
Chapter 3

——M. de Lamare

第三章 德拉马尔子爵

The following Sunday the baroness and Jeanne went to mass, prompted by a feeling of respect for their pastor, and after service waited to see the priest and invite him to luncheon the following Thursday. He came out of the sacristy leaning familiarly on the arm of a tall young man. As soon as he perceived the ladies, he exclaimed:


"How fortunate! Allow me, baroness and Mlle. Jeanne, to present to you your neighbor, M. le Vicomte de Lamare. "


The vicomte said he had long desired to make their acquaintance, and began to converse in a well—bred manner. He had a face of which women dream and that men dislike. His black, wavy hair shaded a smooth, sunburnt forehead, and two large straight eyebrows, that looked almost artificial, cast a deep and tender shadow over his dark eyes, the whites of which had a bluish tinge.


His long, thick eyelashes accentuated the passionate eloquence of his expression which wrought havoc in the drawing—rooms of society, and made peasant girls carrying baskets turn round to look at him. The languorous fascination of his glance impressed one with the depth of his thoughts and lent weight to his slightest words. His beard, fine and glossy, concealed a somewhat heavy jaw.


Two days later, M. de Lamare made his first call, just as they were discussing the best place for a new rustic bench. The vicomte was consulted and agreed with the baroness, who differed from her husband.


M. de Lamare expatiated on the picturesqueness of the country and from time to time, as if by chance, his eyes met those of Jeanne, and she felt a strange sensation at the quickly averted glance which betrayed tender admiration and an awakened sympathy.


M. de Lamare's father, who had died the preceding year, had known an intimate friend of the baroness's father, M. Cultaux, and this fact led to an endless conversation about family, relations, dates, etc., and names heard in her childhood were recalled, and led to reminiscences.


The baron, whose nature was rather uncultivated, and whose beliefs and prejudices were not those of his class, knew little about the neighboring families, and inquired about them from the vicomte, who responded:


"Oh, there are very few of the nobility in the district, " just as he might have said, "there are very few rabbits on the hills, " and he began to particularize: There was the Marquis de Coutelier, a sort of leader of Norman aristocracy, Vicomte and Vicomtesse de Briseville, people of excellent stock, but living to themselves, and the Comte de Fourville, a kind of ogre, who was said to have made his wife die of sorrow, and who lived as a huntsman in his chateau of La Vrillette, built on a pond. There were a few parvenus among them who had bought properties here and there, but the vicomte did not know them.

“啊,这个地区的贵族不多。” 他说这话的语气就像说山上的兔子不多一样。接下来他便开始详细地介绍他们的情况:库特利耶侯爵是诺曼贵族阶级的首脑;布里斯维尔子爵夫妇都是贵族世家出身,但是不大与人交往;然后是富尔维勒伯爵,这是个怪人,据说他把妻子折磨死了,他的弗里莱特庄园坐落在一个湖边,他终年的消遣就是打猎。此外还有几家到处买地的暴发户,但是子爵并不认识他们。

As he left, his last glance was for Jeanne, as if it were a special tender and cordial farewell. The baroness was delighted with him, and the baron said: "Yes, indeed, he is a gentleman. " And he was invited to dinner the following week, and from that time came regularly.

子爵临走时,最后向让娜瞟了一眼,像是一种格外亲切而友好的告别。男爵夫人很喜欢他。男爵说: “是啊,他的确是一位绅士。” 于是他们就约他下周来共进晚餐。从那以后,他就经常过来拜访了。

He generally arrived about four o'clock in the afternoon, went to join the baroness in "her avenue, " and offered her his arm while she took her "exercise, " as she called her daily walks. When Jeanne was at home she would walk on the other side of her mother, supporting her, and all three would walk slowly back and forth from one end of the avenue to the other. He seldom addressed Jeanne directly, but his eye frequently met hers.

