanovich continued to make the sign of the cross slightly inclining his head in an intermediate direction between the coffin, the Reader, and the icons on the table in a corner of the room. Afterwards, when it seemed to him that this movement of his arm in crossing himself had gone on too long, he stopped and began to look at the corpse.

彼得? 伊凡内奇继续画着十字,向着棺材、诵经士和角落里桌上的圣像之间的方向微微俯首。然后,他觉得手臂画十字的动作已经做了很久,才停下来开始打量尸体。

The dead man lay, as dead men always lie, in a specially heavy way, his rigid limbs sunk in the soft cushions of the coffin, with the head forever bowed on the pillow. His yellow waxen brow with bald patches over his sunken temples was thrust up in the way peculiar to the dead, the protruding nose seeming to press on the upper lip. He was much changed and grown even thinner since Peter Ivanovich had last seen him, but, as is always the case with the dead, his face was handsomer and above all more dignified than when he was alive. The expression on the face said that what was necessary had been accomplished, and accomplished rightly. Besides this there was in that expression a reproach and a warning to the living. —This warning seemed to Peter Ivanovich out of place, or at least not applicable to him. He felt a certain discomfort and so he hurriedly crossed himself once more and turned and went out of the door—too hurriedly and too regardless of propriety, as he himself was aware.

死人躺着,就像所有的死人那样躺着,沉甸甸的,僵硬的四肢陷进棺材的软垫里,枕在枕头上的头部永远低垂着。蜡黄的前额以死人特有的样子隆起,凹陷的太阳穴附近秃了好几块,凸起的鼻子几乎压住了上嘴唇。跟彼得? 伊凡内奇上次见到的他相比,他的模样变化很大,变得更瘦了,但是,就像所有的死人一样,他的脸变得比活着时更好看,最重要的是,他变得比活着时更庄严。他脸上的表情像是在说,该做的他都做了,而且做得很到位。除了这个,他的表情还显示出对活人的责备和警告。这个警告在彼得? 伊凡内奇看来不适用,或者至少是不适用于他的。他感到有些不舒服,因此迅速地又画了一个十字,转身走出门去——他意识到自己走得太匆忙、太不顾礼数。

Schwartz was waiting for him in the adjoining room with legs spread wide apart and both hands toying with his top—hat behind his back. The mere sight of that playful, well—groomed, and elegant figure refreshed Peter Ivanovich. He felt that Schwartz was above all these happenings and would not surrender to any depressing influences. His very look said that this incident of a church service for Ivan Ilych could not be a sufficient reason for infringing the order of the session—in other words, that it would certainly not prevent his unwrapping a new pack of cards and shuffling them that evening while a footman placed fresh candles on the table: in fact, that there was no reason for supposing that this incident would hinder their spending the evening agreeably. Indeed he said this in a whisper as Peter Ivanovich passed him, proposing that they should meet for a game at Fedor Vasilievich's. But apparently Peter Ivanovich was not destined to play bridge that evening. Praskovya Fedorovna (a short, fat woman who despite all efforts to the contrary had continued to broaden steadily from her shoulders downwards and who had the same extraordinarily arched eyebrows as the lady who had been standing by the coffin), dressed all in black, her head covered with lace, came out of her own room with some other ladies, conducted them to the room where the dead body lay, and said: "The service will begin immediately. Please go in. "

施瓦茨在隔壁的屋子里等他,两腿叉得很开,两手在背后把玩他的大礼帽。光是看到这个顽皮、衣冠楚楚且优雅的人,彼得? 伊凡内奇就觉得精神为之一振。他觉得施瓦茨能够超脱所有这些事件,不会向任何阴郁的影响屈服。他那副神气像是在说,伊凡? 伊里奇的丧事不能构成例会中断的理由——换言之,这一事件绝对不能阻止他今晚拆开一副新牌,然后在男仆往桌子上摆放新蜡烛的时候洗牌。事实上,根本就没有任何理由来假设这一事件会妨碍到他们愉快地度过今晚。的确,在彼得? 伊凡内奇走过他身旁时,他把这句话低声告诉了彼得,提议他们应该聚在费多尔? 瓦西里耶维奇家玩一盘。但是显然彼得? 伊凡内奇命里注定今晚玩不了牌。普拉斯柯菲雅? 费多罗夫娜是个身材矮胖的女人,尽管尽一切努力想减肥,却自肩膀以下越变越胖,她长着和刚才站在棺材边的女士一样弯得极其厉害的眉毛。她穿着一身黑,头上盖着蕾丝,和其他几位女士从她自己的屋子里走出来,带着她们到停放死尸的房间里,说: “马上就要开始礼拜仪式了。请进吧。”

Schwartz, making an indefinite bow, stood still, evidently neither accepting nor declining this invitation. Praskovya Fedorovna recognizing Peter Ivanovich, sighed, went close up to him, took his hand, and said: "I know you were a true friend to Ivan Ilych... " and looked at him awaiting some suitable response. And Peter Ivanovich knew that, just as it had been the right thing to cross himself in that room, so what he had to do here was to press her hand, sigh, and say, "Believe me... " So he did all this and as he did it felt that the desired result had been achieved: that both he and she were touched.