他一般是下午四点左右过来。当男爵夫人在 “她的林阴道上” 进行日常散步时,子爵也加入进来,挽着她的胳膊进行她所谓的 “锻炼” 。如果让娜在家,她会走在母亲的另一边扶着她,三个人便会在林阴大道的两端之间缓慢地来回走动。他很少跟让娜直接对话,但是他的目光时常和让娜的遇在一起。

He went to Yport several times with Jeanne and the baron. One evening, when they were on the beach, Pere Lastique accosted him, and without removing his pipe, the absence of which would possibly have been more remarkable than the loss of his nose, he said:


"With this wind, m 'sieu le baron, we could easily go to? tretat and back tomorrow.”


Jeanne clasped her hands imploringly:


"Oh, papa, let us do it! "


The baron turned to M. de Lamare:


"Will you join us, vicomte? We can take breakfast down there. "


And the matter was decided at once. From daybreak Jeanne was up and waiting for her father, who dressed more slowly. They walked in the dew across the level and then through the wood vibrant with the singing of birds. The vicomte and Pere Lastique were seated on a capstan.


Two other sailors helped to shove off the boat from shore, which was not easy on the shingly beach. Once the boat was afloat, they all took their seats, and the two sailors who remained on shore shoved it off. A light, steady breeze was blowing from the ocean and they hoisted the sail, veered a little, and then sailed along smoothly with scarcely any motion. To landward the high cliff at the right cast a shadow on the water at its base, and patches of sunlit grass here and there varied its monotonous whiteness. Yonder, behind them, brown sails were coming out of the white harbor of Fecamp, and ahead of them they saw a rock of curious shape, rounded, with gaps in it looking something like an immense elephant with its trunk in the water; it was the little port of? tretat.


Jeanne, a little dizzy from the motion of the waves, held the side of the boat with one hand as she looked out into the distance. It seemed to her as if only three things in the world were really beautiful: light, space, water.


No one spoke. Pere Lastique, who was at the tiller, took a pull every now and then from a bottle hidden under the seat; and he smoked a short pipe which seemed inextinguishable, although he never seemed to relight it or refill it.


The baron, seated in the bow looked after the sail. Jeanne and the vicomte seemed a little embarrassed at being seated side by side. Some unknown power seemed to make their glances meet whenever they raised their eyes; between them there existed already that subtle and vague sympathy which arises so rapidly between two young people when the young man is good looking and the girl is pretty. They were happy in each other's society, perhaps because they were thinking of each other. The rising sun was beginning to pierce through the slight mist, and as its beams grew stronger, they were reflected on the smooth surface of the sea as in a mirror.


"How beautiful! " murmured Jeanne, with emotion.

“好美啊!” 让娜感动极了,低声说。

"Beautiful indeed! " answered the vicomte. The serene beauty of the morning awakened an echo in their hearts.

“确实很美!” 子爵回答说。宁静优美的晨景使这两颗心产生了共鸣。

And all at once they saw the great arches of? tretat, like two supports of a cliff standing in the sea high enough for vessels to pass under them; while a sharp—pointed white rock rose in front of the first arch. They reached shore, and the baron got out first to make fast the boat, while the vicomte lifted Jeanne ashore so that she should not wet her feet. Then they walked up the shingly beach side by side, and they overheard Pere Lastique say to the baron, "My! but they would make a pretty couple! "

突然,埃特勒塔巨大的拱门出现在他们眼前,就像悬崖的两根支柱直立在海上,高得足以让船穿过。在第一道拱门前,矗立着一块尖顶的白色山岩。船靠岸了,男爵第一个跳上去,拴紧船索。子爵则把让娜抱上了岸,免得她弄湿了脚。然后两人并肩走在满是石子的沙滩上,他们偶然听到拉斯蒂克老爹对男爵说: “哎呀!他们真是天生的一对!”

They took breakfast in a little inn near the beach, and while the ocean had lulled their thoughts and made them silent, the breakfast table had the opposite effect, and they chattered like children on a vacation. The slightest thing gave rise to laughter.


Pere Lastique, on taking his place at table, carefully hid his lighted pipe in his cap. That made them laugh. A fly, attracted no doubt by his red nose, persistently alighted on it, and each time it did so they burst into laughter. Finally the old man could stand it no longer, and murmured: "It is devilishly persistent! " whereupon Jeanne and the vicomte laughed till they cried.