施瓦茨微微鞠躬,站着不动,显然既不接受邀请,也不拒绝邀请。普拉斯柯菲雅? 费多罗夫娜认出了彼得? 伊凡内奇,叹了口气,走近他,握着他的手,说: “我知道你是伊凡? 伊里奇的挚友……” 然后注视着他,等待某种恰当的回应。彼得? 伊凡内奇知道,就像刚才在屋子里画十字是正确无误的一样,这里他必须要做的就是握住她的手,叹气,然后说: “相信我……” 于是他照做了,这么做的时候他觉得达到了理想的效果:双方都深受感动。

"Come with me. I want to speak to you before it begins, " said the widow. "Give me your arm. "

“随我来。我想在礼拜仪式开始前跟你说点事。” 孀妇说, “让我挎着你的手臂。”

Peter Ivanovich gave her his arm and they went to the inner rooms, passing Schwartz who winked at Peter Ivanovich compassionately.

彼得? 伊凡内奇让她挎着,两人走进靠里的房间中,路上还碰到施瓦茨,他对彼得? 伊凡内奇挤眉弄眼,表示对他的同情。

"That does for our bridge! Don't object if we find another player. Perhaps you can cut in when you do escape, " said his playful look.

“我们的桥牌玩不成了!要是我们找另外一个人玩牌你可别生气。你能脱身的时候也许还能加入我们。” 他那顽皮的表情仿佛在这样说。

Peter Ivanovich sighed still more deeply and despondently, and Praskovya Fedorovna pressed his arm gratefully. When they reached the drawing—room, upholstered in pink cretonne and lighted by a dim lamp, they sat down at the table—she on a sofa and Peter Ivanovich on a low pouffe, the springs of which yielded spasmodically under his weight. Praskovya Fedorovna had been on the point of warning him to take another seat, but felt that such a warning was out of keeping with her present condition and so changed her mind. As he sat down on the pouffe Peter Ivanovich recalled how Ivan Ilych had arranged this room and had consulted him regarding this pink cretonne with green leaves. The whole room was full of furniture and knick—knacks, and on her way to the sofa the lace of the widow's black shawl caught on the edge of the table. Peter Ivanovich rose to detach it, and the springs of the pouffe, relieved of his weight, rose also and gave him a push. The widow began detaching her shawl herself, and Peter Ivanovich again sat down, suppressing the rebellious springs of the pouffe under him. But the widow had not quite freed herself and Peter Ivanovich got up again, and again the pouffe rebelled and even creaked. When this was all over she took out a clean cambric handkerchief and began to weep. The episode with the shawl and the struggle with the pouffe had cooled Peter Ivanovich's emotions and he sat there with a sullen look on his face. This awkward situation was interrupted by Sokolov, Ivan Ilych's butler, who came to report that the plot in the cemetery that Praskovya Fedorovna had chosen would cost two hundred rubles. She stopped weeping and, looking at Peter Ivanovich with the air of a victim, remarked in French that it was very hard for her. Peter Ivanovich made a silent gesture signifying his full conviction that it must indeed be so.