拉斯蒂克老爹在餐桌前坐下时,小心翼翼地把他发光的烟管收在帽子里。大家便都笑起来了。一只苍蝇,一定是受到他红鼻子的诱惑,总是飞落在上面。每看到这幅场景,大家都会哈哈大笑。最后,老汉终于不耐烦了,低声咕哝着: “这家伙真是没完没了!” 这时让娜和子爵更是忍不住了,放声大笑,笑得眼泪都流出来了。

After breakfast Jeanne suggested that they should take a walk. The vicomte rose, but the baron preferred to bask in the sun on the beach.


"Go on, my children, you will find me here in an hour. "


They walked straight ahead of them, passing by several cottages and finally by a small chateau resembling a large farm, and found themselves in an open valley that extended for some distance. They now had a wild longing to run at large in the fields. Jeanne seemed to have a humming in her ears from all the new and rapidly changing sensations she had experienced. The burning rays of the sun fell on them. On both sides of the road the crops were bending over from the heat. The grasshoppers, as numerous as the blades of grass, were uttering their thin, shrill cry.


Perceiving a wood a little further on to the right, they walked over to it. They saw a narrow path between two hedges shaded by tall trees which shut out the sun. A sort of moist freshness in the air was perceptible, giving them a sensation of chilliness. There was no grass, owing to the lack of sunlight, but the ground was covered with a carpet of moss.


"See, we can sit down there a little while, " she said.

“瞧,我们可以到那儿坐一会儿。” 她说。

They sat down and looked about them at the numerous forms of life that were in the air and on the ground at their feet, for a ray of sunlight penetrating the dense foliage brought them into its light.


"How beautiful it is here! How lovely it is in the country! There are moments when I should like to be a fly or a butterfly and hide in the flowers, " said Jeanne with emotion.

“这里真美啊!乡间的生活多美好啊!有时候我真想化成一只苍蝇或蝴蝶,藏在花丛中。” 让娜激动地说。

They spoke in low tones as one does in exchanging confidences, telling of their daily lives and of their tastes, and declaring that they were already disgusted with the world, tired of its useless monotony; it was always the same thing; there was no truth, no sincerity in it.


The world! She would gladly have made its acquaintance; but she felt convinced beforehand that it was not equal to a country life, and the more their hearts seemed to be in sympathy, the more ceremonious they became, the more frequently their glances met and blended smiling; and it seemed that a new feeling of benevolence was awakened in them, a wider affection, an interest in a thousand things of which they had never hitherto thought.


They wended their way back, but the baron had already set off on foot for the Chambre aux Demoiselles, a grotto in a cleft at the summit of one of the cliffs, and they waited for him at the inn. He did not return until five in the evening after a long walk along the cliffs.

他们回到海滩上,但是男爵已经步行去了悬崖顶上的那个 “宫女洞” 了,于是他俩便在小旅馆里等他。男爵在山崖上漫步了许久,直到傍晚五点钟才回来。

They got into the boat, started off smoothly with the wind at their backs, scarcely seeming to make any headway. The breeze was irregular, at one moment filling the sail and then letting it flap idly along the mast. The sea seemed opaque and lifeless, and the sun was slowly approaching the horizon. The lulling motion of the sea had made them silent again. Presently Jeanne said, "How I should love to travel! "

他们回到船上,小船顺着风缓缓航行,平稳得像几乎没有在前进一样。微风一阵阵吹来,一会儿把帆扬开,一会儿又让它无力地垂在桅杆上。海面看起来不再那么透明了,而且死气沉沉,太阳也渐渐落向地平线。海上沉寂的气氛使大家又一次陷入了沉默。不久让娜开口了: “我是多么喜欢旅行啊!”

"Yes, but it is tiresome to travel alone; there should be at least two, to exchange ideas, " answered the vicomte. She reflected a moment.

“是的,但是一个人旅行太无聊,至少应该有两个人,可以交流一下思想。” 子爵回答说。她沉思了一会儿,说道:

"That is true—I like to walk alone, however—how pleasant it is to dream all alone—”


He gazed at her intently.


"Two can dream as well as one. "


She lowered her eyes. Was it a hint? Possibly. She looked out at the horizon as if to discover something beyond it, and then said slowly:


"I should like to go to Italy—and Greece—ah, yes, Greece—and to Corsica—it must be so wild and so beautiful!”


He preferred Switzerland on account of its chalets and its lakes.


"No, " said she, "I like new countries like Corsica, or very old countries full of souvenirs, like Greece. It must be delightful to find the traces of those peoples whose history we have known since childhood, to see places where great deeds were accomplished. "

“不” ,她说, “我喜欢像科西嘉那种新奇的地方,或是纪念品丰富的古老国家,比如希腊。从小时候起,我们就知道这些民族的历史了,看一看这些历史遗迹,这些发生过大事的地方,该多么有意思啊!”

The vicomte, less enthusiastic, exclaimed: "As for me, England attracts me very much; there is so much to be learned there. "

子爵则对此没有太多的热情,他说: “我呢,倒很想到英国去,在那里可以学到很多东西。”

Then they talked about the world in general, discussing the attractions of each country from the poles to the equator, enthusing over imaginary scenes and the peculiar manners of certain peoples like the Chinese and the Lapps; but they arrived at the conclusion that the most beautiful country in the world was France, with its temperate climate, cool in summer, mild in winter, its rich soil, its green forests, its worship of the fine arts which existed nowhere else since the glorious centuries of Athens. Then they were silent. The setting sun left a wide dazzling train of light which extended from the horizon to the edge of their boat. The wind subsided, the ripples disappeared, and the motionless sail was red in the light of the dying day. A limitless calm seemed to settle down on space and make a silence amid this conjunction of elements; and by degrees the sun slowly sank into the ocean.


Then a fresh breeze seemed to arise, a little shiver went over the surface of the water, as if the engulfed orb cast a sigh of satisfaction across the world. The twilight was short, night fell with its myriad stars. Pere Lastique took the oars, and they saw that the sea was phosphorescent. Jeanne and the vicomte, side by side, watched the fitful gleams in the wake of the boat. They were hardly thinking, but simply gazing vaguely, breathing in the beauty of the evening in a state of delicious contentment; Jeanne had one hand on the seat and her neighbor's finger touched it as if by accident; she did not move; she was surprised, happy, though embarrassed at this slight contact.


When she reached home that evening and went to her room, she felt strangely disturbed, and so affected that the slightest thing impelled her to weep. She looked at her clock, imagining that the little bee on the pendulum was beating like a heart, the heart of a friend; that it was aware of her whole life, that with its quick, regular tickings it would accompany her whole life; and she stopped the golden fly to press a kiss on its wings. She would have kissed anything, no matter what. She remembered having hidden one of her old dolls of former days at the bottom of a drawer; she looked for it, took it out, and was delighted to see it again, as people are to see loved friends; and pressing it to her heart, she covered its painted cheeks and curly wig with kisses. And as she held it in her arms, she thought:


Can he be the husband promised through a thousand secret voices, whom a superlatively good Providence had thus thrown across her path? Was he, indeed, the being created for her—the being to whom she would devote her existence? Were they the two predestined beings whose affection, blending in one, would beget love?


She did not as yet feel that tumultuous emotion, that mad enchantment, those deep stirrings which she thought were essential to the tender passion; but it seemed to her she was beginning to fall in love, for she sometimes felt a sudden faintness when she thought of him, and she thought of him incessantly. His presence stirred her heart; she blushed and grew pale when their eyes met, and trembled at the sound of his voice.


From day to day the longing for love increased. She consulted the marguerites, the clouds, and coins which she tossed in the air.


One day her father said to her:


"Make yourself look pretty to—morrow morning.”


"Why, papa? "


"That is a secret, " he replied.

“这是个秘密。” 他回答道。

And when she came downstairs the following morning, looking fresh and sweet in a pretty light dress, she found the drawing—room table covered with boxes of bonbons, and on a chair an immense bouquet.


A covered wagon drove into the courtyard bearing the inscription, "Lerat, Confectioner, Fecamp; Wedding Breakfasts, " and from the back of the wagon Ludivine and a kitchen helper were taking out large flat baskets which emitted an appetizing odor.