彼得? 伊凡内奇叹气叹得更深沉、更沮丧,而普拉斯柯菲雅? 费多罗夫娜则感激地抓紧了他的手臂。走到装饰着粉红色印花窗帘、点着昏暗的灯的客厅里,他们在桌旁坐下——她坐在沙发上,而彼得? 伊凡内奇坐在一个矮睡榻上,这个睡塌里的弹簧在他的体重压迫下断断续续地弯曲。普拉斯柯菲雅? 费多罗夫娜本想警告他换一个椅子坐,但觉得这样的警告与她现在所处的境地不协调,于是改变了主意。一坐到这个睡榻上,彼得? 伊凡内奇就回忆起伊凡? 伊里奇当初是怎样布置这间屋子的,还就粉色、带绿叶的印花窗帘询问过他的意见。整个房间摆满了家具和小装饰物,在普拉斯柯菲雅? 费多罗夫娜向沙发走去的路上,桌子的边缘钩住了她的黑色披肩。彼得? 伊凡内奇起身去把披肩从桌边解开,睡榻的弹簧从他的体重中解放出来,也弹起来,崩了他一下。孀妇开始自己解披肩,于是彼得? 伊凡内奇又坐下来,把睡榻中反叛的弹簧压在身下。但是孀妇没有完全解开,彼得? 伊凡内奇再次起身,睡榻也再次反弹,甚至嘎吱嘎吱地响。等这一切都结束了,她拿出一条干净的麻纱手绢,开始哭泣。披巾和跟睡榻斗争的插曲令彼得? 伊凡内奇的感情冷静下来,他坐在那里,脸上一副阴郁的表情。这一尴尬的局面被伊凡? 伊里奇的男管家索科洛夫打断,他进来报告说普拉斯柯菲雅? 费多罗夫娜选中的那块公墓里的坟地价钱是两百卢布。她停止哭泣,然后用受害者的眼神注视着彼得? 伊凡内奇,用法语说她的日子过得很艰难。彼得? 伊凡内奇无声地打手势,表示他确信事实的确如此。

"Please smoke, " she said in a magnanimous yet crushed voice, and turned to discuss with Sokolov the price of the plot for the grave.

“您请吸烟。” 她用雅量而又悲伤的声音说,然后转身和索科洛夫讨论坟地的价钱。

Peter Ivanovich while lighting his cigarette heard her inquiring very circumstantially into the prices of different plots in the cemetery and finally decide which she would take. When that was done she gave instructions about engaging the choir. Sokolov then left the room.

彼得? 伊凡内奇一面点上香烟,一面听她事无巨细地询问那座公墓里不同坟地的价钱,最后决定她要买哪一块。这个问题定下来后,她又指示索科洛夫要请到唱诗班。然后索科洛夫离开了房间。

"I look after everything myself, " she told Peter Ivanovich, shifting the albums that lay on the table; and noticing that the table was endangered by his cigarette—ash, she immediately passed him an ash—tray, saying as she did so: "I consider it an affectation to say that my grief prevents my attending to practical affairs. On the contrary, if anything can—I won't say console me, but—distract me, it is seeing to everything concerning him.” She again took out her handkerchief as if preparing to cry, but suddenly, as if mastering her feeling, she shook herself and began to speak calmly. " But there is something I want to talk to you about. "

“我现在要照看所有事。” 她告诉彼得? 伊凡内奇,把放在桌上的签名簿挪到一边。注意到他的烟灰危及到桌子,她立即递给他一个烟灰缸,并说道, “我认为要说我伤心过度,不能处理日常事务,是做作了。正相反,如果有任何事能——不说能安慰我,但是——能让我分心,那也就是打理他身后的所有事了。” 她又掏出手绢,好像是要哭,但好像突然又控制住了情绪,她摆脱掉悲伤,开始镇定地说: “但是我想要跟你说点事。”

Peter Ivanovich bowed, keeping control of the springs of the pouffe, which immediately began quivering under him.

彼得? 伊凡内奇欠身鞠躬,尽量控制住睡榻里的弹簧,他一起身,弹簧就立即开始在他的身子下边颤动起来。

"He suffered terribly the last few days. "


"Did he? " said Peter Ivanovich.

“他受了很多罪?” 彼得? 伊凡内奇说。

"Oh, terribly! He screamed unceasingly, not for minutes but for hours. For the last three days he screamed incessantly. It was unendurable. I cannot understand how I bore it; you could hear him three rooms off. Oh, what I have suffered! "


"Is it possible that he was conscious all that time? " asked Peter Ivanovich.

“他是不是一直都清醒着?” 彼得? 伊凡内奇问。

"Yes, " she whispered. "To the last moment. He took leave of us a quarter of an hour before he died, and asked us to take Volodya away. "

“是的,” 她低声说, “直到最后一刻他都是清醒的。临终前一刻钟,他跟我们道别,还让我们把伏洛嘉带走。”

The thought of the suffering of this man he had known so intimately, first as a merry little boy, then as a schoolmate, and later as a grown—up colleague, suddenly struck Peter Ivanovich with horror, despite an unpleasant consciousness of his own and this woman's dissimulation. He again saw that brow, and that nose pressing down on the lip, and felt afraid for himself.