一辆马车驶进院子来,车身上写着 “费康的勒拉糖果店,专办喜宴” 。厨娘吕迪芬在一个助手的帮助下,从车后取出许多扁平的、香喷喷的大篮子。

The Vicomte de Lamare appeared on the scene, his trousers were strapped down under his dainty boots of patent leather, which made his feet appear smaller. His long frock coat, tight at the waist line, was open at the bosom showing the lace of his ruffle, and a fine neckcloth wound several times round his neck obliged him to hold erect his handsome brown head, with its air of serious distinction. Jeanne, in astonishment, looked at him as though she had never seen him before. She thought he looked the grand seigneur from his head to his feet.


He bowed and said, smiling:


"Well, comrade, are you ready? "


"But what is it? What is going on? " she stammered.

“但是,这是怎么回事呀?发生了什么事?” 她支吾着说。

"You will know presently, " said the baron.

“一会儿你就知道了。” 男爵说。

The carriage drove up to the door, and Madame Adelaide, in festal array, descended the staircase, leaning on the arm of Rosalie, who was so much affected at the sight of M. de Lamare's elegant appearance that the baron whispered:


"I say, vicomte, I think our maid admires you. "


The vicomte blushed up to his ears, pretended not to have heard and, taking up the enormous bouquet, handed it to Jeanne. She accepted it, more astonished than ever. They all four got into the carriage, and Ludivine, who brought a cup of bouillon to the baroness to sustain her strength, said: "Truly, madame, one would say it was a wedding! "

子爵的脸一直红到耳根,他假装没听见,捧起那一大束鲜花,送给了让娜。她接过花,倒是越发吃惊了。他们四个人都上了马车。厨娘替男爵夫人端来一碗清汤,好给她提神,然后说: “说真的,夫人,这简直就像在办喜事啊!”

They alighted as soon as they entered Yport, and as they walked through the village the sailors, in their new clothes, still showing the creases, came out of their homes, and shaking hands with the baron, followed the party as if it were a procession. The vicomte, who had offered his arm to Jeanne, walked with her at the head.


When they reached the church they stopped, and an acolyte appeared holding upright the large silver crucifix, followed by another boy in red and white, who bore a chalice containing holy water.


Then came three old cantors, one of them limping; then the trumpet (” serpent” ), and last, the cure with his gold embroidered stole. He smiled and nodded a greeting; then, with his eyes half closed, his lips moving in prayer, his beretta well over his forehead, he followed his surpliced bodyguard, walking in the direction of the sea.


On the beach a crowd was standing around a new boat wreathed with flowers. Its mast, sail and ropes were covered with long streamers of ribbon that floated in the breeze, and the name, "Jeanne, " was painted in gold letters on the stern.

海滩上,一群人围在一艘系着花环的新游艇周围。船桅、船帆和绳索上都缠满了长彩带,迎风飘扬。船尾用金字漆上了这艘游艇的名字 “让娜” 。

Pere Lastique, the proprietor of this boat, built with the baron's money, advanced to meet the procession. All the men, simultaneously, took off their hats, and a row of pious persons wearing long black cloaks falling in large folds from their shoulders, knelt down in a circle at sight of the crucifix.


The cure walked, with an acolyte on either side of him, to one end of the boat, while at the other end, the three old cantors, in their white surplices, with a serious air and their eyes fixed on the psalter, sang at the top of their voices in the clear morning air. Each time they stopped to take breath, the "serpent" continued its bellowing alone, and as he puffed out his cheeks the musician's little gray eyes disappeared, and the skin of his forehead and neck seemed to distend.


The motionless, transparent sea seemed to be taking part meditatively in the baptism of this boat, rolling its tiny waves, no higher than a finger, with the faint sound of a rake on the shingle. And the big white gulls, with their wings unfurled, circled about in the blue heavens, flying off and then coming back in a curve above the heads of the kneeling crowd, as if to see what they were doing.


The singing ceased after an Amen that lasted five minutes; and the priest, in an unctuous voice, murmured some Latin words, of which one could hear only the sonorous endings. He then walked round the boat, sprinkling it with holy water, and next began to murmur the "Oremus, " standing alongside the boat opposite the sponsors, who remained motionless, hand in hand.