这个他所熟识的人——一开始是一个快乐的小男孩,然后是同学,再后来是同事——在受尽折磨后死去。这个念头的突然涌现,让彼得? 伊凡内奇感到恐惧,尽管他意识到自己以及这个女人的做作令人不舒服。他又看到了那个前额,还有压在嘴唇上的鼻子,不禁为自己害怕起来。

"Three days of frightful suffering and the death! Why, that might suddenly, at any time, happen to me, " he thought, and for a moment felt terrified. But—he did not himself know how—the customary reflection at once occurred to him that this had happened to Ivan Ilych and not to him, and that it should not and could not happen to him, and that to think that it could would be yielding to depressing which he ought not to do, as Schwartz's expression plainly showed. After which reflection Peter Ivanovich felt reassured, and began to ask with interest about the details of Ivan Ilych's death, as though death was an accident natural to Ivan Ilych but certainly not to himself.

“三天可怕的折磨,然后死去!啊,那也可能随时突然发生在我身上。” 他想,一时间吓得毛骨悚然。但是,他自己也不知道是怎么回事,一个惯常的想法立刻冒出来,这事已经发生在伊凡? 伊里奇身上,而不是发生在他身上,而且不应该、也不能发生在他身上,假想它会发生在自己身上就是屈服于压抑感,他不应该屈服于压抑感,施瓦茨的表情已经直白地告诉他这一点了。这么想以后,彼得? 伊凡内奇就觉得宽心了,开始饶有兴致地询问伊凡? 伊里奇去世的细节,仿佛死亡对伊凡? 伊里奇是件自然的事,对他自己就是件不自然的事了。

After many details of the really dreadful physical sufferings Ivan Ilych had endured (which details he learnt only from the effect those sufferings had produced on Praskovya Fedorovna's nerves) the widow apparently found it necessary to get to business.

在讲过伊凡? 伊里奇遭受的许多非常可怕的肉体痛苦的细节后(他只能通过这些痛苦在普拉斯柯菲雅? 费多罗夫娜的神经上造成的影响来了解细节),孀妇显然觉得该说正事了。

"Oh, Peter Ivanovich, how hard it is! How terribly, terribly hard! " and she again began to weep.

“哦,彼得? 伊凡内奇,那是多么地痛苦啊!实在是太、太痛苦了!” 然后她又开始哭泣。

Peter Ivanovich sighed and waited for her to finish blowing her nose. When she had done so he said, "Believe me... " and she again began talking and brought out what was evidently her chief concern with him—namely, to question him as to how she could obtain a grant of money from the government on the occasion of her husband's death. She made it appear that she was asking Peter Ivanovich's advice about her pension, but he soon saw that she already knew about that to the minutest detail, more even than he did himself. She knew how much could be got out of the government in consequence of her husband's death, but wanted to find out whether she could not possibly extract something more. Peter Ivanovich tried to think of some means of doing so, but after reflecting for a while and, out of propriety, condemning the government for its niggardliness, he said he thought that nothing more could be got. Then she sighed and evidently began to devise means of getting rid of her visitor. Noticing this, he put out his cigarette, rose, pressed her hand, and went out into the anteroom.

彼得? 伊凡内奇叹了口气,等她擤完鼻子。她擤好鼻子,彼得? 伊凡内奇说: “相信我…..” 于是她又开始说,向他提出了她最关心的问题——她丈夫去世后,她怎么才能从政府那里拿到抚恤金。她让自己看起来像是在问彼得? 伊凡内奇关于抚恤金的建议,但他很快就发现,其实她连最微小的细节都已知道,甚至比他自己知道得还多。她知道她丈夫去世她能从政府那里领到多少钱,但她想知道有没有可能额外多领一点。彼得? 伊凡内奇尝试着想出某种能这么做的办法,但是想了一会儿之后,出于礼节,他谴责政府吝啬,说他认为领不到更多的钱了。然后她叹了口气,显然是开始想办法摆脱她的访客了。注意到这一点,他熄灭了香烟,站起身来,握了握她的手,然后走出客厅,进了前厅里。

In the dining—room where the clock stood that Ivan Ilych had liked so much and had bought at an antique shop, Peter Ivanovich met a priest and a few acquaintances who had come to attend the service, and he recognized Ivan Ilych's daughter, a handsome young woman. She was in black and her slim figure appeared slimmer than ever. She had a gloomy, determined, almost angry expression, and bowed to Peter Ivanovich as though he were in some way to blame. Behind her, with the same offended look, stood a wealthy young man, and examining magistrate, whom Peter Ivanovich also knew and who was her fiance, as he had heard. He bowed mournfully to them and was about to pass into the death—chamber, when from under the stairs appeared the figure of Ivan Ilych's schoolboy son, who was extremely like his father. He seemed a little Ivan Ilych, such as Peter Ivanovich remembered when they studied law together. His tear—stained eyes had in them the look that is seen in the eyes of boys of thirteen or fourteen who are not pure—minded. When he saw Peter Ivanovich he scowled morosely and shamefacedly. Peter Ivanovich nodded to him and entered the death—chamber. The service began: candles, groans, incense, tears, and sobs. Peter Ivanovich stood looking gloomily down at his feet. He did not look once at the dead man, did not yield to any depressing influence, and was one of the first to leave the room. There was no one in the anteroom, but Gerasim darted out of the dead man's room, rummaged with his strong hands among the fur coats to find Peter Ivanovich's and helped him on with it.

餐厅里立着伊凡? 伊里奇非常喜欢、从一个古董店里买来的座钟。彼得? 伊凡内奇在那里遇到了一位神父和几个熟人,他们都是来参加礼拜仪式的,然后他认出了伊凡? 伊里奇的女儿,她是个年轻漂亮的女人。她穿着一身黑色的衣服,本来就很苗条的身材看起来更苗条了。她脸上带着一种忧愁、坚毅、近乎愤怒的神情,她向彼得? 伊凡内奇鞠躬,好像他在某个地方做错了似的。在她身后,站着一个同样带着愤怒表情的富有青年,他是当地的预审法官,彼得? 伊凡内奇也认识他,还听说他是她的未婚夫。他向他们悲哀地鞠躬,正要进入放死人的屋子,这时楼梯下出现了伊凡? 伊里奇的儿子的身影,他还在上学,长得像极了他父亲。他看上去就像个小伊凡? 伊里奇,和彼得? 伊凡内奇记忆中伊凡? 伊里奇上学时的样子一模一样。他那含着泪水的眼睛里有一种神态,正是那种能在十三四岁、心灵不那么单纯的男孩眼里能看见的神态。他看到彼得? 伊凡内奇时,忧郁、羞怯地皱起眉头来。彼得? 伊凡内奇冲他点点头,然后进入放死人的屋子。礼拜仪式开始了:屋子里尽是蜡烛、呻吟、焚香、泪水以及啜泣。彼得? 伊凡内奇站着,低头忧郁地盯着自己的脚。他一次也没有看那个死人,没有向任何压抑的影响屈服,还且还是最先离开屋子的人之一。前厅里一个人也没有,但盖拉西姆冲出放死人的屋子,用他那双有力的手在众多皮毛大衣中搜寻到彼得? 伊凡内奇的大衣,帮他穿上。

"Well, friend Gerasim, " said Peter Ivanovich, so as to say something. "It's a sad affair, isn't it? "

“唉,盖拉西姆老兄,” 彼得? 伊凡内奇说,这么说是为了再多说点什么。 “这真是令人伤心的事啊,难道不是吗?”

"It's God will. We shall all come to it some day, " said Gerasim, displaying his teeth—the even white teeth of a healthy peasant—and, like a man in the thick of urgent work, he briskly opened the front door, called the coachman, helped Peter Ivanovich into the sledge, and sprang back to the porch as if in readiness for what he had to do next.

“这是上帝是意愿。某一天,我们也都会走到这一步的。” 盖拉西姆说,露出他的牙齿——那是一副整齐、洁白的牙齿,是健康农民的牙齿。然后,就像一个正在忙活许多急事的人一样,他迅速地打开前门,叫来马车夫,扶彼得? 伊凡内奇上了车,立刻又跳回门廊上,好像已经准备好要做下一步该做的事了。

Peter Ivanovich found the fresh air particularly pleasant after the smell of incense, the dead body, and carbolic acid.

彼得? 伊凡内奇在闻过焚香的香味、死尸的臭味和酚味之后,觉得新鲜空气特别令人心旷神怡。

"Where to sir? " asked the coachman.

“先生要去哪里?” 马车夫问道。

"It's not too late even now…I'll call round on Fedor Vasilievich. "

“其实现在也不算晚……我要去拜访费多尔? 瓦西里耶维奇。”

He accordingly drove there and found them just finishing the first rubber, so that it was quite convenient for him to cut in.

马车夫按他说的赶到目的地。他发现他们刚刚打完一盘桥牌,所以他很容易就加入到了其中。 AuRtP+dECirOO6Z4D9m9LdxWS/oxpPb0PLJa8zKfY6AUqC0f4P/+SrejfiDcCqlg