在一声持续五分钟之久的 “阿门” 之后,歌声停止了。神父用程式化的声音,喃喃地念着一段拉丁文,声音小得人们只能听见高亢的结尾。然后,他一边围着小艇走动,一边向它浇洒圣水,接着又开始诵读祝福的祷告。他站在船边,对面是那两个手牵着手,一动也不动地受洗礼的人——子爵和让娜小姐。

The vicomte had the usual grave expression on his handsome face, but Jeanne, choking with a sudden emotion, and on the verge of fainting, began to tremble so violently that her teeth chattered. The dream that had haunted her for some time was suddenly beginning, as if in a kind of hallucination, to take the appearance of reality. They had spoken of a wedding, a priest was present, blessing them; men in surplices were singing psalms; was it not she whom they were giving in marriage?

子爵英俊的脸上保持着往日里严肃的神情;让娜却因为过分地激动,几乎要晕倒了,全身开始剧烈地颤抖起来,牙齿也打起了冷战。曾经萦绕在她心头许久的那段梦想突然好像在一种幻觉中开始变成现实。大家谈到了 “婚礼” 一事。神父来到他们面前,为他们祝福;身穿白色法衣的人们唱着圣歌,这难道不是在为她举办婚礼吗?

Did her fingers send out an electric shock, did the emotion of her heart follow the course of her veins until it reached the heart of her companion? Did he understand, did he guess, was he, like herself, pervaded by a sort of intoxication of love? Or else, did he know by experience, alone, that no woman could resist him? She suddenly noticed that he was squeezing her hand, gently at first, and then tighter, tighter, till he almost crushed it. And without moving a muscle of his face, without anyone perceiving it, he said—yes, he certainly said:


"Oh, Jeanne, if you would consent, this would be our betrothal. "


She lowered her head very slowly, perhaps meaning it for "yes. " And the priest, who was still sprinkling the holy water, sprinkled some on their fingers.


The ceremony was over. The women rose. The return was unceremonious. The crucifix had lost its dignity in the hands of the acolyte, who walked rapidly, the crucifix swaying to right and left, or bending forward as though it would fall. The priest, who was not praying now, walked hurriedly behind them; the cantors and the musician with the "serpent" had disappeared by a narrow street, so as to get off their surplices without delay; and the sailors hurried along in groups. One thought prompted their haste, and made their mouths water.


A good breakfast was awaiting them at "The Poplars. "


The large table was set in the courtyard, under the apple trees.


Sixty people sat down to table, sailors and peasants. The baroness in the middle, with a priest at either side of her, one from Yport, and the other belonging to "The Poplars. " The baron seated opposite her on the other side of the table, the mayor on one side of him, and his wife, a thin peasant woman, already aging, who kept smiling and bowing to all around her, on the other.


Jeanne, seated beside her co—sponsor, was in a sea of happiness. She saw nothing, knew nothing, and remained silent, her mind bewildered with joy. Presently she said:


"What is your Christian name? "


"Julien, " he replied. "Did you not know? "

“朱利安,” 他回答说, “您不知道吗?”

But she made no reply, thinking to herself:


"How often I shall repeat that name! "


When the feast was over, the courtyard was given up to the sailors, and the others went over to the other side of the chateau. The baroness began to take her exercise, leaning on the arm of the baron and accompanied by the two priests. Jeanne and Julien went toward the wood and walked along one of the mossy paths. Suddenly seizing her hands, the vicomte said:

宴席结束后,院子里只剩下船户们了,其余的人都到庄园的另一头去了。男爵夫人由男爵搀扶着,在两位神父的陪同下,开始了她的 “锻炼” 。让娜和朱利安走向灌木林,沿着一条长满青苔的小径散步。突然,子爵抓住她的双手问道:

"Tell me, will you be my wife? "


She lowered her head, and as he stammered: "Answer me, I implore you! " she raised her eyes to his timidly, and he read his answer there.

她低下了头,他又追问道: “回答我,我请求你!” 她羞怯地抬起头望着他,从她的目光中他已找到了答案。 u8/0nH09axQFe1ClcWQdMMHAOyEodh+S0A9C/ZwL6vLCsI0F81yDsCcQcB00UWcl
